-J PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY It, 111. EIGHT PAGES. LIEN RUL ORE is now showing the greatest values ever known to the women of Pendleton, in, MiisSm Under wear aifcd Embroideries i ; i v 9ur kfge an,d beautiful lines of white goods are absolutely new and now being displayed on our counters for the first time. They do not represent any left-overs nor shelf-worn stock, they are not a special purchase of cheap grade flimsy cloth made up m hit-and-miss manner for the sole purpose of selling at so-called sale prices. The Golden Rule Stores line of muslin underwear and embroideries is composed entirely of dependable anddesir able merchandise-the quality is standard and the prices, although as low and even lower than others advertised sale prices, are regular, here today, tomorrow and all the year. Joift the large family of happy savers who trade at the Golden Rirfe Store CORSET COVERS Plain Muslin, others charge 15c, our regular price 10 Lace Yoke, others charge 23c, our regular price v 18? Fancy Laco Yoke, others charge 35c, our regular price. 23 Embroidery Trimmed, others charge 40c, our regular price 25 JVcp Laco Yoke, others charge 40c, our regular price 25? Embroidery Trimmed, others charge 50c, our regular price 39? Embroidery trimmed, others charge 75c, our regular price 49? Deep Lace Yoke, others charge 73c, our regular price... 49? I J T.l. ij r i i T uuu -ivuuuomery insertion, otners cnarge toe, our regu lar price JO i - - ............ xiy Allover Embroidery, others charge $1.00, our regular price 69t? MUSLIN DRAWERS Embroidery Trimmed, others charge 40c, our regular price 25? "Wide Embroidery Bottom, oth ers charge 75c, our regular price 49? Lace and Insertion, others charge 75c, our regular price 493 Cross Par and Embroidery Trimming, others charge $1.00. our regular price '. 69? Insertion and Embroidery Trimming, others charge $1.25 our regular price 73,? Very Fine Embroidery Trimming, others charge $1.50, our regular price .'. 98 Embroidery 10-inches Wide, Fine Pattern, yard Beautiful Lino of Patterns and widths 8 l-3 10. 12 l-2. Corset Cover Embroidery... 15?, 19?, 25?, 39.?, 49 27-inch Flouncing : 39?, 49t?,69.? COMBINATION SUITS , WITH SKIRT AND DRAWERS. A Xeat Embroidery Trimmed Garment, regular.. 49? Embroidery and Lace Trimmed, regular !.. 69? Allover Yoke and Bottom, regular 98? Round Each. Drawer, Lace Yoke and Bottom, regular. $1.69 Deep Embroidery Yoke and Bottom, regular $1.98 CHILDRENS MUSLIN DRAWERS Embroidery, Lace and Tucked Trimmed, 5?, 10?, 15.?, 19?. PRINCES JLIPS Lace Yoke and Bottom, others charge $1.50, our reg. price 98? All Lace Yoke with Ribbon,' others charge $1.75, our regular price ... . SI. 23 A Very Fine Batiste, trimmed in Swiss embroidery, other? charge $2.25, our regular price SI. 49 MUSLIN GOWNS Ruffled and Einbroidery Insertion, others charge 75c, our regular price u 49? Embroidery Trimmed, others charge $1.00, our reg. price 69? SQUARE AX1) ROUND NECK. High Xeck, Embroidery Trimmed, others charge $1.50, our regulaar price 98? Slip Over, low round neck,, others chargo $1.50, our regular price 98? French Empire Yoke, others charge $1.50, our reg. price 98? V-neck, French Yoke, others charge $2.00, our reg. price $1.49 MUSLIN SKIRTS Long and Short, Einbroidery Trimmed, 4 tucks, others chart"? 75c, our regular price 49? Long and Short, others cliarge 75c, our regular prico 69 Wide Einbroidery Trimming, others chargo $1.50, our regu lar price 98 Xeat Embroidery Trimming, stitched tucks, others charge $1.50, our regular prico 9S? He avy Embroidery, assorted patterns, ;hcrs charge $1.75, our regular price SI. 25 Wide Embroidery, stitched tucks, others charge $2.00, our reg ular prico SI. 49 Wide Embroidery, stitched tucks, others charge $2.25, our reg ular price $1.69 Embroidery and Insertion, very fine, others charge $2.50. our regular price 81.98 Very Fine Embroidery Trimming, stitched tucks, other" charge $4.00, our regular price $2.98 11 v - Ml -i nil rrn riimnn GRADUATION OF PAY sikets with imatilla u'atkk i'skiss' association" lUcnmiiifiil(xI Tluit Petition of I'ro-j-t Sot tier Ut Granted by Kcla nuition Sori'iii Wrestling 15ut to Take Place Next Month. (Special Correspondence.) Hermiston. Ore., Jan. 19. There j was a metting of the settlers of this nPlti.--t TlH-.Cfltj.. o tV. ttt J J . . i filing at iuc of the Umatilla River Water Users' association, to confer with Mr. Hob son, supervising engineer in regard to the graduation of the water right payments on the project. Petition to be feigned by a!l the settlers on the KIDNEY REMEDY THAT ACTS LIKE MAGIC I have been a terrible sufferer for a number of years with kidney and liver trouble, abso nervous prostration and health generally poor, constitu tion ent.rely run down until Ufe be camo a burden. I tried phy.-iclapv and every available remedy but found no rel'ef. Was induced to sive Dr. KilmerV Swamp-Root a trial, which acted like magic, and am happy to fay that I believe I am cn;ir.?y cured tnd now as good a man as ever. I believe it my duty to make thU public statement that 1 may 7i.'p others who may be suffering from the -d:ne trouble Swamp-Tioct is with out question the greatest remedy iif un world. Anyone in doubt of th's .-talenient or the auth-ni:L';t.' -an ad dress me as be'ow. Yours very truly W. H. McCOT. Van Wert, O. State of Oh o Van Wert County ( 8S- The foregoing ntatement sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres ence this Mh day of J ily, 1909, by the said M. H. McCoy. A. C. GILPIV, Notary Public. letter to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Ilincrliaiiipton. X. V. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do ror you. Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hampton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. Jt will convince anyone. You will al ko receive a booklet of valuable In formation, telling all about the kid neys and bladder. When writing, be nure and mention the Pendleton Daily East Oregonian. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottlca for sale at all drug stores. project asking for a graduation of tne payment is being circulated and will be mailed to the secretary of the interior. A wire will be sent to him stating that the petition is on the way with several hundred signatures. Mr. Hobson Mated that he was sur prised that this had been delayed as r.is department ha( made the recom mendation that the payments be graduated. The wrestling fans of Hermiston have arranged for a contest February 3rd between Kennedy of Hermiston, who has been unbeaten so far in wrestling, and O'Connell of Portland. It is expected that several come from Portland to witaetw the match. Clifford Morgan and R R. John son of Pendleton were in the city Wednesday on business. Mr. Cross of .Spokane is expected here to visit with II. T. Irvin and family. H. B. Hobson, supervising engineer of the reclamation aervice. Is spend ing a few days looking over the pro ject. Francis X. Curtis made final proof before Commissioner Upthe grove Thursday. He has a 160-acre homestead about six miles from Her miston. Mr. Curtis nas been In the chicken business. Otl Sprague, the land salesman, is expected home this week from the east where he has leen selling pro ject lands. ' JlKAIt STORY THAT COUNTS. Animal Tracked to IKn. caught hy lliinler ami Strangled to Death. Monticello, N. Y. Monticello, Sul livan county, boasts of the only living man who has choked a real, live 400 pound bear to death with his bare hands. The hero in Uernie Smith, a trapper and hunter. Smith, With .(Xtn Ackley, discov ered bear tracks and followed the trail, which led to a den In a ledge of rocks. The hunters built a fire anil smoked out Mr. Bear. Mr. Hear rushed forth, knocking Ackley from tho ledge, and dashed at Smith. The hunter jumped aside ami leaned upon the animal's back winding his arms tightly around his neck. With a growl, the beast rose on its haunches and tried to shake off its "unwelcome rider. Failing, it rush ed back and forth along the narrow lvdge, brushing against rocks and trees. Smith's grip upon the animal's windpipe soon began to have Its ef fect. The anlmal'a eyes 1ulged from its head and it fell on the ground helpless. In an an Instant Smith's teeth wefe burled In the bear's wind pipe, and the huge form became lifeless. Warrant for Krml. Walla Walla, Wash., Jan. 18. In formation charging Frank O. Ennls with allowing the building he occu pied, 6 1-2 West Ma'n, to be used for gambling was filed In superior court yesterday and a warrant Issued. En nis was allowed to go on $600 ball. The complaining witness Is A. E. Ev ans, who has Just completed a 90-day sentence for gambling. ECHO SHIPS NINE CARS OF CATTLE FIRST OF SEASOX FOR TIIRIVIXG PROJECT TOWX t'lotlie.-liiH" Thieves Causing Male Citi.eii-Jiip to RcpUnisli Ward rolM-s Rcbcccahx Arranging for District Convention Xext Week. (Special Correspondence.) Echo, Ore., Jan. 19. Xine car loads of cattle were shipped from here this week to the Portland mar kets. This was the first shipment of beef from the Echo this season. J. W. Coppinger was a business visitor in Pendleton today. A. B. Thomson was transacting business at the county seat today. Miss Xettle Xprman who has been quite sick the past two weeks, is able to be ou again. Frank Sloan was here Wednesday evening from Stanfield on a business visit. Mrs Lillian Porter of Portland Is here this week visiting with her mother, Mrs. R. B. Stanfield. Mrs. C. A. Gilbert Is confine to her home with a severe' attack of tonsl litis. B, Zuass of Spokane, was a visitor here yesterday. Mrs. J. H. Leezer returned Mon day from Portland where she has been visiting the past two months with her son Roy Leezer. J. Frank Spinning was a business vlnitor in Stanfield today. Clothes line thieves have been op erating in Echo lately. Men's cloth ing seem to be their specialties. The Henrietta Rebekah lodge held Its regular meeting last night and plans were made for the Rebekah district convention whloh will be held here on next Wednesday afternoon and evening, January 24. DOX T ET RUX DOWX. Weak and miserable. 7f you have kidney or bladder trouble, dull head pains, dizziness, nervousness, pains in the back, and feel tired all over, get a pack uge of Mother Gray's -AROMATIC-LEAF, the pleasant ' herb cure. It never falls. We have many testimonials from grateful pertple who have used this wonderful remedy. As a regulator it has no equal Ask for Mother Gray's Aronrntlc-Ijeaf at druggists or sent by mall for 60 cents. Sample FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co. La Roy, N. Y. RANGE WAR LEADS TO A GUN DUEL Lewlston, Idaho. Jan. 19. A row between cattlemen and sheepmen along the Washington-Oregon bound ary In a wild section of the Grande Ronde country resulted in the shoot ing of Press Montgomery by Gidge Tlppltts. Montgomery was brought to a Lew lston hospital, the trip having been made from the Grande Rondo by boat. He is suffering from four bul let wounds and his recovery Is con sidered impossible. Two of the bul lets entered his body In such a man ner as to strike the spinal column, producing complete paralysis of the lower part of the body. Tlppltts sur rendered, alleging self defense. Both men are prominent In the stock busi ness in the Grande Ronde section. A few months ago Montgomery killed Loren Hawk near the scene of Monday's shooting. LITTLE MOTHERS' SCHOOLS OPEX Thirty-Two Will Do in session for First Time Thin Afternoon. Chicago, III. Thirty-two "little mothers' school" will be opened In public school buildings. It is expect ed that more than 1000 glrla of the upper grades of the elementary schools will attend. . They will be taught how to take care of the baby, how to clothe, bathe, feed and put It to seep. If a 'baby cries, they will be shown how to find out what Is the matter. This Instruction is directed by the health department. Dr. George . B, Young, health commissioner, has as signed a nurse to each school to take charge of the classes. Life-sized dolls will be used. A dry, hacking cough is hard on the IlinP'Q nlAn Kandlnir Ihom In laail BALLARD'S HOREHOUXD SYRUP ! In a healing balm that quickly repairs ' damage in the lungs and air passages. Price 25c, BOc and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Lewis ' Defeats "Dixie KM." Liverpool. Jan. 19. Harry Lewis knocked out "Dixie Kid" in tho eighth round of a fast bout here last night. Both men are American welt er weights. ..y3kV.T. HIM mmw 1100 Per Plate. was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay, In New Tjrleana in 1842. Mlghtly costly for those with stomach trouble or indigestion. Today people every where use Dr. King's New Life Pills for these troubles as well aa liver, kidney and bowel disorders. Easy, safe, sure. Only 25 cents at . Koep-pens. A Girl's Wild Midnight Rldo. To warn peoplo of a fearful forest fire In the Catskllls a young girl rode horseback at midnight and saved many lives. Here deed was glorious but lives are often saved by Dr. King's New Discovery in curing lung trou ble, coughs and colds, which might have ended in consumption or pneu monia. "It cured me of a dreadful cough and lung disease," writes W, R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex., "af ter four In our family had died with consumption and I gained 87 pounds." Nothing so sure and safe for all throat and lung troubles. Price BOc and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar anteed by Koeppens. Portland, Ore., Jan. 18. President Johns announced today that Umpire Van Haltren of the Coast league, has been appointed an umpire In the Northwestern league. ' PUJSS CURED IN TO 14 DATS. Your druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in to 14 days. SOo. READ for PROFIT Use foi Remits FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS They work directly on the KIDNEYS. BLADDER and URINARY PASSAGES, and their beneficial effect is felt from tho start. For BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM CONGESTION of the KIDNEYS, IN FLAMMATION of tho BLADDER arid annoyingURINARY IRREGULARITIES they exercise a permanent benefit. TONIC IH ACTION - OUICK IN RESULTS J. A. Maple, 125 fl. 7th St., Steu-, bcnvllle, O., says: "For years I suf fered from weak kidneys and a se vere bladder trouble. I learned of Foley Kidney Pills and their wonder ful cure so I began taking them and sure enough I had as good results as any I heard about. My backache left me and to one of my business, ex pressman, that alone is a great ad vantage. My kidneys acted free and normal, and that saved me a lot of misery. 'It Is now a pleasure to work where it used to be a misery. Foley Kidney Pills have cured me and have my highest praise." FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS E'MfJrgMRlti An Enterprise Worthy of Your Patronage. Prompt Exclusive. Reliable. TaxicabServico DAY AXD NIGnT, Stand at Hotel St George. Fare 25 Cents to Any Part of e City. The Only Up-to-Date Convey ance In Pendleton. Phone Main 12. JOSEPH N. BOIIL, prop. He Never Had Your Chance In this man's day there was little chance for the chap who started out in life as a work man with no special training. He was foredoomed to work -for small wages until finally disqualified by old ape. With YOU it is different. If you are not Retting ahead as fast as you should in your chosen occupa tion, the I. C. S. will help you. A record of over 10 years of remarkable success in training thousands of ambitious wage earners for better positions and increased earnings enables , 'us to state positively that we can help you, no matter how scant your time, money, or education may be. Don't neglect any possible chances for advance ment. Send this coupon NOW. International Correspondence Schools ' Box 888,Scranton, Pa. t Htm npUln. without further oMIeatlon on mr I P". !" I " quilllr lor the rmilu,,o, tiarte, , a l"i,wu ucu.ra wmcn nave markttj jk Automobile Running Poullr, Forming Bookhoopor Stenographer Advertising Men Show-Cord Writing Window Trimming Commercial llluelretlng Chemlot f Bponleh Longuegoe J Preneh Kinking 1 Sermon C'vll Service I Itellen Tejkllle Manufacturing rroniiooiurai oraiteman Kleotriool Engineer Moohanlool Orellsmen Mechenieol Engineer Telephone Crpert, Stationery Englnoat Civil Engineer Arohltoat Conorete OonelruotWm Plumbing, Sloont filling Mine Superintend! tSt.&No. City . Slal SEE WINDOW DISPLAY AT Vaughan's Electrical Store Representative O. W. Berg hausen will bo at tho above place from 1 to 6 o'clock each afternoon, up until Sat urday night.