EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON", OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1912 PAGE SEVEN CATTLE MARKET Known For Its Strength First National Sanft PENDLETON, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1882 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES $2,500,000.00 m l.t. THIS WINTER Famous the World Over 7 ft For Its splendid hostelrlea, Its varied attractions, its fine beaches, hot 'springs and pleasure resorts all these can be reached with ease by the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. end SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY "Road of a Thousand Wonders." $55.00 Portland to Ixs Angglcg and Return With correspondingly low fares from all O.-W. R. & N. points, good six months with stopovers going and re turning within limit. Handsomely Il lustrated literature will be supplied upon application to any of our agents, or address: WM. McMCRRAY, Gen Pass, Agent., Portland, Ore. Don't Starve Your Hair Many a Head of Hair, Apparently Healthy, is Slowly Starving to Death 1 Hair must have sulphur or die. When the blood fails to supply sulphur in sufficient quantities, the hair loses its color, dies and falls out. When this condition begins, do not delay. In order to live, the hair must have sulphur, and the only combination containing sul phur that the hair roots will absorb is RUN OF I1KKF AXI) I SWINK IS M JK11AI. JX-nuirul for C'nttlu Is IJniiU d On Strong Competitor to Quit Field Kliorp Murket llt-maln KUi (lunar)' -Short Covering. (From Thursday's Journal). There was quite a liberal run of cat tle and hogs in the Xorth Portland yards today. The market Is poor at the best. Demand for cattle is ex tremely limited, and while a load or two of extra good quality might pos sibly tiring forth extreme top quo tatlons, demand as a rule is not suf f'iclent to bring good steers beyond $5.75. The announcement that S. & S. were temporarily going to quit the field here owing to the company's in ability to secure government inspec tlon at the old plant, or until the new packing house Is completed, has left the- trade without one of the strong est competitors In the field. Itun of cattle for the day at North Portland was 442 head, compared with 803 last Thursday. Quite a lot of stuff is at present available for the market, but the absence of de mand in keeping the stuff back In the country. Xorth Portland cattle prices: Select steers t 6.00 Choice steers 5.95 Common steers 4.75 5.00 Feeder steers 4.75 Speyed heifers 5.60 Ordinary heifers 5.00 Fancy cows 5.00 Ordinary cows 4.25 4.50 .. 3. 50513. 75 .. 7.7508.00 .. 7.007.75 4.75 4.50 4.00 4.00 , It is the finest Hair Dressing made, and keeps the hair soft, glossy and beautiful. It removes dandruff, stops the hair from com ing out, and promotes hair growth. It Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color. PRICE 50c. AND $1.00 i I W II your druggist does not keen It seu oOc. in stamps ana will tend you a Urge bottle, express prepaid. Wyeth Chemical Company, MCKSKMT A s cak mi Wyclk'a Sage aad saipnor touci soap rrec 10 anyone . LlJtb who will send us thi, advertisement wita 10c in stamp to covet coat f 111.1a ol wrapplna and mailing tna soap. SOLD BY THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. . p- 0. sJZr Evangelist J. Bruce Evans of Cali fornia, who Is conducting a campaign at the Baptist church. Meetings ev erv afternoon and evening, 2:30 and 7:30. KITCIIEXKU'S SISTKR DOES XOT SEE PEACE Si IM SB. Poor cows i . . . Fancy light calves . . Medium light calves . Fancy bulls Medium bulls Ordinary bulls Stags GmhI Showing of Hogs. There was quite a good showing of hogs In the North Portland yards for the day. A total of 394- head was re ceived, compared with 747 last Thurs day. The position of the trade here is very similar to that shown during recent days. If anything the tone Is weaker and 5c lower. Nominal North Portland swine prices; Fancy mixed $ 6.65 Good heavy 6.50 6.60 Good light 6.606.65 Medium light 6.45 Rough and heavy 6.25 Poor and heavy 6.00 Klu-cp Market is Stationary. While showing dullness In spots, the trade In the sheep market is con sidered satisfactory considering ..the general state of the dressed meat trade. There were offerings of 1316 head for the day at North Portland, compared with 2500 last Thursday. The smaller run was probably all that saved the trade from quoting a very sharp decline. One load of yearling wethers brought an advance of 10c to 14.85. Sheep market at North Portland: Select Iambs $ 5.50 Choice lambs 5.25 Common lambs 6.00 Yearling wethers 4.85 ,01d wethers 4.25 4.50 Fancy ewes 4.10 Ordinary 3 50 3.75 Grain and Hay. Wheat Producers' prices nominal; track delivery, club, 83 S4c; blue stem, 865? 87c: fortyfold, 84c; Willam ette valley, 83fq 84c; red Russian, 83c; Turkey red, 84c. Barley Producers' prices 1 911 Feed, $35.00; rolled, $36.00; brewing, $39.00(fD40.00. Millstuffs Selling price Bran, $23.00; middlings, $29.50; shorts, $25; chop, $19(g25. Car lots 50c per ton less. Oats Producers' price -Track No. 1, spot delivery, white, $32.50; gray, $32. Chlenjro Shorts Covering. Chicago, Feh. 2. The wheat mar. ket started urfder pressure, but clos ed generally higher with the excep tion of the May options. There was an opening unchanged at 1-8 lower but the closing was l-Sc down for the May, 3-8c higher for July and l-8c for September. Range of Chicago prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co. WHEAT. May Open 102 3-8; high, 108 5-S; low, J01 3-4; close, 102 3-8. Sept. Open. 90 3-4; high, 94 1-8; low, 93 1-2: close, 94. July Open, 95 5-8; high, 96 1-4; lew, 5 1-2; close, 96 1-8. Itolatlve of Famous Fighter Dcclurvs That There Will Always l$o War Among Men. Ban Franciaco. As long as there are men there will be fighting, wheth er It be on the battlefield or In poll tics, is the opinion of the sister of Lord Kitchener, the great British gen eral and one of the most famous mil itary strategists of modern times. Lord Kitchener's sister. Is Mrs. Fran cis Parker, arrived here last evening on the royal mail liner Tahiti from New Zealand, accompanied by her husband. "It is human nature for men to fight if necessary," said Mrs. Parker, who is a mild mannered, pleasant woman well on in years. "And I believe there will always he armies and navies de spite the international peace propa ganda that is being spread." Mr. and Mrs. Parker have resided in New Zealand for many years, tout they have disposed of their Interests there and do not Intend to return. "The colonies are no place for old people," smiled Mrs. Parker, "and now we are following the sun. We will spend -the winter in Jamaica, where my "brother, Colonel Chevalles Kitchener, resides. Then we will go to England, and perhaps after that to Egypt, where Lord Kitchener now is." The only other brother in the Kit chener family is Lieutenant General Fred Walter Kitchener, who Is Gov ernor of Bermuda. Juicy navel oranges with a charming tree-ripened 'flavor are now for sale at your dealer's. They are pleasingly economical and. in addition, the dininer table can be fur nished with beautiful silverware by saving the wrappers and send ing them to us with a few stamps to partly pay charges, packing, etc. The genuine come in tissue wrappers marked "Sunkist." Your dealer will supply you at extremely reasonable prices. Tree-Ripened Picked With Gloves Only the very finest oranges from the best California groves are parked tinder tbe name "Sunkist." Each orange is allowed to ripen on the tree, thus producing the wonderful "Sunkist" flavor. At maturity they are carefully picked and packed by gloved hands. Seedless and Solid Every "Sunkist" Is perfect. Each is solid meat seedless and juicy. Most delicious and healthful of fruits. Most wholesome fruit for children better than sweets. Tones digestion and satisfies "sweet tooth." Begin Savins Valuable Wrappers Today Be sure to say "Sunkist" not merely "oranges." You will know "Sunkist". by their handsome appearance and by the printed wrappers. This Is Your Beautiful Orange Spoon Save 12 "Sunkist" orange or lemon wrappers, or trademarks cut from WTap !ers, and send them to us, with 12c in stamps t help pay charges, packing, etc and we will send you this genuine Rogers' silver orange spoon. For each addi tional spoon send 12 wrappers or trademarks and 12c in stamps. Not responsible lor casn sent tnrougn toe mans. 14 "Sunkist" Premiums "Sunkist" Lemons H-n! for fall dewrirtion. Bomln-r of Most Economical to wi ure each article. Table Knife Oyster Fork Table Fork Child'. Fork Desaert Spoon Orange Spoon Child'a Knife Fruit Knife . Bonillon Spoon Teaspoon Coffee Spoon Tablespoon Salad Fork Butter Spreader Thin-skinned, extra iuicv. and each comes in a valu able "Sonklst" wrapper. Insist on them, as they go farther than other lemons. Ihey cost no more and the wrappers are valuable. Kec lpe booklet free on request. California Fruit Growers' Exchange 192 North Clark Street, Chicago. ML. (ug) Trademark Beeirtrl THREE CATS INHERIT PART OF EASTERNER'S ESTATE Nashua, N. H. By the 1 will of Thornton A. Greely, manager of a Railroad Square store, money is left to Edward Uetazzl, in trust, to pro vide for the care, including medical attendance, and support of the tes tator's three cats. Mr. Petazzi died a few day sbefore Mr. Greely did, but the cat9 prob ably will get the benefit of the be quest. The residue of the estate Is be queathed to the sister of the testator, Ellen Greely Carvelle of Manchest er, who is charged to purchase of a certain dealer a headstone and be sides the name of Mr. Greely and dates of his birth and death, there shall be Inscribed on the tablet: "Death ends all." Another clause forbids the services of a clergyman at the funeral. The new spring hat It Is reported, is to be higher than any one before, both in inches and dollars. This is one prediction that nobody wilKdis-crcdit.. SAFE REMEDY ENDS CATARRH M SERIES Gives Instant Relief, Cures and Prevents Catarrh and Cold in the Head. Want Ms HAIR WORK MADAM KENNEDY has opened up her hair parlors sec ond door from depot, Athena, Ore., and is prepared to make any kind of hair goods from combings; also the best line of switches, ' puffs, wigs, topas, for Bale. Everything strictly guaranteed. EGGS from alt leading varieties standard bred poultry, express pre paid, $2 00. Write for circular Simpson's Pheasant Farm, Cor- . Vallls, Oregon. SALESMAN TO AID US SUPPLY the brlsK demand for our goods; some vacant territory yet in every state west of the Mississippi; cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Oregon. The quickest, best and safest way to enre catarrh or a cold in the bead is by using a remedy that will "touch the spot" and do its work quickly without leaving any bad effects. Ely's Cream Balm, which is applied to the nostrils or rubbed on the throat or chest gets right at tbe root of the trouble and instantly relieves even the worst case of catarrh or cold. A few min utes after applied you can feel a loosening up in the head, the pain and soreness are gone, the sense of taste, sinrll and hearing come back, and you feel like a different person. Ely's Cream Bnlra cleanses, heals and strengthens the inflamed membranes, takes away that stuffed up feeling and dull pain in the head, relieves the throat soreness and stops the nasty discharge which is the cause of the disgusting hawking, spitting, blowing of the nose, and foul breath. Hay fever victims who are made miserable by fits of sneezing, coughing and wheezing get instant and pennonent relief by the' uso of this simple remedy. Don't suffer another minute. Ely'sCream Balm will relieve you immediately, and a 50 cent bottle will more than likely work a complete cure. All druggists sell it. Join With the Wise Housekeepers ' Cook With If you are not a user of gas, call at our office and learn the slight cost and the great convenience to be derived from it installation. Save coal, wood, kindling and dirt. Make .your home a place of pleasure have a modern kitchen and not a bakeoven. We sell all supplies at wholesale cost. If you are a user of gas and want any changes made, extensions or overhauling now is the time to look to it. WE ARE "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Pacific Power & Light Company Thone Main 40 WANTED Lace curtains to laundry Work done with especial care Phone Red 1511. LEGAL, BLANKS of every descrlp tlon for country court, circuit court Justice court, real estate, etc., fot Sale at East Oregonlan office. , Always With Your Lumber Orders Our entire stock of building'material is selected with care and good judg ment. We keep it in good condition and sell it reasonable-that's whats bringing us our over increasing business. We believe in smaller profits and faster selling it amounts to thd same thing in the end. Get Our Estimates Before Buying Your Lumber Lath, Shingles and Mill Work Crab Creek Lumber Co. Phone Main 92 OSCAR MAHLER. Manager