J ,1 Vja v.itv TEX PAGES PAGE TWO. 1 A Complete Clearanceat Greatly Reduced Pricesof Various Broken Assort' ments Which Have Accumulated in the Course of the Past Seasons Busy Selling. We've thrown the searchlight of investigation into the store's nooks and corners, behind counters and on top of shelves, and discovered a surprisingly large lot of odds and ends, broken lines, remnants and so on. These goods are far from worthless or useless, for they are chiefly left overs from THIS SEASON'S stocksThere are not enough of any kind, however, to make them really worthwhile for us to keep in stock and bother with, from our standpoint, so we've assembled them on big bargain tables and placed such little prices on them that they'll be sure to find new owners quickly. NOW YOU'RE INVITED TO Silk Petticoats Etc., Etc. SILK PETTlbOATS. One lot of Silk Petti coats, navy, green, garnet and black, 1-2 price. ?8.00 Value $4.00 $8.50 Value $4.25 $10.00 Value $5-00 916.00 Value.- 98.00 918.00 Value $9.00 LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES. One lot of house dresses, long sleeves, high neck, stripe percale, blue, pink, prey and black and white. All sizes, 34 to 46, 91.50 values - r- 080 LADIES WAISTS. One lot of Lingerie Waists values up to S1.25 will go for . 490 One lot, values up to 92.75 for 980 One lot, Chambray Waists at 390 LADIES' DRESSING SACQUES. Made of Persian stripes outing flannel, blue, prey, red, value up to 750 will go for 390 Do not fail to see our 170 table. Bargains you can not afford to mis3. Rummage Around Among These Dress Goods And you'll find some bargains that fully merit to be termed extraordinary. A few random examples: DRESS GOODS Voiles of every description and color. The quality Is the BEST of the "B. ALTMA.V MAKE, and the season's most wanted drees goods. Voile, Regular Price $2.50, Rummage Price $1.00 Vlle, Regular Prlce,$2.00, Rummage Price 88c Voile, Regular Price $1.60, Rummage Price .'. 9Sc Voile, Regular Price $1.00, Rummage Price 45c 85c DRESS GOODS 53c In a big collection of cloths Serges, Panama, Mohair, Novel ties, etc., all shades for street wear. Rummage Sale 53c 50c and 60c DRESS GOODS 19c Tills assortment of fine Press Goods well worth the money to day, but in order to make the Rummuge Sale a success we place this lot on Rummagy Kale Counter 19c EXTRAORDINARY DRESS GOODS On this counter you'll find the cream of Dress Ooods. Very fine all 1. Prices ranging from $1.39 to $2.00 yard, in plaid fancies, stripes, in greys, blues, etc. Rummage Hale Price... 75c 29c SHIRT FLANNEL 9c An assortment of Flannels in shirt patterns, light shades and weight, with striped patterns. Rummage Sale Oc KIMONO FLANNEL 6c In a beautiful lot designs and floral patterns, good assort ment of colors, well worth 12 l-2c and 15c yard. Rummage Sale Price : . . . . Ac PATLY EAST OREGON TAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1912 COME, LOOK AROUND AND RUMMAGE. Among the hundreds of extraordinary bargains you'll probably find dozens of the very things you need and want at this mo mentWhatever you find and take you'll get at a mere fraction of its real, intrinsic worth-Prices below speak for themselves. Sale will com mence Monday morning, February 5th and will run for just one week, closing Sat., Feb. 10th. This is" one occasion when it will pay you to be an"Early Bird' REMARKABLE RE DUCTIONS ON DE SIRABLE Silks and Dress Goods FORM A BIG FEA TURE OF THIS RUM MAGE SALE. Chiefly short lengths, although some entire bolts are included. Desirable pateerns, correct colors; right kind of quality at much less than their values. One Lot Silks Including fancies and plain colors, big assort ment of shades. Some full pieces, some uhort lengths. The original prices of these silks 750 to $1.25 yard, Rummage price 230 This lot silks, 3G inches wide, makes fine princess lininirs and petticoats, etc. All shades. Kummage o-r Sa e price In Our Art Department All Batten ber patterns, including handkerchiefs, collars, cuffs, centerpieces, baby bibs, boleros, in fact all patterns necessary for the work. Patterns regularly sell for 150 and 250. Rummage Sale price, each 40 Pillow Backs All sizes, colors and kinds, including crash, burlap and denim. Rummage Sale price, each 50 Filo Silks Come in all colors, the popular silk for embroidery work. Thess silks sell regularly for 50. Rummage price per skein . 10 Colored Frankonia and Pearl Lustre Tin's lot includes a number of shades in both kinds of thread. Very popular for the linen crash. Your choice per skein, Rum mage price 10 Pillow Tops and Center Pieces A few conventional and floral designs, included in this special. Extra special bargains. Values up to 650. Rummage Price 260 Yarns of all kinds Saxony, Shetland Floss, Knitting Yarn, Fairy Fleece, a good assortment of colors in each kind, values to 200. Rummage One Lot of Dress Goods IX FANCIES AND PLAIN CLOTnS In evening shades only. These goods range in price from $1.00 to $1.75 yd. Rummage Sale price 490 650 AND 750 DAMASK 470 Just received a shipment of these Table Damask in beautiful designs, wide and in heavy weight Rummage Salo price THE Peoples Warehouse Where It Payt To Trade Ladies9 Coats One lot of Coats in fancy mixtures, brown and green, values up to $15 for $1.49 Balance of our Fall Coata, fancy mixtures and plain at 1-2 price. $15.00 Value $7.50 $22.00 Value $11.00 $27.50 ValuH....... $13.75 $35.00 Value $17.50 Save Your Trading Stamp Children's Outing Kimonos Made in best quality outing flannels in maize, pink, blue, grey and lav ender with pretty floral designs, $2.25 Values at 980 Middle Waists Made of white Indian head with navy Galatea collar and tie. $1.98 Values $1.00 Children's Fur Muffs Brown, grey and white. $1.00 Values 190 Children's Coats Fancy mixtures in grey, navv brown. Values up to $7.00 for 980 One lot Children's Whito Dresses. Values up to $2.25 for 290 Ladies9 Dresses In black, navy, brown, made in plain tailored styles. Values up to $15.00 for ...... $2.98 One lot of Suits, values up to $27.50 for $8.98 We will close out the balance of our Fall Suits at One Half Price. We have only a few left; come early to got the first choice. Fancy mixtures, plain serges, made in the plain tailored model always bo popular. Ladies9 Dresses In silk and wool, navy, garnet, black, made in this sea sons latest styles, trimmed with fancy braid and buttons, lace yokes. This salo 1-2 Price. Silk Dresses, values up to 827.50 for $4.98 Remnants 1-3 Price Tou can judge a good carpenter by the shavings he leaves. Then we are to be judged by the Remnants we have. Come; see the Piles of Remnants of both cotton and wool Remnants we have, the good values they are in all kinds of lengths. They are yours in the Reummago Salo at 1.3 price Comforts and Blankets In putting out Comfort and blankets in this Rum mage Salo we do not want to lead you to believe them oiled, or Imperfect In any way. They are first class merchandise; this year's buy, therefore giving A-l goods at Rummage Salo Price. 'Comforters Full bed size, big floral and conventional designs, some scroll and straight ' stitched, some tacked with yarn. Reg. price Rummage price $4.75 Comforters $3.50 $4.60 Comforters $3.30 $4.00 Comferters $2.98 $3.50 Comforters $2.70 $3.00 Comforters ......$2.30 $2.60 Comforters .... $1.87 $2.00 Comforters $1.40 $1.60 Comforters 95c $1.25 Comforters 87c $1.00 Comforters 83c Blankets Of every description and kind, ALL. WOOL, plain white, colored borders, plaids and greys. Cotton and wool In greys, white with colored headings. ALL COTTON in white, grey, tan, etc. In fact every blanket in the hous is thrown on the bargain coun ters of this Rummage sale Kxcrpt Pendleton Woolen Mills Good. Reg. price. Rummage price 76c Blankets 41)c 98c Blankets 69c $1.25 Blankets 87c $1.60 Blankets 08c $2.00 Blankets $1.4!) $2.50 Blankets $1.05 $3.00 Blankets $2.39 $3.50 Blankets $2.70 $4.00 Blankets $2.95 $4.50 Blankets $3.09 $5 50 Blankets $3.95 $6.00 Blankets $1.79 $12.60 Blunkets $8.09 Suits and ill