PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAX, PENDLETON. OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1012. EIGHT PAGES. HURO WHITES TO SECRETARY FISHER SAYS 1NK1UNGEMKXT WAS AX ACCIDENT In nrtuilf of J. X. Kuris, Secretary of Association Makes Delated Ex jtlaiintion lVllowing ltslier's Ijetter to IlrgS. The following letter addressed to the secretary of the interior has been submitted the East Oregonian by G. L. Hurd, secretary of the organiza tion that has been fighting the west extension: Stanfield. Ore., Jan. 25, 1912. Mr. Walter L. Fisher, Secretary of the Interior, Wash ington, b. C. Dear Sir: Replying to that part of your letter addressed to Mr. J. X. Burgess, pres ident Umatilla County Water Users' Association, under date January 12, 1912, relating to tie name of this as sociation , and the varying ways in which Senator Burgess has signed as president. In November. 1911, two meetings of water users of Umatilla county along the Umatilla river and Its trib- JUST TRY A TEN CENT BOX OF CRSCARETS Insures You for Months Against a Headache, Biliousness, Constipa tion or a Dad Stomach. Put aside just once the salts, ..Cathartic Pills, castor oils or pur gative waters which merely force a passageway through the bowels, but do not thoroughly cleanse, freshen and purify these drainage or aliment ary organs, and have no effect what ever upon the liver and stomach. Keep your inside organs pure and fresh with Cascarets, which .thor oughly cleanse the stomach, remove the undigested, sour and fermenting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the decomposed waste matter and poisons in the intestines and bowels. A Cascaret tonight will make you feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken and cost only 10 cents a box from your druggist. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never have headache, bil iousness, coated tongue. Indigestion, sour stomach or constipated bowels. Cascarets belong in every household. Children just love to take them. utaries were held at Pilot Rock. Ore gon, and at the aocond meeting a temporary organiiatlon was formed and called the Umatilla River Water Users' Association. Mr. A. O. Hemp hill acted as sscretary of this meet ing and Mr. Bargosg was the chosen president. Resolutions were adopted by this meeting which your letter states were received by you with Mr. Burgess' letter of December 6, 1911. Neither Mr. Burgess nor any other member knew or remembered at the time Umatilla River Water Users' Association was adopted by the meeting at Pilot. Rock as the title of the organization that the water users along that portion of the Umatilla river near the Project had appro priated that name. Later I learned from the editor of the East Oregonian at Pendleton that the name was so taken and having been elected assist ant secretary, in order to avoid as much as possible any misunderstand ing as to identity, I omitted from all correspondence the word "river" and used the phrase Umatilla Water Users' Association pending permanent organization. When permanent organization was completed, Mr. J. K Burgess was elected president; myself, secretary! Mr. George W. Done of Pilot Rock, assistant secretary; Mr: O. D. Teel, Echo, vice president, and Mr. Julius Guderian, Pendleton, vice president. At the same time the name Umatilla County Water Users' Association was chosen as the title of the organiza tion. It is an appropriate title and it Is within the province and right of the association to use that title as their associate name. There is not and there never has been at any time any disposition or Inclination on the part of the mem bers or either of tta officers to mis represent or confuse our Identity. We want our Identity known to all and especially to the department of the interior. I trust will now under stand the circumstances. What you refer to as three associa tions is in fact only one and the same body. The different signatures as secretary being caused by elec tions In the process of the association becoming a permanent, effective or ganization. The communication, date Novem ber 27, 1911, signed by myself as as sistant secretary, transmitting reso lutions of a meeting of farmers re siding south and west of the town of Stanfield, Echo and Hermiston, had no connection whatever with the Umatilla County Water Users' Asso ciation. The Umatilla County Water Users' Association is an association of water users along the Umatilla river and its tributaries who foresee in the prop osition to build the West Umatilla project with only the Umatilla river as the source of water supply, grave disastrous results possible and prob able. We want the wa'er supply for this West Umatilla project provided by the waste seepage waters from the present Umatilla project supplement ed by water from the John Day river. We do not want the waters of the Umatilla river appropriated for lands near the mouth of the stream, thus obviating any seepage back into the river, to any greater amount than the minimum annual discharge of the river. We seek to avoid future short age of water supply such as has con fronted the Hondo project in New Mexico, built by the U. S. R. S., in which, according to the report of the board of army engineers, there has never been sufficient or any water for storage since the completion of the reservoir in August, 1906, al though the United States has spent, in construction of the project, through the U. S. R. S., some 359, 000. Respectfully submitted, G. L. HURD, Secretary. RELIABLE DEFENDERS OF OUR COUNTRY, THE SOLDIER STANFIEED LADIES PROPOSE CIVIC CLUB MOVEMENT STARTED BY WOMAN'S STUDY SOCIETY Committee Appointed to Carry on An Iiivc.-tigntiuii and Ascertain If Town Is In Need of Such an Association. Guaranteed nmler the Food and Drug, act of June aoth. MJi. berltl Ka. HO. far H. E, Buckluu Co. ' mm ALCOHOL tPtRCTtrr. IKOflus rcftirtTD cHLOiorOJm PtR FLUID OOWcr rarely r-i9t rr iarrp. KOtRHTORS CHICACO.ILL. f QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS NEW DISCOVERYi JUST AS QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS OF COUGHS and COLDS And all Diseases off THROAT AND LUNGS QUICKEST AND SUREST WHOOPING COUGH AND BRONCHIAL REMEDY?" Stanfield, Jan. 27. The Stanfield Women's Study club held their meet ing Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. W. Connor In the Webster building, the program consisting of two papers, one by Miss Jennie Al- bon on the subject of the "Panama , Canal," the other having been pre- " " pared by Mrs. Appleby, and read by shortly to make their homes here. Mrs. Norton because of the absence G- Hurd, president of the dls- of Mrs. AppUby who is visiting in trIct falr bard, was in Pendleton North Yakima. The subject of the Wednesday to attend a meeting of the paper was "Henry Clay and Daniel board. Webster. Ira- J- E- Keeves went to Echo W ednesday to attend the county con vention of the order of Rebekahs. E. P. Marshall, vice president of the Inland Irrigation company, re turned to Pendleton Wednesday. Perl Nolton has gone to La Grande where he has accepted a position as telegraph operator. Mrs. O. A. Anderson and son Lester were Pendleton visitors Monday. Father Butler and Sheehan of the Couchan Order, were here Thursday in connection with the erection of the new Catholic church. Dr. Henry Waldo Coe returned Thursday evening from a business trip to Portland and has taken apart ments at the Bell building. Price 50c and $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY B KOEPPEN'S , r 4mm Following the program the matter of organizing a Civic league by the women of Stanfield was discussed and a committee of three consisting of Mrs. Frank Sloan, Mrs. G. L. Hurd, and Mrs. E. N. Wheeler were ap pointed and requested to investigate the need of such an organization in this city and to report the result of their investigation and any recom mendations they may have to offer at the ner.t regular meeting two weeks hence. E. L. Sherwood of Spokane, left here Thursday for middle western and eastern cities for the purpose of selling Furnish project lands. It " ' , ' , y V, ' Harold Smith, a former Stanfield 7x1 m t 7 . .I resident, but now engaged In the an Pie who will come out at an early - - - - Henry Beckstrom and D. Nord strom, Jr., both of Minnesota, return ed home yesterday, via California af ter having spent several days look ing over this section of the country. They are very well pleased with what they sa where and plan to return Is visiting old friends here. W. J. Furnish, president of the Inland Irrigation Co., returned to Pendleton Thursday evening. Frank Sloan was a Hermiston vis itor yesterday. Geo. C. Howard of Portland, for merly a Stanfletd resident, spent a few days meeting old Stanfield friends this week and looking after his or chard tract south of town. Mrs. J. L. Parker was a Pendleton visitor yesterday where she visited the poultry show. Prof. F. D. Carruth, prlncipa of the Stanfield schools, Is spending the week-end in Pendleton. Foley's Ilonoy and Tar Compound "Cures in Every Case." Mr. Jas. McCaffery, Mgr. of the Schlltz Hotel, Omaha, Neb., recom mends Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound, because it cures In every case. "I have used It myself and I have recommended it to many others who have since told me of its great curative power In diseases of fhe throat and lungs." Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is a reliable fam ily medicine. Give it to your chil dren, and take it yourself when you feel a cold coming on. It checks and cures coughs, colds and croup and prevents bronchitis and pneumo mia. Refuse substitutes. Sold by all dealers. . Lame back may come from over work, cold settled in the muscles of the back, or from disease. In the two former cases the right remedy Is BALLARD'S SXOW LINIMENT. It should be rubbed In thoroughly over the affected part, the relief will be prompt and satisfactory. Price 26c, 50c and 1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. ' COURSE FOIt FRCTT IXSPEOTOUS C. Farmers' for Orchard Sjx-clnl Work at O. A. Week, February 5-9 and Nurserymen. Oregon Agricultural College, Cor vallls. Ore. Fruit Inspectors will be given a special course during far mers' week, February 5-9, at the Oregon agricultural college. Under the direction of Prof. H. S. Jackson and Prof. H. F. Wilson, various phases of nursery and orchard in spection will be taught. Lectures will be given on the more important Insect pests and plant diseases. La boratory work can also be done in both departments, so that the fruit lni pectors may become thoroughly familiar with all forms of diseases and pests with which they are llkoly to come In contact. When buying a cougn medicine for children bear in mind that Chamber tain's Cough Remedy Is more effec tual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that it contains no harm- I ful drug. For sale by ail dealers. it Ring' Me Up, Little Girl-" (Dedicated to TERESA M. HOFFMAN.) Sung by JOHN PARK, of Richard Carle's great success "Mary's Lamb. P1 Words by A. R. BALLING ER. Music by STANLEY JADW1N. i J J J, J w-t m jin gle the bell and love's sto - ry I'll tell. To yoa o - ver the tel - e - phone Ring me I'll nev-er tire if yoo keep the wire On - fire the whole day through..:.... Ring me - I - 1 ! ! l-r -i r r-rl i m 4- X- ,rn T- rii , ' r-i 1 1 1- " i P ' i m i Xr i i i Hi f f i 1 -f- ns i "T- -p- - ( (sjF a1 ?- 3Fzzz , - -I ; i -i zif 1 v-m ' -i l r I l r Moderalo. 3 ! i-, M-r- ' , , ,, . i ' i I i I , 1. It hurts me to leave you hut don't let that grieve yon, For part-ings are noth-injr to-day,.... The 2. Don't let Cen-tral jol - ly or cut you off, Mol-ly, The line won't be bus- to you, Til cnonvs. . i am 4- 4- 4- -M 0- S2Z up, lit - tie girl, ring me up, S U-r-1 1 w ' I k JT Just as soon as you get in to town, For you'll -I 1 L 53 Hi 1 1, I U I h- . ; , S3 rdrrri r I i rr0zl zr- ney-cr re - gret it, be fore you for - get it Why just put f re right number dowm Ev-'ry 1... "i -I l-'l I-, 1 m n-1---' l--J-J- fex -f-r-j-J : : : : -i-q B-fr-H-3u-qA jjj4fe&l P-l j . -r mail brings a let-ter bnt there's a way bet - ter With on - ly a nick -el t pay., welcome your voice, dear, 'twill make me re-joice, dear, No mat -ter what I have to- do,. When You 1 1 kJ 1 M , , 1 , I , J . . -II I fyf fff -r ),.u i 1 J-4--gi--S: J J I J-f-r- V'W i n ' i rr Mil I -H I 4-J U wait-ing with heart pal-pi-tat-ing, For you to ring up Mol-ly dear Ring me dear. time the bell rings, lit-tle girl, 'Tis your voice I'll be wait- ing to hear,.. J i i-r-4- - hr H p h- I ' For I shall be ev - er yon're lone - ly and long for me on .-ly, Just get in a booth all a lone And then can't in - ter fere with my bus - 1 - ness mydear.My busi-ness is just lov-ing you, And mz- - .J r-rrj Jzztzzrz rffc lztzz. re rr-t-jr-r I 1 I -l 1 , 1 JF Copyright, mcmviii, by MURRAY MUSIC CO . Nw York. Ring Me Up, Little GirL P 3d p. No. 62 THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF POPULAR SONG HITS APPEARING IN EACH ISSUE OF THE SATURDAY EAST OREGONIAN, EASTERN OREGON'S GREATEST PAPER. AN- . JA XAMUva JHUOiUAXi duiaju30 wiJuJU J&rirjueui ssjxl wjj.jka.-vf a a jsx iuk 11.