East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 02, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Scene from 'The Right of Way,"" at
Captain of Trading Steamship Tells
of Advenvture on South Coast
of Africa.
New York. The trade steamship
Arnold Amsnick, of the Woermann
line, arrived the other day, after an
absence from New York of more than
four months. Captain Schellhan told
of an experience he had with a swar
thy man who boarded the trade at
The Arnold Amslnch left New York
late in September with a cargo of oil,
red cloth, rings and beads, bound fur
the south coast of Africa. It was a
twenty-five day trip to Monrovia,
where they shipped the "krooboys"
or native roustabouts, a hundred and
twenty In all, and set out for the seri
ous business of exchanging kerosene
oil for mahogany. While the steam
ship was In Moniovia a man, appar
ently Spanish, came n board and
paid his passage to Cape Town. It
was a long and monotonous Journey
on board the trader. Captain Schell
han explained but the mysterious passenger-
taid he preierred that sort.
When the steamship had passed St
Paul de Loanda the krooboys ran
many hundred feet of mahogany logs
through the surf and piloted boats
full of cojiper oar successfully to the
Arnold Amsinck.
Novo Rt'dondo was reached and the
: eteamship was greeted by an extra-
ordinary" number of natives in their
cane- 'They wanted something, but
'CKjain Schellhan could not find out
fhat it va until a delegation of na
tives, accompanied by a very old man,
came abnarl.
They dem.nlpd ?enor Phiilipe. He
was on board, they declared, and he
had committed some deed for which
in j
veneeance was demandfd. In va
captain and officers of the trades de
nied that the n an was on board.
It was npcsiary to make a show
of force before the natives would go
ashore. Tow aid night their attitude
beer-me more threatening and the shlo
was forf erl t j proceed out to sea and
Good and True
Safe snd reliable for regula
ting the bowels, stimulating the
liver, toning the stomach the
world's most famous and most
approved family remedy i3
Sold are her
U bozM I0, 2S
stir ..:..
Since 1780
me Oregon Theater Tonight.
j further down the coast to a distance
! where the natives could not follow.
What the stranger had done he never
explained, and ho was landed at Cape
Town as much of a mystery as when
he came aboard.
How those natives knew he was on
hoard Is more than I can figure out,"
said one of the officers. "None of the
krooboys could have told. It must
have been a case of that mysterious
sixth sense which some of the old
men among the coast trlble are cred
ited with possessing."
Slip Refuses to Tako Siibtrcasury's
Certificate and, Willi Aid of Xclgtu
Ixus, (omits $21,872.
Los Angeles, Cat. Mrs. C. T. Du
bordieu, to whom the city of Los An
geles owed nearly $25,000, dropped
In at the city treasury and got her
money. Fifteen neighbor women
helped to carry it home.
Mrs. Dubord'eu presented a war
rant for $24,872 due her for property
which the c'ty condemned.
"I'll take this. If you please," she
Chief Deputy Treasurer N. T. Pow
ell detailed two men to drag sacks of
go'd from the vault. Eich sack bore
the seal of the United States ub
treasury. with a certificate of the con
tents of the bag.
"You see, there's $5000 In each
bag." Powell explained, politely.
"How do I know " asked Mrs. Du
bordleu "I want to count It."
Tables were- provided and the
counting was apportioned off among
the neighbors.
When It was determined that the
sub-treasury had countrd correctly,
Mrs. Dubord'eu split the $20 pieces
into piles appropriate to the strength
of each woman. It was scooped Into
shopping baskets and the procession
trailed forth toward the Dubordieu
Da ly SkirmlshcH In Northern Persia
Arc Reported.
St. Petersburg Skirmishes be
.ween the Kurds and the Russians
occupying the northern provinces of
Vis a are reported in a dispatch re
ceived here from Khol, 65 miles
northweK of Tabriz. The Russian
patrol.-t on the fifty mile stretch of
road between Urumiah and Oilman
have been fired at repcated'y during
the past few days. Several Kurks
have been killed by the Russians.
Armed part:es f Kurds and Arme
nians have been observed In the
neighborhood of Ururn'ah, which Is
occupied by the Turki.
The house is doing
business, all
Bottled inBond
m M W H A T V , Pr-V: J'l II SfflMUl
Ultt 7JZWffi 1 1 Hi ".
Miss Mary Gallnher Soon to Become
Br.ilo. Uork Cnishor Resumes
Operation Schools to Honor First
PrOsMont. I Mrs. Rosa Putman Fife suys so,
speaking from experience of 86 years,
(Special Correspondence.) she has Just been placed In office as
Milton, Ore., Feb. 2. The first president of the James A. Sexton Cir
poultry show held In Milton has cie of the G. A. R. .
closed. The show was a success in The rules are:
every particular and was attended by Avoid unpleasant subjects. Talk
a large crowd all three days. Many 0( cheerful things,
birds were entered from Tendleton, ; court the society of young people.
Walla Via. la, Athena, Weston and Don't think that you are growing
Freewater, many fine pens being 0i,j
shown. j (jet plenty of fresh air and exercise.
The marriage of Miss Mary Galla-, jad an active life and try to be
her and James Still is announced to useUj
taKe place enruary l at tne resi-,
dence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Rob
ert McEwen
Mrs. W. A. Bacon, who has been j Washington. Officials of the Pub
receiving medical treatment in Walla iic Heaith and Marine Hospital Ser
Walla the past few weeks, is expected vlce are secklng legislative aid In their
home Sunday. 'campaign against rabies, as a pre-
The rock crusher has again started ntable diseasel stlUe Boarda of
grinding rocks. 'Health have been solicited to make
Colonel F. B. Boyd of Athena, at- tne aiseuse reportable like any con
tended the poultry show where he taglous disease.
iiaa Line uiuuucu mie
cockerel on exhibition.
j Z.' . . T
ited old friends In Milton today.
Misses Eva Thompson. Hazel Parr
ker. Iva Thompson and Delia Mev-
ens were among a party who attend -
ed the opera at Walla Walla last eve
Gecirge Edwards has returned to
Wasntucna after several weeks' visit
with his family here.
with his family here.
Mr. and Mrs. Holly Groom have
Mr. and Mrs. Holly Groom have
. . . . ,
gone to Colfax to spend the summer
comfortably sett'ed in their new homo
on Mill street.
Mrs. Neal, mother of R. A. Carter,
11 tr t ! hard for me to breatho. A neigh-
s. Neal. mother of R. A. Carter. I r favv? m "veral doses of Dr.
ed In the city Wednesday from;Klngt8 N,?w, Dlcovery which brought
r and wl'.l make her horn ewith ' KreaA relief' Th.e doctor ald J ;vas
her son.
Washington's birthday will be ob
served at the Milton schools on the
21st, the 22nd being a holiday.
Oregon City, Ore. A score of men
lii skiffs are searching below the falls
for the body of Joseph Bernart, pio
neer riverman,'. who was swept to
death In his gasoline launch over the
fails or the Willamette, -the Doat, Multnomah county In April, 1910, at
overturned and wrecked, was found ' tempted suicide by leapin? Into a
under the suspension bridge. Bernart. J burning brush heap at the asylum
who for more than forty years, had farm. She was severely burned, but
towed logs for the pulp mills here, ' wjj recover.
died as he had often said he hoped
he would, on the water. He was GAVE SKIN TO SAVE LIFE,
thoroughly acquainted with the trea-
cherous current above the falls, but
had no rear and laughed when
friends told him he Bhould be more
Tho Cause of Their Formation Still 'nearly able to go out of doors, while
Remnlna, the boy is showing signs of recovery.
One place where surgery fails to ' The latter was severely burned on
bring permanent relief is In the treat-( November 3 when he got too close to
ment of piles, because even when the a bonfire of dead leaves. He owes his
evil tumors are cut away, the cause life to the fact that he wore a little
of their formation still remains. That sweater closely buttoned from his
cause Is poor circulation. Dr. Leon-'waist up. That stopped the progress
hardt's HEM-ROID Is the tablet! of the flames and gave his mother
remedy that is taken inwardly and the opportunity to beat out the fire,
gets r'ght to the inside cause. The whole of one leg was burned
HEM-ROID is sold for $1 by Pen- and the other down as far as the knee.
dleton Drug Co. and all druggists.
Money back if it falls. Dr. Leon
hardt Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. Y.
Write for booklet.
Professor F. G. PealKKly Asserts Le.
gal Siarntloii Is Jlecomlnir More
Popnlur ami Will Soon lireak up
More Homes Than Death.
Cambridge, Mass Divorce Is mak
ing such inroads Into the sanclty of
the family that it is but the matter
of a generation or two when as many
homes will De Dronen tip oy uivorce j proximately i.owu women, most or
as by death itself, unless the present, them young girls, ranging In age
rate of divorce ceases, is the predic- from 14 to 20 years,. have Mtterly dls
tion of Professor Francis O. Peabody ! appeared. Nor does this number
professor of Christian morals at Har- cover all the young women who drop
vard. out of the world of their own ac-
Professor Peabody declares that the quaintances suddenly. The police say
home is a thing of the past; that the that not more than half of the actual
family has outgrown its usefulness, , disappearances are formally reported,
and that the social ties are going back "During 1911, " says a police offlcl
to the stone age. These are in a al, commenting on the figures, "ve
nutshel Isome of the Ideas that Pro-j have been, confronted with hundreds
fessor Peabody has been trying to'f cases similar In every degree to
deal with. (that of Dorothy Arnold. Many other
"The coherence and permanence i
family life are today seriously threat
ened. Domestic Instability tends in
a most startling manner to become an
epidemic social disease. The num
ber of divorces granted In this coun
try Is Increasing. It may be comput
ed that if the present rate of Increase
In population and In separation be
maintained, the number of separations
of marriage by death would at the
end of the twentieth century be less
than the number of separations by
"That means that about every other
husband rnd wife will have to be
credited with at least one divorce in
a lifetime. Families do not hold to
gether . us well as they used to be -
cause there is less to hold them to-1 which seem to suffor most, as every
gether. This break-up of the family ( victim complains of lame back and
system mean what may bo termed a urinary troubles which should not be
reversion of type, a going back to noglocted, as these danger signals of
conditions of primitive civilization ' ten lead to moro f-erlous sickness, such
from which tho human race emerged."
Establishes a Winter Home on Roof
of "Haunted Hoiiho."
Dover, Del. The "bell buzzard,"
which has been seen and heard in
different locallileg in Kent county , Ing effect on the kidneys, which is al
for the past eight or ten years, is most Immediately noticed by those
now in Dover, making its resting! who try it. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ding
place on the roof and chimney of the hampton, N. Y., offer to send a nam
old Cowglll house, or "Haunted pie bottle of Swamp-Root, free by
House." It can be seen every day, j mall, to every sufferer who requests
and the jingling of the bell on Its! it. A trial will convince any one who
neck attracts the attention of passers- may be in need of It Regular size
by. I bottles BOcts and $100. For sale at
Evidently driven to town by the ex- all druggists. Be sure to mention this
treme cold weather and snow, buz- paper, -
zards are frequently see nln the back
yards of the residences.
liut a few days a go a buzzard
landed anions a flock of chickens at
the home of L. Schablnger here, and
remained w.tn the chickens day and
night until forced to fly away by one
1 of the family.
Chicago Woman Who Knou, Tolls
How to Ward Orr Old Ago..
Chicago. To remain young? It Is
easier thun to remain good
To War Against Rubies.
I That the malady Is increasing In Us
prevalence, particularly lrt the West,
,8 sh"n by statistical records kept
b the 8ervlce
j Untu declured there was
not a of h MtasllBlppl
. . an, , ,' L
' nun luiii J I 111 11 ir 1 1 1 ,uiliUIIIIU
alone 117 cases were reported.
Almost Lost Ills Life.
c A Tl r o n n r : v, ...111
L, , Tv. . .v.. 1 .
... "
, ix liirii;iii.t.a BIU1 111, Afc KBVB Ilia a
dreadfu, cJ,d .. he writes, lthat caus.
ed vere pains in my che.t. so It
on tha verge of pneumonia, but to
continue with the Discovery. I did
so and two bottles completely cured
me." Use only this quick, safe, re
liable medicine for coughs, colds, or
any throat or lung trouble. Price
50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Guar
anteed by Koeppens.
Palem, Ore. Nora Maeller,
mitted to the insane asylum
from l'ntlicr and Son Recover After Sixty
Squaro Inches Arc Vsil.
East Orange, N. J. After under
going an operation. In which sixty
square inches of skin were transferr
ed from his body to the leg of his slx-
! year-old son, William A. Davenport is
Dr. W. H. Alonzo Warner of East Or
ange performed the operation, assist
ed by Dr. Samuel A. Muta, Mayor of
West Orange, and Dr. Leonard W.
Smith of East Orange.
Year's Mynterlons Disnppen ranees
That Were Reported to the I"ollee.
New York. During the year 1911
the New York police were called to
the aid of families from which some
member had disappeared exactly 3,-
1500 times and during this time ap-
leaves Kidneys In Weakened Condi
tion. Doctors In all parts of the country
have been kept busy with tho epi
demic of grip which has visited so
many homes. The symptoms of grip
this year are very distressing and
leave the system In a run down con
1 dition, particularly the kldnevs.
dition, particularly the
. its dreaded Drlght'a Disease. Local
druggists report a large sale
on Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root which so many
people say soon heals and strengthens
the kidneys after an attack of grip.
Swamp-Root is a great kidney, liver
and bladder remedy, and, being an
herbal compound, has a gentle heal-
Seeley, Who Fitted tho Cwr of Rus
sia, Will be at tho Grand Hotel,
Walla Walla.
F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Phila
delphia, the noted truss expert, wl'.l
be at the Grand hotel and will remain
In Walla Walla this Monday and
Tuesday only, February 5th and 6th.
Mr. Seeley says: "Tho Spermatic
Shield Truss as now used and ap
proved by the. United States govern
ment will not only retain any caso of
rupture perfectly, affording" Immedi
ate relief, but closes the opening In
10 days on the hverage case." This
Instrument received the only award
In England and In Spain, producing
results without surgery or harmful in
jections. Mr. Seeley has document
ary references from the United
States government, Washington, D
C, for your inspection. All charity
cases without charge, or if any inter
ested call, he will be glad to show
the truss without charge or fit them If
desired. Anyone ruptured should re
member the date and take adv intage
of thli unusual opportunity.
Rlamed a Good Worker.
''I blamed my heart for severe dis
tress in my left side for two years,"
writes W. Evans, Dunville, Va "but
I know now it was Indigestion, as Dr.
King's New Life PUs completely
cured me." Best for stomach, liver
pnd kidney troubles, constipation,
headache or debility. 25c at Koep
pens. cases are just as baffling as hers.
"The young girl left absolutely no
trace behind. They made no prepar
ations for departure, and few have
since been heard from. We main
tain a bureau of missing persons es
pecially to carry on this work . of
"Our investigations show that there
are four reasons which eoveij most of
the disappearances: First, severe
home restraint; second, extreme pov
erty;, third, theutricul aspirations;
fourth, lured away."
Telegrapher is Honored.
Middletown, N. J. Mrs. E. H. Har
riman and two associations of rail
way telegraphers are erecting at the
station of Ilarrlman, X. Y., a memor
ial to Charles Minot, who, in 1851,
transmitted the first train order by
Mrs. Harrlman is giving the monu
ment, which will be completed and
dedicated by veterans of the wire
early in the spring.
The design of the memorial tablet
Is artistic and Ingenious. The figures
on the pilaster, like oraments on each.
side, are made up or battery JJars and
other things from the equipment of
the early telegraphers. At their base
are large jars, while the scrolls of
the capitals are 'made up of curled
ticker tape.
Unique Club Formed to Aid Start of
. Water Wagon.
Minneapolis, Minn. A buttermilk
club Is the latest fad In this city. It
was formed and Includes many of tho
leading men about town, who are sure
!i r l ll M L- ifiiMimf
St. George Cafe and Grill
Hot Merchants Lunch Daily
From 1 1 :30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m.
Open Day and Night Entrance on Webb St., or Through Hotel Lobby
A SNAP FOR $2500.00
7 room modern house, stone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath,
toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground.
Call at once as bargains of this character can't last. Must see
it to appreciate It.
Phone Main 83.
Other Property of Every Description.
Money to Loan on City and County Realty.
See our patients testimony. Dee. 1st, 1911.
I am glad to tell the public wha the Chinese Doctor did for me. I
was nearly dead suffering from abcess In the stomach and three Am
erican doctors told me there was no hope for me except an operation
which I felt would kill me. So we called Dr. Leo Chlng Wo and tried
his medicine and In two weeks I was out of danger, Took his wonderful
medicine four -weeks more' and am nearly well.
I can cheerfully recommend hi remedy to any one who Is In need of
a doctor, for he certainly saved my life. Mrs. Ida Herring, 215 West
Alder St., Walla Walla, Washington.
We receive testimonials from our patients dally who have been cured.
If you want to be cured, come and see us or If unable to come, write
and enclose a two cent stamp for symptom blank. Write without delay.
14 E. Main St., Walla Walla, Washington.
Consult a plumbing estab
lishment that handles no side
lines, but Instead makes a
specialty of careful, proper and
sanitary plumbing and you'll
save enough in one year on
your fuel bill, to pay for the
It Is not necessary to keep
your home hot and uncomfort
able if your plumbing is dono
We'll be pleased, to figure
with you.
Beddow& Miller
Pendleton's Exclusive Plumbers
Court and Garden Sts.
Phono Black 35S6
that the exclusive use of this bever
age will enable them to start tho new
year right. The official stein song li
as follows:
Your bend will not ache and your
throttle won't burn
Drink her down, drink her down,
drink her down
If you drink buttermilk as It comes
from tho churn
Drink her down, drink her down,
drink her down.
"How did you come on with study
of the Russian language?"
"Not well. While I was trying to
pronounce a few words our family
physician came along and forced mo
to take all kinds of medicine to break
up a cold." Washington Star.
Deafness Cannot Re Cured
hv local applications, as they cannot reach
tiii iliscnn.'il portion of the ear. There In
only one way to cure deafness, and that la
by constitutional remedies. Deafness la
caused bv an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube.
When thia tube la inflamed you have a
rumbling aonnd or Imperfect hearing, and
when it la entirely closed. Desfmns Is the
result, and unless the Inflammation can
be taken out and this tube restored to Its
normal condition, bearing will be destroy
ed forever; nine rase out of ten are caus
ed by Catarrh, which la nothing but an
Inflamed condition of the mucous aurfacea.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Icafnea frauned by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by ilull'a Catarrh
Cure. Bend fur circulars free.
V. 3. UF.NKY Ic CO., Toledo. O.
Sold br Drr-Klsta, 7,'iC
Take Hall's 1 mnlly IMlla for constipation.
tion and Real
ization Meet
Our Meat!
It's an event to look forward
to, when the busy man knows
that one of our choice steaks
awaits him for a contented sup
per. Phono Main 33.
117 E. Court Street.