PAGE FOOL DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY It,' 1011. EIGHT' PAGES. TONIGHT If Of W w THREE REELS of the Most Marvelous Pictures of Real Life Ever Produced Don'tKlissIf AT 11 '.Jliilr CQSY A Moral Lesson to All Bring your wife and daughter Gome Early to Get Seats Usual Admission The Thedtre was ' crowded lat night and many people were turned away Cone: Early and be sure of seats. First show at 7 o'clock sharp j AM INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Published Dully and Semi-Weekly at Pen dleton, Oregon, by the CAST OREGON1AN PUBLISHING CO. 8CCSCKIPTION RATES! Dally, one year, by mall $5.00 Dally, ilz montba, by mall 2.50 Dally, three months, by mall 1.25 Dally, one month, by mall 50 Dally, one year, by carrier 7.50 Dally, aix months, by carrier 8.75 Dally, bree months, by carrier ..... 1.95 Daily, one month, by carrier 65 Bemi-Weekly, one year, by mail 1.50 leml-Weekly, six months, by mall 75 fSaml-Weekly, four months, by mall... .60 The Dally East Oregonian Is kept on sale t the Oregon News Co., 329 Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon. Chicago Bureau, 909 Security Building. Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth street. N. W. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, aa second-class mall matter. Member United Press Association. telephone Main 1 Official City and County Paper. powers that ibe going to loiter along and allow the redmen to lose their birthright through Inaction on the part of their guardian, the govern ment? Are 'a thousand human beings to be left in comparative poverty and many of them forced in time to seek aid of the "county because a milling company has gobbled up and wants to hold control of ths river when its rights are plainly secondary to' the rights of the Indians? Are the Indians to be jobbed out of their rights because they are un trained in the ways of the white man and cannot plead their case? Time wlU tell. WALL STREET FIGHTS HIM. XOT ENOUGH. It isn't enough to work all day Where all is bright. Content to have merely earned your pay. When you quit at night. It isn't enough to move along Where cares are few Content if no other bears a wrong Because of you. It isn't enough to merely drift Where winds blow fair; While the weak still wait for the strong to lift Them from despair. ' S. E. Kiser. THEY CAN" IF THEY WILL. "Where there's a will there's a way," is a saying that is applicable to the subject of irrigating the Umatilla reservation as well as to other afairs. If the right authorities but wanted to do so they could proceed at once with plans for watering the Indian lands adjacent to this city. Under an act already in force the secretary of the interior has power to make rules and regulations for the use of water upon reservations. II. even has power to revoke the permit un der which the Byers mill has mon opolized the river. It is true it might not be wise for the government to go far with re clamation work upon the reservation until the rights of the Indians to the use of water are fully established in the courts. But the department by a little activity could greatly hasten the adjudication of those rights if it chose to do so. At the present time no sincere ef fcrt is being made' to establish the Indian rights. The proceeding that lias been brought before the state, wa ter board amounts to nothing more than a "staU." It will take many years to determine the Indian rights If that route Is follow i. Further more it is an unfavorable court In which to start the case. The state board deals with state laws, not with treaty rights. It Is but natural to expect that when the case is decided by the board the state laws will loom big while the Indian treaty will ap pear but aa a myth. The reservation case should be tried out before the federal courts as the Montana cases were tried. It Is a federal Question that is involved and only the United States courts can nettle it. It Is a waste of valuable time to fight the proposition In the state courts and everybody knows It What is going to happen? Are the If Col. George Harvey and his Wall street magazine, Harper's Weekly, have been supporting Governor Wil son for the pres'dency it is well- in deed for Wilson that such support has left him. The same might also be said of the support given by Henry Watterson. . Governor Wilson is running as a progressive and the. support of the bourbon element can do him no good. It is quite natural he did not want Cbl. Harvey's support. A few sup porters such as Harper's Weekly would be enough to "cook the goose" of most any progressive candidate. Among reactionary republican newspapers theTe is a tendency to magnify the aid that Col. Harvey has given the New Jersey man. He is credited by such papers with having been the maker of the Wilson boom. But such an idea is absurd. It is doubtful if one man in 10,000 in Ore gon even knew Harper's Weekly was supporting Wilson or that Henry Watterson was supporting him. They did not know and they did not care what those men were doing. Governor Wilson is his own best political asset. He is a remarkably able public man. He is a very clear thinker and a wonderfully effective speaker. He is a champion, of im proved popular government and he sets forth his views so convincingly that all may see the truth thereof. Here is a good extract from a typical Woodrow Wilson address: "The" main object of what we are attempting, both in state and nation, i3 to establish a close connection, a very sensitive connection, between the people and their governments, both in the states and in the nation, in or der that we may restore in such wise as will satisfy us again the liberty and the opportunity In whose inter epts our governments were conceived." "We look beneath the label to the man and his thought. Whichever party proves most fit to cenceive ani put through a wise, progressive pro gram will become the liberal party of the nation. ' Tories will be welcome to resort to the other and enjoy the privilege of minority." A man who talks like that has qualities of statesmanship and he Is of such calibre that no scrlbler like Col. Harvey can do much for him or much against him. v. The general effect of the attacks new being made upon Governor Wil son should be beneficial to his candi dacy. They show very conclusively that Wall street Is against him. minds of many senators, about the purchase of legislative votes by a sen atorial candidate. When Pendleton gets that auto fire truck it will then be up to the city to Improve the streets so that the fire department can get to fires in the winter time as well as in the summer. The senate .could find no evidence of corruption In connection with the election of Senator Stephenson. Oh, no, there Is nothing corrupt, in the illy Can't Don't blame Billy because he can't re list the fragTance of our soap and cur filtered and softened spring water. LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY. Done at the Troy means nice, white table cloths and napkins, shirts, col lars and cuffs. We Also Do Hough Dry 7c Per Pound TROY Steam Laundry PAEVE BROS. Phone Main 170. A DBeposiltQii1 of this bank enjoys without cost, many advantages which are worth much to him. " By consulting our officers in regard to proposed in vestments or business ventures, the weight of their ex perience helps him reach safe conclusions. In addition to this, he knows tbat his money is in safe keeping, and payable to his order qji demand. If you are not a depositor heiVhy not open an ac count now, and enjoy the advantages which will be yours ? , American National Bank Pendleton, Oregon The reactionary democrats would like well to capture the party but from appearances they will have to do some tall fighting if they get away with the game. About the only thing left for the Manchus now Is to go upon' the vaudeville-stage. When the new high school is built no' one will regret the passing of the old. Who keeps track in Pendleton when the street arc lights do not burn? Spring mornings In January nice anyway. are CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature An Expla tuition. Church What is an optimist? . . Gotham A . man who believes ev- The Pendleton Drug Co. U In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER TTII3 WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES VhoreAnticipa tion and Real ization Meet--Our Heat! It's an event to look forward to, when the bu!y man knows that one of our choice steaks awaits him for a contented sup per. Phone Main 33. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET ll ,1 B&QM&i4fcM St. George Cafe and Grill WHITE COOKS SERVICE FIRST-CLASS PRICES REASONABLE Hot Merchant's Lunch Daily From 1 1:30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. , FRENCH DINNER EVERT SUNDAY FROM 11 A. M. TO 3 P. M. Open Day and Night Entrance on Webb St., or Through Hotel Lobby erythlng comes to him who waits. "And if he waits and nothing cornea to him, what Is he " "Why, he's a fool."JYonkers States man. , Possibly the Colonel remembers what happened to Stlmson In New York. BRING IN YOUR PONY VOTES In order to avoid confusion aa to standing of contestants In our big Pony Contest, we would like to have all votes cast as soon as possible. Standings of each boy and girl in the contest, are now dis played at our store. Tallman Co. 1! Laurent's GRI LL.. Martin lliilldln- East Webb , Street. French Chef and all white help. Rest Coffee in Pendleton. Fine steaks and Hot Cakes like mother used to make. French Sun. , DinneMOc Short Orders at Moderate Prices Fresh Crabs, Crawfish, Lobsters, Oysters and Clams. We solicit tho jwtronago of alL Us 1 mm III wife When It (Comes To Selling Building Material Only the Best Grades of Lumber, Lath and Shingles and in fact any thing that is required in the building line is allowed to enter our yard. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE Grab Creek Lumber Co. OSCAR. MAHLER, Manager Phone Main 92