DAILY EAST OREGONIAIf. PENDLETON. ORBOOV. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 112. EIGHT PAGES. Decide now that you will make uss of these last days of Our Wonderfully Successful World of White Sale JTVEN though you may have already shared in the extensive as JLJ sortments, the splendid qualities and the unequaled money saving opportunities which this sale brings within your reachdecide that you will come again. It may be a long, long while before you will be able to buy white goods of such STERLING QUALITY at such worth while reductions. Assortments Are Still Complete accordingly you will be able to suit your individual preferences just as satis factorily as you did during the opening days and in many instances you'll be able to save even more, for many articles have been reduced another notch as a special inducement to bring crowds here during the final days and to close this store's Greatest White Sale in record making fashion. New Arrivals for Our Great White Sale 75c Fancy Voiles 57c 30-in. wide, embroidered in beautiful designs and stripes. Very fine, will wear. GREAT WHITE SALE PRICE 57c $1.25 Air Line Cloth 89c Beautiful in texture and finish, 44-in. wide. The very cloth for a light, airy dress so popular for this coming season. GREAT WHITE QQfl SALE PRICE 0JI 65c Embroidered Crepe 49c The newest creation in . the white gcxxls world. Embroidered Crepe, 30-in. wkle laundries fine, no ironing. GREAT WHITE SALE PRICE ..... 47c 25c Seersucker Grepe yard, 1 8c of this 18c A full assortment of sizes in stripe Seersucker Crepe in WHITE only. great white sale price ': : NECKWEAR SPECIALS. 85 COLLARS 47 Your choice of any 65, 75 or 85 lace 'Dutch col lar, stock or side frill. White Sale price 47p 25 Laundered collars, White Sale Price 18 ALLOVER LACE AXD EMB. SPECIALS. One lot of white allovers. loth lace and embroiderv. sold regularly from 50 to $1.50. White Sale pr. 39 35 CORSET COVER EMB. AX DFLOUXCIXG 19 18-in. flounc'ng and corset cover embroiderv, about ten patterns ranging in price from 25 to 40. White Sale Special . 19 HEX'S WHITE SHIRTS REDUCED. Men's white stiff bosom shirts are going during this white sale a3 follows: $1.00 White stiff bosom shirts '. 49 $1.25 White stiff bosom shirts 98 The New Four-in-One House Dress The easiest and quickest to put on of any house dress made. On and off jlike a coat, no pulling over the head or stepping out of the skirt. A great convenience, seldom found in a house dress. This garment is easy to iron, as it opens out flat, with no buttons or frills to bother, snaps in the belt holds the garment in place. The "Princess" design gives this garment an exceptionally neat and tidy appearance. Made in the best quality of Percale in navy with white dot, Mack and white stripes, blue and white, grey and white, long or short sleeves, square, high and Dutch neck. Prices $1.95 and $2.15 The Peoples Warehouse Where It Pay To Trade Save Your Trading Stamps MRS. WELLS PIONEER OF WESTON DIES MANY FRIENDS OF LONG STANDING) ATTEND FUNERAL Mrs. Thomas rrliw is III Revival Ser vices Continue Aiiotlicr Week Duncan-O'Hnra Nuptials Solemnized at Homo of Rrlilc. MACHINE BETRAYS MAN TELLING LIE But It Also Proves That He l Not Former Convict and He Is Freed. Los Angeles. For the first time In the history of criminology Hugo Muensterberg's theory that the pul pations of the heart betray the guilt or Innocence of a prisoner wan dem onstrated In Justice of the Peace Thomas V. Cassldy's court In the lit tle town of Watts, a suburb of this city. The remarkable test resulted In th discharge from custody of Arthur Schmidt, arrested by City Marshal Traughber of Watts on suspicion that he was an escaped convict. When the test was begun In Jus tice Cassidy's courtroom the heart pulsation of the prisoner registered normal or 78 beats. The prisoner when asked hlB name hesitated sever al seconds, during which time his heart action jumped to 88 beats per minute, and then gave It as James Kmithcrs. After the pulsation had teen recorded by Marshall Traughber CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alwajs Bought Bears tha Signature cf the prisoner was asked by Justice Cassldy if he were telling the truth. He hesitated and was shown the Increased pulse notation, when he ad mitted he was telling an untruth and finally gave his name as Arthur Schmidt and his residence as Seattle. Efforts were made by Justice Cas sidy to identify Schmidt as an escaped convict. The names of California and other prisons were mentioned, but the prisoner's heart action remained at normal. Throughout the entire Interrogation the prisoner's heart action remained normal except when he told an un truth as to his name. The court or dered that he be released. The offi cials were loud In their praise of the theory and Justice Cassldy announc ed that he would use the stethoscope frequently. LAST OP BACHELORS IS ON STARVATION DIET North Yakima, Wash Lee Tittle, one of the pioneer bachelors of North Yakima, has sworn off eating. It Is not that Mr. Title has no one to cook his meals or that the cook ing is not good enough. Mr. Tittle Is carrying about 30 or 40 pounds more weight than he really needs and has adopted the foodles method of getting rid of the surplus. He has not eaten dinner since January 6. His diet for breakfast, luncheon and fcupper consists of hot water. The menu is varied by sometimes flavor ing the hot water with lemon Juice. He has lost 26 punds and is disap pointed that it Isn't more. He has not fixed any time limit for his total abstinence, and will begin eating afaln when he thinks his weight la low enough. Meanwhile, he says, he suffers no discomfort. Mr. Tittle Is the last of the Un'on Club, a group of young men bachelors who had club quartos a few years ago, but who all wedded slnve, leaving Mr. Tittle to phlft for himself. BAD FOR VOICE, MADAME. Songstress Said by Tobacconist to Owe Him $IHI for Cigarettes. New York. Whether Mrs. Mario Estella Markham, a soloist of Nash ville, Tenn., is Lady Nicotine or Lady Bountiful, was up to the supremo court to decide, when William F. Mathues, a wealthy tobacconist in re ply to Mrs. Markham's suit to recover $1,620 on an alleged loan from him, alleged that the Southern songstress owes him $184 on a cigarette bill. Mathues denies obtaining the money. In his counter claim he says Mrs. Markham purchased the cigarettes between November 9, 1910, and Au gust 24, 1911, making it seem that twenty neven cigarettes a day were consumed. Gage la In Jail. Baker, Or. Charles F. Oage, who was arrested here last week and rep resented hlmsolf to be a mining pro moter seeking to establish a smelter here, Is still in jail, having bo far been unable to secure ball, although a few hours before his arrest he boasted that he could wire J. Picr pont Morgan for $100,000 and secure it within 24 hours. His wife Is at the Rogers Hotel and refuses to be interviewed, claiming Illness. Gage's case will come before the grand Jury and Acting District Attorney Clifford believes his indictment will follow. O, YOU HARD HEARTED MAN. Fifteen Proposals Rejwted by Bache lor Mayor of Colorado. Aspen, Colo. "Hello, Is this the Mayor? Well, I want to marry you. Will you accept " Fifteen times since the beginning of the year Charles Wagner, bache lor mayor, has received this telephone message, though he refuses to state what his answers have been. He declares lie Is . delighted with being proposed to so many times and declares he will buy each girl a new silk gown. Car Repairer Injured. La Grande, Or. L. F. Rounds, a car-repairer in the local railroad yards, is lying in a dangerous condi tion as a result of an Injury sustain ed when a car door which he at tempted to push open, fell on him. It is feared he has sustained inter nal injuries. Freewater I'owtor Resigns. Frccwater, Ore. The Rev. A. Ross Kltt, pastor of the Congregational church of this city, has resigned. Mr. Kitt has been pastor of this church for the last two years. I (Special Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., Jan. 24. The funer al of Mrs. Margaret- Wells who died Friduy at Waitsburg was held Satur day morning at the United Brethren church. Mrs. Wells was an old pio neer of this country and was well known by many of the people of Weston and Athena, many of whom attended her funeral. Interment was held at the Weston cemetery. Mrs. Thomas Price is ill at her home North of Weston. .Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Clark and fam ily left Sunday for their homestead near American Falls,, where they will remain for some time. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Turner of Wes ton spent Sunday with relatives in Milton. Rev. Morgan Gallayer who has been conducting revival services at the United Brethren church for the past few weeks will continue during the week. Mr. Joseph Wurzer of Weston made a business trip to Pendleton during the week. Mrs. John McRae of this city was In Pendleton Friday shopping. . The Misses Ruby and Bessie Ban ister of Athena were In Weston dur ing the week. Mr. Peck McBride of Athena, made a business vLslt In Weston during the week. Mr. Otis Turner of Weston made a visit to Pendleton during the week Mr. Emery Worthington of Athena was in Weston Sunday visiting friends and relatives. Mr. William MacKenzIe of Weston was in Pendleton during the week. Mr. ivan O'Hara and Mrs. Ella Duncan, both of this city, were united in marriage at the home of Mrs, Duncan on Water Btreet, Sunday January zi, 1912. The bride and groom are both well known in this community and they have the many wen wishes of their friends. Mrs. Luther Shellenburg of this city was in Pendleton on business during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pinkerton . of Athena were In Weston Sunday visit ing friends and relatives. Mrs. M. Davis of Idaho, is in Wes ton visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry I'inKerion. Miss Grace Bergey of Walla Walla in in weston this week visiting menus. Miss Clara Hall who has been vis iting In Pendleton returned to Weston Monday. Mrs. James La Iunde and Mrs Ralph Klnnean of Weston made a business trip to Pendleton Monday. EARLY SEATTLE SETTLER LIVES TO BE lol YEARS Seattle. "vis,h. Andrew Fujler, pioneer of Seattle, and 104 years old, died here. Fuller was born In France in 1807 Just after Napoleon had an nexed Portugal to France. He came to New York when 20 and to the Pacific coast in 1862. His youngest child is aged 48. He also leaves 14 grandchildren and seven great grand children, the oldest of whom Is 13. SUGAR FACTORY QUITS GRAND HONDE VALLEY La Grande, Or. The La Grande sugar factory is to be dismantled. After several years of unsuccessful effort the Amalgamated Sugar com pany has given up the fight Lack of labor to grow beets is the real cause of the change of plans. The Amalgamated Sugar company has a good offer at Burley, Idaho, where 5000 acres of beels are pledg ed for five years. There Is a large area to draw from In the Twin Falls country and much of It Is well lrrK gated. To get a new factory much of the machinery would have to be BABY PITIFUL SIGHT WITH ECZEMA Completely Covered. Bandaged from Head to Foot. Dared Not Wash Him. Used Cuticura Soap and Oint ment 4 Weeks and He Was Cured. "A fow days nftor birth wo noticed an In flamcil spot on our baby's hip wliieh soon be gan spreading until baby was completely cov- eri-u even In liis eyes, cars and seal p. For tight weeks bo was bandaged (rom head to foot. Ho could not bare a stitch of cloth ing on. Our regular physician pronounced it chronic eczema. He Is a Very able physician and ranks with the best in this locality, neverthe less, the disease began spreading until baby was completely covered. Ho was losing Mesh so rapidly that we bcrame alarmed and de cided to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. "Not until I commenced using Cuticura Boap and Ointment could we tell what he looked like, as we dared not wash him, and I had been putting ono application after another on him. On removing the scale from bis head the hair came off, and left him entirely bald, but since we have been using Cuticura Soap and Ointment be has as much hair as ever. Four weeks after we began to use the Cuticura Soap and Ointment he was entirely cured. I don't believe anyone could have eczema worse than our baby. "Before we used the Cuticura Remedies we could hardly look at him, he was such a pitiful sight. Be would fuss until I would treat him, they seemed to relieve him so much. Cuticura Soap and Ointment stand by them selves and the result they quickly and surely bring is their own recommendation." (Signed) Mrs. T. D. llosscr. Mill Hall, Pa., Feb. 20, "11. Cuticura Sonp and Ointment sold through out the world. Send to Potter Iirug Chem. Corp., Dept. 29A, Huston, foralllwral samplo Of each, pout-free, with 32-p. book on the skin. OHEUu Theatre J. I. MADERNACH, Prop. High-Class Up-to-Date Motion Pictures For Men, Women and Children Program changes Snnday's, Tuesday's and Friday's See Programin Today's Paper manufactured and there Is but little time to spare, for the factory must go in this year to comply with contracts. Tlw Dungrr of La Grippe. Is Its fatal tendency to pneumonia. To cure your la grippe coughs take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. R. E. Fisher, Washington, Kas., says: "I was troubled with a severe attack of la grippe and nothing I used did me any good and I was threatened with pneumonia. A friend advised me to use Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound and I got some at once. I was relieved from the very first By the time I had taken three bottles my la grippe was 'gone. I believe Foley's Honey and Tar Compound to be the best medicine I ever used and always have a bottle with me." Sold by all dealers. Lame back may come from over work, cold settled in the muscles of the bsck, or from disease. In the two former cases the right remedy .la BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It should be rubbed in thoroughly over the affected part, the relief will be prompt and satisfactory. Price 26c, SOc and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. POLES CURED I TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days. SOc. Consider that the public service cor porations also have heavy troubles. PASTIME THEATRE CASS MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and enter taining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times each week. Be sure and see the next change. Adults 10c. Children under 10 years, 5c. PENDLETON'S POPU LAR PICTURE SHOW TME COSY Whcrq the entire family can en Joy a high-class motion picture show with comfort. Fun Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Evening. Cliangcs Sunday, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Next Door to St George Hotel. Admission Be and 10c.