EIGHT PAGES. UMATILLA SETTLERS KIDNEYTROUBLE Su fared Ten Years Relieved in ThreS Months Thanks to PE-RU-NA. ' - mm n V usf One Week More of Our TO PAY FOR RIGHTS DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, Hit. Royal Worcester Xo. 203. a new spring model for the average figure ; low bust. ' long hips, extra strong hose supporters. Regular $1.50 white sale price Inst OA Even though you may have already shared in the extensive assortments, the splendid qualities and money-sav ing opportunities which this sale brings within your reach, decide that you will come back again It may be a long, long time before you will be able to buy white goods of such sterling qual ity at such worth-while reductionsTHE GREA T WHITE SALE will open Monday morning with renewed energy and greater bargainsyou'll be able to suit your individual preferances just as on the opening day many items have been re duced another notch as a special inducement and to close out certain lines during this great en thusiastic sale. , Magnificent Display of Beautiful Undermuslins at Lowest Prices Correctly designed, prettily trimmed and priced as good under muslins never were before. This collection of dainty princess slips, combinations, corset covers, chemises, skirts, gowns and drawers, presents a rare opportunity to supply your muslin underwear needs for months to come at substantial savings that may not be duplicated for years. $1.90 Corset Covers 30$ Val. reduced to..... 19$ 50$ Val. reduced to 39$ 75$ Val. reduced to 59$ 95$ Val. reduced to....- 63 $1.15 Val reduced to 77$ $1.25 Val. reduced to 83$ $1.35 Val. reduced to 89$ 1.65 Values reduced to 1.03 S1.90 Values reduced to $1.22 $2.20 Values reduced $1.47 to $2.50 to $2.85 to . Values Values reduced .. $1.67 reduced $1.88 Drawers 48$ Val. reduced to 31$ 70$ VaL reduced to... 47$ 75$ Val. reduced to...... 49$ 95$ Val. reduced to.-... 03$ $1.25 Val. reduced to 83$ $1.35 Val. reduced to 89$ $1.50 Val. reduced to 98$ $1.60 Values reduced $1.US Values reduced $1.22 to . $2.25 to . $2.50 to . $2.85 to ... . $3.15 to $3.-15 to ... $3.75 to ... . $4.46 ' to ... . $4.75 to . . $5.00 to . $5.65 to ... . $8.75 to . Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values reduced $1.22 reduced $1.47 reduced $1.67 reduced $1.88 reduced ....... $2.09 reduced $2.29 reduced ....... $2.49 reduced $2.93 reduced $3.17 reduced ..... $3.67 reduced $3.77 reduced $5.83 to $1.90 to . $2.20 to $2.50 to Values Values reduced ... $1.47 reduced $1.67 Knee Skirts 48$ VaL reduced to. 31$ 95$ Val. reduced to. 03$ $1.25 Val. reduced to 83$ S1.50 Val. reduced to 98$ $1.90 Values reduced $1.ZZ reduced $1-47 reduced ....... $1.67 reduced $1.88 Gowns 95$ Val. reduced to... 63$ $1.25 Val. reduced to 83$ $1.60 Values reduced to - - $1.08 to $2.20 to ... $2.50 to ... $2.85 to Values Val ues Values Long Skirts $1.00 Val. reduced to 73$ $1.25 Val. reduced to 83$ $1.35 Val. reduced to 89$ $1.60 Values reduced to $1.90 Values to $2.20 Values $2.50 Values" $3.15 Vake7" to $3.45 Values $3.75 "Values"' to ... $4.40 Values $5.00 to . $5.65 to ... $6.25 to $8.75 n .:. Values Values Values $1.09 reduced $1.22 reduced $1.47 reduced $1.83 reduced $2.09 reduced $2.29 reduced $2.49 reduced .. $2.95 reduced $3.67 reduced ...... $3.77 . reduced $4.17 Values reduced .....:.. $5.83 $10.00 Values reduced to $6.88 Ladies' White Pumps Latest style white duck, canvas and sea island duck. Welt and McGay soles 2 inch military heels, plain toe. $4.50 Values reduced to $3.95 $3.50 Values reduced to ...... $2.44 $2.00 and $2.50 Values reduced to $1.30 Also a nice line of misses' and children's white oxfords at prices greatly reduced. $1.50 Values reduced , to 89$ $1.25 Values reduced to ... : 76? $1.00 Values reduced to 50$ Come early to this sale, get first choice. All Men's White Goods Reduced White Shirts at white sale prices. . Men's Linen Handker chiefs at white sale prices. Men s late Gloves at white sale prices. Men's White Xeckwear at white sale prices. Men's White Underwear at white sale prices. Men's White Sox at white sale prices. All Men's White Goods at white sale prices. Combinations $1.25 Val. reduced to 98$ $1.90 Values reduced to ... $2.50 to ... $2.85 to ... $3.75 to . $4.75 Values Values Values $1.25 reduced ..... $1.67 reduced ....... $1.88 reduced $2.49 reduced Values to $3.17 $5.00 Values reduced to $3.67 $6.00 Values reduced to $4.59 $8.75 Values reduced to $5.83 Princess Slips Values Values Values $1.90 to ... $3.15 to' . $5.00 to .. . $6.25 to . Children's Drawers 18$ Val. reduced to..-- 12$ reduced .... $1.22 reduced ....... $2.09 reduced $3.67 Values reduced 1 $4.17 22$ Val. 30$ Val. 35t Val. 40$ Val. 48$ Val. 65$ Val. 75$ Val. reduced to..... 15$ reduced to. 20$ reduced to..... 23$ reduced to 27? reduced to.... 31$ reduced to 49$ reduced to 59 95$ Val. reduced to...... 09$ $1.25 Val. reduced to 83$ $1.50 Val. reduced to 98$ $1.60 Values reduced to . $1.08 Children's Skirts With or Without Waists. 30$ Val. reduced to... 20$ 40$ Val. reduced to...... 27$ 48$ Val. reduced to...... 31$ 95$ Val. reduced to..... 69c $1.25 Val. reduced to 83$ $1.60 Values reduced to ... . $1.08 $1.90 Values reduced to ... $1.22 $2.85 Values reduced ; to $1.88 Children's Gowns 50$ Val. reduced to... 37$ 75$ Val. reduced to... 49$ 95$ Val. reduced to..... 09$ $1.25 Val. reduced to 83$ $1.35 Val. reduced to 89$ $1.50 VaL. reduced to 98$ Chemise $1.25 Val. reduced to 83$ $1.50 Val. reduced to 08 $2.50 Values reduced to $1.67 $3.75 Values reduced to . $2.48 $4.75 Values reduced to : $3.17 The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pays To Trade Save Your Trading Stamps PETITIONS IX)Il GRADUATION OF PAYMENTS AKE DENIED Land Office at la Grande Directed i to Notify Water Users That They! jjiusi iio on iiiuo with casit or Suffer t'oiLHequcnupM. La. Grande, Or.. Jan. 27 (Special.) The prayer for graduated payments or water right charges upon the Uma- tuia project seems to have availed nothing, inasmuch as the commis sioner of the general land office has 1 J hi m "Mia ' Sm PI2ER2 i W M mm directed the local land office to no- i'lZKlX. Sterling, Ky., Bay. tify every water user within the pro Ject Bhown by the records of that of "I have suriered wnn kidney and that payment must be made of such have not used it since, nor have I felt charges at the local land office be- Paia" fore March la 1912, or appropriate action looking to the collection of the charges under the water right con tract if the land is not Included In an entry subject to the reclamation act, or the entry, if subject to said act, will be promptly cancelled with out further notice. In obedience to such direction, notices signed by Reg ister Bramwell and Receiver Eber hard have been sent by registered mail to all such persons. There were over 350 registered letters, and the amount shown on all the notices sent aggregated a total of $61,754.32. In former years, the public notices have been conditioned so that wa ter right claimants were not delin quent until March 31, and payments made at Hermiston on or before that date have been recognized even if received at the land office after the date. While It is not announced that a different rule will be followed this year, yet the officials of the land of fice des're to attract the attention of all water users having payments to make that the dates used in connec tion with payments refer to the time the payments should be made at the local land office, and not to the date mailed or otherwise. This is espe cially Important, it is announced. In asmuch as the commissioner has di rected the local officials "to make every possible effort for accurate and prompt action in this matter." There fore, promptly ' after March 1, 1912, a report will be made on each entry shown by the land office books to be delinquent on that date. Every Woman U iDUrenea tna inouia mow iboiit the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray Th oew Vaginal Syring. Beit uut convenient, it cleuKt insttntly. for 11.-. d r- - ' - Ask Tout dross lit If he cinnot supply MARVEL, iccept no other but eend ttamD for Illustrated book sealed. It gives full parti eu i.h mrtA riirertlnni Invaluableto Udl MUVU CO.. 44 East ZU (trrat Ksw Tk I'oley Kidney rills, always give sat'sfaction because they alays do the work. J. T. Shelnut, Bremen, Ga., says: "I have used Foley Kidney Pilla with great satis faction and found more relief from their use than from any other kidney medicine, and I've ' tried almost all kinds. I can cheerfully recommend them to all sufferers for kidney and bladder trouble." Foley Kidney Pills will cure any cate of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Sold by all dealers. CHICHESTER S PILLS lafirv 1 '"5 DIAMOND DRAK i .adlral A yanr vraa-airt nr hl-.kea.tor'a Ulaaaoad UraadAV 1'llls la Kr4 and Mold mnalUcXV tioses, sealed with Wlua KlUnm. V Taks ao athar. Ru af tobp " lras:rHt. A-.ifntCUl4'tn:H.T1!M 1IAJUIM IIKANU l'II.L,fcea yean knovtn ss Best, Safest, A W-aya Ketlabta SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE t'Ajial.. 1ST CERTAIN WAY TO END A BAD COLD . YORK & YORK, the Chinese doc tors, with wond erful remedies Coniponnded from Harmless and Non-P o i onoas Roots and Herbs, ' are successfully treating many ob stinate cases of Kindeny, Stomach Lung, Heart,. Rheumatism, As thma, Fever, Cancer and private di seases of men and women. If peo ple want a safe cure to obtain the roots and herbs compounded medi cines. We have hundreds of testi monials from prominent people, on file, which are open for public In spection. If you ..live out of town, come or write for free symptom blank and circulars. Consultation free. YORK & YORK, CHINESE MEDI CINE COMPANY, w. Aiucr m. walla walla, Wn. RELIEVES SEVERE GRIPPE MISERY IN A FEW HOURS It is a positive fact that a dose of, Pape's Cold Compound taken every two hours until threo . consecutive , doses are taken will cure grippe or break up the most severe cold, elth- er in the head, chest, back, stomach or limbs. You distinctly feel the cold break-1 Ing and all the disagreeable grippe! symptoms leaving after the very first dose. It promptly ends the most miserable headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, feverishness, ' sneezing, sore throat, running of the nose, mucous catarrhal discharges, ' soreness, stiffness and rheumatic . twingea. Pape's Cold Compound is the result' of three years' research at a cost of more than fifty thousand dollars and contains no quinine, which we have conclusively demonstrated Is not effective In colds or grippe, Take this harmless Compound as directed, with the knowledge that there is no other medicine made any where else in the world, which will cure your cold or end grippe misery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad after-effects as a 25-cent package of Pape's Cold Compound, which any druggist in the world can supply. I You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakes Good coffee Every day We Invite your patronage and aim to please you. A clean kitchen Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street St. George Cafe and Grill WHITE COOKS SERVICE FIRST-CLASS PRICES REASONABLE Hot Merchant's Lunch Daily From 1 1 :30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. FRENCH DINNER EVERY SUNDAY FROM II A. M. TO 3 P. M. Open Day and Night Entrance on Webb St, or Through Hotel Lobby THE GREATEST SUCCESSFUL CURE OF ANY CHRONIC DISEASE WITHOUT THE KNIFE. ' See our patients testimony. Dec. 1st, 1911. I am glad to tell the public wha the Chinese Doctor did for me. J was nearly dead suffering from abcess In the stomach and three Am erican doctors told me there was no hope for me except an operation which I felt would kill me. So we called Dr. Leo Chlng Wo and tried his medicine and in two weeks I was out of danger. Took his wonderful medicine four weeks more and am nearly well. I can cheerfully recommend hi remedy to any one who Is in need of a doctor, for he certainly saved my life. Mrs. Ida Herring, 215 West Alder St., Walla Walla, Washington. We receive testimonials from our patients dally who have been cured. If you want to be cured, come and see us or if unable to come, write and enclose a two cent stamp for symptom blank. Write without delay. Address: LEO CUING WO, CHINESE MEDICINE CO., 14 E. Main St., Walla Walla, Washington.