DAILY EAST OREGON! W. rKNTJLETON. OREGON, MONDAY. JAXFART. 11. EIGHT PAGES. -s PAGE SIX. TAFT DEDNT MONSIEUR JUSSE rrt-mii nw en orritf i:pM:ti wij Amhaubr Wont to Punaina. I'aii . A s-i-ir. -of i r. m i; ".".c:ii wax :.u ,l in regard t new -p:ir ' rei-ori which lms heen i i: 1 sin-.; lute thiit ti. l":o'i,h i iii 'a-s-.t !r .i. Y.--,i- inptor. .1 i Ju.is J i si-rran.l. h.i'l been lT-in !-.) ly ProsM.ient Taft mi l had Uf: Washington on a trip t Panama s as tj be absent from the Now Year's rtieploa at the white kou.o ami thus t. show his adhesion o li i friend Kiio.-evelt. The statement declares the truth f the matter is qu to different. It 'ta'nly that ! Ir i l . ng her usu . ;er. It may . y hit mi n- e li.n lii- .aj other lu.s- y the whip iiearly !'::;' . (1 vu.i t ! r ea r. i t i .. Ami-! . ' ,;uly. iru.jrd ,ru in. I .... t.i'K u-. t kuvai:sx is ;im ti or I'M! i . X. i I iiri'i in v !' '-.tie.iit. e I. tail M.t;- Have Your House W ired for Electricity It's rhinrrr, safer, far iwre r'fi"'"" -nrM save much unneeOH- lion. 'HIS. : ilj.',' A i ii:.le,l s l-.a? HS it r .1 ; 'it. at the i:"tk- a soUiu.ti has for a 'I l-rolmhly wi'l to hivcsli.-.-a'.o toe li.v- .i.s j.on.r of tue American uen. thin is biii-k of tiie iveser.t tterth of eps, and Us solution wia oe oi m e.n . p),,,,,, vaccination. hem fit to the country. In all fairness The r.se nnj near perfection of the fays AmKifa.lor Jusseranil left for however, there sliouwi ue no jnqu..j 1)it.sol ,,;; ne P.mn at th reniie- of President unless the members of congress are, At h f the "1st Ed's.m niiei Taft. who had repeatedly pressed the prepared to hear representative hens e3 discovery of salvarsan. .TIi.'h. f kilowatt more t( elMla.llo tute. -' ' ' F iial pi oof of the eriie t iicy of ambassador to visit Panama 'from all parts of the country There ( no j.i,,,, was a sped ftp for a' Jrs- Pfnr th construction of the canal should be no legislation without rep- was cocmploted. i. Jusserand and resentation. Congress, which is an kin w ife accompanied bv Attorney-, expert in cackling, will have no dit Cenera! Wiekersham and his wife. : ficulty in understanding the hen's ar left for the Isthmus on December 20 gument. be in Washington on nd expect to January 9, after which M. Jusserand will go to New York to attend the kanquet of the New York bar. at which he and President Taft are to peak. "The pood relation existing be tween President Taft and Ambassa dor Jusserand," says the statement, ""re well known Far from lacking cordiality and readiness m connection with th? negotiation.' of the treaty of arbitration, as one newspaper insin- WllO HOLDS MONEY? Saving cf England's Well and Poor Confided to Nut.on's Portomee ltank. London, Eng. Fifty years ago September 16. 1861 the postoffiee saving bank first opened its doors. At the headepuarters office, Wet Kens ngton, where some 3000 clerks are employed, an offlc al gave some uauy ease with wh'ch nine-ten h of hu man ty is unknowingly afflicted. j Commenting upon improvements in j general. Edison remarked on what he j termed a decided upward trend in 't newspaper building, and the effect of i proiif'.c distribut'on of newspapers among the people. "Newspapers and monarchies are arch enemies," the inventor declared. ; "Watch a dinner pa l crowd in train j or ferry devour their evening new! j That's the answer. Nothing will ever I happen to this republic of ours as lng as thia Is the case." rote f ir itshtin j you get one i.it-ily nien tor $1.50. Hy inlns; the new wire-type M 7.V lamp you get threa times ir 'i liiilit than froni the or ilnarv caruon lamp and your light is as blight anil char as daylight. This new MAZDA can be used on u uinary drops aiiih. cords without breaking. Save your eyes, save your house, save money, be comfortable. Electric and gas supplies, electtrlc light wiring, bell wiring, gas pip ing, motors and dnamos. , SEE J. L. Vaugtiaft 831 Main Street. Phone Main ISA. interestine inforinat.on to a mated, it was M. Jusserand who was Chronicle represen.ative with regard he first to approve publicly of the tdea. It was due to his mutative that the treaty between France and Am erica was signed first," BLAME EA11MEUS AN1 HENS. to the work and progress of the sav !ngs banks. It is to Mr. Whitbread, a member if the famous brewing firm, to whom l.i due the f.rst dea of a postoff ce hank for small accounts, as far back n 1S07. Owing to the long war with Censure for High Cost of Living Also i France, the cond.tion of the people Hosts on "Statesmen." j at ,n;it time was very bad, and many Washington. With the price of i srnan provincial banks had been ruin utter, eggs and milk steadily rising, i , (5 whitbred, who, with Samuel klame for the high cost of living is be- I ir'muiy was foremost In phi anthrop ng laid upon the fear of legislation, ,i democrat c deals, introduced the slothfulness of the great Ameri- n for "promoting and encouraging an hen, and the growing shrewdness j j.,,',u.-try amon the laboring claes of wz me uuiwhtk oi me iiuimiu, ouwc-, tle community and tne reuei anu rcg times known as the farmer illation of the nece sitous poor" The farmer, it Is said, has sensed j Une rart 0( his proposal was for the commercial fact that by with-, thp Ptahlishment of a national bank koldine eeg from the market he can ; )V. .ii- ontpA nf thf lahorirtff class cash in on the rising price. More- ; s a'ne. He suggested tnat deposits ver. It Is the general impression tnat i ao d be maae onn. by persons cer- t f ed to subsist principally or alone bv the waees of their labor. The de posits should not exceed S pounds at one time. 20 pounds in one year or ;00 pounds in all, and the funds would le invested in government ttock, Like many other noble ideals, this one had to wait unt'l Europe had set tled its wars and put its hou-e in or der. F fty years, 'ndeed, went by before Charles Sikes, supported by t Ur. G'adstone and Sir Roland Hill, re vived the plan for a postoffiee savings bank. The scheme was elaborated and perfected uy George Chetwynd, C, B , who was made fir t comptroller o the postoffiee savings bank, which was naugura'ed 'n September, 1861 In one year 180,000 accounts were opened, and the balance due to de posters amounted to 1,750,000 western dealers, fearing legislation against the cold-storage warehouses, kave disposed of their stock from time to time when the market seemed fa ctorable. The greatest blame of all, however, h being visited on the graceful shoulders of the American hen. Cer- Foley Kidney Fills TONIC IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULTS Give prompt relief from BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of tha KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of the BLADDER and all annoying URINARY IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to , pounds MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY PEOPLE and for WOMEN. ilrs. H. W. Allen, Qulncy, 111, says: "About a year ago my kidneys be ean bothering me. I "had a swelling In my ankles and limbs, then head aches and nervous dizzy spells, and inter severe backaches I was getting worse, wht-n I began . taking Foley liJdney t-"lls. I kept on taking them nrtil I was once more freed of all kid liey trouble. FOR SALE ALL DEALERS CASTOR I A For Infant! and Children. Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the TV ftf? 7 Signature of WiafZJCUcU&i NOTICE 1X)K BIDS FOR SEAVEIt CONSTKUCTION. COSIES QllCKLY. Don't Ilovo to Wolf for Weeks. A Pendleton Illustration. TVa't'ng iff d scourag'ng. Prompt action pleases everybody. A burden on the back Is a heavy weleht. H-rrl to bear day af'pr day. Lifting weight, removing the bur den, Urine fipj.roeiat've responses. Pendleton ppole tell of It. TH1 of rf-1 t that's qu'ck and sure. Her Is a rase cf . L. (iremawald, 414 Lincoln street, rer.-ne'.on. Oregon. -ays: "I had se- The total amount due to deposits up to December 31, 1910, was 168,890, 215. The number of active . accounts was 8.371,789. The number of dormant accounts was 3.460,337. liy active accounts is meant, of course, those deposits which are con stantly being used and augmented, 1 from time to time . The dormant ac- . count are a serious feature of the savings bank bus ness. Kot one of , these amounts to more than a sover- , e gn, but they re unclaimed and un touched by the depositors, who have evidently forgotten the existence of these small urns of money. It Is strange thit nearly 3.500,000 people shnu d show th's forgetfu'.ness. The great vir ue of the national bank 1 es in the fence of securiny It gives to penple whos cmall sav ngs mean more to them than a hundred times as much to mn of wealth. Whenever there 1 a f'nanc al eras'i l:ke that of the Charing Cross bank there is an i-reliate ruh of dnnos- I itfira n-ftli nnv hlnrr frnm K nnnmlti 1 1 50 pound , to the postoffiee, whifh h'li tnk- n the place of tfi" long stock ing and the tea-caddy for those who ! w fh to k?ep their "'.it'le b t" In ?afa ' ty. Notice Is hereby given, that the Common Council, on the ?0th day of December. 1911, adopfd p'.ans and! specifications for the construction of sewer with appropriate Y's and manholes running north on Hazel s'reet from its Intersection with Court street to a point near the north line of the O.-W. R. & N. company's right of way where the same Intersects Ha zel street, which plan3 and specifica tions are now on file in the office of the undersigned. ' Notice is furtner given that the Common Council will receive propos als for the construction of the said sewer extension in the form provided by the specifications up to the 10th day of January, 1912, at 5 o'clock p. m. Bids to be filed in the office of the undersigned. Each bid to be ac companied by certified check in the sum of $100, payable to the Mayor of the City of Pend'.eton, to be returned If the bidder la unsuccessful and to be forfeited in case, bidder Is success ful, shall fall to enter into a contract in accordance with the terms of his bid. . The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. THOMAS FITZ GERALD. Recorder. Lumber and Building Material A Large and Complete Sbock Alt ways on Hand and PRICED RIGHT The Best Mill Work to be Obtained in the Northwest Let Us Figure With You on Your Next Order Pendleton Planing Hill arid Lum- hnr VarrI A. BORIS LUMBER CO., Proprietors UBI I dill PHONE MAIN 7 St. George Cafe and Grill WHITE COOKS SERVICE FIRST-CLASS PRICES REASONABLE Hot Merchant's Lunch Daily From 1 1 :30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. RENCH DINNER EVERY SUNDAY FROM 11 A. M. TO 8 P. M. Open Day and Night Entrance on Webb St., or Through. Hotel Lobby The East OrcRonian delivered to your home for 65c a month. afMi-Vo .,f hH'kaehe and there was s. r-:u s arr. mv kidneys. I In 'hou-an 's of case-, when a babe . , . ; !s born int , th1 wnr! 1 Its narent. nro- was a t annovea dv a Durn rig bkh-, --- r - , - atinn whf-n vid:nE the kidney se rrii, ion a nnA thp tinKKalteM Were tOO ,....r. r ,ivi,l tc trv Doan's an account In the name of D ck. Tom Kidney Pi)!", I d d so and the con tents of one box cured me. I have A UMATILLA COUNTY . SCENE . vide it with the next best thing to a liver sno n In its mouth They open had no cause for complaint since. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Font' r-M'Iburn Co., buffalo. trm Torn, aoie agents for the United Elates Kemember the name Doan's and take no other ! or Harry, agel i week, and put a s'! j ver h"ling Into the pos f ff ce to be followed bv r0,7'ilar Installments, for the son and heir BRING IN YOUR PONY VOTES In order to avoid confusion as to ptanditig of conleotants In our big Pony Contest, we would like to have all vote cant a lonn as possible. Standings of each buy and girl in the contest, are now din played at our store. Tall Tan Gb Co. A G!r" W'M M'dnlehf Tilde To warn people of a fearfu' fore t f re In the Catvk'l'x a young g'rl ride horseback at m'-'nlght and save't many 1Ivp TTn dopi wa srlirlou but I'ves are often aved by Dr. K'ng'n N'ew D'seovery in curing lung trou ble, coughs a"'t ro'di. wbien m'eh have ended in "rnicumpt'on or pneu monia. "Tt mre1 me of a dread 'n' cou?h and lim d' a'e." wr'te W U. Pattersm. w-l'1nton Tex "' ter four n our fml'v hid d'el with rnpdumptlnn mil ( Mined 87 pounds'." Noth rtg ir mrp an1 safe for a I throat an1 lii" troii'e . Price BOr II 10 Tr'a: bottle free Guar anteed by KoMvn STl'DEXTS nt'IM) IlIUDGK. Stanford Mn Do ard I a'wir to G- n Prnctlca! Kxporience. Sacrameiti. '"al Fifteen Btuln of Ftanforl 1'niversity are working "n tho Po Tofin pteel brl1- "here as labore'?' eVnlng prat'cel knowledge o' p-T-n,,erlrg Thry are f'Tn ths ""'n -'"g depirtment of the un ve-f t" T1ie young are bu",l"vi i - ""T v th" en'neer 'n change f fn 'riiftlon. ll l-'H f V,,or i if P7' ' 'UW' -f I ' r ...li.. 4 I . 4'. A ME Xi Laurent's ..GRILL.. Martin Ihiildlii?, KHt Webb Streol. French Chef and all white help. I'.cKt Coffco In' Pendleton. Fine steaks and Hot Cakes like mother used to make. French Sun. Dinner 40c Short Orders at Moderate Prices Fresh Crabs, Crawflnh, Lobsters, Oysters and Clams. AVo solicit the pfttronaee of alL Two Old r.laids Anna What do you think Mr. Em lund charged me for sewing on a pal o; soles on my shoes T Clara Don't know and don't ear Anna, he 'only charged mo (60 and did fine work too yes, but I doat like him. . Anna Well, well,' you avid ntly 4 o yon wouldn't care. Men's soles sewed on (or SO a. Full line of men's fine shoes. j A. EKLUND Main Street. THE Aftormafh OF THE Season's Tokens will find accepted acknowledg ment If noted on Whitings Stationery of which we carry a nice Una. Koeppen's The drug store that serves you best. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Boarding and Day School for Girls. Primary, Intermediate, Ac ademic Special and Poet (Inn 1 n ii to Courses. Depart ments of .Music, Expression and Art. I'FHSOXAfj ATTENTION HKFIXING INFLUENCES THOROUGH WORK Nettie M. Galbraith Principal WALLA WALLA, WASn. The Pendleton Drug Co. Is In business for Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS " WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES CHICHESTER S PUS Ws. .TUB IMAMONC HUAK A I4lrl A.k Mf Ur(l.i lor CklkM-lcr IM...JTln.dA I'lll. in KtS nd Uol4 mctilllcXV boM, Mld Irlth BliM RU4h. V . L I i , . . iff Lm W uiaVond hkanu filia lot sal ym km m Bat, Silmt, Alwin RelUbM SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE