East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 08, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Our Annual Clearance
Sale Continues to Attract
Large Crowds of Eager Shoppers
-and Why? Because Real Bar
gains and Sterling Values Predominate.
No price juggling, no exaggeration, no misstatements of facta in placing this or any
other sale before you. t
When the end of a season" comes then ccmea absolute clearance of all that season a
goods, and price or cost cuts no figure. So the clearance is affected. In our history of 21
years business in Pendleton, yon have learned- that no matter how low our price may be, the
quality is always dependable, WE DON'T SELL TRASIL
Come here tomorrow and aee for yourself what price prevail at our 24th Annual Clear-(
anco Sala
75s SILK 35.
A 36 inch wide Silk in a soft finish Taf
feta in full rang of colors. Especially for
dresses, princess Blips, petticoats, etc 24th
Annual Clearance price : 35
One lot big floral patterns in heavy
weight and wide, real 12 1-2 quality. 24th
Annual Clearance Sale price . 7
12 1-2 PERCALE 8
One lot of best percale, good assortment
of colors and designs, heavy weight and
full width. 24th Annual Clearance pr. 8
An assortment of shirt patterns in Flan
nels. Regularly sold at 29, just a few
pieces left in place in our 24th Annual
Clearance Sal at i 10
CLOTH OVERCOATS for only ?13.95.
Values up to $25.00. The best makes
in the country. All-wool materials, prop
erly tailored, perfect fitting. Made with the
jew adjustable collar. While they last
your choice $13.95
The kind that will keep your ears good
and warm all reduced.
You'll need more covers to keep you warm.
"Our comforters will keep you warm."
In big floral patterns; in small, neat de
sign; covered with silkoline and sateen;
some with silk borders, etc. ; come straight
or scroll stitched, and some come tied. 24th
Annual Clearance Sale Prices :
$1.00 Comforter will go for 83
$1.25 Comforters will go for 97
$2.00 Comforters will go for $1.55
$2.50 Comforters will go for $1.97
$3.00 Comforters will go for $2.47
$3.50 Comforters will go for $2.89
$4.00 Comforters will go for $3.57
$4.75 Comforters will go for $3.97
$5.00 Comforters will go for $4.17
$7.50 Down Comforters will go for $5.37
$10.00 Down Comforters go for $7.97
$12:50 Down Comforters ro for $9.17
$16.50 Down Comforters go for $12.37
Every wanted kind and style. This sea
son's new stock. No old time-worn goods in
our kousa
Our prices are absolutely the lowest, qual
ity considered. Buy here and you buy
No trouble to show and its a chance to
pick up a fine all wool Blanket at a very low
price. They come in grey and white with
ninlc and blue haadinirs. bome Dlaids 01
pretty pink, blue and tan.
Clearance Sale.
$5.00 Wool Blankets for ...
$5.50 Wool Blanketa for
$6.00 Wool Blanketa for
$6.65 Wool Blankets for
$8.50 Wool Blankets for
812.50 Wool Blankets for
We are overstocked on this kind of mer
chandise. We must have room, therefore we
are offering in our 24th Annual Clearance
75 Cotton Blankets for 49
$1.00 Cotton Blankets for 69
81.25 Cotton Blanketa for v- 89
81.50 Cotton Blankets for : 98
$1.95 Cotton Blankets for $1.33
$2.25 Cotton Blankets for $1.63
82.50 Cotton.Blankets for r 81.97
83.00 Cotton Blankets for $2.47
$4.00 Cotton Blankets for $2.98
Wo aro not overstocked with shirts but we
have arranged to give extra special prices
just the same.
Everv shirt in our stock, including our fa
mous Manhattans is reduced.
Tan U. S. army shirt, all wool Oregon
City flannel, military or regular collars, ol
ive tan color, all sizes, very finely inado,
$2.50 quality, Clearance priee $1.95
Men's heavy vo1 liirK aborted er.Wa
nil Mi'-. rxtiM tr"''l vnlue-, rcrnliir S2.00
!H,.l $2.50 i.-r-:. Clr-M-M' i !''. ... SI. 59
Mfll'rt I'.'llilx l-!"!) f irM! J !lir!. ll' i VV
weight, extra ink- panenis. a iimwI. ,-"'i'o-aide
liirt, cul : on and wool mixed, S1.50
irrade, Clearance price $1.13
24th Annual
Almost everyone wears Sweater Coats
now ad ays. They're warm, easy to work in,
they don't bind you. This has been the
.,reatest sweater year of all.
We must clear our entire stock out this is
your chance. Buy now.
82.50 Sweater Coats, Clearance pr. $1.95
$3.50 Sweater Coats, Clearance pr. $2.64
$4.00 Sweater Coats, Clearance pr. $2.84
$3.50 Sweater Coats, Clearance pr. $3.59
$5.00 Sweater Coats, Clearance pr. $3.98
These are the nicest shirts of all for the
man who likes a light weight wool shirt. They
laundry nicely, verv fine assortment of col
ors; $2.50 and $3.00 values, Clearance
sale price $1.95
This is the time to buy warm sox, no use
letting your feet freeze when you can buy
good warm sox at the extremely low price
we are now offering.
Men's all Lamb's Wool blue and white,
red and white, tan and white and gray. Ex
tra good wearers. Good high top. No tee
heavy. Regular 35 quality, Clearance al
price JM
Extra heavy, red and black mottled, alas
blue and white mottled, the best heavy sox
on the market Regular 50 sellers, Clear
ance price . 39
Regular 5 work sox, Clearance price, 6
pairs for 25
Regular 10 work sox, gray mixed. Tht
best for service. Clearance price 4 pair?
for . . 25
We have the finest lot of Mackinaw this
year we've ever shown. Rain proof.vwarm,
with the new shawl collar. The finest work
coat made.
$3.50 Mackinaws, Clearance price $2.77
$5.00 Mackinaws, Clearance price $3.89
$6.00 Mackinaws, Clearance price $4.87
$6.50 Mackinaws, Clearance price $5.35
$6.75 Mackinaws, Clearance price $5.49
$7.50 Mackinaws, Clearance price $5.84
We don't want to carry 'over any winter
underwear and if price is any inducement
we intend to interest you. We are agents
for the greatest line of underwear made in
America. The Lewis underwear is guaran
teed unshrinkable, the buttons are sewed on
tightly with silk, they are reinforced in all
the vital parts." The union suits are so con
structed that they positively do not gape in
the crotch. They are cut extra full and
roomy in the seat. The most comfortable
underwear made,
019, genuine Maco, fine ribbed union suit.
Regular $2.00 garment Clearance price
only $1.49
Cornes in stouts and regulars.
048, medium weight, medium ribbed 90
per cent wool, union suit, stouts and regu
lars. Regular $3.00 suit, Clearance sale
price $2.19
05 K blue gray, samo description as 048,
only finer quality and a little heavier, our
.ery biggest seller. Regular price $3.50.
Clearance price $2.87
Our two-piece unit stock is immense, every
wanted kind is to be found hero, cotton, wool,
.ilk: niixtuccs. etc., cotton rilWl and fleeee
lined sdii'M- jnvl 'irwevH. !".mlnr 50
)vr. f 'infi'iiee prleo 39 f?
All 81.50 mid $1.75 goods for 81.17
All 82.00 good will go for 81.36
All $2.50 nnd $3.00 goods for.... $1.89
The Peoples Warehouse
!nnr nnor niiro
Noted Chances In Cltlns, Etc., Since
This Harber Itegau Work.
Philadelphia. Within a few weeks
Thomas M. M. Leonard, the oldest
barber In Philadelphia, will observe
..'' ' ' I the fifty-first anniversary of the day
... . 1 when he began to scrape chin and
. OTIIEll STOMACH MISERY EN'DS He has shaved John L. Sullivan snd
I former Governor -Pennypatker. And
rive Minutes After Taking a Little now, after fifty-one years of expert
I;apepMln Your Stomach Will Feel , ence and Judgmei t, Leonard says he
Fine Attain Eat Your Favorite
Foods Without Fear of Distress.
If your meals don't fit comfort
ably, or you feel bloated after eating;,
and you believe it is the food which
fit s you; If what little you eat lies
like a lump of lead on your stomach;
if there Is difficulty in breathing; af
ter eating, eructations of sour, undi
gested food and acid, heartburn,
would rather shave prise fighters than
He is 11 years old, and Is still shar
ing In a South Penn Square shop.
Oh, yes, I've been in the chin-pol-
How often on hears the expres
sion, "She is gray and beginning
look old." It ! trs that gray sbst'
usually denote age and la always as
sociated with sg. Yoa sever Bear
on referred to as having gray hasr'
and looking young..
The hair is generally the Index T
age. If your hair ia gray, yoa cast
blame your friends for referrlag
brash or s belching of gas. you can ' mf "hop. and. holy Moses! but he was
lahtng business for fifty-one years, l'you as looking old: Ton can't ratals
started when I was twenty years oia. a youthful appearance If yo anew
"I have shaved governors, senators, j rour nlr to grow gray. Many
Judges and congressmen. long 0f middle age Jeopardise tkear
"Senator Cameron, the Secretary of future slmslr by Allowing ths gr as-
War under Lincoln, used to come into . ntir ta become manifest If your safer
make tin vour mind that vou need ' hard to snave.
something to stop food fermentation
and cure indigestion.
To make every bite of food yoa eat
aid In the norishment and strength
of your body, you must rid your atom
ach of poisons, excessive add and
stomach gas, which sours your entire
meal interferes with digestion snd
causes so many sufferers of dyspep
sia, sick headache, biliousness, consti
pation, griping, etc. Your case Is no
different you are a stomach suffer
er though you may call it by some
other name; your real and only trou
ble la that which you eat does not dl
gest. but quickly ferments and sours
producing almost any unhealthy eon'
He had s beard, snd
has become faded or gray, try Wystkj's
Sag snd Sulphur Hair Remedy, sv
nreDiration which ' s ehemist br ths
how he used to tramp Into the shop . Mm 0g Wytth devised s few yssss
wun a long cane m i i. " , SgO. It U Simple. IBexpensIVS BBC
th middle snd pounded on th floo. practcai a ad wilt banish the grsr
H wanted everything Just right. h,,r, a fw dayg. t U gw-
"Ons night John U Sullivan cam anteej t0 Mmov dandruff snd pr-
over from New York to see - sparr- mot th, th cf th. fcmlr
lng match at the old Miller Garden. ,f u pleaMt dressing fer th
as Vln street. After th fight he and after Ulrint a few dar-
ms rnenoa n p-riy. mn -una Uchlr ,B(j Jryne of th SCSlf M
didn't set no very early the next morn t
lng. Toward noon he came in to get
shaved. He lay Just ss quiet la th
chair snd never asked s question, nor
answered one, either.
"I've ahaved Philadelphia Jack
I O'Brien. Prise fighters are easier to
Save Your Trading Stamps
Where It Pay to Trade
. m ii. fre snd easy.
j iiu . v v ' v u ... ii.i g
There used to be more chin whiskers
, fifty cents at sny pharmacy her snd
will convince sny stomach sufferer
five minutes after taking s single
dose that fermentation snd sour
stomach is csuslng the misery of In
digestion. No matter if you call your trouble
catarrh of the stomach, nervousness
or gastritis, or by sny other name
always remember that s certain cure
la waiting st sny drug store the mo
ment you decide to begin Its use.
Pape's Dlapepsln will regulate sny
out of order stomach within five min
utes, and digest prompt'y. without any
fu?8 or discomfort, all of sny kind of
food you eat.
Members of English Tariff Commis
sion st Palace Predict Wsr.
San Francisco. Arthur Mosely of
London, s member of the British Tar
iff Commission, who is at the Palace,
says he is one of many Englishmen
who believe war between Germany and
Great Britain Is inevitable.
' "War between the two nations Is
bound to come," says this friend snd
admirer of Joseph Chamberlain, who.
when In power tome years sgo, gave
Mr. Moaely his appointment es th
Tariff Commission.
; . "Germany." he continued, "ha
reached th 10.009, 09 mark In popu
lation, and wants to expand in s co
lonlal way. It la evident she will try
to do so by despoiling Great Britain
I of some of her colonies, preferably of
her South African possessions where
th gold mines sre. Ones Germany
got eomittand f th Beats African
gold prspertles, she would seek to
mtk Berlin, iastead of London, th
stesey center of the world, snd Ber
lin would hold en to the gold with
might snd main aa against th rest
f th world.
Bstts Would-Be Osptnrers A boat Chi
so BaiKllng Lobby.
Chicago. A goat which was s fea
ture of an initiatory banquet of s se
creat order at a Michigan avenue ho
tel created more excitement than wss
expected of it.
After being hauled to the hotel In
a wagon th bearded animal was led
Into th lobby where It broke sway
from Its captors and sent guests scur
rying in all directions.
Several men who tried to subdue
the goat were made targets for th
animal's butting proclivities. Finally
oi of the candidates was placed on
th goat's back, while several lodge
men acted as s steering committee In
getting th animal snd Its rider into
th banquet room.
Urely disappear.
Don't neglect your hair. Start as
lng Wyeth's Sag and Sulphur todsr
snd you will be surprised st ths quick
This preparation is offered to ths
public st fifty cents s bottle, snd is
recommended and sold by epecia
agent, Pendleton Drag Co,
and goatees. Then there was s time
when side whiskers were the real
thing. Then, twenty years ago, every
man who could do it started s Van
Dyke. You don't see many of thes
sny mors.
"And hair catting! They used to
have s style of curling the hair under
around the edge. The volunteer fire
men used to sport a big spit curl over
each ear, rowdy style "
According to Leonard's estimate, he
has shaved (0,000 chins In his fifty
one years beside the chair. In the
same period he has used the scissors
on 16.000 kinky, red, and other hesds.
Tonsorisl srtistlclsns hsve calcu
lated that s barber sverages 100
strikes In each shave. An average
stroke, say, is an inch long.
Therefore, Leonard has stroked a
distance of 47S.4 miles in fifty-one
years, or the distance from Pittsburg
to Chicago.
He has made SO.008.000 strikes In
his career. He has eut twenty-nine
seres of hslr.
Touchet Farmer Lured t0 Walls Wal
ls Walls by Officre .
Walla Walla, Wasn After holding
two deputy sheriffs at bay at the
point of a gun, John Herman, of
Touchet, through a subterfuge was in
duced to appear at the courthouse,
where an insanity commission declar-
led him insane and ordered him. com
mitted to the Insane- hospital at Med
ical Lake.
In order to secure his appearance
In court here without causing any vl-
I olence, Herman was told by Deputy
Sheriff Barnes that he was wanted on
the charge of driving some boys who
) had been hunting on his place, away
at the point of a gun.
The evidence produced showed he
was laboring under the de'.uilon that
his neighbors were seeking to Injure
him, a delusion which made him dan
gerous to be at large. It was also
shown that he has been in the Insane
asylum on a previous occasion.
Former Astoria Woman IleM for Set
ting; Trap. for Unnamed Mnn.
San Jose, Calif. Naughty eyes led
a prominent, but as yet unnamed
. burlingame man to a Iosh of J2000 and
although he would rather lose the
; money than have his family know
of the case, ho Is being sought by the
police, who have four auspects In
! custody. ' The arrcBted woman gives
j the name of Mrs. Alice Mcltrldc, fur
Imerly of Astorln, Ore., and Grand
Canyon, Ariz. Three mn, giving the
i names of Wilson, Bowman and Cole,
aro also under arrest as accomplices
The woman Is declared " to have
flirted with the victim, who Is thought
to have evaded identification by
flight to Los Angeles. Police say
Hhe lured him Into a trap, where the
men held him up.
Census of Lrsgne Revest Women
Aro In Majority in Callfornls.
Los Angeles. Women politicians
are laying plans to capture the state.
They hav discovered that they have
th numbers to make - this possible
and th political sagacity the leaders
hop to dve!op through a campaign
f educstioa. -
According ts s census taken under
the direction sf th Women's Progres
siva League of this etty there are
170,140 women eligible to vote In
Csllforsls. Ths number of mal vot
ers registered st the October election
wss 181,000. This gives the women
s majority If they will take advan
tage of th situation.'
Mr. Oliver C. Bryant, chairman of
the elvl betterment committee of the
league, declared today that s cam
paign of education will be launched
at one. Th presidential primaries
will b held May It. and before that
date th women politicians hope to
have every woman voter registered.
Mrs. Bryant feels that It will take
m work among ths women to ov
ercome their prejudice sgalnst ex
pressing their political affiliations At
the present time the women voters
ar "progressive" or "good govern
ment." Before they can vote at the
presidential primaries they must
classify themselves as democrats or
AssoclatlOBs are to be formed all
over the stats to enlighten the women
n th subject ef registering and vot
lng. It wi i be pointed out to them
tnst they can rut the state If they
avail themselves of the right of cltl
tenshlp, recently conferred on them.
The result of the census has sur
prised the men politicians. They be
lieved that the number of men and
women voters In the state were about
evenly divided and, as the men are
old hands at the game, that the ad
vantage would be all on their side.
The census has upset all-calculations.
For Men, Women and
Program changes
Snnday's, Tuesday's and
See Programin Today's
The politicians do not fel as sur
as they did that th women will vot
th way their husbands do. The w-
mea are showing signs of Independest
thinking that is causing th old-lls
politicians no end of uneasiness.
Some of the more radical suffrag
ists already forecast a majority of wo
men in the legislature, and they win
say it will be s good thing for the stats
when that day arrives.
New York. As a result of her he
roic effort to rescue s Christmas doll
from the flames of her mother's
kitchen stove, Emms Benson, tw
years old, Is dying at Bellevu hos
pital. The doll had been placed be
hind the stove for s nap and In 10m
manner its clothing caught fire. With
a cry of terror the little mother ran
to me rescue ana wrapped me curs
ing doll in her own skirt. She was
terribly burned before her parents
could extinguish th flames. -
A dry, hacking cough is hard on th
lungs, often causing them to lec.
Is s healing balm thst quickly repairs
damage In the lungs snd sir passages.
Price 36c, SOc snd $100 per bottt.
Seld by A. C. Koeppen ft Bros.
Best Pictures
More Pictures
Latest Pictures
and illustrated songs in Oie
Shows alternoon and eve
nings. Refined and enter
taining for the entire family.
Next to French Restaurant
Entire change three times
each week. I3o sure and see
the next change.
Adults 10c. Children under
10 years, 5c.
Wlicre Oio entire family can en
Joy a hlgli-rlnwi motion picture
show with comfort.
Fun, Pathos
All Properly
Open Afternoon and Evening.
Cliangcs Sunclny, Monday, Wed
nesday snd, Friday.
Next Boor to St. Gcorgo Hotel.
Admlftdon &o snd 10c.