w.,., .., . ...., mm-. .,,.. ,-. . .m. , - r-'-i-. i . i. mi . ,, i I, inn -- PAGE EIGHT. DAILY HAST OREGOXIAN, PENDLETOX, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY it, itii. EIGHT PAGES. That During 1912 You will buy jour Groceries at this store Phone orders carefully attended. Stock crisp and fresh every day. Our prices will please you. WE WANT 1912 TO BE OUR. BANNER YEAR We'll make it worth while for you if you'll trade here. Standard Grocery CoM Inc. PHONE MAIX 98. FK AX K O'GARA, Pre WHERE ALL ARE PLEASED. BERNARD O'GARA, Soa-Trees. Newsy Notes of Pendleton Maccabees to IntU. The Knights and Ladies of the Maccabees are planning for public installation of their officers in the new Moose hall on the evening of January 30. The program will start at 8 o'clock. C MILTON BASKETBALL TEA M MEETS DEFEAT FEXDLETON COMMERCIAL CLUB TROVE MASTERS OF VISITORS Locals Carry Game by Score of 41 to 2 Fruit Raisers Are Smothered at Every Tuni by Their More Speedy Opponents. Although they fought valiantly from first whistle to last, the Milton business men last night were unable to make any great showing against the local Commercial club basketball team and the game ended with the visitors having 2 to the home team's 41 . At no minute of the contest was the result in doubt to the spectators in the gallery, the only question be ing how great a score the local play ers would roll up. The gar.ie started off with a ruh and for a few minutes went without any scoring but soon the Pendleton forwards began dropping the ball in to the basket with great regularity, while the Milton forwards were un able to emerge from under cover long enough to sight the goal. The first half ended with the score, Pen dleton 19, Milton 2. In the second half, Graham, who had been playing guard for the lo cals, was put in at forward. Hartman retiring and Strand taking Graham's place. The new combination worked Just as well an the old and before the final whistle blew, the local team had annexed 22 more po;nts while the eastenders had drawn a blank. S For the local team point winning honors were about evenly divided be tween the center and. the three men rlaying forwards, larrell, Drake and Graham each secu.-ed five baske's from the field, while Hartman, be sides securing the same number, threw a basket from the foul line. For Milton Calder threw the only basket. Despite the one-sidedness of the score, the game was Interesting and exciting and there were moments real amusing. The teams lined up at follows: "Pendleton, Farrell, center; Hartman, TDrake and Graham, forwards; Chess man, Graham and Strand, guards Milton, Ph'pps. center; Calder and Shields, forwards; Morgan and Mc Ewen, guards. Jack Keefe served in the capacity of referee during the game and his decisions were satisfactory to both teams. Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to its superior excellence. Sold' by all dealers. Pays to Advertise. Only costs 15c for shave at Patton's barber shop; 5 barbers employed; no long waits. Plenty hot water, clean towels and the shop that does not so licit the trade of Chinamen, Indians or Japs. Give as & trial. Funeral of Mrs. Loekwood. The funerul of Mrs. Myrtle Lock- wood, who died at St. Anthony's hos pital Thursday night, was held from the Folsom undertaking parlors this morning at 11 o'clock. Do you know that fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism and require no Internal treatment whatever? Apply Cham berlain's Liniment freely and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by all dealers. Social Tomorrow Night. The Sanctuary Chapter of the Church of the Redeemer will bold a social at the home of Mrs. J. F. Rob inson, 124 Jackson street, tomorrow (Friday) night, commencing at 8 o'clock. Everybody is cordially in vited to attend. ADDITIONAL SOCIETY. Mrs. Wesley Matlock is hostess this afternoon at a bridge party given at her home, 809 West Court street. The invitation list was as follows: Mrs. H. M. Collins, Mrs. George Hartman, Jr., Mrs. R. N. Stanfield, Mrs. Roy Alexander, Mrs. Willard Bond; Mrs. L. G. Frazier, Mrs. C. L. Bonney, Mrs. Nesmith Ankeny, Mrs. G. W. Phelps, Mrs. Laura Nash, Mrs E. B. Aldrich, Mrs. G. I. La Dow, Mrs. John Adams, Mrs. C. E. Nelson, Mrs. Frank Hayes. Mrs. Richard Mayber ry, Mrs. W. C. S. Pruitt, Mrs. W. H. Tytle, Mrs. Fred Earl, Mark Moor house, Mrs Bertholet, Miss Adna Raley and Miss Viva Warren. Don't forget that other people also have troubles. They Will Lay or ust ! if your hens are fed on the rijjlit kind of food. Get it at MATTHEWS and he will tell you absolutely free, just what to use and how to fret eggs THE YE All TtOUND. You can talk about your fable of "The Goose that layed the prolden ejr," but s.he is not in it with the barnyard hen that lays the ro;rular kind when eOT? are as high a3 at present. Dry Mash and Scratch Feed does the work. Xo side-stepping nor exercise the hen acta &n a machine and the food makes -the eggs they have to lay or bust, and there have been very few cases on record of a hen busting. Don't Delay Get Started Now when eggs are high and muko your poultry pay. There are no other foods "just as good" wo have had this proven to us by years of experience. Call and see us find let us help you get more eggs that'3 our business and our advice is free. CALL FOR Free Book on Diseases ol Poultry Two carloads of poultry food just received and we are sell ing it at prices that will make it move. Your hens need it Treat them right and they will pay you back in eggs. CO A. T. E3ATTHEQ The Chicken Doctor. 127 East Alta Street Opposite City Hall. A Splendid Sermon. The largest audience that has yet assembled to greet Dr. W. H. Selleck of North Yakima at the Methodist Episcopal church, listened to an elo quent and impassioned discourse last night, upon "Sowing and Reaping.' Mrs. Landers sang a beautiful solo which was much appreciated. Song Service tonight begins at 7:30 p. m. and preaching at 8. Game Men Meet Again Tonight. The members of the Umatilla Coun ty Fish & Game association will meet in formal session tonight and rumors have it that another stirring discus sion will take place. The meeting on Tuesday night was an informal one and the same matters discussed at that time will be brought up again to night for definite action. Pasco Again Defeats Pendleton. The Pasco bowlers again defeated the local team last evening on their home alleys but the score indicates a close contest. The Pasco men made a total of 2456 pins to Pendleton's 2445. For the local men Virgil Bott scored high with 529 with William Hanscom second. Schults of Paso was high score maker, his total being 640 and the only other man of the Pasco team to score over 500 was Lankhard with a total of 501. fense of the Tvletmoe, Johartnsen and Clancy cases, or whether he Is mere ly arranging a final settlement In the McXamara ccses is unknown. Labor Lrader Indicted. Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 27. That indictments will be returned Wednes day against several prominent labor leaders, when the probe into the al leged country-wide dynamiting plots will likely end, was stated today by District AUorney Miller. He said the grand Jury has practically com pleted its labors. Will Start Garbage Wagon. Pendleton will have a garbage wa gon such as large cities have after the first of the month, A. L. Hutchi son having made arrangements to give local people such an accommoda tion. Because the removal of gar bage dally is a step toward cleanli ness and sanitation and will make for a city beautiful. Dr. I. U. Temple, the health officer, has endorsed Mr. Hutchison's proposition. Was Comrade of Dead Chief. Will Moore, local representitlve of the Pacific coast elevator company, is an old time friend of Robert Wolf, as sistant fire chief at Walla Walla who was killed in yesterday's fire. Back in '86 and '87 Messrs Moore and Wolf were both members of the Walla Wal la volunteer fire department and were members of a hose racing team. They were the two "tongue men" on the team. Because of his acquaintance with the dead man Mr. Moore was ex ceedingly sorry to hear of. Wolfs death. Wolf was a member of the Walla Walla paid department for many years. POULTRY EXHIBIT CLOSES TONIGHT (Continued from Page One.) Earl Williams of Milton was se lected to act as superintendent of the show again because of the satisfac tion he has given in that capacity this year. Miller Purvis was also re- se lected to act as judge next year, his work at the show just closing having been of a high order. The show next year will" be held during the third? week in January Just following the Walla Walla exhi bition. An important ruling was made at the meeting to the effect that all entries must be in by the Satur day before the show opens in order to avoid confusion resulting from entries after the show has opened. More Cups Won. F. M. Barrows of Walla Walla, suc ceeded in capturing the cup offered for the best pen of MInorcas entered, his entries being of the white species. George Speight of Hubbard won the Minorca club cup 'with N. A. Hum phrey of this city a close second. J. E. Duke carried off first honors for the best pen ot bantams but he won out over W. F. "Carglll of Clarks ton, Wasi., only by 3-10 of a point. Laurent's ..GRILL.. Martin Building, , East Webb Street. French Chef and all white help. Best Coffee In Pendleton. Fine steaks and Hot Cakes like mother used to make. Short Orders at Moderate Prices Fresh Crabs, Crawfish, Lobsters, Oysters and Clams. We solicit tlie patronage of alL French Sun. Dinner 40c MENU Relishes. Queen Olives, French Sardines. Soup. Chicken Broth Okra, Consomme in cups. Fish. Filet of Striped Bass Point Shirley. Entree. Welner Schnitzel Kelserof. Apple Fritters, Brandy Sauce. Roast. ' Young Veal With Dressing. Stuffed Spring Chicken, Cran berry Sauce. I Vegetables. Corn on the Cob. Mashed Potatoes. Dessert. Hot Mince Pie, Cream Puff. 121 Dalo Rothwell Opfometrisf Eyes examined by the latest and best methods. Glasses fitted, lenses duplicated and frames repaired. With Wm. Hanscom THE Jeweler, Pendleton 1H RIGHT TICKET- UMATILLA MISSIONARY AT- TENDS CALIFORNIA MEETING Reverend J. M. Cornelison, accom- pan'ed by h's son, Vernon Purdy, left this morning on the local en route to San Francisco. Mr. Cornelison is going to attend and take part in a two days conference of Home Mis sion chairmen of the Pacific coast states, he being the chairman of the home mission committee of the Pres bytery of Pendleton, covering the cen tral, east Oregon country. There will be about f:fty chairmen present from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico. Al so the field secretary. Dr. W. S. Holt and one of the board secretaries from the New York headquarters. The conference is looking toward a larger and more efficient home mis sion work In all states west of the Mississippi. A similar conference closed this week in Kansas City for the Rocky mountain states. Before returning Mr. Cornelison hopes to visit the San Francisco Theological Semlnaryat San Anselmo Cal., where he finished his theologi cal studies before coming to his present charge and incidentally to renew many oU3 acquaintances In and around the bay cities. They will be gone about ten days. Rev. Cornelison will spend Sunday In Portland with Rev. R. J. Dlven, formerly a pastor of the local Pres byterian church. C2 . f and invariably the winning one, for it wins the confidence of all, is our receipt for your goods when we take charge of them. They look different oli, so different: when they go back to you. The swellest dressers in town send their wardrobes here to be cleaned and pressed, whenever any garments needs an overhauling. Very reasonable prices charged. Pendleton Dye Works Phone Main 169. 206 Vi E. Alta. REAL MEXICAN HOT TAMALES OndorvOT, Sliirts, Shoes, Slothing, dots, Furnishing all continue to go down in price at the Ekwkoir Store 8 VVhoroAnticipa tion and Real ization Moot Our Moat! It's an event to look forward to, when the busy man knows that one of our choice steaks awaits him for a contented sup per. Phone Main 33. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET jiormwrr . PwL-MnniiHi'i ii iimif A SNAP FOR $2500.00 7 room modern house, stone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath, toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. '' Call at once as bargains of this character can't last. Must sea It to appreciate it. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street OtWer Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. Known For Its Strength First National Janli PENDLETON, OREGON ESTABLISHED 1382 OLDEST AND LARGEST NATIONAL BANK IN THE STATE OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND RESOURCES $2,500,000.00 Boon DMoDip&itainis on Still Prevail in all Departments Especially LOW PRICES on all WIN TER UNDERWEAR Come in and see WONDER STORE I) arrow Meet Labor Chiefs. San Francisco, Jan. 27. Clarence Darrow Is In San Francisco and will hold a conference with officers of the State Building Trades council, before returning to Los Angeles. Whether Darrow has decided to Join In the de- Hot Clam Bouillon 10c Hot Malted Clams 10c Hot Beef Tea 10c Hot Tomato Flip - . . . 10c Hot Beef Broth 10c Hot Chocolate 10c Try our Hot Drinks they are Invigorating and will cheer you ux during cold weather. . W. J. Connor & Co. Successor to Harry O'Dell Cigars, Candles and Pool Room. 649 Mali Street Prone M. 4. CLARK'S GROCERY VIRGIN RICE Unpolished Free from Glucose tale or Chem- jcals In the natural state. . Just as it is used in Japan and China, One trial and you will use no other, CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 612 Main Street