m" WMMMWWWBMMMMiMH Mil I II i II Wit ll II I mmlmammitmtlmmmta,,.- "'"" IM 111 m II i ll I mil y 0 Til Tll ! Ill ! Ill l I MM II W MMM ll I ! WMUILHIJ. J U IIBtlllM ITlTll 111 I I T H II I' EIGHT PACKS. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY J, 1912. PAGE THRffiR ckl CtafeMi fife Do you care iorenlightening, interesting and entertaining reading, as yot sit by the , " fire evenings? THEN READ THIS We are making you severd offers, might better 'be called gifts below that should appeal to every home and fireside. Wo have always tried and with remarkable saccess to give our readers that which stands for the best in a bright, clean and newsy newspaper one that may be safely read by the entire family and household no sensationalism to pollute the younger minds. AND NOW WE ARE GOING TO GIVE EVEN MORE We are giving you your choice of five of the best special offers ever heard of. Read each offer carefully. Here is a chance to make the home by lamplight even brighter, and gain a little social happiness and contentment such as makes " Home Sweet Home." If you wish to keep just a little closer in touch with local happenings, or with what is transpiring in any part of the country, be it city, county, state or nation, you could not choose a better and safer method than by obtaining that information through the columns of the East Oregonian, the official county and home paper of Umatilla county the paper that prints the news the day it happens. . : The Best Stories by the Best Authors, and all the News the Day it Happens Good Reading for the Entire Family-5 Extraordinary Offers All the News of the World and Home Contained in the Two Leading Papers for the Price of One. SPECIAL OFFER "A" Pacific Monthly with Daily East Oregonian one year paid in advance, new subscribers or renewals $5.50 Regular Price Pacific Monfhly $1.50 Regular Price Daily East Oregonian by mail 5.00 Total SPECIAL OFFER "B" $6.50 The Pacific Monthly and Semi-Weekly E. O. one year paid in advance, new subscribers or renewals $2.00 Regular Price Pacific Monthly $1.50 Regular Price Semi-Weekly East Oregonian 1.50 Total $3.00 Please State if New or Renewal East Oregonian Pub. C., 1 Pendleton, Oregon. Enclosed find $ for which please send your Special Offer to the following address: Name ' Address Out Out and Mail Us Today. SEMI-WEEKLY OREGON JOUR.NAL AND SEMI-WEEKLY EAST OREGONIAN 9 Both Papers Ohe Year G f( Paid in Advance . . pAJVJ "SPECIAL OFFER "C" Regular price Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal, by maiL$1.50 Regular price Semi-Weekly East Oregonian, by mail 1.50 Total $3.00 Our price of $2.00 saves you $1.00 and is for both new and old subscribers. The Pacific Monthly i9 the leading magazine of Western America, published on the Pacific Coast, edited br Western men, and its entire contents are Western. The East Oregonian, as you all know well, is the leading paper of the Inland Empire, and is the official paper of Umatilla Co. and City of Pendle ton. No home can afford to be without it. FOR BOTH NEW AND OLD SUBSCRIBERS. SPECIAL OFFER "D" The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer with Daily East Oregon ian by mail one year paid in advance, new subscribers or re newals $5.00 Regular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Fanner, one year $1.00 Regular price Daily East Oregonian by mail, one year 5.00 Total .$6.00 SPECIAL OFFER. "E" The Weekly Inter Ocean and Fanner with Semi-Weekly East Oregonian one year paid in advance, new subscribers and re newals $1.50 Regular price Weekly Inter Ocean and Fanner, one year $1.00 Regular price Semi-Weekly East Oregonian, one year 1.50 Total .$2.50 PASTIT.1E THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and enter taining for tho entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and see tho next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. OBPHEUM Theatre J. P. MADERNACII, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures For Men, Women and Children Program changes Snnday's, Tuesday's and Friday's See Program in Today's Paper AT THE PICTURE SHOWS OrplKJum. program for and on the road is the very limit for fun. "A New Year's Gift." Itala, A clever trick comedy. The husband went out to get a present for the wife. What he got, the way he brought It home and Its reception Tuesday's ifa funny. And there was $10,000 hidden in the box, which adds inter mix! est. re- j "The Legend of the Eagle." Eclair, are , military drama of Napoleon taken The ! in Austria. It tells of a soldier's dis- and the Good change: 1. "Industries of the SouMi West." Selig. An educational view of accomplishment. We shown among other subjects. Prune Industry, the Famous Roose- J obedience, his repentance velt Dam, Luther Burbank, the wiz- price he paid. ard of flower and plant life. The J "Mutt and Jeff in Society." Watsonville Apple Fair, the Largest Locomotive in the World, the Santa Rosa Flower Festival and the Los Angeles Vaquero Club, In one of their thrilling exhibitions of horse manship. 2. "Her Little Slipper. American Pathe. A good war story. It deals with the freeing of the slaves. 3. "Losing to Win." Kalem. An Interrupted race around the world. This production was made on the steamship Baltic while crossing the ocean. 4. "Jlmmle Tricks the Landlady." Gaumont. Jlmmie, pretending to bo a palmist, shames tho landlady so that she does not force collection of tho rent. 5. "The Chal'.enga." Gaumont. A clever story of a formidable lady fencer. Tues- Nes tor. Here they are again. You an know them and what they do In this one is comedy every second. "Their afternoon Off." Nestor. A comedy of pretense. He was a coach man, she was a cook, they pretend ed to be millionaires. Both chanced to meet later and the masks were off. Tlio Pastime. The home of good pictures, day's change of program. "The Revenue Man and the Girl," Biograph. A very tense and dramat ic Htorv showing some of the Bio- graph players at their best. The story li like a mountain torrent, now lashed Into white foam, now deeply emotion al like a pine-shadowed pool. The heroine pictures her love for the rev enue man and her sense that her father's death shjould ibe revenged. Love wins. "Pull for the Shore, Sailor," Edison. From "The Madonna of the Tubs," by Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. A sweet, pa thetic tale that is sure to reach the heart. "A Day With a Circus," Selig. An exceedingly Interesting subject. "The Plumber," Selig. A rapidly moving, humorous comedy of human nature. "The Mountain Law," Essany. A western drama, each scene being shown in a novel and most artistic way. Musical program for Tuesday: No. 1. O Zronu Polka Two-Step A. I Marsh. No. 2. Vesnlcko Ma (My Country Home) Waltzes J. R. Rlobner. No. 3. Pode Mlejnem (At the Mill) March Two-Step F. R. Kmoch At the Grand. The Austin company played to three packed houses again Sunday which shows that the people are tak ing to the dramatic bills that the company Is now producing. Bates & Bates closed their engagement with the Austin company laBt night and two new people with good singing voices will join the company today thus strengthening It in every way. Tonight the Austins will present one of tho greatest western melodramas ever produced on a western state. It was but recently written by Mr. Aus tin nnd has never been presented be fore on any stage. "The Sign of a Cross" tells the story of a pretty girl from the east who conies west with her father looking for her brother who leaves home when but a lad. The father Is taken sick and has to bor row money from a Mexican who later trios to compel the little girl to mar ry him and in the event of her refusal he tries to kill her but her brother appears on the scene in the nick of time. This is clearly the best west ern sketch ever written. The Austin company will also present the laugh able lodge act "Joining the Moose." Besides these two big acts the Pen dleton Round-Up pictures will also be shown for the benefit of the new ly organized relief Miclety under the auspices of the Pendleton Commer cial club. Nothing extra will be charged for this combined show. You see It all for twenty-five centa. Cosy. Military drama and four comedies for Monday and Tuesday: "Cowgirls' Tranks." Bison. A comedy of the range, In which bunch of girls steal the cowboys' clothes, and leave theirs for the punchers. The boys are obliged to wear the girls' outfits. What hap pened to the girls and boys In town Idaho. Peterson met his fiance at Copen- Industrial journalis mat the Kansas hagen two years ago. He is a pros- State agricultural college at Manhat- perous business man and rancher of tan, in a talk to the pupils of Central Rigby. On his return to the United high school here. States he made arrangements for Miss "Efficiency is what the world de- Neilson to come to America. She was mands today," he said, "and the girl not allowed to land, as the immigra- must be as efficient as the young tion officers believed she was to join a polygamlst. She could not explain her coming satisfactorily and was deported. Mr. Peterson took the matter up "It is a significant fact that of 680 young women taking a domestic sci ence course at Manhattan 210 are en gaged to be married. The prospec- and tried to get Miss Nielson in the tlve husband has the foresight to see United Statesc by way of Halifax. N. I the advantage of having his bride do S. She was stopped, but after long all her practicing In the school in delay and further investigation, she stead of upon him." was . admitted and has gone to Rigby to marry Peterson. WANTED HANDLES FOR, DRUM Eastern Finn Hears From I rate Cus tomer on Pacific Coast. Camden, N. J. Among the numer ous letters received at a drum works was the following: "I got the Drum which I buy from you alrite, but why for gods sake you doan send me no handels? Wats the use of the Drum when she doan have no handels? I loose to me my cutomah sure thing you doan treat me rite is my money not so good to you as the otha fella? I wate ten days, and my customah he holler like H for the Drum you know he is hot. You doan send me that handels pretty quick I sen her back and or der some drug from some Shermann companee. Good Bye your fren, An tonio S. Dutes." In a postscript the writer adds: "since i rite I find the handels in the box excuse me." Tho writer resides at San Leandro, Cal. DIVORCE IS IN CREASING. Harvard Professor Says It Is Sign of More Stable Order. Cambridge, Mass. Divorce in the United States is increasing at a rate three times fauter than the Increase In population, according to statistics gathered by Professor Francis G. Peabody of Harvard. Professor Pea body explains the situation thus: "The divorce evil is a sign, not of decadence, but of transition, the most of progress paid in the emergence of a more stable order. It is a sypmtom rather than a disease. The eymp tom is caused primarily by the social disease of restlessness, the excitation of the nerves of motion the condition which may be described as Ameriean-itis. "This disease in family life takes the form of rebellion, migratoriness and change." Lame back may come from over work, cold settled in the muscles of the back, or from disease. In the two former cases the right remedy is BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It should be rubbed in thoroughly over the affected part, the relief will be prompt and satisfactory. Price 25c, 50c and 1 1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. LOVE RESTS RED TAPE. Cupid Triumphs Over the ImmlRTa tiou Officials of Viuic Sam. Boise, Idaho. That true love never runs smoothly and Dan Cupid always has a way was proved in a deporta tlon hero Involving directly Miss Em ma N'elson of Copenhagen, Denmark, and indlfeetly her fiance, H. Peter son of Rigby, Idaho. The case put In operation the machinery of the Unit ed States Immigration department, Idaho's congressional delegates at Washington and Governor J. II, Hawley, with the result that Miss Ntclson was admitted to the United States and her marriage Is soon to be celebrated with her fiance at Rigby An Incident. "I see Burster has failed again. What's the matter with his business, anyway?" "His business is all right, but it is the way It's run; why, It couldn't be managed any worse if it was the government of the United States." Life. Pays to Advertise. Only costs 15c for shave at Patton's barber shop; 5 barbers employed; no long watts. Plenty hot water, clean towels and the shop that does not so licit the trade of Chinamen, Indians or Japs. Give us a trial. 210 STUDENTS ENGAGED. Kansas City Women Learning Prac tlcal Things Get Husbands. Kansls City. The high school girl who disports herself In a bathrobe overcoat, pearl button shoes and rowdy hat and the youth who devotes his attention to cuffed trousers nnd flamboyant hatbands received little praise from C. J. Dillon, professor of BILLET MAY CAUSE RABIES. Shot Parses Thnmah Ds's Head In to Man's Left l'txt. St Paul Charles Horner Is at the city hospital threatened with rabies ns the result of a gunshot wound through tho instep of his left foot The bullet which hit Horner had passed through the head of a dog marked for slaughter by the health department. The shot was fired by Andrew Hoffner. Horner and Hoff- ner. both employes or tne pity neann department, were killing the dogs held at the pound longer than three days' limit without being claimed. TERRIFIC SPEED ON ICE. United States 797,341. This is on the basis that the Charleston. Milwau kee and St. Louis are considered ar mored cruisers. Germany ranks third, with an ag gregate tonnage of 787,638; France fourth, with a tonnage of 626,726; Japan fifth, with a tonnage of 421, 845. According to armament, the Unit ed States ranks second and Germany third. Great Britain holds first place, havinb nor or under way a to tal of 4 84 twelve and thirteen inch guns; Germany .has 272 eleven and twelve inch guns', and the United States 220 twelve, thirteen and four teen Inch guns. HAWK HAD RATTLESNAKE. Dig Reptile With Twelve "Rattles" Is Dropped by Btvd. Santa Rosa. William Rogers of Cazadero noticed a big hawk flying over his ranch carrying a peculiar looking object in its mouth. Pres ently the big bird dropped Its bur den and upon investigation Rogers ascertained that It was an Immense rattlesnake with twelve rattles. It Is supposed that the reptile bit the bird, causing It to let go. Rogers killed the snake. Socialism is a great bugbear to poli ticians who won't or can't progress. PJT.ES CURED in o TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any -nse of Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. Motor Iceboat With Aeroplane Pro peller Makes 1-10 Miles an Hour. Rochester, N. Y. A motor iceboat built along the general lines of an Iceboat, but fitted with an aeroplane engine and propeller,, has atained a speed of nearly 140 miles an hour In tests on Irondequoit Bay in the last few days. The boat Is the invention of Lyman J. Seely. a manufacturer of aeroplane engines. NAVAL POWER OF WORLD Year Rook for 1011 Shows Total Ton nnge of 1.80,."0 for Great Britain nnd "7.8li for United States. Washington, D. C. Tho United States now ranks as tho second naval power of the world, being second only to Great Britain. Tho naval year book for 1911 will show that the total tonnage of Great Britain Is 1,809,650, and that of tho PENDLETON'S POPU LAR PICTURE SHOW THE COSY Where tho entire family can en Joy a high-class motion pieturo Bhow with comfort. Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon nnd Evening. Changes Sunday, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Next Door to St. George Hotel. Admission 5c and 10c.