race nx. IAILY EAST ORROOMAW. PKSV LKTOM, OttOOOV. 8AT17RDAT, JAVUAXtY 4, 1019. taams fages. fiEl' OFFICIALS OF ADAMS TAKE SEATS (Special Correspondence. ) Adams, Ore., Jan. 6 The city council mot Monday night at the city kali and the new officers and coun tilmen were pworn in for the coming year. They will meet on the Sth of January and elect a new marshal for Adams fr 1912. Dr. ifh.trp of Athena was called to Adams Thursday ;o see Mildren Rog ers, who had a very bad spell of in flammatory rheumatism. Today her condition is much improved. Mrs. A Lewis of Adams, was a Helix vieitnr Thursday. Frank Heed has a crew of carpen ters busy at work on his new saloon building. Mrs. J. Winn was a Pendleton vis itor Tuesd.iy. Mrs. Mi-Daniel was a Fendleton vis itor Tuesday, Mr and Mrs. Bert Kirby of' the In land Mercantile copany. were business visitors in the city of Pend.eton Wed- sesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rogers were Pendleton visitors Friday. SPORTS. TreiHtaU to Meet Moore, St. Louis, Jan. 6. Harry Trendall, St. Louis lightweight, was matched with Paul Moore before the Philadel phia Athletic club February. Wolgast Recovers Itapldly. Los Angeles, Jan. 6. Ad Wolgast, lightweight champion pugilist. Is now rapidly recovering from his threatened I attack of pneumonia and for a time louay warned arouna. KUng Is Munagcr. Kansas City, Mo , Jan. 6. Johnny Kling, the former Cub catcher, re ceived a telegram from the manage ment of the Boston National league team announcing his appointment as manager of the Boston, team to suc ceed Fred Tenney. Fight to Irav. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 6. Tommy Dixon of Kansas City and Johnny Roche of San Francisco, feather. weights, fought ten rounds to a draw (here last night. Dixon was the ag gressor from the start, but the ivma! ' boy took his punishment gamely and limsnea strong. Frank Barry of Kansas City, who sol red fifty In thirty-six innings, cr ucially. This Is the year when we will hear considerable about "party" and "prin ciples" but political infidels have multiplied. CASCARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP Salts. Calomel anil Cathartic PiHs Are Violent They Act on Bowels As Icpper Acts in Nostrils. Take a Cascaret tonight and thor , cughly cleanse your liver, stomach and bowels, and you will surely feel treat by morning. Tou men and wo men who have headache, coated tongue, can't sleep, are bilious, ner Tous and upset, bothered with a sick, gafsy, disordered stomach, or have backache and feel all worn out. Are you keeping clean Inside with Cascarets or merely forcing a pass ageway every' few days with salts. cathartic pills or castor oil? This Is important Casoarets Immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the Bour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bi'.e xrom the liver and carry off the de composed waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. Remember, a Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning A 10-cent box from your druggist means a clear head and cneerfulness for aionths. Don't forget the children. Canadian Tram Defeated. San Diego, Cal., Jan. 6. The Pas adena Polo club defeated the Glen garry. Canada team In a fast and hotly contest game on the Coronado Country club grounds yesterday af ternoon by a score of 7 points to 6 1-2. Smith Given Decision. . San Francisco, Jan. 6. "Gunboat" Smith was given the decision over "Denver Jack" Gyer of this city last night after ten rounds of uninterest ing fighting. Neither man displayed much class. Jack Britton of Chicago was given a wellearned decision over Al Rogers, a local man, at the end of ten rounds of fast fighting. Johnson Accepts Proposal. New York, Jan. 6. James Johnson manager for Owen Moran, the Eng lish lightweight, today accepted the proposal of James Coffroth, the San Francisco promoter, that Moran enter an elimination bout in California next month to find a suitable hallenger for Ad Wolgast. the lightweight cham pion. Coffroth proposes that "One Round' Hogan and Tommy Murphy enter the elimination contest or 20 rounds, each to pick the best man of me tnree to challenge wolgast. Breaks World Record. Denver, Colo., Jan. 6. Joe Carney of San Francisco, challenger for the world's three-cushion billiard cham pionship, lan night in a practice game with a local player bettered the world's record by scoring fifty points in thirty-one innings. As the feat was not performed In a match game it does not displace the record of PARASITIC RICH I1KKKD SOCIALISM Must bo Controlled Iierore Socialism Can lio Checked, Asserts Professor. Washington. Declaring that the "parasitic rich" in America must be contrilled before the advances f so cialism and anarchy can be checked. Prof. Henry W. Farnam of Yale, pres ident of the American Economic so ciety, announced himself in favor o a scientific investigation in that re markable class that has instituted monkey dinners at Newport and all night snake dances In New York. "Many of this class walk our streets," said he, "eloquent, but un conscious arguments for socltlism, terrible examples for the moralist, living sermons, rich material for the problem novelist, but still compara tively neglected by the economist, so siologist and statistican. "No need to mention names. Draw your own Inference." MIKE MORGAN'S DEATH POSTPONED ONE YEAR Governor Reprieves Man Sentenced to Hang, Viitil Vote on Capital Punishment. Salem, Ore. The first man con demned to hang in this state for mur der In the first degree whose fate. Is to be decided by a popular vote is Mike Morgan, convicted by the circuit court of Josephine county and con demned to be hanged. Governor West last evening granted this con demned man a reprieve until Decem ber 13. 1912, and his life is to be spared then if at the general election the people vote to abolish capital pun ishment. Morgan's sentence to be commuted to life imprisonment The governor announced that every other person convicted of murder in the first degree hereafter will be compelled to suffer death in accordance with the old statute covering such cases, If the statute on, capital punishment is re tained. Governor 'West sent to Sup erintendent James the reprieve for Morgan. three: oddfellows 1 lodges foregather Freewater, Ore. One of the largest lodge gatherings in this part of the county took place at Vincent when the Freewater and Milton lodges met with. Vincent lodge No. 212 I. O. O. F. and assister in the Installation of the new officers for the ensuing year and tho first and second degree work. Deputy District Grand Master D. J. Kirk, of Vincent lodge, was assisted In tho Installation by E. A. Williams, J. H. West, W. T. Farrlsh and James W. Mulr, of the Freewater lodge, in Installing the following officers: Charles Wellman, noble grand; Cor win E. Waldron, vice-grand; C. E. Si monds. secretary; C. E. Jones, treas urer; W. H. Wltherite. warden; C. E. Records, conductor; W. W. Philllpl, chaplain: William Curts. R. S. S.; Craig Tull.'I S. S'; James Kirk. R. S. N. G.; Roy Grimes, L. S. N. G.; T. W Daniels. R. S V. G.; R. E. Records, outer guardian; Roy Sanders, Inside guardian. Vincent lodge wag organ ized about two years ago, and now has 55 members. WESTON HAS TJUCH FELT BAD OF THE BEAUTIFUL ALL THE TIME When given as soon aa the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will ward off art attack of croup and prevent all danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of moth ers use it successfully. Sold by all dealers. Lame back may come from over work, cold settled in. the muscles of the back, or from disease. In the two former cases the right remedy Is BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It should be rubbed in thoroughly over the affected part, the relief will be prompt and satisfactory. Price Jle, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. ' Medicines that aid - nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature In restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to Its superior excellence. Sold by all dealers. IS A GREAT GRANDMA AT 47. Youthful Marriages Run In Family; Two Wed at 14. Denver. Early marriage seems to run In the family of Mrs. Hazel Conk Iin of this city, who, at the age of forty-seven years, finds herself ' a great-grandmother. The fourth generation of the fam ily, of which she is the maternal head, was born to her granddaughter, Mrs. Lydla Ranch, early today. Mrs. Conklin was married at Memphis, Tenn , when fourteen years old and In opposition to the wishes of her mother, who was fourteen when she married. Mrs. Conklin's first daughter, Mrs. Mildred F. Ferguson, married at the age of sixteen, and now Is a grand mother at thirty-four. Her daughter, Lydia Ranch, married at fifteen. When buying a cough medicine for children bear in mind that Chamber tain's Cough Remedy Is more effec tual for colds, croup and whooping cough and that it contains no harm ful drug. For sale by all dealers. GOTHAM'S LArXNDRY STRIKE MAY BE SETTLED SOON New York, Jan. 4. The laundry strikers and operators are holding a compromise meeting today in an ef fort to adjust their difficulties. The strikers are determined to win their demands but it is improbable that the owners will submit to all their de- (Speclal Correspondence.) Weston, Ore., Jan. 6. Although there is an abundance of snow on tho ground, Thursday evening about four Inches more fell and the air is con tinually filled with the music of sleigh bells. Mrs. W. R. Warren of Walla Walla Is spending the week in Weston.' Mr, Horace 'Richmond of Walla Walla made a business trip to Wes ton this week. Miss Louise Beathe of Weston left this week for a few months stay with friends and relatives in Seattle. I Mr. John McRae made a business trip to Pendleton this week. Mrs. Ralph Kinnear of Dry Creek is in the city visiting relatives this week. 1 Miss Helen Narkaus Is again able to attend school after a few days ill ness. - '- Miss Vernlce Gregory, who has been spending the last three months In Pendleton' returned to Weston Thursday. , Mrs. Joseph Garrett Is seriously ill at her home south of Weston. I Mrs. Minrile Walker made a visit to the Garden City Wednesday. The Misses Viva Warren and Anita Kirkpatrick, both teachers In Pen dleton are spending Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Weston. Mrs. James Navln who has beeji In Pendleton for some time, returned to her home in this city this week. Miss Lucile Kemp was in Pendleton Friday and Saturday. ' A large number of young people, members of the Epworth League of the Methodist church, spent a most enjoyable evening Friday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Price. i Mr. and Mrs. Dean Dudley of Athe-! na, were in Weston during the week on a visit to friends. I Mr. and Mrs. Ross Maloney of Mil ton, were visitors in WeBton this j week, Mr. Robert Jamleson of Walla Wal la made a business trip to Weston this week. Miss Lucile Kemp was In Athena! Wednesday on a visit to friends. Miss Fay Warren spent Friday In Pendleton visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stone of Athe na, were Weston visitors this week. Mr. Alvah Wurzer and Mrs. Surber Klein, both of his city, made a busi ness trip to Athena Thursday, Miss Edith Leffler of Weston has moved to Milton to attend school In that city. . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Schenlngbur ger of this place, were In Pendleton on business during the week. Miss Bishoff of Walla Walla, who has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Joe Wuraer, has re turned home. Shellhorn Lady SulTered a Great Deal, But Is All Right Now. Shellhorn, Ala. In a letter from this place, Mrs. Carrie May says: . "A ahort time ago, I commenced to have weak pells and headaches. I felt had all. the time, and soon grew so bad I couldn't stay up. 1 thought I would die. At last my husband got ma a bottle of Cardul, and It helped me; he got some more. After I had taken the' second bottle, I was entirely well I wish every lady, suffering from womanly trouble, would try Cardul. It Is the best medicine I know of. It did me more good than anything I ere used." Cardul ,1s a woman's tonic strengthening medicine for women, made from ingredients that act spe cifically on the womanly organs, and thus help to build up the womanly con stitution to glowing good health. As a remedy for woman's Ills, It has ' a successful record of over CO years. Your druggist sells It Pleaaa try It N. B Writt tat Ladlas' Advisory Dept., Chatta mrt Mtdlctn Co., Chattanooca. Twia.,for fipmal Jiulrucliutu, and M-paca book, Hmmm Traaisaasa tar Women." uoi la plain wrspaar, sa ratjuaat. SITS ON PISTOLJ SCARES CROWD Denver. Considerable - excitement prevailed In a downtown moving pic ture show when a young woman found herself sitting on a revolver. When she picked up the firearm and realized that she was holding a wea pon capable of killing six people, she uttered a scream that startled the audience. Then she dropped the weapon to. the floor. Fortunately it was not' discharged. The pistol had slipped from the pocket of L. C. Da vis ot Bradford, Colo., when he got up to leave. Two hors later he called at the theater for hiB weapon. Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealers. Woman It Imitated and should know bout tha wonderful t. i MARVEL Wbiriinf Spray Toe oew Vaginal Syringe. Bestmost convenient. It cleanses Instantly. Ask your drugs 1st for If he csnnot supply thJ MARVEL, accept do but send stamp for Illustrated booksealed. It elves full particu lar and directions Invaluable to ladles. HUIU CO.. 44 Last 23d (treat. Saw lark MY HAYTIAN QUEEN. As sung in Klaw & Erlanger's production IN HAYTI" with McINTYRE & HEATH. Words by WILLIAM JEROME. Music by JEAN SCHWARTZ. Zd. 1 Vamp. f I -a- -a- m I 1 ' . J "g -- : 1 -r. HI be your King, Hap - vj you'll be, You'll be my Queen, Beau-ti-ful Queen of nr bort.. For o'er the sea,.. Queen of my beau - ti ful Lome.. W '-S ;.. :f .r-'-S1 ' poco nt 1. Hay - tian Queen, 2. Hay - tian Queen, Hay - tian Queen, Hay - tian Queen, Come sail a way with me,. I love no one but yon,. ' - if " ' I JJ , l P. , a, J. I saaa. sa aaa . S ! -s7rfrrj ---m-- 1 -Kfe-rgd REFRAIN. Tenderly. I' .1 w, " ' Hand in hand thro' life we'll stray Hand in band when love is May, k ess i i i i r . w r r 1 tetori-r bee jf-r-rH. ji i-se rJLfcd EE EE EE -x O - ver tho bound - ing O Koth-ing can part us dear cean, O - ver the sky - blue sea; ie, You'll find my heart true blue;.... T Hand in hand when skies are gray And dark ness clouds the scene, naaaaw J I La. : J- J L -V Hd iJfci 3EE1 i- v -T i i EEE:iEESEjE wr- . Hay - tian Queen, Hay tian Queen, Hay - tian Queen, Hay tian Queen, TI I From yon I ne'er will part,.... Far from this land well roam,... 4- f Hand in hand when hearts are bright; aJ u-J -H r-t t --M Hand in hand both day and night, You'll ' , - -a t-L'f 1 I l-"': , "i i l - r? ' JL- - T2LI ' h, -a-WI 1- u - X&:ir ur WT? -fr- , I 1 '-' , i -p- 1 1 -r ( ! I 'I COPYRIGHT, MCMIX, BY MAURICE SHAPIRO, MUSIC PUBLISHER, BROADWAY AHD 39th ST., HEW YORK UTY, WHO WILL PUBLISH YOUR SONG, IF YOb HAVE WRITTEN ONE, AND SEND YOU VALUABLE CATALOGUE OF HITS FREE FOR THE ASKING - TJed by mission, MURRAY MUSIC Co., New York Jfo, X19 1 1 -1 ! 1 1 I I 1 f-aaaar , iSj 115 al . ways be my heart's do light, . My Hay tian Queen. Queen. .. I IIIS IS tlXK OK A SKIMKS OK Haytian Queen. t HITS AIM'KAiaXO IN EACII ISSUE OF TIIE SATURDAY EAST OREGONIAN, EASTERN OREGON'S GREATEST PAPER. AN mTIIKI.' KAMOi' MUSICAL SUCCESS WILL APPEAR NEXT WEEK WATCH FOR IT.