EIGHT PAGK& PAGK TWO. DAILY EAST ORBGOX1AN. PENDLETON. ORBOOX. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1912. Th e Ore at White Sale Brings a Store - Wide Wealth of New Opportunities This great event which we were months in planning and preparing for has entirely repaid us for our trouble and work. It is the greatest success of any white sale we have ever had, LARGEST ' ASSORT MENTS, FINEST QUALITY, LOWEST PRICES are the chief ar guments that should induce you to buy during this world of white sale Look at the goods and the prices! Consider the worth-wile savings then stop to think that in addition you secure the advantage of making selections from broader assortments than any time of the year, and come; you'll be glad you did. Miscellaneous Items in Our Great White Sale 50 White Jap Silk 37 75 White Jap Silk 5-? 91.00 White Jap Silk : ; 79? $1.25 White Jap Silk L 88 ?1.25 White Taffeta Silk : 89 91.00 White Messaline Silk 79 92.00 White Serge Silk $1.71 91.50 White Batiste Silk 95 91.50 White Serge Silk 98 91.50 White Mohair Silk 75 25 White Wool Flannel 18J 50 White Wool Flannel 35 65 White Wool Flannel 49 91.00 mite Wool Flannel 79 ETC. ETC. GREAT WHITE SALE OX WHITE COTTOX AXD WOOL BLAXKETS. 75 Cotton Blankets 54 91.25 Cotton Blankets 89 93.00 Cotton Blankets 92.39 95.00 Cotton Blankets 93.87 96.00 Wool Blankets 93.95 GREAT WHITE SALE OF TOWELS BIG ASSORTMENT. 5 Towels L 3 12 l-2 Towels 8 15 Towels H? 25 Towels ... 19 35 Towels . 21 50 Towels 37 65 Towels ..... r 49 GREAT WHITE SALE OF SHEETS AXD PILLOW CASES. 50 Full bod size sheet 48 85 Single bed size sheet . - 61 91.00 Full IkhI size sheet 78 91.25 Full bed size sheet 88 91.35 Full bed size sheet ... : 96 LADIES' WHITE LINGERIE DRESSES. Xow is the time to buy a dainty lingerie dress at a great ly reduced price. These dresses are made in the latest models, trimmed with lace and embroidery, high and low neck, long or short sleeves. 97.50 Value, White Sale price 93.75 910.00 Value, White Sale price $5.98 912.00 Values, White Sale price 97.49 914.00 Values, White Sale price 97.98 922.00 Values, White Sale price 912.98 937.00 Values, White Sale price 918.98 940.00 Values, White Sale price 922.50 WHITE PRINCESS SLIPS. Made of finest nainsook, trimmed with dainty lace and medallions, finished with rillon and beading. 91.90 Value, White Sale price 91.22 93.15 Value, White Sale price 92.09 9G.25 Value, White Sale price 94.17 Bed Spreads Reduced Bed Spreads to go at a very great reduction. This in cludes Crochet, Marseilles and Satin spreads. Fringe, scalloped, plain hem, cut corners, and plain. These spreads are all full size, made of the very best quality of material. The following prices to prevail during our Annual White Sale: 91.25 Values 83 91.50 Values 91 92.00 Values $1.74 92.25 Values 9183 94.00 Values. 92.50 Values... 93.00 Values... 93.25 Values... 93.50 Values... 91.89 92.79 92.89 92.91 93.60 White Swisses Scrims All white Swisses, Scrim, Xets and Madras to be thrown on the bargain counter. Special prices to prevail as below: 10 Scrim- - 7tf 15 Scrim 10 20? Scrim 15 40 Scrim . 25? Scrim .... 18 30? Scrim 21 35 Scrim... !.. 26 31 Lace Curtains Reduced All white curtains to be placed on Xets, Xottinghams, Lace, in fact all tains to go. Priced as follows: 75 Values 46 92.75 91.00 Values 69 93.00 91.25 Values....- 76? 93.50 91.50 Values 89 94.00 92.00 Values 91.29 95.00 92.50 Values 91.48 I 96.00 98.00 Values ...... sale. This includes our white lace cur Values 9164 Values I., 9189 Values 92.10 Values - 92.35 Values 93.10 Values 94.23 96.98 Doilies Reduced All doilies, hemstitched, cluny, scalloped, round and square, scarfs, buffet cloths to le reduced during this sale. To be reduced 10 per cent. On display in the Art Department. ALWAYS the Best Goods for the Least Money If you want your money's worth of real merchandise, come to us. We will give away absolutely FREE during the year 1912 not less than jffb I f JT" VTV TV Worth of premiums with our trading stamps. With every Vf jj Ap I II I it I) ff I cash purchase we give trading stamps, one stamp for each Vl fl Z If JJ If JJ If JJ If J J 10c you spend here. These stamps mean to YOU a sav fJr U LJr Jr O 0T Jr ing of exactly 5 per cent of your purchase. Xo matter what you buy, Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ready-to-Wear Garments, anything in our immense store. This is actually the greatest saving proposition for you you'll ever find. Just stop ami think for one minute, realize what a 5 per cent saving on all your living necessities really means to YOU. A saving of one dollar out of every $20.00 you spend. How long, at this rate, will it take you to save enough to buy that long wanted get of dishes, or that needed clock, or mayle you've wanted some nice new silverware and didn't feel like sparing the cash for it You can get it hco for absolutely nothing by saving your trading stamps. This is too good a proj)osition for you to pass up think it over, rome and investigate trade at The Peoples Warehouse this year of 1912. lie one of the wise ones and save that extra 5 per cent. The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pay To Trade Save Your Trading Stamps AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orphcum. Don't Miss Friday's change: 1. "Saving the Special." . Vita- graph. Who doesn't like a stirring bit of realism that makes us reel tne tingle of indignation and desire of impulse No one who has the red blood of life In his veins. Go fee this splendid drama, it is thrilling and strong In denouement and cli max, it fairly throbs with melodra matic intensity. 2. "The Miser's Heart." Olo graph. He experiences a love great er than the love for gold. The story is stirring and sufficiently unusual to add to its Interest. 3. "Live, Love and Believe." Es- sanay. A drama of mission ana army life. The story of a young man s Btruggle from the city slums to a commission In the U. S. A. There Is a pretty love story runn'ng through It, excellently acted. 4. "His Brother's Double." Lu- in. Double, double, oil and trouble,, fire burn and caldron bubble." So sings the witches in Macbeth. The i fact that" Bob was his brother, Jack's double gave rise to plenty of trou ble. It's very funny. Not only that I but It has a strong plot, and also a charming love story woven througn it. Theatre To- The Pastime. The home of good pictures day's change of program: "Love's Labor Lost," Lubin. In the fable while the wolf and bear quarreled over the honey, the fox ate it. In this story, while two lov ers fought a duel over pretty Peggy, a third lover won her. There's spirit and go to this picture. "Her Mother Interferes." Blo graph. Mr. Jack Is married now, so goodbye to his bachelor friends, but they promise to stand by him should he need their aid or sympathy. Well he needs It and they help him out in a most unique manner. "The Frontier Doctor." Essanay. A western drama, beautiful In senti ment, with saperb ecenle back grounds. "Resourceful Lovers." Blograph. A comedy romance, well conducted and prettily acted. "The Lighthouse by the Sea " Ed ison. The angry waters of a troubled sea make a beautiful background for this dramatic story. Musical program for Friday and Saturday: Xo. 1 You've Got Me Goln, Kid. Two-step. P. D. Cochran. No. 2 Take Me Up With You, Dearie. Waltz. A Von Tillzer. No. 3 That Mesmerizing Mendels sohn Tune. Two-step. I. Berlin. No. 4 When You've Won the Only G'rl You Love. Waltz. H. Arm strong. No. 5 Tie Your Little Bull Out side. Two-step. J. Brockman. J. P. MADERNACH, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures For Men, Women and Children Program changes Snnday's, Tuesday's and Friday' 8 See Programin Today's Paper i from start to finish. This bill holds all house records at the Unique The ater, Spokane, and the only play ever repeated the second time at that mu sical comedy house. The company has been working diligently on "The Midnight Express" for the last two weeks and have guaranteed to make? this the best bill ever presented In Pendleton. This being a scenic pro duction, special scenery had to bo gotten ready for same. Everything has been done to make this bill a suc cess. Two feature reels of motion pictures will also be run each show. Friday night Is amature night and' a long list of contestants have hand ed in their names. The Pendleton? colored boot black . quartette will al so appear Friday night and will ren der some new songs. The colored boys have been working hard re hearsing of late and will render soma classy songs. The Cosy, For Wednesday and Thursday, a sensational western feature showing a real 12 mile race. "The Price." Rex. Lured away from her simp'e country home the girl left her babe and husband alone. She became a great actress, fame and riches were hers. But in after years her youth and beiuty gone, she was cast aside. It was then her country lover came to her and too late she realized the price of sin. - "A Race for a Bride." Bison. A sensational -li' ml e cross country race for the position of express rider and a girl's love Is the theme of this story. A genu'ne race, at frightful speed down hlll', through water, ! around curves, hurdling obstacles, a score of cowboys thundering at break neck speed; a real thriller. "The Moonshiner." Reliance. A stirring drama of the hills ending In a battle. A barn dance the reve nue officer learns the location of the still and his men attack the moun taineers but are defeated. "The Courting of Mary." Majes tis. A quaint comedy of country life ! In which a bashful lover was finally made to come through. The old maid who opposes the match, is very funny. At tho (irnml. Tonight a complete change of pro gram. The Austin company present "The Midnight Express." This is a western melodrama and Is full of vim Years of Suffering Catarrh and Blood Disease -Doctors Failed to Curo. Miss Mabel F. Hawkins, 1214 I.nfay tte St., Fort Wayne, Ind., writes: "For three yearn 1 was troubled with catarrh and bloori disease. I tried sev eral doctors and a dozen different rem edies, but none of them did me any good. A friend told me of Hood's Sar saparllla. I took two bottles of this medicine find was as well and strong as ever. I feel like a different person and recommend Hood's to any one suf fering from catarrh." Get It today in uual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. Stops Itching Scalp Overnight Guaranteed by Tallmnn & Co. to Stop Falling Hair ami Banish Dandruff. Itching scalp, keeps you scratching and feeling miserable all the time. Wach your hair tonight with pure soap and water, rub on a goodly quan tity of PARISIAN SAGE and the dis tressing itchiness will be gone In the morning. PARISIAN SAGE la a pure, re freshing and Invigorating hair dress ing. Besides putting an end to scalp Itch,, dandruff and falling hair it nourishes the hair roots and puts a splondld radiance into faded and un attractive hair. It should be used by every member of the family to keep the scalp free from dandruff germs and prevent baldness. Large bottle 60 cents at I Tallman & Co, and druggists every MASKED MF,X GET fiO AT HUNTIXGTOX CAFE Huntington, Or. The Oregon cafe, owncd and operated by Chinese, was entered by masked men, who at tho point of a gun held up the inmates, securing more than $40 in money and successfully covering their retreat. Local men are under suspicion and may be arrested at any time. Farmers Take N atloe. Anyone wanting lumber, doors, frames, etc., at reasonable prices, will do well to eee Chas. Cole within tho next two weeks., at Pendleton hlgto school grounds. PASTIME THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon nnd eve nings. Refined nnd enter taining for tho entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and see the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. PENDLETON'S POPU LAR PICTURE SHOW THE COSY Wliero the entire family can en Joy a lilgh-clasa motion picture show with comfort. Fun, Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Evening. Cliangos Sunday, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Next Door to St. Cfeorgo Hotel. Admission 60 nnd 10c where.