s. eight PAGES. DATLX OAWT OftEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OBB043N, THURSDAY, JAXUARY 11, 1913 LIVESTOCK RECEIPTS HEAVY; PRICES UP DELAYED SHIPMENTS BRING - OUT NUMBER OF BUYERS 1 "t i Hogs Advance Another Five Cents and Cattle Also . Show Mueli Strength Slioop Market Improves Wheat Shorts Scared. (From Wednesday's Journal.) . The livestock train expected at noon .arrived on time and contained 87 head of hogs, 338 cattle and 1055 .sheep. This makes tne tntat move ment for the day 1252 hog?,' 621 cat tle 15 calves and 1756 sheep. ' Delayed shipment of livestock to North Portland brought forthall the buyers In this territory today, and - under competition prices responded to the better feeling. Hogs advanced another 5c, with . sales at $7 during the mo-ning. There was a very heavy offering of pork ers in the pens this morning, total re ceipts being 1165 head, compared with 411 last Wednesday. The hogs came o Every woman's heart responds t the charm and sweetness of a babv's voice, because nature intended her for motherhood. But even the lovin? nature of a mother shrinks from the ordeal because such a time is regard ed as a period of sufferin? and daneer, Women who use Mother's Friend are saved much discomfort and sufferiner. nd their systems, beinjr thoroughly irepared by this great remedy, are n a healthy condition to meet the time with the least possible suffering and danger. Mother s Friend is recommended only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers ; it is in no sense a remedy for various ills, but ks many years of success, and the thousands of endorsements re ceived from women who have used it re a guarantee of the benefit to be derived from its use. This remedy does not accomplish wonders but siav Tly assists nature to perfect its worlc. .Mother s Friend allays nausea, pre -vents caking ol the breasts, and Mother contributes to tJipinrtfl trone. healthy I11I51U1 motherhood. Mother's FriendbEold t drug stores. Write for our free took for expectant mothers. MRAbFlELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Q WHAT'S THE REASON"? Ikfnny Pendleton People in Poor Health WlUiout Knowing . the Cause. There are scores of people who d rag out a miserable existence with' out realizing .the cause of their suf fering. Day after day they are rack ed with backache and headache; suf fer from nervousness, d'izlness, weak ness, languor and depression. Likely the kidneys have fallen behind 1 their worg of filtering the blood and that Is the root of the trouble. Look to your kidneys, assist them In the! work give them the Help they need You can use no better remody than Doan's Kidney Pills. Below is grateful testimony from . sufferer In this locality. Mrs. Frank Pike, 101 Greenwood street. La Grande, Ore., says: "Doan Kidney Pills were used In our fam llv and Droved very effective. The person who took this remedy had weak kidneys and suffered a great deal from bachache. Stooping was difficult and sham twinges often darted through the loins. Doan Kidney Pills were used on a friend advice and It did not take them long to bring relief." For sale bv all dealers. Prce'BO cents. Foster-Milburn Co, Ruffal New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan r and take no other. 17" V 5 9 i in i.inrt''" If 3 '' & i "TTTV -rl rrrr-r 3-TTS. forward from eastern Oregon .points principally, but a sprlngllng of sup plies was shown from the Willamette valley. The strength in the swine trade lo cally was shown in the face of a fur ther decline in the east erd- central west. This more clearly snows mai prices formerly obtainable here were too low until mention of that fact was made by the Journal. Nominal North Portland swine prices: Fancy mixed .$7.00 Good heavy I 6.95 Good light 6 95 Medium light " Rough and heavy Poor and heavy -00 Cattle Market Is Better. The stuff attracted most attention from buyers in the cattle division of the local market today. While there was only a small run available for the morning train, further shipment were ue on the delayed freight about noon. Twenty-nine heifers that averaged 1058 Dounds went at the $6 mark dur ing the morning, creating an entirely new high record for the present movement. vruiiimy kw a. J t ntii If rT quality brought 15.26, which in Itself is about 10c more than the previous market, a condition exclusively fore casted by the Journal yesterday. North Portland cattle prices toaay: Select steers ,....$ 6.15 Fancy steers 6.10 Choice steers 6.75 5.95 Common steers 4.75 5.00 Feeder steers 4.50 5.00 Fancy heifers , 6-00 Ordinary heifers . . .' 5.25 Fancy cows ............ 5;25 Ordinary cows 4.25 4.75 Poor cows...:.......... 3.50 3.75 Fancy light calves 8.00 Medium light calves 7.00 7.25 Ordinary calves 6.506.75 Fancy bulls 4.75 Medium bulls 4.50 Ordinary bulla ' 4 00 Stags 4.00 Sheop Market Is Better. A better tone ls showing in the sheep market at North Portland. Dur ing the 24 hours ending at noon there was a run of 700 head, supplies be ing confined to northwest points. A week ago today 254 head arrived In the yards. ' Nominal sheep market at North Portland: ... Select iambs $ 6.85 Choice lambs 6.505.60 Common lambs ......... Yearling lambs Old wethers 6 25 4.76 4.50 4.00 3.75 Fancy ewes Ordinary 8.50 - Grain and Hay. Wheat Producers' price nominal; track delivery, club 80c; bluestem, 83 cents; fortyfold, 81c; Willamette val ley. 81c; red Russian, 79c; Turkey red, 82c. Barley Producers' prices 1911 Feed, $35; rolled, $36; brewing; $39 40. . Oats Producers' price Track No. 1, spot delivery, white. $30.50; gray Mlllstuffs-Sclllng price Bran. $23: mlddllnes. 129.60: shorts 125: chop, $19 25. Car Iota 60c per ton ipBa - Flour Sel'lng price Patents, $4.50: Willamette. $4.50 per barrel: local straight, $4.0504.25; bakers' $4 30 4.50; export grades, $3.60. Wheat SliorU Are Alarmed. Chicago, Jan. 11. The wheat trade yesterday experienced one of the most complete changes in sentiment shown there for many a day. From extreme weakness, the market developed strength and the early loss of 1-8 to 3-8c was turned Into an advance of i-8c over Tuesday at the closing of the market. Shorts were nerved up to sell wheat on the disappointing cables which told of general weakness abroad. Later there was an advice from Argentina to the effect that the damage there had been underestimated. TiiorsAxns i prizes. Offered Already for Children's Con tests Under O. A. C. Extension Plan. Corvalli, Ore. Thousands of dol lars have already been offered In prizes for the contests In corn grow ing, poultry raising, manual training, and domestic science to be conducted anions the boys and girls of the state by the extension department of the f ';-' 'v -n -.r.vl.,-1 Farm Houses in :r?:.rf:.''4:4.'';iyj'5 ; 'JrV' 4""--' '' " af-' ' -( A Poor Weak Woman As the is termed, will endure bravely and patiently agonies which a strong man would give way under. The foot is women are more patient than they ought to be under such troubles. Every woman ought to know that she may ohtain the most experienced medical advice frit of chart ad in obsolutt confident and privacy by writing to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce fast been chief consulting physioian of the Invalids'. Hotel and Surgical Institute, ml Buffalo, N. Y., for asany years and has had wider practical experience in the treatment of women's disease than any other physician in this country. His medicines are world-famous lor their astonishing efficacy. The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and deli cate women is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG. SICK WOMEN WELL. The many and varied symptoms of woman's peculior ailments are fully set forth in Plain English in the People's Medical Adviser (1008 pages), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will be mailed fret on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to psy cost of mailing only. Address as above. Oregon Agricultural college. "The new work will reach every .,,. ... ,, otfA " . "a TJI Superintendent Alderman and the county superintendents have ' offered their cooperation In the organizing and conducting of the contests," said Prof. R. D. Hetzel, director of ex tension. "The State Fair association has agreed to furnish $1400 in cash prizes for the school exhibits and we already have promises of prizes which will run, possibly, to nearly $2 0001, and many other Interests which will doubtless be glad to offer something have not yet been approached, so the prizes offered for the exhibits at the state fair alone by the children will amount to thousands of dollars." YOU CAN CUBE THAT BACKACHE Pains along the back, dizziness, headache and general languor. Get a nankaze of Mother Grav's AROMAT IC-LEAF, the pleasant root and heVb cure for all kidney, bladder and uri nary troubles. . When you feel all run down, tired, weak and without energy use this remarkable combination of nature's herbs and roots. As a regu lator it has no equal. Mother Gray's Aromatic-Leaf is sold by druggists or sent by mall for 50 cents. Sample sent FREE. Address. . The Mother Gray Co., Le Roy. N. Y, A dry, hacking cough Is hard en the lungs, eften causing them te Heed BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP Is a healing balm that quickly repair damage in the lungs and air passages. .Price 25c, 6c and $1.00 per settle 1 Sold by A. C. Koeppen ft Bres. No Failure About It. "It is too bad that your son's mar riage was a failure." "That's Just the trouble. It wasn't a failure. There doesn't seem to be any way In which he can get a di vorce from that chorus girl." When ,wn as soon 03 tne crouPy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off an attack of .croup a'hd prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of moth era use it successfully. Sold by all dealers. , ' - HEXS LEAD A BLIXD MAX Unfortunate Ties String to Legs of Two Fowls and Is Guided. Paris. A blind man living at Chateau Renard, in the Department of Indre-et-Loire, has trained two hens to guide him along the road When he goes out for a walk he ties string to one leg of each of the fowls, and In this way is gently led alonS- - When buying a cough medicine for children bear In mind that Chamber- tain's Cough Remedy is more effec tual for colds, croup and whooping couch and that It contains no harm ful drug. For sale by all dealers. SHERMAN KILLED AT NEWPORT Fulling Treo Crushes Ills Skull While Cutting Wood. Newport, Wash. V. Sherman, a resident of Newport, was Instantly killed, his skull being crushed by a falling tree while cutting cordwood east of town. BxUi&jtii)tttJ&& r'l. . . Umatilla County TWELVE INCHES OF SHOW AT PILOT ROCK (Special Correspondence.) Pilot Rock, Ore., Jan. 11. Dur- ne Friday night and Saturday 12 Inches of snow fell here, which was very helpful to the farmers for their crops. A chlnook prevailed Wednes-' day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathews of Stewart creek were business visitors at Pilot Rock Tuesday. Ernest World spent Tuesday in Pilot Rock. Herbert Boylen was a business vis itor at Pendleton Tuesday evening. J. N. Burgess spent Tuesday at Plr lot Rock. Miss Maude Mathews of Stewart creek spent Sunday in Pilot Rock with friends. Mrs. Carl Jensen and son return ed Wednesday last from Portland where they spent the holidays with relatives and friends. Carl Jensen was a visitor at Pen dleton Thursday. Alfred Hemphill drove down to Pendleton Thursday returning home In the evening. M. D. Orange of the Pilot Rdck pharmacy was a Pendleton visitor Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and Clara Beck attended a dance Saturday at Bowman's near Pendleton. They re port having a very pleasant evening. George Tonkin left Tuesday morn lng for Uklah on business. Mrs. Helen Belts of Nye was In Pilot Rock Saturday doing some shopping. The Misses Clara Beck, Jessie Weg ner, Ethel McCullock, Hazel Beetle and Nellie Wilson spent Sunday as the guest of Miss Vera Jaques at her home. The Ladies Aid held a special meet. lng Tuesday at the home of Mrs. A. Harvey. Watch Hair, Your Ladies Eternal Vigllanee Is tlic Price Luxuriant and Radiant Hair. of If dandruff germs are devouring the nourishment that belongs to the hair it will soon begin to fall. Fur thermore It will lose Its life and lus tre and will become dull, faded and even look slovenly. If you have any signs of dandruff you ought to go right to your drug gist today and get a bottle of PA RISIAN SAGE. This delightful and refreshing hair tonic i9 guaranteed by Tallman & Co to kill dandruff germs, clean the head of filthy dan druff, stop falling hair and Itching scalp or money back. And it does Just what It is guaranteed to do and that's why Its sales are so enormous the country over. PARISIAN SAGE 's the favorite of refined women. One bottle proves Its superiority. 4 t.i,.. t 1 WANTI MASSAGE TREATMENT AND EX- ercise given by Mrs. H. Teraa and Mr. T. Teras 607 B. Court street, corner Mill street, PeaeMetea, Ore. Expert hand maseaa and hot cab inet baths and cold water baths. We cure all kinds of diseases. Finnish graduate from Hctatngrfors. MALE HELP WA?a EXCEP tional opportunity fer man t abil ity to operate retaH see lor the sale of made-tO"-order men's clothes of Lamm and Corns ay, nleage. Capital necessary onry fer operat ing expenses and fsmtwpee. Btatrre display stock and Hxeurae famish ed without investment. First class references reqwiree. Address J. P. T., care this eflee. WANTED Lace curtains te laundry Work done with especial care Phone Red 2521. Classified INSURANCE AND LAN BUSINESS I r?tr rWVV'v uivm .ollchla shntrartil of title tO all lands in Umatilla county. Loan on city and farm property. Buys ana sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business, pays taxes and makes investments for non residents. Write fire, life and acci dent Insurance. Referenocs, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLET & LEFFINGWELI REAL estate, fire, life and aeeMent insur ance agent. Now location, 816 Main street Phone Main 404, TjTVBRY and fkh stable. 6ITY LIVERY STABLB, HWKPSON Street, Carney & Baaeaey, preps. Livery, feed Vd sale stasis. Qooa rigs at all times. Cab Itoe in connec tion. "Phone main 76. MISCELLANEOUS. LEGAL BLANKS OF EYERT De scription for county court, circuit court, justice court, teal state, etc., for sale at East Oregonian etfiee. FRATERNAL OBBB9MB. PENDLETON LOJSflE No. 63 A. F.'and A. M, meets the first and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are Invited. DAMON LODGE NO. 4, K. of P., meets every Mon day evening in I. O- O. F. hall. Visiting brothers cor dially invited to attend. Best, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates furnished on all kinds of masonry, cement walks, stone walls, etc. Phone black 3786. or Oregonian office. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Opposite postofflce. Funeral parlor. Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night 'Phone main 75. AUCTIONEER- COL F. G. LUCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEV and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy household goods. Call and get his prices. 210 E. Court street Phone Black 3171. 11 RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT, NOODLES and chop suey. Ung D. Goey. prop.; At the old stand, Alta street In rear; of Tallman Drug Co. j East Oregonian by carrier. 65c per month. PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD. M D.. HOMEO pathlc physician and surgeon. Of fice Judd block. Telephone: Office black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO nlc and nervous diseases, and dls eases or women. A-ray ana iieciru- , theraputlcs. Judd building, cornei Main and Court streets. Office 'phon Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 554 ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATION wedding announcements, embossei private and business stationery, et Very latest styles. Call at East Or Konlan office and see samples. An Enterprise Worthy of Your j ratronage. Prompt. Exclusive. Reliable. Taxicab Servics PAY AND XIGHT. Stand at Hotel St. George. Fare 23 Cents to Any Tart of the City. The Only Up-to-Date Convey ance In Pendleton. Phone Main 12 JOSEPH X. JUmi.. Prop. J. A. R. S. Ads. W WANTED Continued. SALESMEN TO AID US SUPPLY the brisk demand for our gooas some vacant territory yet in every" state went of the Mississippi; castr weekly. Capital City Nursery Co, Salem, Oregon. WANTED, AGENT To handle best automobile built in America. Ex clusive In this country. Built by old time line manufacturer. Life guarantee, .self starting. Long; wheel base. No deposit required. Prefer dealer now in business. But will consider live people who will enter business. This agency in cludes a complete correspondence sales course. Largest discount er offered. Deal direct with fac tory. Address Sales Manager, 9 Washington street, Portland, Ore gon. : m DENTISTS. dr. thomas vaughan, dentist. Office in Main 73. VETERINARY BURGEONS. DR. D. C M'NABB, LOCAL STAT Stock Inspector. Office at Koep-' pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 411. Residence, 916 East Court street Res. Phone Main 69. 4 C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V ORADU- atc of McKllHp Veterinary uouege of Chicago. Office phone Main is. Res. 616 Bush St., phone Main 17. ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RALEY, ATTORNBY8 AT law. Office in American National Bank Building, . i JAMES A. FEE. ATTORNEY AX. . law. Office in Deepain building ,', R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office In Deapaln building. " CARTER ft SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT , law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. LOWELL ft WINTER, ATTORNEYS and consullors at law. Office' in -Despain building. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY . at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made." Room L7, Schmidt block. PETERSON ft WILSON, ATTOR neys at law; rooms S and 4 Smith Crawford building. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Smith-Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORNBT at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, 1, 8 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. JOHNSON & SKRABLE. ATTOR neys at law. Office in Despain buildlnw. "She is Waiting 99 and so are ihose she Is waiting on. And mind you, a good high-ball is well worth waiting for. Good, pure, wholesome Rye Whiskey, like the brands" we are now selling, will make one wait patiently, but enjoy the wait when the liquid arrives cool, comforting, and refresh ing. If J'ou are a high-ball lover, better try a bottle of this splendid Whiskey of ours. Yo" will always want that brand afterwards. And the price will satisfy you, too. TheOIympiaBar Phone Main 188 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 177. PETERS & MORRISON, Props. jm-fja -hi - r nil inmi ii m