East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 03, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    rGB so.
For over three decades a favorite
household medicine forCOUGHS,'
at first sign of a cold. Quick, safe
and reliable. The Bee Hive on the
carton is the mark of the genuine.
Refuse sustitutes.
Mrs. Anna Foiier, 15 Jefferson
St., So. Omaha, says: "I can recom
mend Foley's Honey & Tar Com
pound &s a sure cure for coughs and
col ils. It cured my daughter of a
toad cold and my neighbor Miss Ben
eon cured herself and her whole fam
ily with Foley's Honey & Tar Com
pound. Everyone In our neighbor
hood speaks most hlshly of It as a
good remedy for coughs and "olds.
Special relea.-se in 2 reels for Tues
day's change:
"In the urip of Alcohol." C. O. P.
C. drama, 2 reels. A great big throb
bing, gripping drama showing the de
gradation to which a man may fall
and drag his family when once drink
has him In its clutches. The most
powerful sermon against the liquor
habit ever put out. Two reels.
"In the Shadow of the Pines,"
Sellg. A true tale of undying love
and perfect faith. Laid in the Can
adian backwoods.
"Among the Japanese," Sellg. These
scenes show a good many Japanese
characteristics. They were taken
mostly in the street and are filled
with interesting faces, some unconsci
ously buying or selling.
"To Much Turkey," Essanay. Amy
has her fortune told and is advised
she is to marry a Turkish Pasha, and
breaks her engagement with Jack,
who frightens Amy Into taking him
back us disguising as the Turkish
pasha, with his pals as his wives.
To Wrestle January 16.
Minneapol s, Jan. 3. Stanislaw
Zbyszko, the Polish wrestler, and
Henry Ordemann of Minneapolis ara
scheduled for a finish match here on
January 16, the best two out of three.
Zbyszko has defeated Ordemann once
in a finished match and has lost a
band cap to him.
Pulzcr to Meet Flynn.
New Tork. Jan. 3. All Palzer, who
Jumped Into the spotlight by whip
ping Al Kaufman, is to meet Jim
Flynn, the Pueblo f reman, before the
Kational Sporting club here Febru
ary 15.
Knockout Brown and Abe Attell
meet at the same club January 11.
Both Palzer and Flynn have taken de
cisions over Kaufman.
Wolgast's Condition Serious.
Los Angeles, Jan. 3. Reports from
Venice were to the effect that Cham
pion Ad "Wolgast's condit on was giv
ing his physicians concern lest It de
ve op into peumonla. Orders were
issued that no one but his wife and
manager, Tom Jones, should be ad
mittedf to his room. Wolgast's tem
perature today was 101 1-2, which it
was stated was about the same as
that of yesterday.
The Pastime,
The home of good pictures. Tues
day's program.
"A Spanish Wooing." Selig. A
beautiful ai.j picturesque romance of
Old Mexico, depicting the true-to-life
detail, the customs of our Spanish
brethren. The story shows Spanish
love scenes, an objecting parent, an
elopement followed by a marriage and
"Jack's Umbrella," Lubln. A roar
ing farce comedy that will appeal to
everyone. First, there was r.o um
brella and next there was a perfect
avalanche of them. Then the cops
made a few blunders. It's a scream.
Don't miss it.
"The Cattle Rustler's Father," Es
sany. This story thrills and holds you
with its warm human presentations.
Heroes are not made; they are dis
covered when duty calls
"The Son of the Shunammite,"
Klelne. Biblical drama. A magnifi
cent production bringing the well
known story to us in all the beauty
of the country in which it originated.
Hear the Pastime orchestra. It is
worth while.
Murphy to lie Trainer.
Ph ladelphia. Jan 3. Mike Mur
phy, athletic trainer of the University
of Pennsylvania, will go to Hot
Spr ngs. Aik.. with the Philadelphia
National league team and will super
vise the spring training of the p'ay
ers. Horace S. Fogel. president of
the club, sa d today that Murphy's
trip would not Interfere with his
training work at the University of
Pennsylvania. Murphy w:ll be the
trainer of the American team which
will compete in the Olympic team
which w 11 compe'e in the Olympic
games In Sweden next summer.
Human Hair I.nce.
Prague, Austria. Lace made from
human hair is not manufactured in
the Prague consular district, but
probably will be before long. The
lace is made in strips and the. hair is
held in place by a solution of wax;
otherwise the lace would unravel. The
article is made by hand, and the pat
tern resembles the ceils in a honey
comb o.i a very small scale. It is
-used in the manufacture of wig
made from human hair, but is used
only where the hair Is parted on the
wig. When strips of human hair lace
are used it Is very difficult to distin
guish a well-made wig from the nat
urral hair. The wigs are fastened to
the scalp by means of small pieces of
adhesive plaster, which are removed
ac night. Well-made wigs sell here
for $14 and slightly higher prices.
Wednesday and Thursday a "Than
houser Kid" feature, also western and
two cmedles.
"A Mother's Faith." Thanhouser.
He was the worthless son of rich par
ents, and through the many wasted
years of diss pation his mother had
faith in him The story of a down
fa'l and a resurrection.
"The Missing Heir." Thanhouser.
A "Thanhouser K'd" special, with the
cleverest child actress in the leading
role. Story of how some tenement
dwellers with the help of a dumb
waiter, flustrated the plans of an un-scrupul-u
uncle and gained an in-hertap.-e
for a little street waif.
"The Girl Scout." Bison. A thrill
ing story of an Indian attack on the
prairie schooners of p'oneer3 and
how a brave girl brought help just
In time. Some wonderful riding and
dar'ng horsewomanship stunts are
'Tweedledum's Monkey " Ambro
sia. He won a gorilla at a raffle nd
he hd an awful time. A big laugh all
"Tweedledum's Trick." Ambrosia.
He dresed as a g'rl and created a
sensation on the a'.reet, the discom
fiture of his admireis at the end is
very comical.
Pasadena Man Beats Wife Who Could
Not Appreciate "Female of Species"
Pasadena. Kipling's poetical as
sertion that "the female of the species
is more deadly than the male" prov
ed a boomerang to Clyde Scott Rob
inson, whose fondness for quoting the
line to his wife resulted in his being
arrested for battery.
Robinson is alleged to have hurled
the Kipling thrust at the sufragists
to his wife, Nora, until she retaliated
by repeating Bernard Shaw's criti
cism of American men.
He lost his temper and all poetry
was forgotten when the "male of the
species" was escorted to the police
station. He was released on 115 bail
to appear for trial.
Your druggist will refund money
if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any
case of Itch ng B'lnd, Bleeding or
Protrudimr P les In 8 to 14 days. JOc.
At the Grand.
I Miss Minna ena Cameron nas re
. Every one of the cnorus have speaking
1 parts in this bill "Where the River
Shannon Flows," sung by Mr. Bates
last week was again rendered by Mr.
Bates th s week by special request.
He ha one of the most pleasing
j voices ever heard in Pendleton. Bes
sie Bates In the old maid character,
is seen at her best. Mr. Austin con
s'(ltrs himself lurkv In securing the
' services of Mr. and Mr.'. Bates. The
Austin company was again strength
ened by the arrival of Jack Allen and
Mis Kthel Wheeler. For Thursday
n'ght's change, the Austin company
W'U present "My Neighbor's Wife."
This is decidedly the be.-t and mort
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Scene fron "Tlie nnrrler," at the Oregon Ticater, January 4.
laughable comedy presented by the
present corrpany. Amateur night,
Friday night.
A Glrl'g Wild Midnight Hide.
To warn people of a fearful forest
f re in the Catskills a young girl rode
horseback at midnight and saved
many lives. Here deed was glorious
but lives are often saved by Dr. King's
New Discovery in curing lung trou
ble, coughs and colds, which might
have ended In consumption or pneu
monia. "It cured me of a dreadful
cough and lung disease," writes W.
R. Patterson, Wellington, Tex, "af
ter four in our family had died with
consumption and I gained 87 pounds."
Nothing so sure and safe for all
throat and lung troubles. Price 50c
and 11.00. Trial bottle free. Guar
anteed by Koeppens.
"The Bookman" says of Rex Beach,
author of "The Barrier:"
Born in Michigan, Rex Beach went
to college in Florida, then published
his first book in New Tork. He was
nineteen when he went to Alaska,
about twenty-five when he came back.
In those six years he saw practically
everything there was tu be seen in
the mining countries, and not only
with his size and strength held his
own, but with his humorous good tem
per has won extensive popularity.
Mr. Beach's energy is as versatile
as it is effectual. Though still in his
twenties, he is vice-president of a big
Chicago construction and manufactur
ing company, secretary of the Chica
go Athletic association, winner of the
one mile handicap swimming race at
last year's games in St. Louis, and a
holder of other athletic records.
His "Barrier" is considered his
masterpiece, and the stage version of
the book as the most acurate expon
ent of the life In Alcaska ever pre
sented upon the American stage. This
excellent play, direct from the con
quests of the cities of the East, will
appear in this city at the Oregon
theater on Thursday, Jan. 4.
Have Youf House Wired
for Electricity
It's cheaper, safer, far mors pleasing and saves much unneces
sary eye-strain.
At the present low rate for lighting you get one kilowatt more
for $1.00 than was formerly given for $1.50.
By using the new wire-type MAZDA lamp you get three times
more light than from the ordinary carbon lamp and your light is
as bright and clear as daylight. This new MAZDA can be used on
ordinary drops and cords without breaking.
Save your eyes, save your house,
save money, be comfortable.
Electric and gas supplies, electtrlc light wiring, bell wiring, gas pip
ing, motors and dnamos.
SEE J. L. Vaughan
8S1 Main Street.
Phone Main J39.
If . T i -
V t ' v
Vatican Declares That Count'8 Mar-
riage With Anna Gould is
Still Valid.
Rome. The Vatican has declined
to grant Count Boni de Castelaine an
annulment of his marriage with Anna
Gould, who is now the Duchess of
Talleyrand and Sagan.
Countess de Castellane was granted
a divorce from her husband and
given the custody of their three chil
dren on November 14, 1906.
About a year ago Count Bonl ap
pealed to the Vatican for annulment
of the marriage.
For several months the Congrega
tion of the Council had under advise
ment the process received from the
Archbishop of Paris concerning the
case. 'a,hcalrtd. wrrlno. , . .skemfwy
op of Paris, came to Rome recently
to receive the red hat, he gave the
Pope and Cardinal Gennarl, prefect
oZ the Congregation of the Council,
all the details in his possession con
cerning the case.
Count Boni came to Rome on De
cember 20 for the purpose of using all
possible Influence to attain, his object.
In this he was not opposed by the
Duchess of Talleyrand. The decision
ot the Congregation of the Council
however, which was communicated to
him rejected his petition for the, an
nulment. The ground on which the
application was summarized as fol
lows: A marriage celebrated and con
summated. If performed according to
the law of the church, as it was In
the caHe of the Castellane-Gould mar
riage, Is indissoluble. There are cer
tain impediments which, if existing
before the marriage, can prevent its
celebration, or if celebrated in Ignor
ance of them, render the marriage In
valid In which case the church can
proclaim that the union of the parties
never in reality existed. But in the
atgumcnt brought forward by de Cas
tellane, no such impediments have
been shown.
Washington. While the total pop
ulation of the United States Increased
11 per cent In the last six years, the
number of insane people was aug
mented during the same period by
25 per cent.
In 372 institutions canvassed by the
census bureau up to January 1, 1910,
were 187,445 insane patients, or an
Increase of 37.303 since 1904.
Massachusetts led the states with
344.6 Insane per 100,000 population,
with New York a close second
343.1 for every 100,000 persons.
OS t.t -TN a terror? uat3.tt
Lisbon, Portugal. Monslgunor An
thony Mondes Bello, the patriarch of
Lisbon, and the bi-hops of the vari
ous provinces, sent a collective letter
to the president of the Portuguese re
public, asking him to withdraw the
r'eeree against Monslgnor Bella; the
b shop of Guarda, and the admin's-
j trator of the diocese of Oporto. The
1 prelates declare the decree Is a vlola
i Ion of the Portuguese constitution,
I which guarantees the liberty of Cath
' He churches.
An Old-FaKhioncd Man.
New York. John BIgelow was an
antique American. Not merely in the
respect of age, though that seems al- ;
most sublime when we think of all
It meant. He was antique in his vir
tues, in his qualities, in his purities,
l.i his purposes. For many years he
had been like one not only speaking
to us with the voice of Franklin and i
of Jefferson, but restraining and
seeking to guide us with a hand that
still bore the murk of the staff of our
They Arc Closely ObseirJ Public
Health Conditions
An examining physician for one of
the prominent Life Insurance com
panies. In an Interview on the sub
ject, made the astonishing statement
that the reason why so many appli
cants for Insurance aro rejected Is
because kidney trouble Is so common
to the American people, and the large
majority of applicants do not even
suspect that they have the disease.
He states that judging from his
own experience and reports from
druggists who are constantly in di
rect touch wth the public, ' there Is
one preparation that has probably
been more successful In relieving and
curing these diseases' than any rem
edy known. The m(ld and healing
influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the high
est for its remarkablo record of
We find that Swamp Root Is strict
ly an herbal compound and we would
advise our readers who feel In need
of such a remedy to give It a trial. It
Is on sale at all drug stores In bottles
of two sizes, fifty cents and one dol
lar. However, If you wish first to test Its
wonderful merits, send to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Blnghampton, N. Y., for a sam
ple bottle, absolutely free. When
writing be sure and mention the Dally
East Oregonlan.
Where the entire family can enjoy a high-clasa motion pic
ture 6how with comfort.
Open Afternoon & Eve. Changes Sun., Mon., Wed., Frl
Ntxt Door to St. Oeorge Hotel. Admission 5 and 10
Orpheum Theatre
J. P. MEDERNACH, Proprietor.
For Men, Women and Children
Program Cliange on Sunday's, Tuendajr's and Friday's.
(Ires iii
Thursday, Jan. 4th
Transcontinental Tour of
A Thrilling Heart-Gripping Story
of the Last Frontier
Direct from its
Long Run at
ihe New
New York
S3 A?
Prices $1.00, 75c and 50c
" The East Qregonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It
leads and the people appreciate it and show it by their liberal patron
apfi. It is the advertising medium of this section.