........I.,,. EIGHT PAGES. r.GE Font. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1913. - C fuvroArsyv? A.N INUKt'ENUKXT NSWSPAPKH. Piibllanwl Illy and 8nl Weekly at Pea dletun, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISUIXU CO. ,.5.00 .. 2 BO 8L'HCKI1TUN MATES. Pally, oue year, by mall ........ Dally, alx months, by mail ...... IhrM mnnlh. tlT mall .... Dally, one nioutu, by mall -50 Dally, one year, by carrier 7.50 run. nnnth hv carrier ....... S.70 Dally, fcree uotulrf. oy carrier IM Daily, one month, by carrier .3 eml Weeklv. one year, by mall 150 fvi Vmv.t, alx months, by mail 75 Bernl-Weekly, four moot ha, by mall... .60 DOXT HE SECRETIVE. iiir uaiiy Kast ureeoulan la kept on sal at the Uregon Newa Co., 3-tt Morrlaon treet. Port land. Oreiton. Northwest Newa Co.. Portland. Oregon. Chicago Bureau, 08 Security Building. WaahlnKton, D. C Bureau. 501 Four taeoth creet. N. W. Entered at the nostofflre at Pendleton, Oregou, at eecond clasa mall matter. Member United Press Association. Telephone unulal City and County Paper. J1K WAITER. There was work of Importance he thought he would do. But he waited awhile. And another, perceiving the chance, one day. Got busy and carried the hon ors away In a praiseworthy style. It seems some members of the city council have made objections to the publication by this paper of proceed ings at their secret caucus Tu.cJay night. They are on the wnWjj track. It Is always legitimate for 'a news paper to publish such news when it j 1.25 ! can get It through honorable means. If there Is criticism due anyone In this case It is due the city council for attempting to hold a secret caucus to decide Important questions relating to the city government. The council men are public servants, why should they go behind closed doors to work out their problems? Why not act in the open so that all may see exactly what the members do-and don't do. The people are entitled to know what is going on. Besides a secret caucus is generally a farce since the secrets always leak out. Sometimes councllmen will tell most everybody bu the reporters what has happened and then express s.irprlse and indignation If the caucus proceedings are published. There is one sure way to prevent the publication of news of secret council meetings. Don't hold secret meetings. Kialn 1 He sat In a corner and pitied himself, For he though it unfair That another had done what he might have done And had honor and profit that he might have won. But the world didn't care. governor Is willing to go to the trouble to Inquire Into Individual cases and give meritorious prisoners a show. The return of William Mack to the penitentiary after he had worked a mortgage off the home of his wife's parents showed In a beautiful way the possibilities of the West system and will do much to strengthen the gov ernor In his course. . LA IYLLETTE'S WAV. CLOSE TO THEIR HEARTS. If Senator La Follette wins out in his campaign for the presidency his success will be due to the frankness, vigor and courage he is showing in his public addresses. La Follette 1? the chief of the Insurgents and in the campaign he is waging he Is hitting straight from the shoulder. Such a course as this is bound to be pleasing to those who are interest ed in the progressive cause. This time the progressives will want a leader upon whose zeal and courage they can back. They are disgusted with the Taft sort of a progressive. Discussing Senator La Follette'a course the San Francisco Bulletin, an ably edited progressive paper, has the following: Senator La Follette, In his speech in Cleveland, the largest city in Presi dent Taft's home state, dealt boldly with the big issues now before the country. With characteristic frank ness he told his auditors Just where he stood. He was even brave enough to declare his belief that ultimately the federal government will, in its regulation of trusts, fix the wages and hours of the men who make the trust products. In no ofTier way, he contended, could the government fair ly fix the price to be charged con sumers. For this reason he re jected Judge Gary's plan of price reg ulation, pending t.he time when pro tective regulation ' of wages will be possible, Senator La Follette proposed a commission with powers sufficient to assure prompt relief from burdens imposed on the people by combina tions in restraint of trade. The utterances of the progressive republican leader on the tariff ques tion were also emphatic. For ex ample he said: "The passage of the Fayne-Aldrlch bill was the most out rageous assault of private interests os the people in tariff history." Thus did he make it plain that he is not wholly in accord with the high gov ernmental official who referred to the Payne-Aldrich bill as the best tariff measure in all our history. Senator La Follette also made clear his position In regard to the Aldrlch money plan. In the proposed na tional reserve association he saw great power for the trusU and less for the .people. "The great est menace to competition at the present time," he said, "is the control of credit and the concentra tion of money in the hands of those who control the trusts. Elasticity in our currency is imperative and must be secured, but any plan to secure it, like that of the proposed National Re serve association, which puts control in the hands of the banks and mon eyed Interests, will strengthen the power of the trusts to get capital and to keep competitors from getting It Any such plan must be controlled by the people. In discussing the progressive move ment In politics. Senator La Follette, after declaring the cure for the Ills of democracy Is more democracy, said that the struggle now on has for It object the supremacy of the people over legislatures, over governments, over presidents, over constitutions and over courts. That la straight talk.the kind the They have had Newspapers throughout the state these days are publishing many com munications from people who wish to express their endorsement of" Gover nor West's prison policy. The East Giegonlan publishes a typical com munication of this sort today. Such letters as these come from the hearts of those who write them and express sincere praise for the gover nor. it appeals to people when a Ml A Makes your hair grow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can prove it EX DOUSES GOVERNOR WEST. Editor Ea t Oregonian: vnen l reaa m rejection upon the acts of one of the best governors Oregon or any other state ever had, I was more tnnn surprised. I had Just read of Governor West's allowing a life convict to go free for awhile to work a mortgage off his father-in-law's home, so that his wife and chil dren would not be sold out of their old home. I cr ed out, "Thank God that America has such men for gov ernors!" The man returned as soon as the mortgage was clear to serve a life sentence. I will ever remember Governor West when on my knees and ak God to bless and keep such a man always as governor. Last summer I was living in. Port land and the Oregonian stated that there was work In Portland for 3000 men and yet the streets were full of men, drinking and spending all they had, A large number were waiting so they could get a free hand out from the people of Portland. Men would not leave Portland to go into the country to work. I know men that quit work to go to a mission. I have been a miner a'.l my life, am 66 years o'.d and I feel that In nearly all casts it is a man's fault when he Is destitute. I have told men many times that they would drink all they had on or around Burnside avenue and then de pend on Christian people in the winter time. JOHN HAIGH Pendleton, January 4. Why is a person who Is put in ja'l always "thrown" in? What Ails You) Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent head aches, coated tongue, bitter or bad taste in morning, "heart-burn," belching of gas, acid risings in throat after eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms P If yon have any considerable number of the above symptoms you ore suffering from bilious ness, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is mado up of the most valuable medicinal principles known to medical science for tho permanent cure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver invigorator, atocaa'h tonic, bowel regulator and nerve strengthener. The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wapper and attested under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm' ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure( triple-refined glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical, forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching Scalp and Dandruff I Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus trous and Abundant After a Danderine Hair Cleanse Danderine is to the ha!r what fresh showers of rain and sunshine arc to vegetation. It goes rijjlit to the roots, invigorates and strengthens 'them. Its exhilarating, itimula ting and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow abundantly long, strong and beautiful. It at once imparts a sparkling brilliancy and velvety softness to the hair, and a few weeks' use will csuse new hair to sprout all over the scalp. Use it every day for a short time, after which two or three times a wctk will be sufTicient to complete whatever growth you desire. Immediately after applying a little Dan derine all dandruff will disappear, aU itching of the sralp will cease and there will be no more loose or falling hair. If you wish to double the beauty of your hair in ten minutes surely try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair, taking one small strand at a time, this will cleanse the hair of -dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few moments your hair will be wavy, fluffy and abundant and possess an incomparable soft ness, lustre and luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. If you care for beautiful, soft hair and lots of it surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowl ton's Danderine from any drug store ot toilet counter A real surprise awaits vou. t M y sr A mm 4m i kbh AMI j kilt1! Two Old Maids Anna What do you think' Mr. Ek- lund charged me for sewing- on a pair o.' solea on my shoes T Clara Don't know. and don't cart Anna, he only charged me ISc and did fine work tooyes, but I don't like him. Anna Well, well, you evid ntly do ot you wouldn't care. Men's soles aewed on for 90c. j Full line of men's fine shoes. ' " A. EKLUND Main Street Holiday Hints To Lovers of Good Meats A choice ''Central" Ronst. A "Central" steak Hint's tender, A Senlshlpt oyster dinner. A "tVntral" liam for lunch. A 'ColltraI,, fish or poultry or - der Insures satisfaction. Phono the Sanitary Market. Main 33. CENTRAL Meat Market The East Oregonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron age. It is the advertising medium of this section. people ought to hear. too much of the timid, plaverlng kind. It Is a vital campaign that Is now opening. The people want the truth, and Senator La Follette, pro gressive candidate for the republican presidential nomination. Is going to give It to them, regardless of the ef fect on his political fortunes. SING m AN tUEEN in next Saturday's issue of the East Oregonian as introduced in (lav& Erlanger's big musical farce tt with Published by Arrangement with Maurice Shapiro, New York City owner of the copyright Words by Wm. Jerome Music by Jean Schwartz McOTYRE HEAT1HI THE Aftermath OF THE Season's Tokens will find accepted acknowledg ment if noted on Vhilings Stationery of which we carry a nice line. Koeppen's The drug store (hat serves , you best. . iiiiiii tinttt ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Boarding and Day School for Girls. t Primary, Intermediate, Ac- t I ademio Special and Poat- Graduate Courses. Depart- mento of Music, Expression J and Art PERSONAL ATTENTION ' REFINING INFLUENCES Tnouorcn work Nettie M. Calbraith Principal WALLA WALLA, WASH. IIIIIII tl Ibe Pendleton Drug Co, Is In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES BRING IN "YOUR PONY VOTES In order to avoid confusion as to standing of contestants la our big- Pony Contest, we Vould like to have all votes cast as soon as possible. Standings of each ' bojr and girl In the contest, are now dis played at our store. Tallman & Co. CHICHESTER S PILLS I'llli Id Mr and UM n.tulllAV. 2T"r. wted IU lllua Rlhboa. V Taka iher. Rn ((.n. V Urmmtwimt. A.l. rf-iri htni. ' IHAMtlND IIHtNlt IMi i .'Vj i? SOLO BY DRUGGISTS tVtRYVtHLRB aats4f a---' aW - - -