East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 02, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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toy Away
That is Why the Men of Pendleton are Hurrying to Take Advantage of the
Most Sensational Offer Ever Made in This City
This Store Never Does
Things By Halves
You may rightly ask, "How can we afford to do it V
This is tho quietest period of the year in the men's
clothing husiness. The great success of our January
Clearance Sale enahles us to surpass the same month of
last year hy far, and we want to say the same thing of
We have bought heavy for spring and the goods have
commenced to arrive we have no room to add new
balconies and no basement for storing surplus stock
so we must reduce. To do this at this time of year we
must make a sacrifice.
We are not only sacrificing profits, but are actually
selling below cost profits will be unknown at this
store during the coming months that's our reason.
Good medium weight clothes suitable
for spring wear. Come in greys, browns,
blues, blacks, olives, and tans. All late
models. A few of the famous Kirschbaum
suits included. ,
Take Your Choice for Only
Rapid Ghanges in Ownership
The people of this county can buy good desirable
' clothing here now, at less than we paid the factories
for it.
For this reason you had better come in auick, before
the lines are broken, and get your favorite pattern and
correct size while we can supply you.
You may not need a suit just now then buy for
next spring or summer. 820.00 Buits for $7.75, a
saving of S12.25 how could .you ever earn this am
ount quicker or easier.
Take advantage of this loss on our part to better your
appearance as well as pocketbook.
. While the line is large at present, you had better
hurry to be one of the most fortunate ones, as good suits
will not remain on our counter long at this price. Come
and look whether you buy or not.
if ii 1 rv T I fx ii w i!LT ii iiArviif nu umh ii n w
Prices Talk
New MunlHpal Clilcf Executive
Drawn from Rank of Coimellmeii.
leaving Vacancy on Aldernianle
Board to Il, Filled Soon.
(Special Correspondence.)
Hermlston, Ore, Feb. 2 The city
council met hist evening. Council
man H. A. Waterman was elected as
mayor to succeed Ross Newport, who
recently resigned hla office. Tho
councilman to fill the vacancy of Mr.
"Waterman will be elected by the
council at their next regular meet
ing, Wednesday evening.
Work has commenced on the water
system for Hermlston, a road is now
being surveyed to the Butte and It Is
expected that in a short time the work
vi:i be begun in earnest.
Buys Transfer Business.
rtunseli Brownell yesterday sold his
tran-fer business and also his home
on Rldgeway to C. E. Gerts. Mr.
Gerts recently returned to Hermlston
from the east. He formerly was in
the grocery business. He will have
entire charge of the transfer business.
Mr. Hrownell has not decided Just
what he wilt do in tho future but has
no Idea of leaving the project town.
Hev. Kmmel returned from Pen
d'.eton this morning
Dr. Coe spent yesterday at Hermis
ton. Dr. Monkman has moved his drug
store into his new quarters.
Otis Sprague, the land salesman,
has returned to Ohio.
J. C. Case of Sunnyside arrived on
tho project today. He Is here look
ing over lund, with the Idea of purchasing.
.3 ;vv
MAX COMPENSATED 1 Tlv9 usually takes about ten
Peterson at times has experienced
difficulty in awakening the dog, but
recently he discovered that the ani
mal is promptly aroused by placing
a piece of raw meat in front of its
nose. The dog is seven months old.
f 'J
f ti . V
mm I h
Mill Employe is licnerittcM by Indus
trial Insurance I'uml of Suite of
Olympla, Wash. Bitten by a cat
while piling lumber, Alexander Mat
wise, employe of a sawmill at Ray- j
mond, is in a hospital and will draw
compensation from the state accident '
fund. i Man Vsod IVrret to Catch Twenty.
Nov. 25 Matwise tried to lift the cat' five KnbbiU on Sunday,
out of a bag in the yard to prevent Scranton. William Erower, a
injuring the animal. It bit him se-' prominent barber here, was arrested
verely on the right Index finger. The by Game Warden C. S. Lowery and
wound was dressed by a physician, fined 9675 by Justice of the Peace J.
bandaged, the accident reported to S. Orcutt of Towanda, on a charge of
the state commission and the man re- hunting rabbits with a ferret,
turned to work. Dec. 13 he Jammed Brower, it is said, caught twenty-
the sore finger against a piece of five rabbits by this method early in
lumber and the doctor says he prob- November. A $25 fine went with
ably will be laid up for four weeks. ! each rabbit, an additional J25 for
The industrial Insurance commis- hunting oa Sunday and another $25
slon says it will allow compensation for using a ferret.
on a court decision rendered in 1908.
The records show this decision to nEspiTF. NO rrIV M N WEDS
have recited that "a teamster, while a
lunching on his employer's premls- Waslilngton'.an Arrested and llrlde of
es, was bitten bv a stable cat
"Blood poisoning ensued and two
fingers were subsequently amputated.
Duy Bemoans Eate.
Lewlston, Idaho. Financial em
barrassment did not deter Douglas
The court held this to be an accident Haplin of Anatone, Wash., from get-
arising out of and in the course of ting married, but, according to the
employment, although the court Inti- police, he proceeded to write a cou
mated that the decision might have pie of checks on an Asotin bank
Deen otherwise had It been shown to where he had no funds. Later he
be a strange cat." was arrested and his bride of a day
Mr. Matwise Is 33 years old. He i bemoaning her fate in a Lewlston
has been earning J4 a day. A wife hotel
and five small children in Raymond i
and an aged mother in Europe are MILLION' 1KKS SON A TKAMP.
dependent upon him for support. I
California Youth Held for Entering
Ualdod liy the Police, Its
Are Looked I'p.
Charlottesville, Va. Tho
of the Fat Men's club of
i Car Has ?20.(oO in Trust.
Ventura. Cal. Wnen Frank Had
Officers dock. 1 7y?ars old, arrested as a vag-
rant, appeared before Judge Clarke
charter n the charge of having broken into
this citv a box car. it developed that his fath-
has been forfeited and all the para- f, G. Haddock of this city, was rated
Bhernalia of the organization order-' a a millionaire and that, although tho
ed confiscated by Police Justice by had been wandering about the
Shackelford. j country for several years, he was
Acting upon a warrant sworn out possessed of $20,000. Tho father
by a woman charging that the club testified that he placed $20,000 in
had for tho past thirty days kept and trust for the boy when his mother ob
maintained a room in which games of talned a divorce but the lad had been
cards had been played for money, the placed In tho care of his mother.,
police made a raid upon tho club and I
found a largo quantity of cards and A scald, burn, or severe cut heals
poker chips In court a compro- slowly if neglected. Tho family that
mlse was reached, each officer of ; keeps a bottle of BALLARD'S SNOW
the club being fined $50 and sen-1 LINIMENT on hand is always pre
tenced to one hour in the lockup. pared for such accidents. Price 25c.
The club was Incorporated on Au-r0e and $1.00 per bottlo. Sold by A.
gust last -ior mo promotion of.C. Koeppen & Bros.
social intercourse."
a house and furnished it. A few
weeks ago Miss Klinczk informed him
that the wedding could not take place.
He requested that she return the
money that he claimed he had loan
ed her and also the furniture which
he said he had given er.
Miss Klinczyk claimed that he had
not given her any money, and that
she had paid him for the furniture
when the engagement was broken.
Searchers EJiul Greenbacks After
Eccentric Woman's Death,
Hodgon Mills, Maine. Ten thou
sand dollars in greenbacks, so faded
and worn that they will be sent to
Washington for redemption, has been
found in a bustle that was worn for
years by Mrs. Mary Fassett, who died
suddenly a few days ago.
None of the bills Is of a more recent
issue than 18S6. Mrs. Fassett dis
trusted modern banking methods, and
alwaj-9 wore the bustle when outsido
her home.
In a search of her house after her
death relatives found about $7000
hidden in a hundred places. One of
the searchers picked up tho bustle
and was about to throw It into the
fire when his attention was attracted
by a rustling of paper.
Her three heirs are here and have
separate counsel.
PIT.ES CURED 1 a TO 14 days.
Your druggist will refund money
If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any
case of Itching Blind, Bleeding or
Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50o.
Fortune of $100,000 Awaits Girl
"Somewhere In Southwest."
Kansas City, Mo. Attorney for
Henry C. Simpson of Lincoln, Neb.,
executor of the estate of Nathaniel
P. Simpson, who died in this city
three weeks ago, instituted search for
an Indian maiden, "somewhere in tho
southwest," who is heiress to $160,
000 of the Simpson fortune.
The Simpson estate of $322,000 was
left in the hands of his son Henry,
executor. After the death of his first
wife, the elder Simpson Is believed to
have married an Indian. It is for a
daughter by this marriage that the
son seeks.
The daughter Is said to have re
turned to live with her people the
Dakotnn Is Ke.ot Thin, But Reptile
Gets Knt on Food Man Eats.
Milton, N. D. Loss of flesh at the
rate of a pound a day has been sue-,
cessfully combated by Joseph Sch
neider of Wales since he coughed up
a live lizard about an Inch and a half
long. The lizard had evidently got
into his stomach last summer while
he was drinking water from a slough
where he v;as hunting.
For Sale Umatilla County
Maps at E. O. Office.
Scene from "The Right of Way," at the Oregon Theater Tonight
1 o
Colorado Official says Phonograph
Puts Ills Pup to Sleep Soundly.
Greely, Coio. An unusual method
of putting a dog to sleep has been de
vised by Deputy Sheriff C. E. Peter
son of this city, who has learned that
his pet dog, Joker, can be practically
hypnotized by the music of a phono
graph. Peterson has several rocords in
which whistling predominates, and
the animal gives these close atten
tion. When Joker hears the phono
graph In operation he will elt in
front of It until he drops off to sleep.
Suit of Discarded Lover Lost to For
nier Fiance.
Cleveland, Ohio. A romance that
had its beginning In Poland camo to
an end in tho court of Justice of the
Peace; R. T. Morrow when Sophia
Klinczyk of 3841 Broadway, defend
ant, was awarded a verdict in a case
of replevin brought by her former
fiance, Joseph Antos of 2258 West
Fifth street.
According to the story told by the
young woman, she camo to Cleve
land about five months ago to marry
Antos, whom fche had known and lov
ed in the old country. Antos rented
Wrestling Match
Saturday, February 3
E. J. O'Connell
Champion Pacific Coast
Jack Kennedy
Champion Chicago Y. M. C. A.
Umatilla County
PRELIMINARIES. Main Bout at 9 o'Clock
Admission $1 Reserved Seats 1.50