East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 11, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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That During
Yon M ill buy you r
at tins store.
Phone orders carefully
Stock crisp and f resli ever'
Our prices will please you.
We'll make it worth while for you if 3011'H trade here.
Standard Grocery Co., Inc.
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Alderman Sharon Leads Movement to
Give Unemployed Work on Con
struct Kn of City Slaughter House
Bids Too High.
Mayor Matlock last night completed
bis list of appointments when he
named John Heathman city street
commissioner, Geary Kimbrell city
engineer to succeed himself, and
the proposed new slaughter house be
thrown out and that the city under
take the work itself in order to give
employment to the many idle men
in the city. Councilman Sharon, who
is chairman of the sewer committee,
declared the work could be done
cheaper by the city than If the lower
of the two bids were accepted and that
the city would at the same time be
furnishing assistance to' many unem
ployed men.
The proposition met with favor
from the mayor and the' majority of
the councilmen, but Councilman Dyer,
while he favored the eployment of
white labor, declared himself oppos
ed to rejecting the bids after they had
been advertised for and the contrac
tors had gone to the trouble of fix
ing up estimates. The discussion was
finally closed temporarily when May
or Matlock referred the bids to the
Councilmen Kirkpatrlck, Sharon and
Cole as a city hall committee, to pur- proper committee with inatmioHnn. tn
chase supplies and take charge of report at the next meeting
the management of the city hall,' The onlv two hid r,,ivrt
from L. Monterastrelli and Charles
Heathman and Kimbrell both serv-
W. Connor and Sons, the former's
ed under the old administration and J bid being $1147 and the latter's II,
both are regarded as especially ca- j 629. If the lower of these were ac
pable men in their position The city ' cepted. Councilman Sharon explaln
engineer is not paid a flat salary but 1 ed, an additional expense would be
Is simply recompensed for the time
which he devotes to the city's affairs.
Sharon Starts Something.
Councilman Sharon started a lively
discussion when he proposed that the
only two bids received for the exten
sion of the' sewer line to the site of
incurred for the services of an an en
gineer and inspector, while he esti
mated that the city itself could do the
work for lesg than $1200.
Will bo Taught in Colorado Public
School Ministers Urge Plan on the
Better That Ignorance Is Largely
Responsible for Social Evil.
Gra4 .unction, Colo. Believing
mat lgrowiftce 13 responsible in a
"Tf" 4 TAI iK I Pi W lare measure for the social evil, and
IV A fK. 1 - that the 800)3 are the proper place
.11 (Be
Hot Clam Bouillon 10c
Hot Malted Clams 10c
. . -'Jjaa
Hot Beef t 7, i0l
Hot Tomato Flip 10c
Hot Beef Broth 10c
Hot Chocolate IPC
Try our Hot Drinks they are
Invigorating and will cheer you
up during cold weather.
Cigars, Candies and Pool Room.
649 Main Street Prone M. 4.
where tb children should be taught
;sex responsibilities, the Grand Jum
jtion school board has Arranged for a
) course of instruction in th public
schools by Dr. Lyman Sperry of Qber-
lin, Ohio.
1 The action was taken at the In
stance of the Ministerial Alliance,
J that organization starting the move
!xllent uPn the request of the Rev.
'F. C. H!!hi F?ctor ' the Episcopal
j church. . . . .
j Mr. Smith had started to arrange
for the instruction of the boys of his
j own church, but, believing that a more
' capable instructor could be secured
' by co-operation with the Other church-
es, presented the matter to the Min
isterial Alliance. The idea won im
' mediate approval as a possible solu
tion of the many evils responsible to
K day . tot a continued increase in the
ruin of the young girls.
1 It was then decided to ask the co
operation of the school hoard, and
that body agreed to bear the brunt
land expense of tho educational school,
; The lectures will be delivered to stu-
( dents of all ages, as well as to high
school pupils, the boys and girls be
ing segregated for that purpose. The
series of lectures will continue for a
week and probably longer.
The board already had approved j
plan for medical lectures on youth j
subjects, not only in Grand Junction
bat throughout the county, but this
is the first attempt to educate he
youth of the city as to the functions
of sex.
'This is simply a practical attempt
to instruct our children in knowledge
which they lack' said Mr. Smith.
My idea is that the children are en
titled to the knowledge of the vital
Current Literature Club.
The regu.ar meeting of the Current
Literature club will be held tomorrow
afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. F.
' '
koofe Returns Willi Now Laurels.
Jack Keefe, well known here as an
entertainer, is Jufit as well known in
Walla Walla now where for the past
two nights he appeared in a Rathskel
le: stunt of his own with the Elks min
strel show. The Walla, Walla papers
have lavish praise for his act. ...
Light Coniaiiy Gets Rebate.
The council last night voted to al
low the claim of the Pacific Power &
Light company for $194.34 which was
the amount collected by the city in
excess of the legitimate taxes. The
mistake was made by, a double assessment.
Throo In Police Court. -
Wayne Howard, who figured In a
fight on Main street yesterday, was
this morning sentenced to spend five
ilnva In 1:1 1 1 T Rrlffin nnrl ChflrloH
Smith, both disorderlies, were also j
brought before Judge Fits Gerald, the I
former going to jail for three days
and the latter paying a fine of $5.
B. F. Beck Not Improving.
B. F. Beck, well known resident of
the city, who has been confined to
his home for some time past. Is still
in a serious condition and la unable
to leave his bed. 'He is suffering from
an attack of rheumatism in one of
his legs.
Bltney Child Is Dead.
Word was received at this office
this morning announcing the death
yesterday of Melza Bitney, the three
year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Bitney, who formerly farmed
near this city. The death occurred at
the family residence near Freewater
and was caused by peritonitis. The
funeral will be held tomorrow after
noon at 1:30 o'clock from the Folsom
undertaking parlors in this city.
Roe Ferguson Improving.
JT. M. Ferguson, the well known
Pendletonian who had such a narrow
escape from death from an attack of
blood poisoning recently, is now al
most entirely recovered from his af
fliction and operation. Due to his
wonderful vitality, he withstood the
shock of the operation for the remov
al of the Infected arm and began im
proving almost Immediately. As soon
as the weather moderates he will
probably leave for The Dalles to visit
his son.
7-Picce Orchestra for Polly.
Manager Matlock of the Oregon
theater, has made arrangements for
a seven-piece orchestra to appear in
the music pit Sunday night when
"Polly of the Circus" Is presented
above the footlights. It has been
some time since theater goers have
heard an orchestra of this size at a
a'DQw and the manager's liberality will
be appreciated. The pieces , will be
furnisher bv he United Orchestra of
this city.
. With reference to the entertain
ment given by the Schubert company,
which appears at the Oregon theater
Tuesday evening, January 16, under
the auspices of St. Pary's church, the
Montana Daily Record of Helena, has
the following to say:
The entertainment given by the
Schubert company last night merited
the patronage of all the music lovers
of Helena. Seldom has it been the
good fortune to hear such charming
artists. ',
The ladies' quartette sang in perfect
ensemble and with the utmost finish.
The soloists. Miss Corder, soprano,
Mrs. Purcell, contralto, Mr. Powell,
violinist, and the fascinating reader,
Miss Weatherlngton were enthusias
tically received.-
Miss Corder in the aria from Trav
iata showed herself in possession of a
voice of rare quality, splendid train
ing and thoroughly artistic interpreta
tion. Mrs. Purcell's contralto solo
was delivered in excellent taste and
was thoroughly enjoyed.
Seldom does one hear a reader who
is so Absolutely natural and unaffect
ed as Miss Weatherlngton. These two
qualities seem to be seldom attained
by the majority of readers.
The violinist, Mr. Thomas V. Pur
cell, Is nothing less than virtuoso. His
artistry was characterized principally1
by a big sympathetic tone, a brilliant '
confident technic, and a careful at
tention to the minutest detail, which'
last is a mark of genius. 1
The program was selected 'with a'
view to pleasing both lovers of light
er music as well as the trained must
Undonvoor, Shirt:
SlioQO, Oloihing,
Is, Furnishings
all continue to go down in price at the
Iksfom Store
at Rock Springs, Wyo., a month ago.
When the two quarreled on the street
this morning, Howard struck her, the
woman asserted, and she shot him in
Howard, who is known . also as
"Curley" Howard, came to Burley sev
eral f months ago from Baker CUy,
Ore. He has had no visible source of
A Cottage Grove preacher advocate
"Socialism, plus God." This Is nearly
equal to the kaiser's "Me and Gott"
Paris, France, Jan. 11. Nineteen
prominent men and women of Paris,!
including Editor Flachon, a former!
friend of Premier Brland, and his'
lYliStrpRa Whit SAflll-A.I' itlnMm. All '
" ..w www. .u VI. U VIvlllllO, C.11
implicated in the wholesale white
slave trade in which girls as young
as ten years were victims, were to
day convicted at the conclusion of
their trial, which has been held se
cretly. The details of the crimes of which
the people were convicted, were of
flllpll rpvnlHnty no Hit A thai Vi 4..4
- - - n ,-. mo juud
prohibited publication of any of the '
testimony. Editor Flachon was sentenced-to
on year in prison.
h ;
Fatally Shot by Woman.
Burley, Idaho, Jan. li. Shot by a
woman he Is alleged to have perse
cuted Harry Howard is in - a dying
condition at a hospital in Twin Falls.
Margaret Worth, who sent the bullet
into Howard's side Is a prisoner at Al
bion. The shooting occurred today
in front of the Hotel Burley. Miss
Worth who Is about 25 years old, said
that after her arrest she met Howard
Poultry Show Gets Money.
The UmatlHa-Morrow county pouT-'
try show is now in a prosperous way
and will give Its annual show this!
month without fear of financial loss.
The reason of its prosperity is the ac
tion of the county court in appropriat
ing $500 for the association. Treas
urer Fletcher this afternoon receiving
the county treasurer's check for that
amount In the past the show has
been handicapped by a lack of funds
but. with the appropriation the offi
cials declare the 1912 show will be the
best ever given here.
and we will do your Cleaning and
Dyeing to your perfect satisfaction.
We take ladles' and gentlemen's gar
ments and make them look like new
ty our process, which, however, will
never Injure the most delicate ran
ric We solicit a trial of our work,
feeling certain that the first order will
be the forerunner of many more from
you. Our charges are moderate In
all cases.
Pcndloton Dyo Works
Shanghai, Jan. 11. Slaughtering
an male inhabitant making captives
of all women and looting their homes,
a large band of armed brigands 'to
day carried on a fearful battle near
Hsu Chow Fu.
Troops have been sent against the
bandits and several leaders captured
were beheaded. All foreigners are re
ported to have escaped from the vi
cinity. One brigand leader, calling him
self General Tseng, was tricked to hi
death. He was planning to sack
Whien Fu and when his plans were
subject of sex, physlcology and sex re-1 'earned he was invited to Yyamen
sponslbillty and general education al
ong these lines in the schools over the
nation would do much, in my opinion,
to solve one of the most pressing
problems in America today."
The course of lectures will prob
ably begin In March.
Medicines that aid nature are al
ways most effectual. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It
allays the cough, relieves the lungs,
opens the secretions and aids nature
At the city's gate he was summarily
beheaded, while his bodyguard stood
outside the garden. His men then at
tacked the city but were repulsed
with a loss of fifty of their number.
Chappy Skin
Cucumber, Almond,
25c a Bottle
The drug store that serves
you best.
The! Williams
Jubilee Singers
Ask the many Pendleton people who have
heard them before.
Adults 75c, High School Students
35c, Childron 35c
Better Buy Now
Timo tor High
Cut Shoos
Mens $6.00 shoes
now . . . $5.00
Boys $3.50 shoes
now . . . $2.98
Boys $2.75 shoes $2.15
Phone Main 111.
Illtt E.
Ix)rimerg Attorney Argues.
Washington. D. C, Jan. li. The
early part of today's session of the
senate committee, which is Investi
gating the alleged corrupt election of
Senator Lorlmer of Illinois, was de
voted to a reading by Judge Hancey,
Lorimer's counsel, of dally stories
of the
Sold by I events in Springfield, preceding Lor-
Jlmer's election.
in restoring the system to a healthy
condition. Thousands have testified from the Chicago Tribune,
to its superior excellence.
Alta. all dealers.
Dalo Rothwoll
Eyes examined by the latest and
best methods. Glasses fitted, lenses
duplicated and frames repaired.
With Wm. Hanscom THE
Jeweler, Pendleton
Let Us Drive Your Kitchen Trouble
Satisfactory Groceries at
Satisfactory Prices
Just a few reminders
Black Tea, per pound
A very fine Broom for
Hermiston Strained Honey, per pound
Lunch Beef, per can
Hot Tamales 7 in a can
Phone Mala 174 612 Main Street
It's priced right, bums clean, and lasts and
gives heat like coal Cheapest in the end.
We also have plenty of dry Yellow Pine, Black Pine Cottonwood, Slabwood and straight Red Fir
KOPITTKE & GILLANDERS, Agents for the Famous Rock Spring Coal