mam pages. FAGR TWO. DAILY EAST OREGONlAIf. PENDLETON, ORBGOX. FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1912. Specials From Our PURE FOOD Department in Our Model Sani tary Basement. 5n Specials If La! r-4 n i 11 li W -1 f & -s I f II 11 tut f I 1 -v 1 ' m im Witil From Our PURE FOOD Department in Our Model Sani tary. Basement. Broken Head Rice, White Sale 3 1-2 lbs 25c Fancy Head Rice. White Sale, 3 lbs 25c Tapioca and Sago, White Sale, 3 lbs 25c Flake Hominy, White Sale 3 1-2 lbs. 25C Bulk Maccaroni, White Sale, 3 lbs. 25c Ammonia White Borax Soap, White Sale, 4 bars for 25c Fancy Small White Beans, White Sale, 3 1-2 lbs. for 25c Pure Cane Sugar, White Sale, 13 lbs $1.00 Good clean Dairy Salt, White Sale, 50 lbs. 70c Sea Moss Long Thread Cocoanut, White Sale, pound 25c White Bear Soap Flakes, White Sale, pkg 25c White Borax Naptha Soap, White Sale, 5 bars 25c Corn Starch, best brand. White Sale, 7 pkgs. 50c l HE 3 3 Bed Spreads Bed Spreads to go at a very great reduction. This includes Crochet, Mar seilles and Satin spreads. Fringe, scalloped, plain hem, cut corners, and plain. These spreads are all full size, made of the very best quality of ma-, terial. The following pri ces to prevail during our annual White Sale. 31.25 Values 83c $1.50 Values 81c $2.00 Values $1.74 32.25 Values $1.83 $2.50 Values $1.89 $3.00 Values $2.79 $3.25 Values $2.89 $3.50 Values $2.91 $4.00 Values $3.60 White Swis es" Scrims All white Swisses, Scrim, Nets and Madras to be thrown on the bar gain counter. Special pri ces to prevail as priced below. 10c Scrim 7c 15c Scrim 10c 20c Scrim 15c 25c Scrim 18c 30c Scrim 21c 35c Scrim 26c 40c Scrim 31c We will give away absolutely Free dur ing the year of 1912 not less than PEOPLES WAREHOUSE Pendleton. Oregon $7500.00 PEOPLES KE Pendleton, Oregon Worth of premiums with our trading stamps. With every cash purchase we give trading stamps, one stamp for each 10c you spend here. These stamps mean to YOU a saving of exactly 5 per cent of your purchase, No matter what you buy. Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Ready-to-Wear Garments, anything in our immense store. This is actually the greataest saving proposition for you, yeu'll ever find. Just stop and think for one minute, realize what a 5 per cent saving on all your living necessities really means to YOU. A saving of one dollar out of every $20.00 you spend. How long, at this rate, will it take you to save enough to buy that long wanted set of dishes, or that needed clock, or maybe you've wanted some nice new silverware and didn't feel like sparing the cash for it. You can get it here for absolutely nothing by saving our trading stamps. This is too good a proposition for you to pass up think it over, come and investigate trade at The Peoples Warehouse this year of 1912. Be one of the wise ones and save that extra 5 per cent Quaker White Oats, White Sale, pkg 30c Carnation Wheat Flakes, White Sale, pkg. . .35c 10c Toilet Paper, '.White Sale, 3 for 25c Fancy White Asparagus, White Sale, can ...30c 6 cans $1.7 Carnation Wheat Gran ules, white Sale, pkg. 20c Wool Soap, White Sale I bars 25c CUOCKFJtY DEPART MENT SPECIALS On White Ware. Our Elite Johnson Bros. English Ware. . Dinner Plates, set of , White Sale $1.04 Cups and Saucers, White Sale, set of 6 ....$1.13 Oat Meal Dishes, set of (, White Sale 68c Soup Plates, set of (, White Sale 92c Butter Dishes, White Sale, each 92c Dessert Dishes, set of , White Sale 41c Pie Plates, set of 6, White Sale :..68c Annual January Sale of Embroideries This embroidery stock is unrivaled for completeness and abounds in novelties and special values. Among them, dress patterns, consist-1 ing of 45 inch flouncings and banding in crepe, voile, batiste and the new sheer 'Aeronette." The colors are white, pink, skv and lavender; prices for the pattern, $8.50, $12.50 and $15.00. Handsome baby Irish Embroideries in original dainty patterns, in matched sets, consisting of bands, galoons, and flounc ing from nine to forty-five inches wide; prices per yard 65c to $3.50 Dainty sheer embroideries for infant's and children's wear, edges, insertions, beading, flouncings and allovers; prices ped yard 10c to $1.75 LACES. . Laces I Laces; From every corner of the globe the cry is 'Laces." This is to be the biggest lace season in years. Laces for costumes, laces for dress trimmings, laces for lingerie and for .your linens. "Forewarned is forearmed,'' and we have made preparations to satisfy your wants. Our line consists of Baby Irish, Venise, Cluny, Princess, Maerame, Shadow Laces, Torchons, German, Vals. and French Vals. ; prices yard 5c to $5.00 Nothing in our stock of laces and em broideries will be reserved, but all will be jffered you at the following reduced prices : 5c Lace or Embroidery 4t 10c Lace or Embroidery 8c 12 l-2c Lace or Embroidery 10c '15c' Lace or Embroidery 12c 20c Lace or Embroidery 16c 25c Lace or Embroidery 19c 30c Lace or Embroidery 24c 35c Lace or Embroidery 28c 40 Lace or Embroidery 32c 50c Lace or Embroidery 39c 65c Lace or Embroidery 50c 75c Lace or Embroidery 59c 85c Lace or Embroidery 65c $1.00 Lace or Embroidery 79 SI. 25 Lace or Embroidery 95c $1.50 Lace or Embroidery $1.19 $1.75 Lace or Embroidery $1.39 $2.00 Lace or Embroidery $1.59 $2.50 Lace or Embroidery $1.95 $3.00 Lace or Embroidery $2.39 $3.50 Lace or Embroidery $2.79 $4.00 Lace or Embroidery $3.19 $5.00 Lace or Embroidery $3.95 $1.50 CORSETS 98 Royal Worcester No. 203, the best $1.50 Corset on the market,;. low bust, long hips, extra quality hose supporters, strong hook at bottom, made of good quality coutil. White sale prico. 98c WHITE GLOVE SPECIALS. 16-button Kid Malvolia, regular $3.50 white sale price $2.95 2-button Dents, regular $1.75, white sale prico $1.49 16-button White Silk "Niagara Maid," regular $1.50, white sale price $1.19 lG-button White Silk, regular $1.25. white sale price 95c 2-button Silk, regular $1.00 quality, white sale 79 c 2-button Silk, regular . 75t quality, white sale 59 c 2-button Silk, regular 50c quality, white salo . 39 c ALLOVERS. ' Allover Embroideries from eighteen to forty-eight inches wide, in a variety of .patterns, suitable for your dainty dimity and batiste dresses, your snowy lingerie or your trincliam houso dresses ; prices 50c to $4.50. Lace pur tains All white curtains to be placed on sale. This In cludes Nets, Nottinghams, Lace, In fact all our white lace curtains to go. Priced as follows: 75c Values 46c $1.00 Values 69c $1.25 Values 76c $1.50 Values 89c $2.00 Values $1.29 $2.50 Values $1.48 $2.75 Values 11.64 $3.00 Values $1.89 $3.50 Value $2.10 $4.00 Values $2.35 $5.00 Value $3.10 $6.00 Values $4.23 $8.00 Values $6.98 Doilies Re duced All dollies, hemstitched, cluny, scalloped, round and square, scarfs, buffet cloths to be reduced dur ing this salo. To bo re duced 10 per cent. On display In the Art department. ALWAYS The Host Good for tlie least money. If you wnnt your money's worth of real niurclinmllMo, eonio to us Great White Sale of India Linens 40 India Linen 31t 35 India Linen 27c 30c India Linen 24c 25? India Linen 19t 20c India Linen - 15 15 India Linen H 12 1-2? India Linen 9c 10 India Linen 8 GREAT WHITE SALE OF "LUNA LAWN." Looks, wears and washes like Linen. 30 Luna Lawn 24 25 Luna Lawn 18 GREAT WHITE SALE OF LONG CLOTH. $1.25 Doz. yards Long Cloth 98 S1.50 Doz.' yards Long Cloth $1.17 $1.75 Doz. .yards Long Cloth $1.29 $2.50 Doz. 'yards Long Cloth u. $1.93 25 yard Long Cloth 18 30 'yard Long Cloth 21 35 yard Long Cloth 26t NAPKINS. n One Lot Odd Napkins of full dinner size and crood heavy linen, worth $4.50 and $5.00 dozen, at our Great White Sale for ... $2.95 GREAT WHITE SALE OF NAPKINS TO MATCH TABLE DAMASK. $3.00 Napkins $2.39 $3.50 Napkins r $2.87 94.00 Napkins $3.29 $4.50 Napkins $3.88 $5.00 Napkins . $4.19 $5.25 Napkins $4.29 $G.OO Napkins . $4.87 87.00 Napkins $5.39 $7.50 Napkins $5.49 GREAT WHITE SALE OF NAINSOOK. 20 Nainsook '.- 14 25 Nainsook 18 30 Nainsook 24 35 Nainsook 26 GREAT WHITE SALE OF TABLE LINENS We have bought in this department table linens and nankins with this WHITE SALE in view. They are the best values for the money we ask, we have ever shown. $3.00 Table Damask $2.21 $2.50 Table Damask $2.16 $2.00 Table Damask $1.87 $1.75 Table Damask $1.23 $1.50 Table Damask. $1.11 $1.00 Table Damask 87 85 Table Damask Clt 75 Table Damask 54 65 Table Damask . 47 GREAT WHITE SALE LAWNS. 20 Persian Lawns 25 Persian Lawns 35 Persian Lawns OF PERSIAN :. 15 19 26 GREAT WHITE SALE OF WAISTINGS especially bought for this Bargain Feast 20 Waistings 14t 25 Waistings 18 35 Waistings 40t Waistings 50 Waistings 65)- Waistings 24 29 31 .. 43 GREAT WHITE SALE OF MADRAS SHIRTINGS In a beautiful assortment of stripes and checks 25 Madras . 18 35 Madras 26 GREAT WHITE SALE OF LINENE AND LINEN of very best quaality. 25 Lincne '15 35 Lincne 24c) 35t Linen 24 50t Linen .. 37t 75t) Handkerchief Linen 54t $1.00 Handkerchief Linen 79 $1.25 Handkerchief Linen 93 $1.50 Handkerchief Linen 98c GREAT WHITE SALE OF SHEETINGS the best the market affords and we have the goods in stock. 8o 4-4 Hurricane, yard ... 6J 10t 4-4 Hope, yard 1 6 l-2c 12 l-2 4-4 Lonsdale, yard -..,... 8c 15c 4-4 Union Jack Cambric, yard 11c 24c 6-4 Sheeting, yard 20c 27c 9-4 Sheeting, yard 23c 30 10-4 Sheeting, yard ..... 25c ETC. ETC. GREAT WHITE SALE OF LINEN FIN- INSH SUITINGS In striped patterns, a high grade cloth for the money. 25c Linen Suitings , ... 14c 50c Linen Suitings 25c GREAT WHITE SALE OF FRENCn LAWN., 35c French Lawn 21c 40c French Lawn . 26 GREAT WHITE SALE OF MARQUE SETTE . Fine silk finish, 42-inches wide. 75c Marquesette 49c GREAT WHITE SALE OF FRENCH PIQUE In both heavy and Chiffon weight 25c Pique 19c 35 Pique - . 29c 40c Pique 31c MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS IN OUR GREAT WHITE SALE. 50c White Jap Silk 37c 75c White Jap Silk 54 $1.00 White Jap Silk 79c $1.25 White Jap Silk 88c $1.25 White Taffeta Silk 89c $1.00 White Mcssaline Silk 79 $2.00 White Serge Silk $1.71 851.50 White Batiste Silk 95 $1.50 White Scrgo Silk 98c $1.50 White Mohnir Silk 75c 25 White Wool Flannel 18c 50c Whito Wool Flannel 35 5c White Wool Flnnnel . 49 $1.00 White Wool Flnnnel 79c ETC. ETC. GREAT WHITE SALE ON WHITE COTTON and WOOL BLANKETS. 75c Cotton Blankets 1 54c $1.25 Cotton Blankets ,... 89 $3.00 Cotton 'Blankets $2.39 $5.00 Cotton Blankets $3.87 $6.00 Wool Blankets .., l $3.95 GREAT WHITE SALE OF TOWELS Big Assortment 5c Towels . 3c 12 1-2? Towels Z 8c 15 Towels lit 25c Towels 19c 35c Towels 21c 50 Towels : 37 65 Towels . 49 GREAT WHITE SALE OF SHEETS and PILLOW CASES. , 50c Full bed size sheet Jj. . 48c 85c Singlo bed size sheet 61 S1.00 Full bed size sheet 78c $1.25 Full bed size sheet 88c $1.35 Full bed size sheet 96