East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 24, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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that will afford unprecedented savings to men ol Umatilla Co., at our
Men's Golf
75 dozen in the lot A
preat variety of patterns and
sizes. All detached cuffs,
sold regularly for $1.50 and
3 for$1.00
100 Dozen
Men's Ties
Sold rofrularly for 50c
each. New and pretty four-in-hands
in many different
widths and colors. While
they last
3 tor 50c
Men's 50c
A largo assortment of dif
ferent colors. Good weight
ribbed cashmere. One of the
greatest bargaius in our store.
2 pair 25c
Men's Lisle
Sold regularly for 50c per
pair. - A fine dress hose that
will wear well, look dressy
and feel right. Closing out
the line for
25c per pair
Ow GreaiSik Sale CoEtknies
to he the Talk ofl the Town
Your Unrestricted Choice oi Any
iir Iweiiit
in our store-representing the best we car
ry; Clothes that sold reg. from $25 to $35
nothing reserved nor laid away,for only
Although our $15 suit sale has proven a tremendous success, owing to the mammoth stock of clothing we carry the lines
have not been broken. Do not think that all the best ones have been taken for we have hundreds left insuring you a satisfactory
Jioico if you have not yet attended our sale.
Leading Clothiers
No Suffering Yets!
The unnatural suffering of so many women at times
can be relieved by a little care and proper help.
Beecham's Pills give just the assistance needed. They
act gently but surely ; they correct faults of the system
so certainly that you will find better conditions prevail
Amongst Women Who Take
this renowned and effective remedy. Beecham's
Pills will help your digestion, regulate your bowels,
stimulate your liver. Headaches, backaches, lassi
tude, and nervous depression will trouble you less and
less after you take at times whenever there is need
Women wiahina to rataia their youthful loeln and la feel at tnair boat
aboald ba mra to road tha asocial direction with ovary baa.
SoU arnrywhara, la boxaa 10a Ma.
Astronomers Believe Change Indicates
Artificial Construction.
Flagstaff, Ariz. Observations at
the Lowell Observatory Bhow that the
Martian canal Titan has doubled since
the last presentation of this region six
weeks ago. The canal then was a
single gossamerlike filament running
nearly straight north from the Gulf
of the Titans across the equator and
far into the' northern hemisphere of
the planet.
A perfectly parallel line has. now
appeared to the east of it, the distance
separating the twins, being somewhat
more than a hundred miles. Both
filaments have no appreciable width
and they leave similar caret-like nicks
in the coast line as starting points.
Although of no sensible width,
these canals are perfectly straight
and enormously long, exceeding two
thousand miles. They are strongest
nearest the nicks and have been in
creasing In vlslbil'ty northward, which
shows that what gives rise to them is
slowly traveling down the disk from
the southern hemisphere, where for
months the snow cap has been melt
ing, into the northern one, which is
just entering upon its spring. They
leave the great blue-green areas of
one hemisphere to traverse the im
mense equatorial region to oasis in the
This doubling of certain Martiin
canals at certain seasons Is one of the
mysteries of the great planet. It is
one of the many proofs that the can
els are of artificial construction.
proposed cemetery may
soon 1110 abandoned
Struetlve As Pluniiedcinfwyp cnifwy
Structure As Plumied Would Cost
Ten TlioiiHUiul Dollnrs and ljmt
l)rever To Bo Patterned After
New Orleans Vaults.
Hermiston, Ore., Jan. 24. There Is
a plan being discussed here to erect
a public mausoleum Instead of pro
viding a cemetery. Although the
cemetery committee has been form
ed and incorporated," they have as yet
purchased no lund, but have an op
tion on a piece. The idea of a public
mausoleum is tending now to sup
plant the work of the committee and
Is gaining ground rapidly among the
citizens. It is now proposed to erect
a building somewhat on the order of
the private mausoleums at New Or
leans, the material to bo of concrete
and iron which would last forever.
Tho cost of such a building for the
needs of tho future would not exceed
$10,000 this will provide for the bu
rial of at least 250 persons. me
building would contain a driveway
throuEh the center with tiers of Bin
gle and double vaults on each side,
each vault having cement walls and
would bo sealed. Provisions would
h einade for suitable tablets and
places for flowers. Such a building
may be built either by the people or
by private entorprlso and would take
about five acres or lana.
Leap Year Party.
A leap year party will be given
at Hermlrrton hall on the evening of
January 26th. This Is to be given
hv Mrs. Hlnkle. Mrs. Briggs, Mra.
Littler, Mrs. Rayhlll and Mrs. Baus
chard. Invitations have been mall
Oliver P. "Morton the reclamation
attorney, is spending a few days on
tho project on business. He states
that the engineers are to hold their
board meeting here commencing on
the 29tti of this month. Rooms are
being fitted up near the government
Mr. A. C. Cross of Spokane 1 th
guest of II. T. Irwin. Mr. Cross Is
looking over the project with a view
to purchasing land here. the saloon, and fifty-seven saloons
Mr. M. D. Dishon has gone to Spo- have been opened here. In that time
kane. i the "Drys" claim to have discovered
Mr. J. K. Shotwell and W. H. Skin
ner are now In Spokane on business.
Liverinore .Timtlco of Pcce Will
Charge Double for Weddings.
Livermore, Calif. George S. Fltz-
gerald, veteran Justice of the Peace
here, has been reading of Justices
who say they will marry leap year!
couples free, and he says: ,
"Marry these leap year couples
free! Not on your life. I'll charge '
the following nine varieties of alco
holism: The common drunk. A man zig
zags when he walks.
The fighting: He thinks himseli
the "white hope."
The 'holiday: Otherwise the "joy
souse." '
The home terrorizing: When a man
Is possessed by Old Nick himself.
The wife-deserting: When con
science, or lack of it, makes him run
The murderous: When 'the rest of
them double price. Any girl that me race appear supemuous.
can't eet a fe low who cares enough i ucnuc.n. neu no sun
for her to carry her away can t get
married free by me. Why a girl
who has the nerve to propose Is
surely capable of knowing ' the size
of her husband's pocketbook and then
wife is worth something anyway."
Fitzgerald .was formerly Constable
of this township. He was close per
sonal friend of the late Harry N.
Morse and hunted Mexican bandits
with Morse in the early days.
to sleep on the railroad track,
And ninth, and last
The dead drunk: When the world
fades away.
Man Who Would Hove Sold Daugh
ter for $50,000 Is Divorced.
Pittsburgh, Pa. Tears were shed
in Judge Ambrose B. Reld's court
when Mrs. Frances B. Lisbon, suing
her husband, Harry D. Lisbon, for
divorce, told of how her husband
wanted to sell their six-year-old Prop.
daughter, Margaret, to an "Italian
count" for $50,000. Judge Reid im
mediately granted her the divorce.
The young wife said her husband
came home one night several weeks
ago and breathlessly proclaimed:
"Oh, Bessie, we can ge rich. An
Italian count has just promised to
give $50 000 for little Margaret. We'll
let him have the baby and we'll get
the money. We'll be rich, Bessie. I
told him I would bring Margaret to
him it you would consent.
Mrs. Lisbon fainted. The husband
angered, left the house, and tho next
day Mrs. Lisbon entered divorce pro
ceedings against him.
One Time When Surgery Is
Needless Torture. '
Many Operations for piles are
simply needless torture, for when It's
all over the piles come back.
The one fine way to be rid of piles
for good is to use Dr. Leonhradt's
HEM-ROID. It cures piles by doing
away with the cause poor circula
$1 for 24 days' treatment at Pen
dleton Drug Co. and all druggists.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. Leon
hardt Co., Station B, Buffalo, N. Y.,
Write for free booklet.
ten It has occurred that something re
markable has happened upon some
part of the earth at the same time
that a large spot was located upon
the surface of the sun, butthls Is
merely a coincidence. About the on
ly effect a sun spot has upon the
earth is that two or three nights later
an aurora makes its appearance."
The lecture by Professor Brooks,
who is the discoverer of the famous
"Brooks comet," which made its ap
pearance last summer, was illustrated
with colored pictures. The professor
in referring to the heat of the sun's
rays, declared that each square yard
of sunlight when it reached the earth
was capable of one horsepower. He
stated that If the sun's rays which
drop on Manhattan island each day
were made capable of driving ma
chinery they would be able to move
every steamship in the world.
"Many people believe," said the lec
turer, "that the position of the horns
of the new moon denote the kind of
weather we are likely to have, but
there is no connection between the
position of the moon and the wea
ther possibilities."
New Dieslnjjs on Slxty-Milo River
Attract Sourdoughs from Dawson.
Dawson, Yukon Ter. With the
temperature 60 below zero, the stam
pede to the new gold diggings at
Sxty Mile continue Prospectors
are getting to work, the low tem
perature being to their advantage, as
the wet ground is frozen down to
bedrock, making it easier to sink
shafts. Machinery is being taken to
the new camp, roadhouses are being
opened every 10 or 20 miles along
the road- from Dawson, and one store
has already been established at Ledge
The gold commissioner has chang
ed the name of the main south fork
of Sixty Mile river, on which the
discovery was made, to Matson Creek
after John Matson, the discoverer
who first prospected the ground 14
years ago.
Ohio County Accumulates 57 Snloons
In 68 Days Tho Result.
Portsmouth, O. It is sixty-eight
days since Scioto county, after three
year's drought voted to reestablish
Thoro Is Only Ono
"Bromo Quinine"
That Is
Laxative Bromo Quinine
A Girl's Wild Midnight Ride.
To warn people of a fearful forest
I fire In the Catskllls a young girl rode
horseback at midnight and saved
many lives. Here deed was glorious
but lives are often saved by Dr. King's
New Discovery in curing lung trou
ble, coughs and colds, which might
have ended In consumption or pneu
monia. "It cured me of a dreadful
cough and lung disease," writes W.
R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex, "af
ter four in our family had died with
consumption and I gained 87 pounds."
Nothing so sure and. safe for all
throat and lung troubles. Price 60c
and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar
anteed by Koeppens.
Charles Durham, Lovington, 111.,
has succeeded in finding a positive
cure for bed wetting. "My little boy
wet the bed every night clear thro'
on the floor. I tried several kinds
of kidney medicine and I was In the
drug store looking for something
different to help mo when I heard of
Foley Kidney Pills. After he had ta
ken them two days we could see a
change and when he had taken two-
thirds of a bottle he was cured. That
Is about six weeks ago and ho has
not wet in bed since." Sold by all
Averts Panic When Motion Picture
Film Burns. x
Livingston, Mont. When a picture
film caught fire in a local theater
and 400 persons in the house started
rush for the exits, Mrs. E. Powers
White, wife of the owner of the the
ater, rushed to the stage and began
to sing "America," thus staying the
panic. She explained later there was
no danger and the audience sat down.
The picture machine operator was
burned on the face and hands.
Always remember tho full name. Look
7 tb1 signature on every box. 25c.
turbnnces on Old soil Do Not
ttirlNiuccs on Old Sold Do Not
Affect Earth.
New York. The universal belief
that sun spots were responsible for
various disturbances on the earth
was declared to be unfounded by
Prof. William R. Brooks, the well
known astronomer, in a lecture de
livered before a large audience In the
auditorium of the West Side Y. M.
C. A.
"Many people now believe and it
was generally believed years ago that
famines, cholera, epidemics, the rise
and fall of stocks, hurricanes and ex
treme hot or cold spells were due to
some disturbances on the sun, but
conservative astronomers all now
agree that there is no foundation for
such belief," he declared. "Very of-
University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore
Jan. 24. From the number of entries
In the competitive examination to be
hold nt the State University Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday of this
week, whicn is to determine two ap
polntments to the Naval Academy at
Annapolis, it would seem that a mil
itary or seaman's life does not hold
any vigorous appeal to the young
men of the state of Oregon. So far
but six have signified their Intention
of trying for the appointments. It
may be that tho high school boys
of Pendleton are not aware of this
excellent opportunity to get into the
Naval Academy. There is no politl
cal, social, or family pull connected
with these two appointments, which
are to be made this spring. Candi
dates must be between seventeen and
twenty years old. The two young
men who pass the highest mental
tests In Algebra, Geometry, Arithme
tic. Grammar, Geography, Writing,
Spelling, Reading, Ancient History
and United States History, and also
the highest physical tests, will be
given the appointments. The examl
nations are given by the University,
the appointments are made by Sena
tor Chamberlain. Entries will be
open until Thursday morning, January
25, at eight o'cllck.
A feeling of sadness accompanies
the discovery of the first gray hairs,
which, unfortunately, are looked up
on as heralds of advancing age. Gray
hairs, however, are not always an In
dication of advancing age, for many
people have gray hairs quite early
in life. Of course, it is natural, and
indicates that there is something
wrong with the individual, and that
Nature needs assistance in correcting
the trouble. The same is true of hair
that is constantly falling out anr be
coming thinner every day. If every
thing is right with Nature, the hair,
even in comparatively elderly people,
should be long, thick and glossy,
without even a streak of gray.
The ideal assistant to Nature In re
storing "and preserving the hair is
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem
edy, a cleanftend wholesome dressing
for daily use. It not only removes
dandruff, but strengthens weak, thin
and falling hair and promotes its
growth. A few applications will re
store faded or gray hair to Its natural
Get a bottle today and let it do for
you what it has done for thousands of
others. '
This preparation Is offered to the
public at fifty cents a bottle and Is
recommended and sold by special
agent, Pendleton Drug Co.
$100 Per Plate.
was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay,
in New Orleans In 1842. Mlghtly
costly for those with stomach trouble
or Indigestion. Today people every
where use Dr. King's New Life Pills
for these troubles as well as liver,
kidney and bowel disorders. Easy,
safe, sure. Only 25 cents at Koeppens.
Croup Ends Life
Many Children Die of Croup Every
Year Before a Doctor Can Bo Summoned.
Parents of ahildren should be pre
pared at all times for a spasm of
Keep in the house a remedy that
will give instant relief and keep the
child from choking until the arrival
of a physician.
Get a 50 cent bottle of HYOMEI
today and In case of an attack of
croup pour 20 drops into a kitchen
bowl of boiling water. Hold the
child's head over the bowl so that It
can breathe the soothing, penetrating
vapor that arises. In the meantime
send for a physician.
This treatment has saved the lives
of many children and is a precaution
that all parents should promptly take.
HYOMEI is sold by Tallman & Co.
and druggists everywhere and is
guaranteed for croup, catarrh, asth
ma and bronchitis.
Oyster Bay, N. Y. Theodore
Roosevelt parsed one day this week
skiing down the slopes of Sagamore
Hill and practicing long jumps. He
had as a companion his daughter.
Ethel. Both are fairly expert at the
sport and made many 60-foot jumps.
"Don't suggest politics to me today,"
he said. "Th's Is my day off."
Simoso Fills Out tho Curves and
Makes Thin People Fat.
If you are thin, your health is not
it should be. If you are losing
weight steadily, there is something
wrong that should be attended to at
once. You cannot be healthy and
strong If you are thin.
Perfect health and good, solid
beatiful flesh can only come through
the use of Samose, the remarkable
flesh,forming food.
This makes the thin and scrawny,
plump and robust, it mixes with the
food so that all of the elements that
make solid bone firm muscle and
good flesh are thoroughly assimilat
ed and retained In the system.
Samose Is not a drug or a stimu
lant; It Is a scientific flesh forming
food that restores thin people to a
normal condition of good healthy
These statements are confirmed by
Koeppen & Bros, who offer to refund
the money to anyone buying and us
ing Samose who does not gain In
weight as promised. The risk Is all
Kooppens. The thin and scrawny
can buy Samose at druggist Koep
pen & Bros. store,v with the knowledge
that if It is not succesful it will cost
absolutely nothing.
are. a luxury; few people would
be without them. Of course,
there are many sorts. A visit to
our establishment will give you
of Inspecting tho best. Wo will
Install them for you at no great
cost. All our plumbing Instal
lations and Job-work Is done
right and at moderate charge.
Beddow& Miller
rendleton'9 Exclusive Plumbers
Court and Garden Sta.
Phone Black 3566