r DAILY BAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY J4, 1S12. EIGHT PAGES. PAGE EIGHT. ITALY FEARING WAR RELEASES FRENCH PRISONERS Newsy Notes of Pendleton That During -1912 You will buy your Groceries at this store. rhonc orders carefully attended, Stock crisp and fresh every day. Our prices will please you. ! r- - i " ' i. 1 1 1 il Undonvoor, Shirts, Shoes, Glothing, Nats, Furnishings all continue to go down in price at the 3kinr Store Rome, Jan. 2 4. Fearing war with France, Italy will release the twenty- nine Turkish nurses captured when the French merchantman ship Maou- ba, was seized. It was officially re ported today that a note has been al ready dispatched to France, announc Marriage License Granted. A marriage license was - today granted to Koach F. McCulloch of Hurrisburg. Penn., and Gertrude Templeton of this county. ing that the release will be made "as an act of homage to France, but without prejudicing the points' In dis pute." It Is possible that France One Sent to Juil. Alfred Russell was the only offend er to face Police Judge Flti Gerald In police court this morning. He was charged with disorderly conduct and was given a two day sentence. may demand further apology. LOCAL MAX ACCUSER OF FRAUDULENT USE OF NAME (Continued from page one.) itlll !J?yAJ2 TOJ YEAR We'll make it worth while for you if you'll trade here. Standard Grocery Co., Inc. rilOXE MAIV 9. FRANK O'GARA. Fre. WHERE ALL. ARE PLEASED. BERNARD O'GARA, Sec.-TTcs. ClffilAL CLUB 5 .WILL MEET MILTON BASKETBALL TEAM AFTER SCALPS OF JUGGLERS POVLTRY SHOW SWEEPSTAKE EVENT, SAYS JUDGE MILLER (Continued from Page One.) AVlorman Montgomery to Lend Local Qnintette Against Representaive of East End Itooster Organization Tray Next Friday. What ho! Let trumpets sound and bells ring out their chimes. Tidings of exceeding gladness have been an nounced and the nerves of the sport loving public will tingle anew. The Commercial club basketball players will don their war paint next Friday night and wage a gory battle with the fruit jugglers of Milton. John E. Montgomery, who manages the des tiny of the athletic business men, made the announcement this morning with more visible pride than when he accepted the position of council man, and he is going about the streets today tipping it off to fans that he has an aggregation of basketball ar tists that would make the famous Red Wing3 turn green. The Milton Commercial club has had a team for some months which has been raising a dust In the far east end. Hearing that Pendleton boasted a similar aggregation, re peated defies have been hurled coun ty sea;warj until the dignity of local etalwarts could endure it no longer. The gauntlet was taken up, the chal lenge accepted and the duel will be pulied off wi'.h all due pomp and grandeur in the Commercial gym nasium Friday evening. Insane Muii to Salem. James Conway, .the man pronounc ed insane yesterday, was taken to the state asylum at Salem today by o guard who came up from the Insti tution. I'nelo Georjio Webb Recovering. "Uncle George" Webb, former state treasurer, Is reported to be recover ing from a severe attack of lagrippe which has .kept him confined to his home for some time. A. Stewart, Walla Walla, 3 cockerel. Columbian Wyandottcs. C. C. Carr. Stanfield, 1, 2. 3, and 4 hens, 3 cockerel, 3 pen. rvtliiixhlnn Rocks. Earl Williams, Milton. 1 and 2 cock- I i o nnl a hens. 1. 2 and 3 pul lets,' 1 pen. Cup for best pen of Rocks other than barred. Buff Rocks. B. F. Williams, Milton, 1 and 2 pens, 1, 2. 3 and 4 hens, 1 and 2 cocks, 1 and 2 cockerel. 1. 2. 3 and 4 pul lets. . Partridge Rocks. Dr C K. Williams, Walla Walla, 3 pen, 1, 2, 3, and 4 pullets. 2 cockerel. Silver Penciiett jsocks. nr n m Williams. Walla Walla, 3 pen, 2 cockerel, 2. 3. and 4 pullets. White Rocks. tv' t Hill Hennner. 1 pen, 2, 3, and 4 cockerel, 1 cock, 1, 2, 3 and 4 pullets.; W. B. Brown, Fortiana, i cockerel. Light Brahma. Mrs. Gillette, Pendleton, 1 hen, 1, 2 and 3 pullet. Buff Orpingtons. v. v Averlll. Pendleton, 1 pen, 1 cockerel, cup for best pen; Mrs. N. A. Humphrey, Pendleton, z pen, cockerel, 1 pullet. 2 hen; George Bain, Pendleton, 3 pen. 2 cockerel, 3 and 4 hen, 2 pullet; J. E. Duke, 4 pen, 4 cockerel, 3 and 4 pullet, 1 hen; Boyd and Erown, 3 cockerel. White Orp'ns0"8 Mrs. A. A. Stewart, Walla Walla, 1 cockerel. White Minorcns. s J. L. Parker, Stanfield, 2 pen, 2 cock. 1. 2. and 4 hens, 1 and 4 pullet; F. M. Barrows, Walla Walla, 1 pen, 1 cockerel, 2 and 3 pullet, 3 hen. To Texas on Visit. Marshall Spell, well known and popular sale-man at the Peoples Warehouse, left Sunday for Texas, where he will visit with relatives' and friends whom he has not sen for sev eral years. Sunday School Worker Coming. Rev. C. A. Phipps, secretary of the State Sunday School association, will be In Pendleton Sunday on work In connection with his office, according to a report given out this morning by local members of the county Sun day school organization. Son and Heir Is Born. An eight and a half pound boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W, Smith at the home of the mother's parents in Portland last night and the news was conveyed over the wire to relatives here this morning. The proud father, who has been attend- ng the Equitable Life Insurance con vention in New Yorkj is aboard a train and wiil reach Portland tonight. Prominent Poultrynutn Hero. M. J. Myers, president of the Poul try and Pet Stock association of Portland and a well known Barred Plymouth Rock fancier. Is In Pen dleton -in attendance at the local poultry show. He has ten of his best prize winning birds here and expects to add to his collection of ribbons when the awards are made. He has been an exhibitor at nearly all of the poultry shows held In the north west this winter and his birds have received much praise. secretary. (Copy of same resolu tions signed as above transmitted to president December 3, "1911.) wun rererence to the last com munication above listed, it Is the un derstanding of this department that the Umatilla River Water Users' As sociatlon is the incorporate name of the water users under the present Umatilla reclamation project, with which corporation the department has contracted in the usual form to se cure the cooperation of the settlers in the construction, operation and maintenance of the project. It Is further understood that Paid corpora tion has the exclusive right to the use of that name and that its officers are H. T. Irvln, president; C. Mc Naught, vice president; G. H. Upthe grove, secretary; F. B. Swayze. treas urer, with headquarters at Hermis ton, Oregon. I note that whereas you sign as president of the three as sociations of similar but slightly dif ferent names above listed, Mr. A. G. Hemphill signs as secretary of this particular one and Mr. G. L. Hurd as secretary of the two others. It would therefore seem that your use of this corporate name was not an inadvertent misnomer for either of the other two associations. For this reason 1 shall be glad to hear from you by what authority ..you use the corporate mime Umatilla River Water Users' Association. Please consider thU letter a re ply to the communication from the Umatilla Water Users' association, dated at Pendleton, Oregon, Decem ber 4. 1911, and entitled "An open letter to Oregon Journal and other Oregon newspapers'' Also to tele gram dated Pendleton, Oregon, De cember 13th, 1911, sunt by Umatilla County Water Users' Association, G. Ifc'Hurd, secretary, and to letter dat ed Stanfield, Ore, November 27, 1911, signed G. L. Hurd. nss'stant sec retary, which transmitted resolutions of a meeting Of farmers residing south and west of the towns of Stan field and Echo and Hermlston, en titled "Resolutions as to the con- structlon of the John Day project In Oregon and abandonment of the pro posed west extension." These com munications were referred by the president to thl9 department for re ply. Yours respectfully, WALTER L. FISHER. Secretary. What explanation, If any, Mr. Bur gess has made to the president is not disclosed. , From the Real Officer. The real officers of the Umatilla River Waterusers" association have sent the following letter to the pres ident: ftermiston, Ore., Jan. 20, 1912. Hon. William H. Taft, President United States, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: A copy of a letter writ ten by Secretary Fisher to J. N. Bur gess of Stanfield, Oregon, under date of January 12th, 1912, has come to our hands, showing that certain or ganizations of citizens in opposition to the wen extension of the Uma tllla project have addressed a letter to ww under the corporate name of Umatilla Ulver Water Users' associa tion, signed by J. N. Burgess as pres ident and A. G. Hemphill as secre tary. We wish to Inform you that these gentlemen have no connection what ever with this association and reside at the present time several miles from the Umatilla project, and they have either used our corporate name with malicious intent or through Ig norance, which in either event might be misleading to you. In these reo Good Indian Bni Again. After being "on the water wagon" for several years, Jim Bad Roads, one of the most physically perfect Indians on the reservation, last night fell off with a dull thud and, true to his old Instincts, went on the war path Immediately. After trying to whip everyone in a Cottonwood street livery stable, he was finally subdued, taken into custody and this morning forfeited five dollars bail for non appearance in court. Bad Roads is the Indian who, several years ago, nearly choked Chief of Police Gur- dane to deaih while the officer was unlocking the old jail to put him In Draymen Still Agricved. The draymen of the city still feel that they have a grievance against the city becau-e of alleged violations of the city ordinance governing the draylng business. Their complaint several weeks ago resulted In the se curing of licenses by several persons who were making charges for haul Ing and who were unlicensed but the?e men have not renewed their li censes this quarter, according to the regular quarter. A meeting was held last evening with Chief of Police Kearney and City Attorney Carter to discuss the matter, and some action will probably be taken before long. Dale Rothwell Optometrist Eyes examined by the latest and best methods. Glasses fitted, lenses duplicated and frames repaired With Wm. Har.scom THE Jeweler, Pendleton lutions they oppose the construction of the west extension of the Umatilla project which would place us In a light contrary to the real facts. The officers and members of this association always have been and are now strong supporters of the recla mation service and the construction of the west extension by the govern ment. Yours respectfully. UMATILLA RIVER WATER USERS ASSOCIATION. By H. T. Irwin, President. By G. II. Upthegrove, Secretary. Among local and west end people who have learned of the above In cident there is strong Indignation and Burgess is the subject of some very caustic comments. The use of the name of the Hermlston organization Is characterized as a plain attempt to bamboozle the administration by making the president think the set tlers on the Umatilla project oppose further government work In the west end. GROW CRANBERRIES Clatsop County has the finest Cran berry Marshes In the West. A new association, composed of Astoria and Portland business men Invite 10 men to Jofti them In a profitable Invest ment. Write and ask for full Infor mation. Nothing better for perma nent Income and pleasant homeeUe. Address J. E. Gratke, 533 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. LEAVE IT TO US. F. i1' 1 nTTHTJTMF? ROYAL PARTY EXTENDS VISIT TO UNITED STATES WITHOUT the best in groceries your cooking cannot be a success. The good working man never attempts to build with deficient tools or bad ma terial. He is too proud of his work. So with the successful cook. Only the finest groceries can bring saUsfaction. We sell that kind. SUCCESSFUL COOKS ARE OUR BEST PATRONS. Something New in Cookery We have just received a supply of SoYer's Cookery Bags in which can be cooked meats and vegetables of all kinds. There is nothing on the market so economical or so efficient in retaining natural juices and flavor of fbod 30 Bags in Set at 25c Per Set Gray Bros. Grocery Co. Quality Grocers ' New York, N. Y., Jan. 24. Thor oughly delighted with the reception that has been accorded them since their visit until Friday night when hamlet has made a decided hit with them, Duke and Duchess of Con naught and their daughter Princess Patricia, are making plans to extend their visit unit Friday night when they will return to Canada. They had originally Intended leaving New York Thursday. Determined to emphasize her pre miership of the social element of en tire America, Mrs. Whitelaw Reld, who Is entertaining the royal visitors, has contrived to prevent the duchess and princess from accompanying the duke to Washington for a visit with President Taft, the clever wife of the ambassador not even wanting the chief executive of the United States to share In her honors. and we will do your Cleaning and Dyeing to your perfect satisfaction. We take ladles' and gentlemen's gar ments and make them look like new by our process, which, however, will never Injure the most delicate fab ric. We solicit a trial of our work, feeling certain that the first order will be the forerunner of many more from you. Our charges are moderate In all cases. Pendleton Dye Works KNOWN FOR ITS STRENGTH THE Irst National lank PENDLETON, OREGON Capital, Surplus and Undi vided Profits, $500,000.00 Resources $2,000,000.00 KNOWN FOR ITS SECURITY HALL LEADS LOUISIANA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATES New Orleans. Jan. 24. Incomplete returns from yesterday's primaries show Lutzer Hall leading the other candidates for the democratic gub ernatorial nomination. Congressman Eroussard is leading Governor Sand er for the short term United States senatorshlp and for the long term M. J. Foster leads. Phone Main 169. 206 Vi E. Alta, SPECIAL PRICES Good Durable Lace Curtains MANY STYLES ; 40 59 78 08 . 91.38 . . 91.40 91.78 92.10 G5c Laco Curtains 75c Lace Curtains $1.00 Laco Curtains $1.25 Laco Curtain&A $1.50 Laco Curtains $1.75 Laco Curtains $2.00 Laco Curtains $2.50 Lace Curtains WONDER STORE Girl's Slayer Man Die. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 24. Governor Dx refused today to interfere In the execution of Albert Wolters, who was sentenced to death for the murder of Ruth Wheeler in New York City. Wolters advertised for a stenograph er and when Miss Wheeler replied, he dismembered her body and stuff ed it in a chimney. It was one of the big cases of recent years. lie dies Monday. McManlga! Continue Confession." Indianapolis, Jan. 24. Ortle Mc Manigal continued the story of dyna- mltlngs before the grand Jury today. It la believed he dealt with the dy namiting of the Ponton opera house. REAL MEXICAN HOT TAMALES UGBc Hot Clam Bouillon 10c Hot Malted Clama 10c Hot Beef Tea tOc Hot Tomato Flip lftc Hot Beef Broth 10c Hot Chocolate, .10c Try our Hot Drinks they are invigorating and will cheer you up during cold weather. V. J. Connor & Co. Successor to Harry O'Dell Cigars, Candles and Pool Room. 64 Main Street. Prone M. 4. CLARK'S GROCERY VIRGIN RICE Unpolished--- Free from Glucose tale or Chem icals In the natural state. JTust as it is used in Japan and China. One trial and you will use no other. ' CLARK'S GROCERY Phone Main 174 612 Main Street