East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 18, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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We'll malce it worth while for you if you'll trade here.
Standard Grocery Co., Inc.
Many W ill Be Employed Also In Ras
ing Old High School Building and
Hauling Hcbrls to Points Needing
Grading on Tustin Street.
When the council last night award
ed the contract for the sewer exten
sion to the new slaughter house site
to Charles W. Connor & Son for the
sum of $1147.40, Mr. Connor announc
ed that he would employ nothing but
white labor on the work, his intention
being to assist in solving the problem
of the worthy unemployed. His at
titude was commended by the mayor
and council, who discussed for a
time the advisability of undertaking
the work without letting the contract
in order that local citizens out of em
ployment nr'ght be given work.
Mr. Connor declared it would prob
ably be two or three weeks before
work on the extension would com
mence owing to the delay necessary to
secure the pipe. City Attorney Carter
was instructed to secure permission
of the railroad company immediately
to cro.s the tracks with the sewer on
Hazel street.
More Help for Unemployed.
. When, by a motion, the council had
given the school board ' authority to
dump the debris from the old high
school building where it might be
used in grading Tustin street be
tween Main and Thompson in order
to assist in establishing a grade on
that street. Councilman Cole, who
is a member of the firm employed to
raze the building, announced that he
would have work for about 20 or 25
men, thus further assisting in the so
lution of the problem of the unem
ployed. The demolition of the build
ing will commence Monday, he de
Mar-hal'g Bonds Lowered.
Upon a motion by Councilman Sie
bert, the bonds required from the city
marshal were lowered from $6000 to
-12500 owing to the fact that that of
ficer does not now collect taxes. A
further motion authorized the city
to pay the premium on the bonds to
: 3 surety company.
Ch'ef Kearney's appointment of
. Alex Manning and Ira Hughes as po-
Tlics officers were confirmed by the
Chairman Sharon of the sewer com
mittee waa instructed to order a man
hole placed at the intersection of Wa
ter and Vincent streets it necessary.
The marshal was instructed to en
Have you thought how you will
profit by buying of us?
$1.:.0 Ladies' Wool Waists
$2.50 Ladies' Wool Waists
7."c Ladies' Wool Scarf
?,7c Ladies' Vests
$1.25 Corsets
", Wool Hose
$1.00 Men's Wool Underwear
75c Men's Sea Mitts
.". 50 Men's Canvas Ulster
Lumber and Building
a A Large and Complete Stock Al
lVlct6P181 ways on Hand and PRICED RIGHT
The Best Mill Work to be
Obtained in the Northwest
Let Ui Figure With You
on Your Next Order
Pendleton Planing Mil! and Lum-
har Varrl J. A. BORIE LUMBER CO., Proprietors
That During
lou will buy your
at this store.
Phone orders carefully
Stock crisp and fresh every
day. ,
Our prices will please you.
force the ordinance which prohibits
the dumping of sewage Into the river,
several violations having been report
ed to the mayor.
New City nail Janitor.
Upon the motion, of the city hall
committee, a warrant was ordered
drawn in payment of the services of
Janitor at the city hall, a new janitor
having been employed. August Bauer,
who did the janitor work last sum
mer, has been selected by the com
mittee to take up the work again.
Recorder Fits Gerald submitted his
annual report, a synopsis of which
was given In this paper a short time
ago. The balance on-hand as shown
by the report is $13,111.29.
The city attorney was Instructed to
drawn up a deed to the Boyd parcel
of land near Round-Up Park which
was ordered purchased last week,
Deeds were also ordered drawn to the
parcels of land just north of the Main
street bridge owned by. .Mrs. T. O.
Hailey and Lot Llvermore. the owners
having signified their willingness to
deed the property to the city as pay
ment for the improvement costs as
sessed against It.
Mayor Matlock brought up the mat
ter of allowing messenger boys to ride
on the sidewalk in the winter, but It
was found that the city ordinance
does not permit of such concession.
Agrees With Superintendent of Pris
ons and Will Back Efforts to Abol
ish Capital Punishment.
Albany. With Governor Dix pre
pared to back up Superintendent of
Prisons Scott in efforts he may make
to have capital punishment abolish
ed in New York state and a bill under
preparation to accomplish this pur
pose, indications are that the ques
tion of doing away with the death
chair will be brought squarely before
the legislature for action.
The interview quoting Colonel Scott
as opposed to the taking of life by
the state, was responsible for a series
of happenings that provoked unusual
Interest in the question and caused
senators and assemblymen to as
sume opposing positions with respect
to how they will vote on the bill.
When the Interview with Colonel
Scott was shown to Governor Dix he
read with interest the reasons given
by Colonel Scott for believing that
capital punishment doea not act as a
crime deterrent. Governor Dix said:
"I am in sympathy with Colonel
Scott's views on the subject. I think
it would be the right thing to do."
A machine has been patented In
England for redressing worn wooden
paving blocks at a rate of 1000 an
hour, so that they may be used again.
.- 75
..... 98
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
nitons Deed Land.
Sadie Walton and S. B. Walton to
day filed a deod transferlng their
land in the west end of the county to
Eleanor G. Walton.
Ton Acros for $20u0.
Hattle and William Forsythe have
sold their ten acre tract of fru't land
near Milton to W, W. Roper for a
consideration of $2000. The deed for
the transaction was filed today.
Xon-Stipport Case Settled.
The non-support case against Hugh
Taylor which was to have come up
for trial this afternoon before County
Judge Maloney was settled out of
court and dismissed.
Three Sent to Jail.
Three more petty offenders receiv
ed Jail sentences this morning in the
police court. Jack Sullivan and Si
mon Whitman drew two days for dis
orderly conduct and M. Corbett drew
a like sentence for being drunk. .
Ferguson Down Town.
J. M. Ferguson, the well known pi
oneer who is Just recovering from an
operation which saved his life, was
able to be down on the streets today
and was congratulated by his many
friends on his recovery.
Takes Position at Fraziers.
Miss Laura McKee has accepted a
permanent position with the Frazler
Book Store on the east side of Main
street and commenced upon her duties
this morning.
Bound Over to Grand Jur
Pat King and George Gardner, the
two men who were arrested Tuesday
night for the theft of a suitcase from
H. Mykranz in the Penland lodging
house, were yesterday afternoon
bound over to the grand Jury under
$300 bonds by Justice of the Peace
Play Hose on Streets.
The paved streets of the city were
swept clean of dirt and Bnow this
morning by a stream of water from
the fire hose. During the recent cold
weather the snow and dirt had ac
cumulated and packed so that It was
difficult for the street sweeper to re
move it and Street Commissioner
Heathman came to the lssastance this
Bank Sues on Note.
By a suit filed today in the circuit
court, the First National bank of
Heppner, seeks to collect $325.18 and
interest alleged to be due on a note
executed by R. K. Wilson In August
of last year to W. E. Royes and af
terwards transferred to the bank. $50
attorney fees Is also asked. Peterson
& WiUon are representing the bank.
Victim of Attempted Rape.
Na-hopha, an Indian woman today
swore out a warrant for the arrest of
Ed Adams.'a white man, alleging that
he made an attempt at rape upon her
last night. She exhibits a black eye
and other bruises In substantiation of
her claim that she had been assault
ed. Adams has been taken into cus
tody by the sheriff.
Reno Escapes Fro.n Pen.
William Reno, the man who was
sentenced to the penitentiary from this
county for sodomy committed at
Umatilla, escaped from the peniten
tiary guards sevo- il days ago with
another convict while ' doing road
work. Sheriff Taylor has been noti
fied of the escape and is on the look
out for the fugitive but does not be
lieve he will come this way.
Tltompsona Go to California.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam R. Thompson
and daughter, Miss Thelma Thomp
son, left early this morning on yes
terday's delayed No. 17 for Portland
from where they will entrain for Los
Angeles in which city they will spend
a month visiting with friends and
Mrs. Thompson's sister, Mrs. G. M.
Leser. They will probably be Joined
on the trip In Portland by Mrs.
Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
M. Blakely. '
Another Beantlful Sermon.
Increasing Interest is being Bhown
in the revival services at the Metho
dist Episcopal church. Rev. Emmel
preached a sermon of great beauty and
power last night upon the four first
words In the bible. He will ting a
solo again this evening. Song ser
vice commences at 7:30 and the
preaching at 8 p m . "Come and
bring your friends," is the invitation
of Rev. Evans.
Four Failures Says Welles.
According to F. K. Welles, county
aohnrii siinerlntendent. twho return
ed recently from Salem, there were
but four failures on the part of those
who took teachers' examinations from
thu nnimtv ThA nublished list of
successful applicants Indicates 12
failures,, but Mr. Welles attrmutes tne
discrepancy to the fact that some of
tho aimppRHfiii annllcants do not want
their papers at this time owing to
the fact that their old certificates
have not expired.
Annual Church Banquet.
Tho members of the Presbyterian
rhnroh in this cltv were last evening
given a sumptuous banquet by the la
dles of the congregation. Tne spreau
was served In the parlors of the
church and the attendance was an ex
tremely large one. Following the
banquet short toasts were maae oy
Rev. Frank J. Mimes, Rev. J. m.
Corncllson, Judge J. W. Maloney, C.
P. Bishop and others and Rev. Mll
nes recited "The passing of the White
Swan," by request, demonstrating to
the church people that their minister
besides being a pulpit orator of un
usual ability Is also a dramatic reader
of rare talent.
In a Noar-Shlpwreck.
Roy Moss, champion steer roper of
the northwest, who with H. M. Aver-
Ill, made an overland ride from Pen
dleton to Oold Beach, a distance of
646 miles, last fall, returned yester
This month marks the five hun
dredth anniversary of the birth of
Joan of Arc, the "maiden warrior,
heroine, prophetess, angel, saint" of
France, the following list of books
are the stories of this wonderful life:
Clemens Personal Recollections of
Joan of Arc.
Lang Story of Joan of Arc.
McCartthy Flower of France.
Michelot Joan of Arc.
Schiller Maid of Orleans.
day from southern Oregon. The two
men embarked at Gold Beach on a
little steamer for Bond and with the
rest of the passengers and crew nearly
lost their lives in a wreck. They were
buffeted about by the waves for four
days and once the ship was saved
from going ashore by young Averlll
after the steering wheel had broken.
He managed to seize j. chain and
swerve the rudder just In time. Moss
declares the experience was such that
he does not care to repeat it.
Relief Ass'n. Mnnts Funds.
J. E. Keefe of the Pendleton Relief
association, today Issued the following
"The City Relief association is in
need of funds to carry out the work
of alleviating distress in the city.
Needy families must be attended to at
once. We shall be grateful If anyone
and everyone would make some con
tribution, no matter how small."
Portland, Jan. 18. Despite, the fact
that he has delivered numerous ser
mons against divorce. Reverend Young
of the Taylor Street Methodist
church announced today he would fi
nance the divorce action of Mabel
Seekatz, age 1. from William Wood,
age 23, who admitted he married her
to shield his father, a music teacher,
who Is now under arrest at Seattle
for a statutory offense against the
child. Rev. Young married the couple
three days ago here, under the delus
Ion that she was 18 years old.
Revolution Threatened.
Washington, Jan. 18. The state of
Tobasco in southern Mexico, is on the
verge of revolution, because the gov
ernor has not Inaugurated promised
reforms, according to state depart
ment advices. 'The movement Is said
to have no connection with national
affairs and apparently there are not
enough federal soldiers on the spot
to restore order. Xo Amelcans have
been molested.
Dale Rothvell
Eyes examined by the latest and
best methods. Glasses fitted, lenses
duplicated and frames repaired.
With Wrn. Hanscom THE
Jeweler, Pendleton
not Clam . Bouillon 10c
Hot Malted Clams 10c
Hot Beef Tea 10c
Hot Tomato Flip .10c
Hot Beef Broth 10c
Hot Chocolate 10c
Try our Hot Drinks they are
Invigorating and will cheer you
' up during cold weather.
W. J. Connor & Co.
Successor to
Harry O'Del!
Cigars, Candies and Pool Room.
649 Main Street. Prone M. 4.
and we will do your Cleaning and
Dyeing to your perfect satisfaction
We take ladles' and gentlemen's gar
ments and make them look like new
by our process, which, however, will
never injure the most delicate fab
ric. We solicit a trial of our work,
feeling certain that the first order will
be the forerunner of many more from
you. Our charges are moderate In
all cases.
Pendleton Dyo Works
- Phone Main 169,
106 E. Alta.
Shoes, C
all continue to go
Boston, Jan. 18. No move looking
towards the commutation of the death
sentence, imposed upon the Rev.
Clarence V. T. Rlcheson for the mur
der of Avis Llnnell will be made un
til the return of Attorney John L.
Lee from Virginia, according to state
ments by Attorney Wm. A. Morse. Mr.
Lee is expected here in about two
Rlcheson, according to Mr. Morse,
Is very penitent.
During the first week after his ar
rest, Rlcheson received two letters
A SNAP FOR $2500.00
7 room modern house, stone
toilet, shade and fruit trees. 1-S block ground.
Call at once as bargains of this character can't last
it to appreciate it.
Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street
Other Property of Every Description. .
Money to Loan on City and County Realty.
n n
We have received the first shipment of Ladies' Spring Suits,
in tho newest shades and styles.
$9.?0 $12.50 $14.75
Come in and let us show you these suits, which we sell at
the above regular prices.
olden Einlo Store VS.
First national ianli
Capital, Surplus and Undi
vided Profits, $500,000.00
Resources $2,000,000.00
Let Us Drive Your Kitchen Trouble
Satisfactory Groceries at
Satisfactory Prices
Just a few
Black Tea, per pound
A very fine Broom for .
Henniston Strained Honey,
Lunch Beef, per can
Hot Tamales 7 in a can -1.
Phone Mato 174
down in price at the
from his aged father, Thomas Varland
Rlcheson, of Lynchburg, Va., but it
Is Bald that since the minister confess
ed no word has ben received by him
from home. Jail officials say that
the father told his son that If he were
found guilty he would disown him. '
Notice to tho Public
Perry L. Bowman la not authorised
to collect any bills or to solicit any
work whatsoever for tho Bowman's
Cleaning & Pressing Works. Te be
sure that you are sending your clathee
to the right place, phone Main 412.
cellar, barn, wood
per pound
612 Main Street