East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 11, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Particularly the LadiesJ
Not only pleasant and refreshing to
the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet
ening to the system. Syrup of Figs and
Dixir of Senna is particularly adapted
to ladies and children, and beneficial in
all cases in which a wholesome, strength
ening and effective laxative should be
used. It is perfectly safe at aD times and
dispels colds, headaches and the paint
caused by indigestion and constipation so
promptly and effectively that it is the one
perfect family laxative which gives satis
faction to all and is recommended by
millions of families who have used it and
who have personal knowledge of its ex
Its wonderful popularity, however, has
led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita
tions which act unsatisfactorily. There
fore, when buying, to get ks beneficial
effects, always note the full name of the
Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every
package of the genuine Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna.
For sale by all leading druggists. Pace
50 cents pet bottle.
For Men, Women and
Program changes
SnndayY Tuesday's and
See Programin Today's
Best Pictures
More Pictures
Latest Pictures
and illustrated songs ia the
Shows afternoon and eve
ningg. Refined and enter
taining for the entire family.
Next to French Restaurant
Entire change three times
each week. Be sure and see
the next change.
Adults 10c. Children under
10 years, 5c.
Where the entire family can en
joy a high-clam motion picture
fchow with comfort.
Fun, Pathos
AH Properly
Ojxn Afternoon and Evening, j
Cluwifro Sunday, Monday, Wed-
ncduy and IYlday. j
Next lwr to St. George Hotel, j
Ad Million 5c and 10c. j
Excellent program for Friday and
1. "Sunshine Through tho Dark."
Blograph. The poor little housemaid
despairs of ever experiencing a kind
ness. Even the spoiled child of the
household orders her about and treats
her with disdain. The child wears
a bright ribbon sash, which is beauti
ful to the slavey, so much so that she
Is tempted to steal it.
2. "Home." Edison. The picture
Is full of the sentiment of home, the
story wld reach thousands or hearts.
It tells how a personal. Inserted to
reach an absent son had a far-reacn-ing
3. "Courage of Sorts " Vitagraph.
There are many sorts, this Is the right
sort. A doctor falsely accused stops
in his flight and saves a little child
rather than himself.
4. "Some Mother-in-law." Lu
bin. She gave son-in-law several red
hot surprises. Mother turned out to
be a peacherino and the Joke was on
the son-in-law.
The Pasting.
The home of good pictures. A clas
sy program for Friday's change.
"A Woman Scorned." Blograph.
Her revengeful spirit aroused through
jealousy. The little sweetheart of a
sneak thief finds herself neglected for
another, vows to get even, and she
gets a chance she little hoped for.
"The Man In the Taxi." Lubln.
There was no "bless you, my children"
stunt when John Mason and pretty
Betty Brown wanted to get married.
Elopement, robbery, arrest and some
other forms of exciting adventure
make the path of their love extra
rough. But it U came out right in
the end.
"A Tennessee Love Story." Selig.
A strong story possessing fine quali
ties of humor, sympathy and under
standing of character.
"Incendiary Indians." American
Pathe. A western that thrills and
throbs with swift mad rush of excit
ing events.
"Glimpses of San Francisco." A
beautiful series of views.
Friday and Saturday, two out of
the ordinary dramas and three Joy
dispersing, gloom dispelling comedies:
"The Breach of Faith." Rex. A
sensational stilletto duel. Knowing
that he stood no show of winning the
girl, the brother resorted to treach
ery and pays dearly for his deception.
"The Horse Thiers Bigamy." Am
erican. Closely pursued by outlaws,
the man and girl dashed across the
railroad track Just ahead of a long
freight that stopped their pursuers,
and gave them a sufficient start to
"A Temporary Millionaire." Solax.
Suppose you were dead broke and
some kind soul gave you a million.
That's what happened to Weary, tho
hobo. Come In and ee the finish.
"A Quiet Evening at Home." Re
liance. The comedian O'Sullivan
plays the lead in Pat O'Brien's far
from quiet evening.
"Winning Papa's Consent." Reli
ance. Dad said no, but the young
folks got him in such a predicament
that he was glad to say yea
At the Grand.
Tonight, complete change of pro
gram. The Austin company presents
one laughing farce comedy, "A Trip
to Coney Island." This Is positively
the best bill put on by the Austin
company. We can truly say this as
each bill Mr. Austin produces is bet
ter than the one before it When
you come and take "A Trip to Coney
Island" bring your doctor along so
you won't laugh yourself to death.
This is the same bill that Billy Wat
son and his beef trust bathing girls
made a big eastern hit with and can
be relied on to please all. Six classy
song numbers will be rendered. Two
feature reels of motion pictures to
night. Amateur night Friday night.
"Polly of the Circus," Frederic
Thompson's mammoth production,
with Miss Ida St. Leon in the leading
rile, will be seen at the Oregon the
ater on Sunday, January 14th. One
of the great features of the play is the
realistic third act in which the circus.
scenes are depicted, including a min
iature circus caravan disappearing in
the distance. The second scene of this
act shows a circus in full swing, with
the trained horses, ponies, dogs,
cowns, acrobats, ringmasters, bare
back riders and aerial acts of all de
scriptions, with all the necessaries of
the white tops, and is in full keep
ing with the standard set by Frederic
Thompson, producer of the play and
the creator of the huge Hippodrome
and the greatest amusement park in
the world Luna Park, Coney Island,
New Tork City. Watch for the parade.
Even an Injunction Couldn't Stop
Him Calling on Her.
Bel'.fontaine, Ohio. Sherman Pow
ell has been served with a temporary
Injunction restraining him from call
ing upon 119, Desta Vandemark of
Powell Is 45 years old and a widow
er. Some time aso he met and learn
ed to love Mrs. Vandemark. He be
llows' THIS,
Lame back may come from over
work, old settled ' In the muscle of
the back, r from dif iie. In the two
former cases the rlsl.t remedy Is
tdiouM be rubbed in thoroughly over
the affected part, the roli f will
prompt and satisfactory. Prleo 25
(Oc and $100 per bottle.- Bold by A.
C. Koepftn 4c Bros.
We offer One tliindr4 Dollars Reward
tup mnw i-muM nf Pa ta rrh that rktiitnt ttm pnr.
!d by Hull s Catarrh Core. F. J CHKNEX
j Co., Toledo .O.
I We, tlie iiin?rslpned, nve known F. J.
j Cheney fr.r the lat 15 years, and believe
faltn perfertly honorable Id all buatriraa
ttansiuuima anrt nr.nnrlnliy able to carry
out any obligations mn( hj bta firm.
Wholesale DrtiUKintii, Toledo, O.
nail's Cnturrh Cure la tiiken Internally,
artlng dlp-cily upon tht blood and mneoua
'irfH'i of the aystom. Testimonials bent
fr. I"rl 75c, per bottle, s Sold by all
like Hall's Family fills for eonatlps
Uos. .... . .j
Scene In Fnxlerlc Thompson's "Polly of the Circus," Ida St. Leon as Polly,
Oregon Theater, Sunday, January 14th. i
gan to pay ardent attention to her,
but the admiration was not mutual
and finally she appealed to her broth
er to check Powell's love making.
Powell visited the village almost ev
ery evening and, armed with candy
or flowers, insisted upon entertaining
Mrs. Vandemark in her parlor. The
brother's intimation to Powell to
cease his visits seemingly had no ef
fect upon the swain, and fina'ly Mrs.
Vandermark appealed to the courts.
The papers of the Injunction suit were
served on the persistent lover. Sun
day night he again drove to the house
of the pretty widow and demanded to
see her.
D. R. Riser, her brother, and Da
vid Sherry, his friend, encountered
Powell and a fight Is alleged to have
ensued. Riser then appeared before
a justice of the peace and swore to
a warrant for the arrest of Powell,
charging him with a breach of the
peace. Powell has pleaded not guilty
and has been held to court of common
Burled In 40-Inrfi Coffin.
Bloomington, 111. Occupying a cof
fin forty Inches wide, especially made
for him in Chicago, Leonard ("Baby'
Bloomington's famous fat man, was
buried the coffin being hauled any
miles towanda Cemetery.
Gently, But Thoroughly Cleanse Your
Liver, Stomach and Bowels and
You Feel Great By Morning.
Famous tho World Ovor
For Its splendid hostelrles, its varied
attractions, its fine beaches, hot
springs and pleasure resorts all these
can be reached with ease by the
Oregon-Washington Rai'road
& Navigation Co. and
"Road of a Thousand Wonders."
You're bilious, you have a throb
bing sensation in your head, a
bad taste in your mouth, your
eyes burn, your skin Is yellow,
with dark rings under your eyes; your
lips are parched. No wonder you feel
ugly, mean and ill tempered. Your
system Is full of bile not properly
passed off, and what you need Is a
cleaning up Inside. Don't contlr.ue'
being a bilious nuisance to yourself
and those who love you', and don't re
sort to harsh physics that Irritate
and injure. Remember that every i
aisoraer of the stomach, liver and
Intestines can be quickly cured by
morning with gentle, thorough Cas
carets they work while you sleep. A
10-cent box from your druggist will
keep you and the entire family feel
ing good for months. Children love
to take Cascarets, because they taste
good and never gripe or sicken. I
LW WjV 555.00 ,
Portland to Los Angeles and Itoturn
With correspondingly low fares from
all O.-W. R. & N. points, good six
months with stopovers going and re
turning within limit. Handsomely Il
lustrated literature will bo supplied
upon application to any of our agents,
or address; WM. McMUKRAY,
Oen Pass, Agent,
Portland, Ore.
Wm. mU Nk Mm an.y
SOLI tY t8UC6ISTS rvarnvKFRf
Colonel Roosevelt is feeling bully;
nobody else Is being talked about so
ll ioltfwMd aa4 abaold know
aboot tha woutaM
, sVsirlMg Stray
m a? I 'm w vSwi mwnnw.
Aak na SranUt foe I
If b eaaaat mpvlr thf
tflnaalmnii fat lllaatrata
tt it full panics.
n4 Slnadau iaTalaabU tm ltdlw
UM Cfu44Easl2M IOM,ln la
it --'
- V , i
I i
Ji? i s -.A,ji S
Dedicated to Mabel Taliaferro as played in Frederick Thompson's produc
tion of the same title which appears at the Oregon Theatre, Sunday, Jan. 1 4
The Music Complete will be printed in every copy of next Saturday's issuo of the
Composed By
Frederick Solomon
Published by permission of
14 16 Broadway, N. Y.
FREE--A 25c Piece of Music Every IVeok-FREE
No Cutting, No Folding, Ready to Put on the Piano and Play
We publish each week the newest songs from New York's Bicst musical successes, giving to all our readers eacb
monih'music amounting to double the subscription price tlie.y pay for the 'paper. ...
If .you want to ki ep reliably posted as to .what is doing facli day in the Nat ion's current events, political campaigns,
and the happenings in your lioine state, county and city, phone Alain 1 or stop tho carrier boy and have tho East Oregonian,
left at your borne every evening only G.rc a month delivered to your door.