EIGHT PAGES. DAILY BAST ORKGONIAN, PENBLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1912. PAGE FIVE. Extra Special Showing P Pillow Tops, Doilies, Table Run ners, Pillow Cords, Fringe, In sertions and BRA1NARD & ARM STRONG Guaranteed WahableSilks See Window F. E. Livongood & Go. "The Ladies' and Children's SLore" LOCALS Burroughs. Main 6. Fuel. Main 178 for coal and wood. The Melroso System. I. C. Snyder.chlmney sweep. R 8812. For alfalfa hay call N. Joerger. You should have the Melrose Sys tem. August Noreen, ladles tailoring a specialty. 217 E. Court street. Why not carry a policy In the Maccabees. Maccabees paid out last year over 83,250,000 in benefits. Knights of the Maccabees of the World. Phone Koplttke & GUlanders, for dry wood and Rock Spring coal. Everybody goes to tne orpheum to ee the best and the clearest pictures. For Sale Cheap Household furni ture; good condition. Apply 615 West Court All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Koplttke & GUlanders. For Rent Six room house, modern. Hot and cold water, bath, toilet, woodshed, etc. Enquire Dr. C. J. j Whlttaker. Snap, 9 room house on North Side, less than one-half price. Must be sold at once. See about it today. Teutsch & Bickers. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13. Also dry wood for sale. 9-room house on North Side, worth 83000 must be sold at once. Come and make us an offer. Teutsch & Bickers. If you want to move, call Penland Bros. Transfer, phone M 339. Large dray moves you quick. Trash hauled once a week. 647 Main street. For transfer work, hauling bag gage, moving household goods and pianos, and all kinds of Job work, phone Main 461. B. A. Morton. Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. BurrouKhs, phone Main 6. Lump coal delivered for 88 per ton 2000 pounds. Phono Black 3622, or lsave orders Oregon Feed Yard. Loet Saturday on the north side of the river a ladies' small gold rope necklace with rectangular Jade pend ant. Finder please return to "A" this office. Reward. Lost Scotch Collie, white and tan. Seven months old. Return to 402 Tustln street and receive reward. For Bent Furnished modern house, 4 rooms, with bath and gas. Thone Red 2832. For Sale Household goods, chick ens and wood. Mrs. Elizabeth Beck, 108 Beauregard, Pendleton. If you find difficult to provide for rnmllv nnw. how will they get along if you should die tomorrow. A policy in the Maccaoees w.u them. Maccabees la not an experiment with us. We are twenty-six years old hnnd over 810.000,000. niiu i w - For further information seo Geo. a. Pell, office with J. M. Hays, Room 14, Schmidt Building. Lost Gold cross pin in Moose hall, Finder return to this office and re celve reward. Livery Stable lor Sale Owing to press of other business, I am forced to sell the Pioneer Livery and Sale Stable at Hermlston. W. W. Steiwer, Jr., Hermlston, Ore. EQUITABLE SAV INGS & LOAN PAYS LARGE DIVIDENDS Pendleton People Make Good Returns DONALDSON RELIABLE DRUGGIST OUR rOLICY WE PAY CASH, WE SELL FOR CASn. We both make money. We give you advantage of our cash discount, also bargains in GOOD GOODS bought for icash. ! WATCn OUR WINDOW. Special sale each week . High Grade Rubber Goods this week, all guaranteed for two years. We pay lOo for each delivery. Send your boy, any purchase of B0o or over we will give him the 10c. J. It. Curry, traveling auditor for the Equitable Savings & Loan Asso Nation, is a guest at the Pendleton Mr. Curry has been paying off ma turitles in Pendleton and says the Equitable has paid off something llko thirty-five" thousand dollars in maturities In the present month. Sev erai thounand dollars have been paid to Pendleton reople and the interest realized has been between eleht and nine per cent. "A few days ago," said the travel 'ng auditor, "I paid a girl 82D00 who earned the money at the rate of fifty cents a day, paying the installments monthly. Many people who pay small Installments Into the Equitable will not go to a bank and leave the money like thoy do with us, because It much easier to get at. Many peopl pay up all at once and for every 86 thoy pny In cash, we return to them 8100 in nbout six years. 86500 left with the Equitable for six years will amount to 810.000 and If left for twelve years will amount to nearly 816.000. Few money lenders outsld of bankers can make such a high rate of Interest, because they cannot compound theii interest fast enough, "How do we make such a high rate of interest?" ' "Wo lend our money on the month ly payment plan," said Mr. . Curry, and while we charge but a reason able rate of Interest It Is payable monthly nnd here lie the secret of the high rate of earnings.. We lend only In the best towns of the north west' and for every dollar loaned we hold a mortgage on two dollars worth of real estate. "Wo consider Pendleton one of the best towns In the northwest nnd have made many long time loans through our local representative, Mark Moor- house. "The latest ptntement of the Equit able shows assets of 82,700,000 and more than three million dollars have been returned to depositors since or ganization. Charles E. Ladd of the Firm of Ladd & Tllton, is president of the Equitable." PERSONAL MENTION A. H. Peterson returned to his home at Helix this afternoon. Will Swltzler, well known Umatilla stockman, is In the city today. H. C. Means returned to his home at Umatilla 4ast evening. Miss Ghormly, Helix teacher, is spending the day In the city. Homer I. Watts, Athena attorney, came in this morning on the local. John Adams was an incoming pas senger on the local this morning. William Futter, the Ukiah stock man, Is down from nis rancn ioaay. J. Ringo returned to Vansycle on the afternoon Northern Pacific train. James Hill, well known Helix rancher, came In on the N. P. this morning. Jack Prendergarft of Helix came In this morning on tne Northern Fa ciflc local. Miss Jessie Williams and neice Miss Ruth Williams are visiting in Pendle ton today. Charles A. Barrett, Joint senator, came down from his home at Athena this morning. William Woods, well known njsldent of Athena, has been here today upon business trip. W. R. Taylor, brother of Sheriff T. D. Taylor, has been here today from his home at Athena. Mrs. John Tlmmerman came in from her home at Helix on the N. P. local this morning. Jacob Bott of Helix was among the residents of that town who came in this morning on the N. P. Mr., and Mrs. Mac Smith returned to their ranch at Ring this afternoon after spending a 'lay in the city. Rev. Sprattler, German Lutheran minister, came in from Helix on the Northern Pacific train this morning, W. J. Morgan, J. C. Phipps, Jack Calder, Robert McEwen and J. C, Shields, comprising the Milton Com mercial Club basketball team, spent the night at the Bowman. Miss Edna Kennedy, who Is attend ing Jefferson high school at Port land, is home for a week to visit at the home of her father, J. B. Ken nedy. v Principal A. C. Hampton accom panted the high school basketball team to Walla Walla last evening and returned on the local this morn Ing. 4. "Norwich and Vicinity. Eng- and." Eclipse. Excellent views ta ken in and about this fine old city of England. The original walls of the city were built in 1294 but the narrow limits were long outgrown by 671. Today the bulk of the city has very modern appearance. 5. "The Troubles of A. Butler." Edison. Mr. Butlr wanted a wife. His butler wanted a situation. Each unknowingly got put into the other's position and in the same household. This comedy of errors in one of the funniest, not a dull momont in It. Le gitimate humor and a screaming finish. A dry, hacking cough is hard on the lungs, often causing them to bleed, BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP Ic a healing balm that quickly repairs damage in the lungs and air passages, Price 25c, 60c and 81.00 per bottle, Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Farmers Take Natice. Anyone wanting lumber, doors, frames, etc., at reasonable prices, will do well to fee Chas. Cole within the next two weeks,, at Pendleton high school grounds. For Rent 160 acres of good land, 80 acres tillable, good water, fuel house furnished, everything in good shape, 3 miles from good market, 8300 per year. For particulars, ad dress George Cooter, Pilot Rock, Ore DEFENCE IX IIAZZARD CASE PRESENTING ITS TESTIMONY W. O. V. Dance. In Engle-Woodman hall, next Mon day, January ISth. Music by United Orchestra. Admission 50 cents. La dles free. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain s Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of croup and prevent all ' danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of moth- cs use it successfully. Sold by all dealers. Port Orchard, Jan. 27. Five wit nesses were called by the defense to day in the murder trial of Mrs. Haz zard, charged with starving Claire Williamson to death. Dr. Walton president of the state board of health In 1910, testified that a certificate was Issued that year ti Mrs. Hazzard, to practice osteopnthy and fasting. It was issued on u court- order, com pelling them. She never submitted a diplomat or passed a medical ex aminatlon in Washington. Still Cold in MU1 Uowcst. Minneapolis, Jan. 27. Zero weath er still grlpps this section. Th mercury at some places is 32 below At Grand Forks, X. D., the maximum low temperature was reached. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Sun The Pastime. The home of good picture day's program: A Sheepman's Triumph." Kalem, A western picture based upon the feud which formerly existed between sheepmen and cattlemen. The scene s set for a struggle between cowmen and sheepmen and the picture is full of thrills. In the midst of this strug gle as shown in the picture a love story develops between the sheep man's son and the cowman's daugh ter. "John Brown's Heir." Edison. A commendable and most pleasing comedy. "Sins of the Father." Lubin. A potent story that teaches a strong moral lesson. Fascinatingly dramat ic, as the nemesis of a relentless fate closes about the young man. Unique in its ending. "Papa's Letter." , Essanay. A beautiful pathetic story, featuring a remarkable child actor. Musical program for Sunday; No. 1 111 Trovatore. Waltz. Verd No. 2 Toreador's Song from Car- Geo. Bize. 3 Faust Waltz. Gounod 4 Stephanie Gavotte. Czibul- men. No. No. ka. No. 5. Soldiers' Chorus. Gounod for Cosy. For. Saturday only. Great day features at this house of features "The Cowboy Pugilist," Nestor, Western picture, introducing a fast four round prize fight between the professional ring general and the cowboy. You will go wild with de light over this lively story it's a fight feature film. "The Water War." American Throwing a man into the water one hundred feet below after catching him trying to blow up the dam that's what they do In this thrilling west ern. "Judas." An Ambrosia master piece of the betrayal of Christ, ex quisitely tinted, magnificently stag ed and superbly acted. "Three Daughters of the West." An other stirring, gripping western that will keep you awake every second. "The Caves of La Jolla." A short scenic of unusual interest. Beneficial, GmtloanAEffGctiTO, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. In tfie Circle. onevenjPacftao of tno Genuine. DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU SYRUP OF FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA HAS GIVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS PAST, AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS LED UN SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS TO OFFER INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESSs THEREFORE, WHEN BUYING, NotetfieMNamoofthQ Gompanuv gjyp IWrT-V V I 1! .11 "71fc Willi Jiirflk -if m jitB.ii.ni ( 1 K " UJi. UTi mi m;, I jlTONtAW MX " fc I f lit cent, or alcoholVI I 1 J J I A KtDNEYS.UVU'-BOVllS. V )Ol M IS wSV. M (ft 'k& MINIATURE PICTURE OF PACKAGE. PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM, AND DM II THE CIRCLE, NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE. OF THE E GENUINE. REGULAR PRICE 50c PER BOTTLE; ONE SIZE ONLY, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. SYRUP OP FIGS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA IS THE MOST PLEASANT. WHOLE. SOME AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES. HEADACHES AND BILIOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTIPATION. AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS n IS NECESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, WHICH IS MANUFACTURED BY THE California Fig Syrup Co. ie sketch, "The Sign of a Cross." The latter being late'y written by Mr. Austin and has never been produced on any stage. "The S'gn of a Cross" is a western drama and tells a pret ty story of western life. Two shows will be given each night, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, at the same price, twenty-five cents. Remember the Kound-TJp pictures will also be shown. Special matinee Sunday, 2:30. At the Grand Another packed house saw the Aus tin Co., last night in ."The Midnight Express." This is the first time that this melodrama has been presented on any western stage and Is clearly the best musical comedy ever pro duced in Pendleton. The piece Is one reign of excitement from the rise un til the drop of the curtain at the fi nale. Every one In the company Is seen in their best character and it Is no use to enter into details individ ually, sufficient to say that this bill cannot be Improved upon. The two reels of motion pictures are the best ever run at the Grand. Last night was amateur night and was put off until nlxet Friday night on account of the Pendleton colored boot black quartette appearing last night. The colored boys rendered five selections to heavy encores each time and made a decided hit with the audience. On Monday night the Pendleton Round up pictures will be shown at the Grand for the benefit of the newly j organized relief Boclety. Besides the Round-Up pictures the Austin com pany will present a lodge act "Join ing the Moose," also the melodramat- nows' THIS. OrplHMiin. program for Sunday Interesting and Monday. "The Long Arm of the Law," Ka lem. A western story typical of life on the Callforaia-Mcxican border fif ty years ago. It tell of a Mexican bandit who escaped from the sheriff on his own side of the border but was recognized later when at work in California. 2. "The Long Strike." Essanay. Th'a story deals with a strike- In a big Chicago factory. A pretty love story is Interwoven In the plot. 3. "The Hand of the Law." Eclirise. XA thrilling drama built around the experiences of a clever smuggler. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be enr ed by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. 3 CHENEY k Co., Toledo .O. We, the onaersifrned, nave known P. J. Chenpy for the last 15 years, and bellevt biro perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations mad by his firm. WALDING. KINNAN & MARVIN. Wholesale Dmcslsts. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent Cree. I'rlee 70c, per Dottle. Hold Dy an Drninrlsta. Take Hairs Family vuis tor constipa- At tho Cosy Tonight. THE COWBOY lH'GlUST A Motion Picture n-s Goml As the Ileal Thins. NEW Press -Ms ARRIVING DAILY Call and see our beautiful spring patterns now showing. Percale, 10c grade, our repilar price, vard 6 l-4 Amoekeag Ginghams in the new Spring Patterns, 13c grade, our regular price, yard . - 10 White Curtain Swiss, worth 15c, our regular price, yard 10 Mcssalinc, in blue, red, green, black, brown and white, others chargo $1.00, our regular price, yard 79 Velveteen, comes in black, blue, brown and red, others charge 75c, our regular price, yard 49 Velvet, comes in brown, black, green, garnet and blue, others charge $1.50, our regular price yard 9S Dress Goods in all the new Spring Patterns and Colors 50 Grades of Dress Goods, our regular price, yard 25 75c Grades of Dress Goods, our regular price, yard 49 $1.00 Grades of Dress Goods, our regular price, .yard 69 DON'T overlook our large new lines of Muslin Underwear and Embroideries. The selection could not bo improved upon and our prices are far below all competition. Golden Rule Store WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW. ToBMgnt 7 A i 1 get Tonight will be yoyr last opportunity to in on the greatest clothing w 1 otter ever made in Pendle- Men's Suits cn i oc ton. diUuana sttj go for oniy Crowds of men have doubled their money here during the week. Make your $1 1.75 worth $25. Tonight ends it. Just listen to our prices and loam where bargains abound. v- i s ' ii i! -' I i . ! ,1 l;1