East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 18, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    ..ft. l A'-.' .Wtlt.A-.WUlS' i- t.f-A'.
rfnr omimiMiiwi.ii mm , , n in i ri h i m m liMl i ini rn r -ir 1 i
Extra Special Sale of
1000 yards materials of
all kinds from Percales to
to Silks- -at about
The Ladies' and Children's Store.
Burroughs. Main 6. Fuel.
Main 178 for coal and wood.
For alfalfa hay call N. Joerger.
I. C. Snyder.chlmney sweep. It 3812.
You should have the Melrose Sys
tem. Phone Koplttke & Gillanders, for
dry wood and Rock Spring coal.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum to
ee the best and thn clearest pictures.
All kinds of good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Kopittke & Gillanders.
Lost Locket with blue stones on
Main street. Finder return to "R"
at the E. O. office.
For Rent Six room house, modern.
Hot and cold water, buth, toilet,
woodshed, etc. Enquire Pr. C. J.
Snap. 9 room house on North Side,
Ibm than nno-half price. Must be
old at once. See about It today.
Teutsch & Bickers,
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phono Main 13
Also dry wood for sale.
Lost Open face silver watch won
dav or Tuesday on Leo street
Owner return to "K" E. O
receive SB reward.
office and
t-soom house on North Side, worth
utia must be sold at once. Come
and make us an offer.
Teutsch &
If you want to move, call Penland
Bros. Transfer, phone M 139. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
one a week. 647 Main street.
Vmr transfer work, hauling bag
in mnvlnir household goods and
pianos, and all kinds of Job work
phone Main 461. B. A. Morton.
RflvA vourself fuel troubles by us-
Ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly
" Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 6.
Lump coal delivered for IS per ton
mWr $55.oo
2000 pounds. Phone Black 3622, or
leave orders Oregon Feed Yard.
August Noreen. ladies tailoring a
specialty. 217 E. Court street.
Knights of the Maccabees' of the
World. '
Why not carry a policy in the
Maccabees paid out last year over
(3.250,000 In benefits.
If you find difficult to provide for
your family now, how will they get
along if you should die tomorrow. A
policy in the Maccabees will protect
Maccabees Is not an experiment
with us. We are twenty-six years old
and have on hand over $10,000,000.
For further information see Geo. G.
Pell, office with J. M. Hays, Room
14, Schmidt Building.
Lost Saturday on the north side
of the river a ladles' small gold rope
necklace with rectangular Jade pend
ant. Finder please return to A" this
office. Reward.
Wanted To exchange for wheat
farm in Pendleton, Athena or Walla
country, three story concrete apart
ment house In Portland, price 840,
000, net income over $300 monthly.
L. K. Moore; 617 Board of Trade,
Masons Take Notice.
All members Cf Pendleton lodge
No. 62, A. F. & A. M., are requested
to meet at the hall at one o'clock
sharp, Friday afternoon, to attend the
funeral of the late B. F. Beck.
Pays to Advertise;
Only costs 16c for shave at Patton's
barber Bhop; 5 barbers employed; no
long waits. Plenty hot water, clean
towels and the shop that does not so
licit the trade of Chinamen, Indians
or Japs. Give xta a trial.
A Certain Young Man.
Desires work on a ranch in ex
change for good home for winter. Ad
dress "P," care E. O.
Notice to the Public.
Perry L. Bowman, formerly with
Bowman's Cleaning Works, Is now
employed as solicitor with the Berlin
Dye House, Jack Webster Manager.
Famous the World Over
For 1U splendid hostelrtea, Its varied
attractions, its fine beaches, hot"
springs and pleasure resorts all these
can be reached with ease by the
Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation Co. and
"Road of a Thousand Wonders."
Portland to Los Angeles and Retnrn
With correspondingly low fares from
all O.-W. R. & N. points, good six
months with stopovers going and re
turning within limit. Handsomely Il
lustrated literature will be supplied
upon application to any of our agents,
or address: WM. McMURRAY,'
Gen Pass, Agent,
Portland, Ore.
Will Jamison of Weston, came down
last evening from his home.
Dr Fred Lleuallen of Pilot Rock,
spent lat night In Pendleton.
William Roesch, the local brewer,
sDent yesterday in weston.
Miss Bertha Graham of Elgin, wa
a guest of the Bowman last night.
Mr and Mrs. A. C. Wood of Athena
were visitors in Pendleton yesterday
Henry C. Means came up from
Umatilla yesterday- and Is spending
the day here.
Attorney Homer I. Watts came In
this morning on the local front his
home at Athena. ..
W. R. Walpole, Jr., well known Ir
rlgon resident arrived In the city yes
terday on a business visit.
Mrs. Nora Dudley and Miss Jessie
Hallgarth of Elgin, were registered at
the St. George yesterday.
Ira Kemp, the Weston banker, came
down this morning on the local and
la transacting business here today.
""Nesmlth Ankeny, "one of the em
ployes of the First National bank,. Is
visiting his brother In Portland.
W. W. Stelwer, Jr., returned to his
home at Hermiston this morning af
ter spending the day In the city.
R. W. Fletcher, treasurer of the lo
cal poultry association, returned last
evening from a visit to the Walla Wal
la show.
J. J. Hamley. the harness man, ar
rived hoe last evening after a visit
in Portland. Walla Walla and other
northwest cities.
Dr. J. R. Cromb, well known Stan
field chicken fancier, passed through
the city last evening en route home
from a visit to the Walla waua snow,
Charles W. Connor, the Stanfield
contractor, who was given the con
tract for the extension of the slaugh
ter house site, was In the city yester
L. D. Howland. water, supervisor ot
the MIIton-Freewater district, who
has been participating In the Span
Ish War- veterans' entertainment, leu
on the local this morning for The
James P. Neal returned to Freewa
ter this morning after appearing with
the Commercial club quartet two
nights at the Spanish War Veterans'
To members of Daphne Circle No.
2. Women of Woodcraft:
Commencing with January, 1912, I
will receive assessments and dues at
301 Lewis street, Pendleton, Ore.
Amanda Black, clerk.
Notice is hereby given that City of
Pendleton Improvement Bonds num
bers seventeen and eighteen, Series
A, will be paid upon presentation
thereof to the undersigned at the Am
erican National Bank, Pendleton,
Umatilla County, Oregon.
Interest on said bonds ceases this
Dated January 11. 1912.
Treasurer, City of Pendleton.
By Wm. Mlckelsen, Deputy,
Livery Stable for Sale Owing to
press of other business, I am forced
to sell the Pioneer Livery and Sale
Stable at Hermiston. W. W. Stelwer,
Jr., Hermiston, Ore.
Anto for Sale Quick.
Bulck Roadster, modelvlO; 20 H
P. Cost $1250. Complete set of tools,
all new tires, costing $98.40. Leaving
the city and will sell for $300 if taken
within next two days Inquire Harry
O'Dell's cigar store.
But Identification by Vntversity
President May Make Her Heiress.
Minneapolis. Minn. Whether Miss
Mabel E. Allen ot Brooklyn, N. F.,
Is entitled to a share of the estate of
one Jonathan Merry, a merchant of
Boston, who died in 1S28, or whether
she is "legally dead," is a problem
which, it is said, will be decided by
the depositions ot Dr. Cyrus North
rop, president emeritus of the Uni
versity of Minneapolis, and Mrs.
Miss Allen's attorney asserts that
Dr. and Mrs. Northrop were acquaint
ed with her when a child and that
their depositions will go far toward
establishing her Identity.
"I know nothing of the Merry for
tune or of Miss Allen's rights," Dr.
Northrop said, "but I can swear that
a Miss Mabel Allen once lived opposite
my house In New Haven."
Chappy Skin
Cucumber, Almond,
25c a Bottle
The drug store thai serves
you best.
1. "The Child Crusoes." Vita
graph. The s'.ory of Robinson Cruso
does not afford one-half the interest
and thrilling happenings hat this
picture of shipwreck, adrift on a raft
and a life on a strange and wonder
fully beautiful island.
2. "The Temptation of Rodney
Vane." Kalem. A pretty romance
amid unsurpa-sed California scenic
surroundings. It shows some of the
3. "The Desert Claim." Essanay.
A drama of the golden dais in Cali
fornia. 4. "Why He Gave Up." Blograph.
A fine farce comedy. Hubby is a
gay bird. He pretends to be in a
great fury because wlfey ordered a
new hat. He went down to the shore
to have a good time with the boys
and girls. He didn't know his wife
was going to be there.
6. "Abe GeU Even With Father."
Blograph. Abe's father refused him
a nickel, so he blackened his eye with
a burnt cork and told his father that
Murphy, the Janitor, had given it to
him. Cohen goes out to do Murphy,
but is done instead, so Abe lnntead of
getting a nickel gets a dollar to make
It appear to his mother that father
nearly annihilated the Janitor.
Tne Pastime.
The home of good pictures. A
classy program for Friday and Satur
"The Failure." Blograph. The hero
of this story gives way under the pres
sure of bad fortune Instead of fight
ing against It. His sweetheart, disap
pointed In him, turns him aside. Down
the hill he goes until he Is finally a
singer in a low dance hall. Two fail
ures seldom make a success, especial
ly where the two are man and woman
but they most convincingly did In this
picture. t
"The Husking Bee." Vitagraph.
Don't fall to attend this husking bee
and enter Into the spirit of a real
country Jollification that will fill you
with the feelings of youth.
"Two Men and a Girl." Essanay.
A high class sensational drama. A
home-like rural picture which devel
ops a sensational climax, bound to
thrill any audience.
"A Diamond in the Rough." Sellg,
A draamtic love story of unusual pow
er, interwoven wun an iuiwesuu6
story of human nature.
SDeclal feature for today and to
morrow, "The White Slave Traffic,
In three reels of lectured motion pic
tures. and 25 s'ides. An intense dra-
Edytlw, the Victim.
matic portrayal of "the snares and pit
falls that surround young girls in the
great cities, and the various methods
employed to lead them estray. The
Pendleton Drug
Is In business for
"Your Good Health"
Concrete Blocks-Concrete Work
The Most Modern and Most Substantial Building
Material-More Comfortable, and Cheaper in the end
Save Yoursell f Give Yourself
Concrete Blocks and re-in-forced
concrete are cheaper
and far more satisfactory.
Make prettier work when
finished and give the great
est comfort in either hot or
cold weather.
Phone Black 3786.
VigorousBuymg Marks our
as an event worthy of the atten
tion of the thrifty, the critical and
the saving buyers.
1UR storo ia brimful of the most dependable merchandise
1 mtr 1 or men wear- Our many years of experienco in
IftgyrJ buying and Belling affords a great leverage in the mat
ter of selecting the greatest values because ve know value
when we see it
On top of this add our system of buying for spot cash and
taking the limit of discounts ; our taking advantage of the fac
tories closing out surplus lines of standard made goods and our
operating at the lowest expense possible.
then you have the secret of
our success
You have learned why this store is growing by leaps and
You realize our claims of giving the lowest prices represents
the truth.
You know the use of "hot air" is unnecessary at this store.
II Pendleton's Lowest Men's Prices
get the knife What then ?
It takes but little reasoning to see that a CLEARANCE
SALE AT TIIIS STORE means we are selling merchandise
We need a little more room for our new spring lines. We
have done exceedingly well during our CLEARANCE SALE
and intend ending it soon. Take advantage and don't pass by
this great opportunity of choosing the cream of our stock at
pretty nearly your own prices. Whether you buy or not, come
in and learn why the man who buys here once, COMES
Every article in our store reduced
Workingmens Clothing Co.
If you want to keep posted on the bargain news of Tendleton,
just watch our big windows.
light of publicity is turned on this
awful traffic in human souls. There
la nothing in these pictures that will
offend any one, as there is nothing
vulgar or obscene in any way. High
ly endorsed wherever shown. There
is a great moral lesson in this splen
did production that cannot fail to be
of tremendous value to young and
old, and one tha will make a truly
lasting impression. Beth the pictures
and slides are explained in an inter
esting manner by a first-class lectur
er, one who knows whereof he speaks.
Admission 6c and lc as usual.
Furnished on
Contractor and Builder of all kinds of Concrete Work.
Utterly Wretched
Nervous Prostration Lorg Cndured
Befora Remedy was Four.d.
Miss Minerva Reminger, Upper Bern.
Pa.,' writes: "For several years I had.
nervous prostration, and was utterly
wretched. I lived on bread and beeC
tea because my stomach would not re
tain anything else. I took many rem
edies, but .obtained no relief until X
took Hood's Sarsaparilla. when I began,
to gain at once. Am now cured."
Pure, rich blood makes good, Ptrong'
nerves, and this is why Hood's Sarsa
parilla, which purifies and enriches the
blood, cures so many nervous diseases.
Get it today in usual liquid form or
-chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs.
tion and Real
ization fileet
Our Ftleaf!
It's an event to look forward
to, when the bu.y man knows
that one of our choice steaks
awaits him for a contented sup
per. Phono Main 33.
See my many beautiful de
signs for Basements, House
Foundations, Walls, Fences,
Curbing, Building Trim
mings and Cemetery Fences.
They grow stronger with ago.
Pend leton, Oregon.
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