East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 19, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Tuiiiairfc IUlara4
Their Small Cost
The price of "Sunkist" Oranges the finest
fiuit grown is no higher than that which
y ra nave paid tor oranges of much less qual
ity. MnHfltTI mowlif (n "Cnnl,!,.)" J
insist that each orange you buy is wrapped
in a tissue oaoer. marked "Sunkist." For
every wrapper is valuable. They identify the
best OranceS in thft urnrlrl Po cain'nor thaca
a - w VT Va. J fcjl I X 11 VtlV tJV
wrappers you receive beautiful "Sunkist" silver
premiums at but a trifling additional expense.
llany wide-awake women are furnishing
their dining tables by this means. Read care
fully particulars below.
Seedless, Tree-Ripened Navels
The choicest CrOD of 5.000 tTnlifnrnia omuM f riMf
are oranges with no seeds. They are solid, ripened
on Hie trees and picked by gloved hands. Juicy
and delightfully sweet. The most healthful of
oil mi V. ... . : 1 1 . : ..o ii A.ti 4"t
Mia ta u.i,, IUU Wiil gCl (jCQUlDO ' OUUKIM Jlm
anges with the valuable wrappers by insisting
fin t hm Vnllf fimilir Amaa frtiia mnc hunltk.
(ul and economical fruit.
Rogers' Orange Spoon
Save 12 "Sunkist" orange or lemon wrappers, or
trademarkscut from wrappers, and send tbem to us,
with 12c in stamps to help pay charges, packing,
etc., and we will send vou this Pennine Rocers' silver
nmnirfl CtWUin I7( anU nrt1i,innnl Bnnnn ..nil 19
wrappers or trademarks and 12c in stamps.
Not responsible for cash sent through the mails.
and 20c ia stamps. Excellent quality genuine Rogers.
1 1 "Sunkist" Premiums
Bend for full description, number of wrappers and amount of
cash ntcessnry to secure each article.
Tabic Knife Cbild'g Knit Oyiter Fork Trait Rail
Table Fork Romllon Snnna rhUilU Frk Tmimm
leaaart Spoon) Coffee S.xon Orange Spooa Tablcapooa
Salad Fork Batter Spreader
Caltlo Are Plentiful at Present But
Prlct-s Are Holding 'inelr own
Slieep Qtih-t With lunil)H Icpree
cI wheat SliortH Bold.
Taio-Skinaed, Juicy "Sankiit" LEMONS Of the tame
superb quulity a the orantrea. Economical because
so thln-aklnned end extra juicy. Wrapper tarns value
as "Sunkist" Orange wrappers. Kecipe Booklet Free
136 pona uani aireei, iDicato, ui
Chester, Pa. Dr. S. R. Crothors, a
former mayor of Chester, and T.'
Woodward Trainer, John H. Brooks
and John McClure left Chester a week
ago for a Running expedition along
Tuckerton Bay, making their head
quarters In a gunning cottage on Mia-1
die Ialund, about two miles below
Maple Point. N. J.
They retreated to their cottage
Thurxdny night and were snowed in.
Saturday morning they made an at
tempt to cross the bay In their nap-
tha launch but after breaking the
Ice for abotl.' a mllo they gave up the
wnnther was nt zero and the ,
sportsmen found It hard work to keep
warm In the cottage. Monday morn
ing the food and water supply was so
low that the men determined at all
h;i7-nnli r mflkA a hrflk for Hafetv.
They procured three small gunning
smacks, one of .which was used In
convevinsr their eauiDments. With
two men in each of the other small
boats thev started off. After six
hours work they reached clear water
and finallv attained the mainland
two miles below Tuckerton.
6 75
Boston, Jan. 18. Rlcheson's coun
sel have abandoned hope of clemency
for Avis LinnelTs murder, as a result
of Governor Foss urging the executive
council to refuse commutation to Si
las Phelps, who was executed last
week for murder.
Governor Foss found seven of the
nino members of the council favored
the electrocution law as long as It
remains on the statute.
A Permanent Cure lor
Chronic Constipation
(From Thursday's. Journal.)
Ti'hiio iihrnvlnir considerable easi
ness, the hog market was unchanged
so far as outward appearance was
concerned at North Powder mis
Thoro tuna n further liberal run
and while buying was extremely, slow
and efforts were made to neat uuwu
mmtotlnna rprnlvprs held OUt lor
$6.75 for best offerings during the
early portion of the day.
Total offerings of swine at North
Portland today were 732 head, com
pared with 290 yesterday, uu. Aion
onri sno, heart last Thursday.
TnrtMv'a North FOriianU BWUIC
Fancy mixed
flitfi ,1 hpAVV
Good light 6-65
Medium light .
Rough and heavy
Poor and heavy
im..ii fiiitin Arrive.
Three loads of cattle came forwail
r. thin morning. Tire
IIIMI1 .11 .rl..-- -
market i-tarted rather slow owing io
the liberal offerings recently but there
was practically no change in the sit-
Run for the day was ioj
rnmna red with 135 yesterday and 39
head last Thursday.
t:iww.r. Market In Stationary.
vi,m. tn' th mutton trade were.
as a rule, stationary at North Port
land today. While there continue.
eakness in the call for
this line are de-
pressed, sheep trade m general i
steady around previous ngure".
There was a run or &z neau i
the day compared with 14 head yes-
...n,i con n n-ppk aero.
uv. morini at Vorth Portland:
"""I' " . ecu
C-lf lomha S 0.03
. v , . . . .......... -
Choice lambs
Common lambs ?
Yearling lambs
Old wethers n
Fancv ewes . 4.00 4.10
Ordinary 3.5003. .5
Grain and Hay.
Weat Producers prices nominal;
. i, i.,ii,oi-v rlnh. 81c: bluestem,
84c; forty-fold. 82c; Willamette val
ley, 82c; red Russian, uc; iu.c,
red. 82c..
Bariey Producer' prices 1911
Feed. J35; rolled. $36; brewing, $39
Millstuffs Selling price Bran,
im, i,i,tiin.ra J29.50: shorts, $25;
chop, $1925;"car loats 50c per ton
Oats Producers' price Track
No. 1. spot delivery, white, $30. u
31: gray, $30.
Il lmnt Kluirta BoooniC Bold.
.v.i Tn 19 Shorts In the
..i,o, mnrkpt became bold yester
day. On the advance they began to
sell the three options. Wheat open
j .iu risB of 1-Sc to l-4c over
Wednesday but closed with a net loss
of l-4c to 3-8C.
ThAe was a firmer tone abroad on
account of the less favorable weather
In Argentina and the lack of offer
ings there.
Lock Intruder In the Battcnirnt of the
Parlwli IIoiiho uiul Then CalU lo
Ilw, Wio Place- lun Under Arrcwt.
ChicaEO. 111. Dean Walter T. Sum
ner, of the Cathedral of St. Peter and
Paul helped the police of the Des
pluines street station In arresting an
alleged burglar.
Dean Sumner was In the parish
house, Washington boulevard and
North Green street, when he heard a
noise In the basement. He Investi
gated and found the basement door
open. He locked It and summoned
the police.
Detectives went to the basement
door and started to open It.
"I will shoot the first man who
comes in," a voice from within shout
ed. M" f
Unmindful of the danger, the detec
tives opened the door. Dean Sumner"
carried a lantern and assisted in find
ing the Intruder.
The man was taken to the police
station, where he gave his name as
John Anderson, a sailor. He denied
having broken Into the parish-house
for the purpose of robbery.
The combination !of healthful vegetable ingredients of which S. S. S. ia
composed, makes it an especially desirable and effective mye
mentolEores and ulcers of every kind. Since an impure
blood is responsible for the trouble, a medicine that can JrJ
the only ho- of a successful cure; and it should be a medicine that notonl
cleanses the circulation, but one that at the same time restores the blood to
its normal, rich, nutritive condition. S. S. S. is lust such a rented y. It a
made entirely of healing, cleansing vegetable properties, extracted from ina
ture's roots, herbs and barks of the forest and fields. It has long been
. . ' ... .11 v.i,. .,i-,,JM T-,cMicinor the dualities
nSrfto remove every impurity in the blood, men S. S. S. has purified
u.v.." . . . , , , :i i :- anA ,iira tipnl read
the circulation, ana siren gtnenea anu cumiu iW -
ily and surely, because they are no longer fed andkept open bya continual
nn, TLXZ Z :7nt:rt Win?Vure. "Book on Sores
nounsning wwu --
and Ulcers and any medical advice mailed free to all wno write.
MU?ty Mean Thief,
Vancouver. B. C. The climax of
promiscuous thlvery going on her for
a week was reacnea wnen a miscre
ant broke Into the room occupied by
J. Barton of Dunsmuir street and stole
his cork leg. The leg was attached to
Barton's trousers and the thief made
off with the trousers, leg, watch and
a small sum of money.
A Simple, Harmless Remedy
Quickly Relieves ua
tarrhal Deafness.
Ttia liraianndn.-lin Buffer the miseries of
colds and catarrh and claim they have
never found a cure can get instant relief hj
simply anointing the nostrils with Ely's
Cream liftlm.
Tinlike internal medicines which upset the
stumai-b, or Btrong snuffs whiah only ag
gravate the trouble, this cleansing, healing,
untinnnti,. Ttalm instiintlv reaches the seat
of the trouble, stops the nasty discharge,
clears the nose, head and throat, and
brings back tie se-jse of taste, smell and
Imnmrm tlia lipnriTKT. More than this, it
strengthens the weakened and diseased
tissues, thus protecting you against a ro-
ttirn f.f thft troll hie. This remedy will cure
a cold in a day, and prevent its becoming
chronic or resulting in ciitarrn.
Voonl r.!,tnrrli is en inflammation i tuo
moml.rmiA liiiiiiir the air nassaces.and can
not be reached by mixtures taken into tho
stomach, nor can it be curea oy suuus iiuu
powders which only cause additional irri
tation. Don't waste time on them. Get a
r.n ur,f Vimtln of FJv's Cream Bulm from
your druggist, and after using it for a -uy
you will wisn you uaa vneu n soouer. .
Mothers should give the children ElyV
f'roum Hi, m tor coins aim crouu. n :
.. , , 3 -.1 4
periectiy Harmless, auu piemKmi. wine
AlthniiKh th"e may 1ImuI. It who have
not trl 'd t. vnt tl.m.snn.U ..f olhors. who
?peak fn.m l-Honal experience, anH.-rt that
tRere Is a p'-rmnnent cure fr clir.mic c..n
iVu"tlon Snin.. t-Hliry tli.-y were c..r
for as little ns fifty ccntn. y.-nrs aKo and
that the t rouble n.-x-r rsiue hack on them,
while 'other, admit they ';'?'';,
ties before a steady cure was broiihiit
' The remedy referred to Is Or. Caldweirs
Hvrmt repsl i It Uss been on the market
fo'r over o suarter of a century and has
Wen popularized on ItK merits, by one
:ronPtel!ln another. The fact that s
LtrnniteHt upH.rter are women and ell
erly peopl.--tbe ones nnt persistently
com.tiimte.l-makes It .ertaln. that the
uln.H reirnrdlni: It bh a permanent cure
lor constipation have not been eisgger-
B'7t' Is not violent like cathartic pills.
1... nH i.-a(aa llllt ftlllTU t CR IfeDtlV. Willi-
pniin 'l -.p .." n .
out grlpliiK and without shock to tho sys
tem. It contains mini: mom-i u
slrennthen the stomach and bowel mus
cles so that In time medicines of all kinds
can be dispensed with and nuture is attain
solclv relied on. Annmg the legions who
iV l,..ua fii.'tu nrp Mr. Jus. A.
Ilfllll, ....... . - -- - -
t .. .i T ...r.. I'tith nml .1i,Mltlllflp ltnll.
I,,lliiiui ii. - -
ey, Sheridan. Wyo.. and they always have
a Pottle ot ir in ine iin.inc. I". It in n
llable laxative for all the family from In
fancy to old ope.
Aiivoue wishing to make ft trial of this
remedv liefore buying It In the regular way
of a druggist at fifty cents or one dollar
i . i...in if.inillv alvi.l cnti linvp fl
it mis.-- ;"', " :
sainle bottle sent to the home free or
charge by simply addressing Pr. W. B.
fnldwell, lo.'i Washington St., Montlcello.
111. Your numc and address on a postal
card will do.
American "wild west" moving pic
ture scenes are most popular in Scot
land. Many American-mad fi!ms are
Rather too much politics this year
for our national health.
A SNAP FOR $2500.00
7 room modern house, atone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath,
toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground.
Call at once as bargains of this character can't last. Must see
It to appreciate it.
Phone Main 83.
117 E. Court Street
Other Property of Every Description.
Money to Loan on City and County Realty.
Bottled inBond
Rich j
s fliAP in iv iiiiiii.iv
iiSlf Famous theWorld Over
JwM MJ i''f& vn it. nlen,ll,l hostelrles. Its varied
vnr its snlendld hostelrles. Its varied
attractions, its fine beaches, hot
springs and pleasure resorts all these
can be reached with ease by the
Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation Co. and
"Road of a Thousand Wonders."
Portland to Ix)s Angclea and Return
k :fe;3.. A -
t7XiLV:X4FAA all O
Wlth correspondingly low fares from
W. R. & N. ' points, good six
months with stopovers going and re
turning within limit. Handsomely 11
lustrated literature will he supplied
upon application to any of our agents,
or address: WM. McMURRAY,
Gen Pass, Agent.
Portland, Ore.
1.1.-.,.. nrwits Williams.
T..rr.nt,Y nnt. Jan. 18. Jim Flynn,
the Pueblo fireman who is matched to
fight Jack Johnson Tor the world's
heavyweight championship, knocked
out At Williams of Cleveland In the
second round of a bout scheduled to
go ten rounds before me .au.Mi,
Sporting association of tnis cuj
The cocoanut is not only valuable
as a source of foou ana uci.ik. .u .v.v.
h-al countries, but is also said to be
the best of all trees for siiaue.
Toll How Cure Art" Made With an
Internal JUMU-inc.
Do you know the cause of piles?
Is it Inward or external?
Is It a skin disease?
Will salves or cutting cure for
ro you know the. cause of p les
how T)r J. S. Leon-
hardt found the long-sought internal
Tlinsn niiostions fullv answered in
a booklet inn lied free by Pr. Leon
hardt Co., Station B, Buffalo X. Y ,
or by Pendleton Drug Co.. who sella
HEM-ROID, the successful remedy
at $1 per large bottle, under guaran
tee. At all drug stores.
tinnnl onnortunltv for man of abil
ity to operate retail store for th
ale of made-to-order men's clothes
of Tjimm and Company. Chicago.
Capital necessary only for operat
ing expenses and fixtures. Entire
itlsnlav atopic and fixtures furnish-
w,a without Investment, First
Haas references reauired. Address
J. P. T., care this office.
WANTED Lace curtains to laundry
Wnrb done with especial cavr
Phone Red 2521.
you want to upseriDe to magane
nr nAwanaoers In the United States
r Europe, remit by postal note,
check, or send to the EAST ORE
nnvtiM th net DUbllsher's price
of the publication you desire, and
we will have it sent you. It will
anva von hoth trouble and risk. If
you are a subscriber to the EAST
OREGONIAN, in remitting you can
rinrinpt ten ner cent from the pub-
llahnr'a nrlce. Address, EAST
Kill the Dandruff Germs Stop Kar Falling
Thousands o! mothers are looking younger. Their gray hairs are gone. The natural
color has come back, and with it a new growth of soft, glossy, luxuriant hair. Why should
you look old before your time, when you can look years younger by using
Dandruff Cured
Three " applications" removed
all the dandruff and left my
Bcalp clean, white and smooth.
Jja..Ci9ak, Rochester, N. Y.
Restores Gray Hair to Natural Color
Tf ma rAof-t. u,r tiA A9 on'vt tin hove, but E1VC WYETII S
IE AND SULPHUR HATR REMEDY a trial. You run no risk. If it is not exactly
as represented, your money will be refunded
1 Gray Hair Restored
XTw 1. . i m ot-ac rf.ittliitv i-iiiiti, i.rnr n nit foTlT,,. Ant rMI,.
.iJ uuu ,1 lia miih ii... .tilling ..ii. .n
idly and I was troubled with a terrible itching of tiK
scalp. My bend, was full of dandruff, which fell upoa
my clothes and kept me continually brusbim; it off.
Wblle ou a visit to lioi'iiostcr i noaru ot your sase nun
Sulphur for the buir. 1 got n bottle and used It. A few
applications relieved the itebing. my hair stopped fall
ing out ntiu Kraouuiiy eiiuie uaiu to us iiaiiu.u unm.
It Is now n nice dark brown color, sou. glossy una pli
able. Several of my friends want to use it. and I want
to know what yoi will charge me for six bottles of it.
Sharon, Mercer Co., Ta.
Grew Hair on a Eald Head
TV iivi. ir tlivi'i- venr in v hair bad been fall
out and getting quit tiir.i until tlie top or
ln..-,.l w:is entirely bald. About four month
t ,...i.,M,..in ..il nsinir S:i'-e and Suipluir. The
first bottle seemed to do some good, and I kept
it r...-ul:ii-lv until now 1 Have useu tour
i . i 1-3 f.ilrltf
es. 1 lie wuoie toil u m.t in .mi . '
..,iv....i nml koi-iis n coinimz ill thicker. I shall
keep on using it a while longer, as 1 notice a
constant improvement.
Kit.ltll'.. li.i.'., .
uocuesicr, . i.
50c. and S1.00 a Bottle
n Yovr Dngftist Docs Not Keep It, Send Us the Price in Stamps, anG 7c Will
Send You a Large Bottle, Express Prepaid
Wv&th Chemical Company " Sf""NST,.TrT"
rgpp A 25c Cake ot WyeUTs Sage and Sulphur Toilet Soap Free to anyone .who will sena
I ft ELL us this advertisement with 10c ia stamps to cover cost of wrapping and mailing the soap.
f 1
; 1
OREGONIAN PUB. CO , Pendleton.