DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1919. EIGHT PAGES. page rorn. AN INDKl'ENDKNT NEWSPAPEK. 3v 2 PiiblUUml lwlly and SetaJ-Wwkly at ren dletoo, Ureiwn, bj th BAST OKEUO.MAN I'UIILISUINO CO. 81 T.SCR11TION HATES. llly. on ymr, by nail r $5.00 I "illy, six months, by mail 2.50 imlij, Uir mom ha, by mail 1.23 IWily, on mouth, by mail 50 Ifellv, oue year, by carrier 7.50 Itauly. aix B-onihs. by carrier S.J5 Hatty, 'ir.'e u.h.iIji. d.t carrier ..... 1.93 Dij, oue mmiih, ly carrier 63 r-ml-Weeklv, one yar. by mail 1.3" ScdjI Wvk y, aix niontbs. by mall 75 eoil Wecaiy, tour mouths, by mall... .50 The lially Kast Oregonlaa la kept on tale at the Oregon News Co., 3-0 Morrlaon treet, 1'ortmn.l, Oracon. Northwest News Co., Portland. Oregon. Cbicago liureau, Soa Security Bullaintf Waohiuston. V. C, bureau. 501 Four Uenta creet. N. W. Entered at the postofflce at Pendleton, Oregon, at eecot J clasa mall matter. Member United Preaa Aaaoclatlon. Telephone aialn 1 Official City and County Paper- "FIGHTING HOB.'' Under these circumstances it seems strange that In the fight he has been v nging Mr. OMwell should meet with such' peculiar difficulties. Twice has his complaint been dismissed on de murrers. In other words he has l -en thrown out of court without a trl. l. He has had no chance to go iiiio court , and prove hl3 claims although the case Is one if the utmost Importance ret only to himself, but to the In dians and to this entire section of Oregon. , . The dismissal of the amended com plaint a few days ago came under pe culiar circumstances Indeed. ' Mr Caldxvelf thought he had a lawyer. Yet that lawyer did not appear in court to uphold his interests nor. did he tell Mr. Caldwell . that the case was to come up so he' could get some one else to appear for him. It is a strange pass, to say the least, when litigation In the United States courts Is carried on in this manner. Such proceedings tend to make a mockery of justice and cause people to look upon the law' and upon law yers with contempt and scorn, William Caldwell should go ahead with his case and fight it to the last ditch. It is a case worth fighting and if he can win out In the end his victory will be the finer because of the reverses he has encountered thus far. RELIABLE DEFENDERS OF OUR COUNTRY. THE SOLDIER Si 3 ft a m 3 9 'ft is It 5 a a Si Out 1 Guaranteed uuiler tlia rood and Druira ait or Jane KUi, IV 4. Serial K. !U3. by H. E. BuckU n Jt l o. NOT A CITY SHOW. GO ON AND FIGHT IT OUT. For his determination to go ahead with his suit to establish reservation water rights William Caldwell deserves praise and he is entitled to the back ing of all people who stand for justice to the Indians and for the welfare of Pendleton and its tributary territory. The fight for the establishment of reservation water rights is a fight for the right and it is a fight for the de velopment of this part of Umatilla county. Pendleton's hope for future growth rests much upon the irriga tion and settlement of the reserva tion. If we are to have irrigation of any consequence on the upper river it must be upon the reservation. The Ir.dian land is beautifully adapted to irrigation. The river flows directly through that region. The Indians need the water upon their land. -The allotments are In small tracts and at present produce crops only every other year. Unless ( their land can be Irri gated the Indians cannot make a liv ing off the allotments that have been given them and live as the govern ment teaches them to live. The In dian? are justly entitled to water for their allotments and we have it upon no less an ' authority than United States Attorney John McCourt that they have a legal right to water for their land. It is quite natural much criticism should be made of Messrs Raley and Gwinn for their action in becoming interested in a frontier show in Los Angeles. Their action places them selves and this city in an Inconsistent position because Pendleton has here tofore bitterly opposed the establish ment of similar shows in other towns In defense of the course taken by the two . men it is pointed out that Los Angeles, unlike Portland and Spokane, is far away and will not interfere with our frontier celebration As to whether or not this is true peo ple will probably differ. The East Oregonian will not attempt to sayf for this paper Is content to leave the matter in. the hands of tho Round up board. . But there Is one feature of the case that seems worthy of comment. The Los Angeles frontier show is not go ing to succeed. A performance simi lar to the Round-Up cannot be suc cessfully pulled off in any large city. It is not a city show. Strangers who have visited the Round-Up have found much of their entertainment in what may be term ed the local atmosphere. The whole country here is back of the Round Up and the men who perform are right in from the range. There la naturalness and color about our show and these things help it greatly. These qualities cannot be transplant ed.. Any attempt to produce a show with these characteristics in a large city is doomed to failure. When such a show is taken to a large city it becomes a mere wild west perform ance and it loses all its charm. If the East Oregonian should offer any advice to Messrs Raley ' and Gwinn it would be to' the effect that they refrain from investing any real money in the Los Angeles enterprise. Ic often occurs that gentlemen from the country go wrong when they get into the whirl of urban life and our friends should beware lest they meet with such fate and be obliged to come home with a sad tale. ALCOHOL ITT rtNT. iHBtiHi foBirrmcriLCiorojm rufLOipoovrc. 0MU U4.MIU IMItltm PHmAJU.0 ONLY or l5 . cur QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS DR.1 m NEW DISCOVERY JUST AS QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS OF COUGIISandCOLDS And all Diseases of THROAT AND LUNGS QUICKEST AND SUREST WHOOPING COUGH AND BRONCHIAL REEVTEDYX Price 50c and $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY KOEPPENS 1 i S&W:.. ill .NiU'll aJTV 1 Theatre J. P, MADEUNACH, Prop. 4 High-Class . Up-to-Date Motion Pictures For Men, Women and Children Program- changes Snnday's, Tuesday's and Friday's ' See Programin Today's Paper powers. He is not the only party who holds such views. The state of Oregon also seems to be suffering from the high cost of living. ' MADERO'S HEAVY BURDEN. The fast-thickening troubles of Francisco I. Madero, Jr., president of Mexico, have taken a dramatic turn in- his narrow escape from a plot by which he was to be assassinated and General Bernardo Reyes placed at the head of the provisional government. The conspiracy was unearthed by Mexican secret service officials, who found incriminating documents In the possession ow prominent army offi cers,' who were forthwith arrested'. Within itself, the occurrence is of rel ative minor importance, and may be expected to herald similar ones in the near future and for some time to come. Its main importance is the fact that it confirms the previous pre dictions of widespread disaffections, not only in the Mexican army proper, which has never shown any love for Madero, but as well In the provinces, in which local self-government is a CUTHM OOHIENi HEALEDBAD SORE Scraped Flesh Off Bone Below Knee. Suffered So She Couldn't Sleep. Also Says: "I Believe Cuticura Soap Is the Best Soap Made." "Some time ago I was comini: up some steps when the board crushed under me like an egg shell, and my ri;,-lit limb went through to the knee, and scraped the flesh off the bone just inside and below the knee. I neglected it for a day or two, then it began to hurt me pretty badly. I put balaam fir on to draw out the poison, but when I had "used it a week, it hurt so badly that I changed to ointment. That made it smart and burn so badly that I couldn't use it any more, and that wai th fourth week after I was hurt. "Then I began to use Cuticura Ointment for the sore. It stopped hurting Immediately and began healing right away. It was a bad looking sore before Cuticura Ointment healed It, and I suffered to I couldn't sleep from two days after I fell until I began using Cuticura Ointment. "Cuticura Soap b the beat soap I ever saw. I hare used all kinds of soap for wash ing my face, and always it would leave my face smarting. I bad to keep a lotion to stop the smart, no matter bow expensive a soap I used. I find' at last in Cuticura Soap a soap that win clean my face and leave no smarting, and I do not have to use any lotion or anything else to ease it. I believe Cuticura Soap is the beot soap made.' (Signed) Krm. M. E. Fairchild, 80S Lafayette 6t,' Wichita, Kao Hay 8. 191 1. Cuticura Soap and Ointment are for sale ' throughout the world, but to those who have suflered much, lost hope and are with out faith in any treatment, a liberal sample of each together with M-p. Booklet will be nailed free, on application. Address Potter IXUg & Chew. Corp., Kept. 22A, Button. ONE OF THE BRIGHT PLACES. i WA Pendleton has no institution more meritorious in Its character than the public library. We have a fairly well equipped library and it la exceedingly well conducted. It serves a valuable purpose as a dispensur or information upon all sorts of subjects. It pro vides the people of the city with good books to read and the library quar ters' furnish a pleasant place where men, women and children may go and rest while they peruse books, maga zines and newspapers. - The influence of a good public li brary is far reaching. Its effects up on young people are especially bene ficial. It develops the habit of read ing and Inculcates a taste for good literature. People who patronize a library do not live in the narrow cir cle of their personal surroundings. They have all the world, past and present, at their command. They may commune with the best minds the world has produced and profit by the knowledge of all ages. Know ledge is power and it Is what distin guishes men from the brute creation. Uublic libraries are storehouses of knowledge and at the same time they are theatres for the entertainment of the people. The lamp of learning is always burning there and it burns for all who seek its rays whether they be rich or poor, patrician or pleblan. The Pendleton public library richly deserves all the financial support It gets from the city and from private sources and it is worthy of Increased patronage from the public. Ex-President Roosevelt Is getting Public libraries are storehouses of You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE A clean kitchen Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs - Buttermilk Hotcakes Good coffee Every day We invite your patronage and aim to please you. Regular Meals 25c Gas. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street. hew thing and incapable of perform ing the miracles they thought It would work over night. Madero, or any other man who mounts the presidential tr'bune. must expect a recurrence of these incidents for an Indefinite perioa. Diaz ruled Mexico, but he never , fostered any policies which would teach the masses lessons In the art of government. He never informed them that govern ment Itself i could not accomplish everything, that abuses would be re formed slowly, and that it required time, decades in many Instances, for a people largely untutored to become intelligently self-governing. Madero is reaping the harvest of the Diaz policy, x ne successful insurrection which made him president was the expression of, a widespread dissatis faction. Atlanta Constitution. St. George Cafe and Grill WHITE COOKS SERVICE FIRST-CLASS PRICES REASONABLE Hot Merchant's Lunch Daily From 1 1:30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. FRENCH DINNER EVERY SUNDAY FROM 11 A. M. TO 3 P. M." Open Day and Night Entrance on Webb St., or Tlu-ough Hotel Lobby TO THE RESCUE WHO fygQ MSaajBBVSsBanBaMaaKBarBaaaaawaasaasBBl We will save your linen, but you must not waate much time getting our rescus band at work. Done at the Troy means nloe, white table cloths and napkins, shirts, col lars and cuffs. We Also Do Hough Dry 7c Per Pound TROY Steam Laundry PAINE iBROS. Phone Slain 179. Before You Move Investigate Be sure your new home Las that important modern convenience electric lights. There are many such and they are in great demand by those who know how to enjoy them. The modern electric light i? so much better than any other that no one need hesitate alxut the cost The General Electric Company has perfected its MAZDA lamp which gives twice as much light as ordinary electric lamps using an equal amount of electricity. We Have G. E. MAZDA Lamps For all those who live in wired houses we offer an opportunity of getting the benefit of the great light giving qualities of these lamps. For those who own iinwired houses on our distributing lines we will give advice of value in wiring houses for electric lights. Pacific Power & Light Company "Always at Your Service." ' Phone Main 40 POSTIDE' THEATRE CASS. MATLOCK, Prop Best Pictures More Pictures Latest Pictures and illustrated songs in the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and enter taining for the entire family. Next to French Restaurant Entire change three times i each week. Ie sure and see the next change. Adults 10c Children under 10 years, ,5c. PEtyDLETON'SPOPU LAR PICTURE SHOW TME COSY Wliero tlio entire family can en Joy a hljrli-elaMN motion picture show with comfort. Fun. Pathos Scenic Thrilling All Properly Mixed Open Afternoon and Evening. Clianpes Sniulny, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. Next Door to st. George Hotel. AdmiaMon 5c and 10c. When It Cornes To Selling Building Material Only the Best Grades of Lumber, Lath and Shingles and in fact any thing that is required in the building line is allowed to enter our yard. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE Crab Creek Lumber Co. wills , Phone Main 92 OSCAR. MAHLER, Manager