East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 08, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    -.. , -- - r t r , in anMin ii I,, I, 1 1 i . ,
Ctea-ip Sale
In Our Ready-to-Wear Section
23 Mixture Coats that sold at $27.50.
27 Black Broadcloth Coats, regular to $25.00.
43 Suits, Ladiea' and Misses, values to $30.00.
Your Choice of the Entire Lot
Don't wait. This is your last and biggest chance.
F.E Liuengood Co.
- The Ladies' and Children's Store.
Big Vitagraph special In three reels
for Tuesday's change.
"Vanity Fair." Vitagraph. In
T.W Barger ot Helix wu among three reel. Suggested by the great
the Sunday visitor in the city. I novel, "Vanity Fair." by William
Wa'la Walla iK.eiJcin..e xiiucitery, me gret&ieBi sa
tirist ana delineator or cnaracier ana
society of the early eighteenth cen
! tury. This supremely magnificent por
trayal Is incomparably dramatic and
Harry Hutchlns of
was a guest of the iiowman last eve
ning, J. Sallng, well known resident of
Athena, was a visitor in Pendleton
last evening.
Misa Viva Warren has returned to
the city after spending the week ena
with relatives in Weston.
Clarence Adams, the Ukiah ranch
man, started for his home today after
visiting with friends In Pendleton.
Miss Anita Kirkpatrick spent Sun
day with-relatives In Weston and re
turned to Pendleton Sunday evening.
Miss Anna Waugh. of the teaching
staff of the Echo schools, spent Sat
urday and Sunday with friends in
Jack Keefe, secretary of the local
Commercial association, returned this
morning on the local from a visit in
the east end of the county.
Misses Nellie Dar? and Irene Rip
pey, members of the Echo school
teachine staff, passed through me
city today en route from Aaams iu
Attornev James P. Neal, well known
Freewater attorney and candidate for
the office of district attorney at the
approaching republican primaries,
came In this morning from his home
and is transacting business in the city.
the Bwlft trans-Atlantic liner ap
proaching. She was sent across the
big steamer's bows at a distance to
assure safety and was header around
the speeding liner until she had ac
complished two complete circles. -
and shed
Teutsch &
The Melrose System.
Burroughs. . Main 5. Fuel.
Main 178 for coal and wood.
For alfalfa hay call N. Joerger.
I. C. Snyder.chlmney sweep. R 8812.
You8hould have the Melrose Sys
tem. ,
August Noreen, ladles tailoring a
specialty. 117 E. Court street.
Phone Koplttke & Glllanders, for
dry wood and Bock Spring coal.
Everybody roes to the Orpheum to
ee the beat and the clearest pictures.
Clean beds and airy rooms, furnace
heated. Including bath, at 621 Willow
Wanted Small ranch, good build
ings. Give particulars. Address, "N."
this office.
All kinds ot good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Koplttke & Glllanders.
480 acre wheat ranch, one as good
as in the country ior
only $40 per acre. Teutsch & Bick
er. 10 acre wheat ranch; 80 acres in
grain; good small house
barn. Price only $3250.
For Rent Six room house, modern.
Hot and cold water, bath, toilet,
woodshed, etc. Enquire Dr. C. J.
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, (20 Aura street. Phone Main 13.
Also dry wood for ale.
For sale Furniture complete for
housekeeping. Rooms for rent. Call
between 4 and 5 or 7 and 8 p. m.
Room 7, Temple building.
If you want w move, call Penland
Bros. Transfer, phone M 339. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 847 Main etreet.
For transfer work, hauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos, and all kinds of Job work,
phone Main 461. B. A. Morton.
Save "yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly.
Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 6.
Lost Saturday on the north side
of the river a ladies' small gold rope
necklace with rectangular Jado pend
ant. Finder please return to "A"1 this
office. Reward.
IMys to Advertise.
rl.. .n- 1 e. tnr HhnvA at Patton's
barber hop; S barbers employed; no
long waits. Plenty hot water, ciemi
tnoj.l. on.l Ika ahnn that dOCS not SO-
llclt the trade of Chinamen, Indians
or Japs. Give us a trial.
'Artisan Attention.
Hereafter AlDha Assembly No. 9
United Artisans, will meet the second
and fourth Tuesdays in Moose hall on
Main street, opposite Grand theater,
(Continlued from page one.)
Not Whon Lowt, But When Found
They Constitute Peril, Avers Dr.
Mary Walker.
Washington. Dr. Mary Walker is
in this city preaching a .. crusade
against collar buttons. She traces nu
merous cases of insanity among men
to the pressure of collar buttons up
on their necks. " Heretofore it has
been supposed that hunting for lost
collar buttons was bad for the nerve9.
She says the pressure is conducive
to brain disease and Is positive that
If men will wear more comfortable
neckwear insanity will materially de
crease. It's the only thing in the mat
ter of masculine attire that Dr. Walk
er taboos.
CU t .. 1 1 ll...nl 41... nnr.l
dent in her campaign and also obtain I"'"" Justice Offers lal Leap-
if possible his indorsement of her ef-
fmniv makes the streets Impassable,
school will probbly continue for the
grade pupils. -'
Wired Are Down.
Wires are down between here and
Portland and such messages as have
found their way in from that city aur.
ing the day have been routed by way
of Spokane. The telegraphic news
of the East Oregonlan is necessarily
brief because of this condition.
The low temperature last night was
responsible for a great many frozen
water pipes and the plumbers, In
consequence, have been the busiest
men in the city today. In several In
stances gas pipes have been reported
frozen, the East Oregonlan being one
of the sufferers from this inconven
ience. The gas was off in the me
chanical rooms of this plant all morn
in maklne it Impossible for the lino
types to run, and hence holding up
all operations.
Alvln E. Allen Marries Ills Aunt;
wir'a Father la Grandfather.
Wnlin. Walla. Wash. When Alvln
E. Allen married Mamie R. Stone he
became the husband of his aunt and
hi. ffrnnrf father became hid father'
in-law. His wife's father, Allen's
grandfather, became her grandfather
by marriage and the entanglements
can be carried Into a hopeless maze.
Allen, who is but 18 years or ago
tiftd tn nnvA him grandfather appoint
ed his guardian so the marriage could
be performed under the laws or wu
atata km them is ft foster relation
ship somewhere In the mixup, Allen
and his wife are not real blood rela
tion, but they will have a hard time
telling Just what their kinship la and
Its extent.
forts to persuade her own sex to adopt
the attire of man minus the collar
Dr. Walker has long Ignored the
dictates of fashion plates and has been
conspicuous for her appearance in
men's clothing. She say that if she
is able to prevail upon the women to
discard skirts and adopt trouser3 ma
terial progress can be made in the
extermination of tuberculosis.
She says her conclusions regarding
the proper clothes to wear and con
cerning the "collar button peril" are
based upon careful Investigations dur
ing years of experimentation.
Dr. Walker has sought an opportu
nity to present her views to the pres-,
Ident, but has been Informed that her
first chance to meet the president will
be at the New Year's reception and
she has decided to remain in Wash
ington until then.
"I should not do my duty to my
country if I did not acquaint the chief
magistrate with my knowledge on
these subjects," she says.
Protecting tlio Peruvians.
Callao, Peru. The Peruvian regu
lations require that physicians who
are graduates of foreign universities
and who desire to practice their pro
fession in Peru shall present them
selves before the faculty of medicine
of the University of Lima (facultad de
medlcina de la Unlversldad de Lima,
bringing with them the diploma of
the university from which they have
graduated, with the signatures prop
erly legalized, by the Peruvian mlnis
tery of foreign affairs, and a certifi
cate of personal Identity Issued by
the minister or consul of the nation
of the applicant resident in Lime. In
the absence of these officialls there
must be produced a legal Identifica
tion by witnesses.
The fees, which are to be paid be
fore taklnf the examinations, amount
Year Inducements to Old Maids,
Evanston, 111. There will be no
dearth of wedding bells in this aristo
cratic city during the present leap
vear if Justice J. F. Boyer succeeds
in his efforts to get husbands for old
maids. .
When Justice Boyer heard of he
offer of an Elgin Justice to marry free
anv woman who "pops the question,
he decided he would offer additional
Inducements to Evanston women
The magistrate declares he will
marry free any woman "over 25 years
who does the proposing, ana ne win
take her word for it. .
Old maids over 35 he will marry free
whether they propose or not, and he
win also marry gratis couples over
60 yean.
Justice Boyec declares there are
MOO more unmarried women in Ev
anston than eligible men.
It depicts society and the battle of
The Lost Horse." Lubin. Sam,
the stable boy, worked up a great
scheme for separating people from
their money by means of a horse
which he painted to correspond with
the description of an - animal for
which there was a reward of $200.
Mr. Inquisitive." Lubin. A side
splitting farce. Mr Inquisitive be
lieved in investigating everything that
he didn't understand.
The Pastime.
The home of good pictures and good
music. 'Tuesday's program:
"The Politician's Dream." Vita
graph. A Vitagraph comedy with
Bunny as the politician and Ml-8
Flora Finch as the widow. The poli
tician dreamt that he had been nomi
nated for the mayoralty of New York
City and every thing was coming his
way. Parades and dinners, and all
the glories of a campaign were his
when a telegram comes telling him
that his rival is going to marry the
widow that he is very much in love
"At the Stroke of Twelve." Essa
nay. A drama of love and business
"Saved by the Pony Express." Se
llg. Our first scene shows cowboys
and their sweethearts, enjoying a
quardrille on horseback. "Happy"
Jack, a practical Joker rides off with
Belle Archer, the sweetheart of Jim.
"Cowboy Life." American Pathe
A film of exceeding Interest.
"The Kloday Equilibrists." Few
vaudeville stunts are as interesting.
At tiie Grand.
Complete change of program to-1
night. The Austin Co. presents, "The
Million Dollar Beauty " a play full of
laughs until the drop of the curtain. j
The cast has been strengthened by
two new arrivals and . the- musical
numbers will be the best seen since
the opening of the company. Every
thing is being done to make it com
fortable for the patrons this cold
weather and the temperature is kept
pleasant at alL times. Tonight's bill,
"The Million Dollar Beauty," is the
same as played on the coast recently
by Murry and Mack and is sure to
please all. Two feature reels of mo
tion pictures, a comedy and a west
ern drama will be run at each show.
Amateur night Friday night.
Prices on Warm
"Regardless of cost we will clo.se out all winter goods. Under
wear, Blankets, Leggings, Overshoes, Alaskas, Knit Shawls and
Scarfs, Wool Hose, Knit Caps, Gloves, Mittens, felt Lined
Shoes, Coats, Suits, Sweaters, Felt Slippers, and Flannelette
Kirnonas, Furs, Suits and Coats at half price.
Yon need the goods, we need the money. Everything in the
house reduced during the Clearance Sale. What you buy here
you know is good. , ,
Wohlenberg Dep't. Store
Better Goods for Less Money
Hom-Rold Will Interest Every Person
i - Who Has Piles.,
The public Is Indebted to Dr. J. S.
Leonhardt of Lincoln, Neb., for years
of study of the treatment of piles and
for hfa discovery of a successful rem
edy, taken inwardly, which livens up
the stagnant blood circulation and re
duces the swollen vessels. Dr. Leon
hardt'a prescription is HEM-ROID,
sold by Pendleton Drug Co., and all
druggists at $1 for 24 days treatment.
Dr. Leonhardt Co., Station B, Buffalo
N. Y. Write for booklet.
Well, how many more are thinking
of "getting into the fight" in the
Thermometer Going Down
And Our Prices on good zero defying Winten Clothes
for men are keeping close company with the mercuiy.
Good Warm Caps Below Cost.
Men's $1.50 Warm Caps, going
at 95c
Men's"$1.25 Warm Caps, going
at 75c
Men's $1.00 Warm Caps, going
Overshoes, 1, 2 and 4 buckles,
from $1-22 up
German Sox, best quality,
10c Gloves, gauntlet, half pr. 5c
15c Gloves, fleece lined.. 8 l-3c
25c Gloves, black jersey... 15c
$1.00 Gloves, heavy knit-wool
yarn 50c
$1.25 Gloves.' heavy " horsehlde
pair . 75c
10c Mittens, canvas, half pr. 5o
25c Mittens, extra heavy, striped
canvas 12 l-2c
50c Mittens, good and warm,- go
ing at ' 25c
Better grade mittens for frosty
-weather 55c
Workingmens Clothing Company
Don't overlook our Clearance Sale prices in every department.
Inventors Assert Device WU1 Prevent
Disasters Under Sea.
Portsmouth, N. H. By means of
an under water wireless system two
brothers, John S. Shea and Daniel S.
Shea, volunteer officers In the Spanish-American
war, hope to prevent loss
of life In disasters among the sub
marine fleets of the world. Their in
vention, it is declared, will allow com
munication from the bed of the ocean
with vessels on the surface and with
land stations.
Philadelphia. Two young women
called at the marriage license bureau
hore and asked for the necessary pa
pers to marry brothers. The girls
were Rose Miller and Mary Harris,
and received licenses to marry Jos
eph and Harry Jung.
"Why didn't the young men com 5
for the licenses?" asked the clerk.
"Don'i vou know this is leap year?"
to $493 American currency, which is replkd the girls,
the equivalent of tho duos incurred by I
an ilumnus receiving his medical in- . TURN DOWN KETCHEL'S SLAYERS
struetlon in the University of Lima.
Jefferson City, Mr. The supreme
court refused to grant a continuance
In the case of Walter Dlpley and Gol-
Poor Pasturage In Japan.
Vnhn .Tnnnn It is a. remarkable
fact that although only 15 per cent 'die Smith, who are serving a term in
of the total area of Japan is under. the penitentiary for killing Stanley
cultivation, the rest of the land is not
available for pasturage. It would ap
pear at first thought that the exten
sive mountainous area of the country
would afford splendid pasturage for
sheep, but this does not exist except
in the extreme north, as the moun
tains are covered with a dense growth
of bambo grass, which it is impos
hlble to eradicate, . and' this grass is
wholly unfit for food. Therefore
there are practically no sheep on the
Ketchel, the prize fighter. By stipu
lation the prisoners sought for a con
tinuance to the April term, byt the
court refused It. The attorney for
the prisoners will have to make a
"showing of the necessity for the con
The supreme court la'te in the day
set. the appeal of the defendants for
hearing at a special call on Feb. (.
Newport, R. I. Naval officers here
regard with much interest a feat ac
complished by the torpedo-boat de
stroyer Mayrant, in twice encircling
the Cunard Hner Mauretanla while
both vessels were going at full spoed.
The Mnyrant was cruising In the wa
ters of Nantucket when she sighted
Carnegie Will Appear. .
Washington, D. C, Jan. 8. Andrew
Carnegie was today served with a sub
poena to appear before the committee
which is investigating the steel trust,
following his refusal of the commit
tee's Invitation to appear.
Catarrh Is an excessive secretion,
Accompanied with chronic inflamma
tion, from the mucous mebrane.
Hood's Saraaparllle acts on tho mu
cous membrane through the blood, re
duces inflammation, establishes heal
thy action, and radically cures all
cases of catarrh.
Attention KnlghU.
Damon Lodge No. 4, K. of P will
work In the third rank this evening. A
full attendance desired.
J. A. BEST. C. C.
Notjco to the Public.
All persons are hereby notified to
Immediately clean off all snow from
sidewalks within the city limits as per
city ordinance No. 330. By order of
the chairman of street committee.
18 Below at Baker.
Baker, Ore., Jan. 8. Last night was
the coldest night felt here for several
years. The thermometer registered 18
below sero and tho snow is two feet
Even our competitors are talking about us and we know
for a fact that concerns in this town have been writing
there old customers who now trade at the Golden Rule
Store Pleading with them to come back, don't this prove
enough that there is something to talk about? We are
here to Stay and our syndicate will open nine more new
stores this spring which will give us a large purchasing
power and without question are going to be able to lower
the price on high grade merchandise.
We leave this week with the bunch of buyers for the
Eastern Market where their purchases will amount to 2
million dollars, isn't it reasonable that one could buy this
amount cheaper than a few thousand. We want every
one to come and look our line over and if we can't save
you money we don't want to sell you a cents worth, you
shall be your own judge
One price, spot cash, and that the lowest makes
this store grow