East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 02, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    rstih: six.
Efforts of I'mutiUa Project Sottlers
to Have tiovoi'nnHMit Gnu I unto
Payments Have So l'"ar lrvon Fu-,
II Itlll lnlMUuliw.1 TIiIj H-.-.L- I
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Scene tVoiu "Tlie Ilarr er Oregon
Andrew MoConiie:i Declares J. P.
Morgan Jr., Will Help Him.
New York Andrew McConnell,
f junder of a new rel'gion, who last
week shot and wounded his wife at
Ocean Grove N. J, and who was ar
rested while attempting to write an '
exp a nation of h!s act, was taken to i
the West Side court.. On his way j
from a pol ce station to the court he I
said: I
"Mrs. Helen Stanford 1? a great;
fr'end of J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr.,
who has been our guardian angel
No Headache, I5iliousr.e-s, Upset
Stoiracli, Lazy Liver or Con'toat-
ed Houels by Moru.ng.
Are you keeping your bowels, liver
and ftomach clean, pure and fresh
wi h Ca-carets, or merely forcing a
passageway through these alimentary
or dra nage organs every few days
with salts cathartic pi. Is, ca.tor o.l
or purgative waters.
Stop having a bowel wash-day. Let
Cascaiet thoroughly cleanse and reg
u ate the stomach, remove the undi
ges'ed. sour and ferment'ng food and
foul gases, take the excesi bile from
the liver and carry out of the sys
tem all the decomposed waste matter
and poisons '2 the inienlnea and bow
els. A Cascaret tonight will make you
feel great by morn'ng. They work
wh le you sleep never gripe ficken
or caue any inconven'ence, aJ cost
only 10 cents a box from your drug
g'?t. M'H'ons of men and women
take a Cascaret now and then and
an 1 never have headache, biliousness,
coa'ed tongue, indigestion, sour stom
ach or constipated bowe'.s Cascarets
belong in every h"uehold. Chidren
Just love to take them.
4 ?h&y )
J - IT I
It is then tV.z r-r -, a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater,
its quick. ,!owi: l)-;- warms up a root i:i next to no time.
That is the b-au'V ot "erection Smokeless O I Heater. It if
lway$ re.idv f r v.-". v J ra carry it wherev.r you please; and you
Kent it orily when vo. i t
fKe Perlectioo Oil rin.t i imotrti and odof!?i a patented automatic
devicr mtura 'Iim t wile and ecoooimca' burnt nine houra 00 one
fila Handtome, o - ra ii.iulied atlio in blue enamd or plain ateel, with
ackat trimra:Di;
Otaef nrrmnm wnle tor mcruiw aramr a tar aaeaey ol
Stinkard OU Company
'r; - . - ':&.
-0 iij .
m:.c,j ? j:
Ti;Utor, Thursday, January 4.
many times. He haj often assisted
mo and my cause. I have no doubt
he will come to my rescue.
"I first met Mr-. Stanford who is
a members of the 3tanfords of Cali
fornia, five years ago when I was lec
turing In this city. She recognized
my genius and wonderful discoveries in
electro-medicine and she assisted me
finally Today she ii poor."
Inmates Forced Into Snow Without
Clothe Cook Shoots Offender.
Lester, Wash. Chester Raymond,
aged 21, was s io'. and instantly kill
ed by Louis Shriner, a cook, while
Raymond was trying to force his way
into a restaurant and resort connect
ed with the "L'ttle Jug" saloon, half
a mile ea t of Green River Hot
'pr ngi. Raymond and a companion
had been dr nking and started to
shoot up the resort, runn'ng the in
mates into the snow outside and tak
ing their clothing. When Shriner,
who worked in the restaurant, order
ed the rioters to leave the place,
Raymond started to draw his gun on
Shriner, who immediately shot him.
Shr ner came to Lester at once and
surrendered to a deputy sheriff who
took him to Seattle.
Chehalls. Wa h , Jan. 1. Sheriff
Foster today sent broadcast, a de
scr'pt'on of a light haired, blue eyes,
smooth shaven, twenty-two years old
robber, who shot and killed President
tfar of the Farmers and Merchants'
bank, Saturday night and who refuses
to reveal h's identity.
The man admits his guilt and said
he tried to rob the bank only after
1250 of his savings had been taken
from h'm by gamblers 'n Seattle.
He said he would plead guilty and
take his medicine. He is renentant.
He has been west a year and came
from New York state.
Old Grani"daddy Time takes no hol
iday vacation
More Cold Hands
y 4
A wormn clten does not notice
vV.t a cold day it is so long as she
n bus:!ing around the house. But
v' n j I e f is down to her sewing and
r -.i.din, s!ie soon feels chilly.
(Special Correspondence.)
Hermiston, Ore.. Jan. 2. The sec
retary of the Umatilla River Water.
Users' a sociation has completed the i
duplicate assessments list for the year
onditig March 1, 1912. The records of
the association show that out of 22,
000 shares of stock that the assoc!a
tion Is capitalized for that 15.892
shares have been subscribed up to
date. The building charge which Is
delinquent the first day of March, '
with the current expense of the as-'
sociatlon will amount to nearly $65,
000. This amount will have to be
paid the as-ociation on or b.foro
March 1, 1912, unless the govern- i
ment grants a graduation of the wa
ter r'ght payments. Also, the main
tenance charge of $1.30 per acre wlll
have to be paid in the spring before
the water will be turned on to the
lands of the stockholders.
The sett'ers on this project have
asked continually for the government
to grant them a graduation of the
bulki ng charge, which Is $6 per acre
each year for ten years, without in
terest, this charge does not include
the ma'ntenance. The maintenance
for the years 1909, 1910 and 1911 are
$1.30 per acre extra, making a charge
of $7.60 per acre each year to be
paid. The settlers contend that if
this payment was so graduated that
the first payments would be small and
the last payment large that they
would be able to meet the water right
without any trouble; that they might
be able to place this money on the
land and by the time the payments
would become larger they would have
the land In cultivation and would be
receiving a revenue from the land. In
addition to this the government has
made the homesteaders on the third
and second units of the project pay
up all the back charges before they
could file on the land, which In some
cases meant $21.60 per acre to be
paid when the filing was made.
Bill for Desert Iml9.
Word has been received that Sen
ator Chamber'aln and Hon. Lafferty
will present the desert land bill be
fore the house this week. This bill
if passed will mean grea relief to the
desert land owners on the Umatilla
Reclamation Rdport.
The reclamation report for Decem
ber, 1911, was as follows:
The temperature during the month
ranged from a maximum of 67 de
grees to a minimum of 16 degrees. The
precipitation amounted to to 4.9
Inched The gates on the feed canal
were opened November 14 and water
passed Into the reservoir on Novem
ber 17th. The maximum quantity di
verted, during the month was 125 sec
ond feet; maximum quantity deliver
ed to the reservoir, 13,800 second feet.
No water was delivered for irrigaMon
but 500 acre' feet was delivered from
the reservoir for use In mixing con
crete for the lining of the distribut
ing system. Water right applications
have been received covering 13,400
acres of 'land. Sven thousand
sciuare yards of mortar lining were
placed In the distribution system, 2,
200 linear feet of 20 inch and 1600
linear feet of 16 inch cement pipe
were manufactured, 1800 linear feet
of 20 inch, 800 linear feet of 16 Inch
pipe. 3900 linear feet of 20 inch and
4,100 linear feet of 16 Inch machine
banded wood pipe were laid during
the month. Office stud'es and com
putations for the west extension were
Amended Farm Unlt.
The following practice will be fol
lowed In regard to the amendment of
farm units on the project. Every ap
plication for amendment of a farm
unit should be made in writing, sign
ed by the application and a copy
thereof transmitted to' the project en
gineer, who will make a report on the
same, with his recommendation. If
no objection appears, -approrlate
recommendation for the amendment
of the farm unit in accordance with
the report of the engineer will be
submitted to the department of the
interior. The general land office re
gards the amendment of the farm
unit In such cases by the. authority
of the secretary, as equivalent to an
authorizat'on for a corresponding
amendment of the entry.
No Action on Graduation.
The secretary of the Umatilla Riv
er Water Users' association wired the
secretary of the interior in regard to
the graduation of the water right
payments and ecelved the following
answer: "Your wire today. No ac
tion has been taken for any change
in the building charge. Secretary
in the building charge. Fisher, sec
retary." It Is thought that the-sct-tlers
on the project will without a
doubt take this matter up again with
the secretary. The water right pay
ments become delinquent In March.
1912, and If the settlers are to be al
lowed any graduation of this pay
ment they are anx'ous to know In ad
vance, so as to make arrangements to
raise the money to make the pay
ment. The people here, cannot un
derstand the delay on the part of the
government In this matter.
Lyceum Number.
The next number of the Hermiston
Lyceum association will be a lecture
by Judge Will's Brown on Wednes
day eenlng, January 17.
Miss Chezlk, who lived with her
brother on a homestead near Hermis
ton, and who is a teacher of the pub
lic school of Stanf'eld, spent the hol
idays with her parents at North Yak
ima, Wash.
Rev. H. A. Newham, former pas
tor of the M. E. church of this city,
pent a few days here last week. He
"reached l Heppner Sunday and Is
nrlously th'nklng of taking that
Mr. H. J. Stlll'ngs left for his home
'n Kentucky. He will return In February.
Famous for Forty Years of
njuiuuiminiuj ii1 , w I.1 jmiuma
The Erie-Oregon Fruit company
and the Wayne-Oregon Fruit company
have shipped a carload of onions to
Portland through the Umatilla Stor
age company of Hermiston.
Mr. H. Palmer, a former resident
of Hermiston and father of Harry L.
Palmer, visited over the New Years
with fiends here.
Edward S. Lougenslager will return
to Spokane this week to take up his
real estate business.
The Hermiston high school basket
ball team will meet the Echo high
next Friday evening, January 5. This
will be held at the basketball rooms
at Hermiston.
Denver, Jan. 1. While her dad, a
wealthy stock broker of New York,
kicked on the door at a hotel here,
Alice Clifford was married to Roland
Birch, also a New York banker, who
came from Los Angeles to meet her.
She left New York closely pursued by
her father who was Just a few min
utes late, throughout the Journey.
Each took different railroads. He for
gave them.
Constipation 'is the cause of many
ailments and disorders that make life
miserable. Take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your
bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseases. For sale by all dealers.
Two Old Maids
Anna What do you think Mr. Ek-
lund charged me for sewing on a pair
o: soles on my shoes?
Clara Don't know and don't care
Anna, he only charged me 66c and
did fine work too yes, but I don't
like him.
Anna Well, well, you evld ntly do
o you wouldn't care.
Men's soles sewed on for 90c
Full line of men's fine shoes.
Mala Street.
Tall man & Co, Guarantee Parisian
Sage for Dandruff and Falling
Think of it, dear reader, If PAR
TSIAN SAGE isn't the most invigor
ating and pleasant hair dressing you
ever used money back.
If it doesn't banish dandruff, stop
hair from falling and do away with
scalp Itch money back. B0 cents at
Tallman & Co. and druggists every
"PARISIAN SAGE as a hair grow
er and scalp cleaner is all right."
Mrs. Dora M. Daniels, Williamson, W.
"PARISIAN SAGE cured me of ter
rible Itching of the scalp." Mrs. C. P.
Pope, Oxford, Ala.
A 0rtlnRilli f forKrvrrlxhnrna.
Contintlon, II rn ilnrlir,
Htnmncli Trouble,, Tpcihlna;
Inn rile r, nd Dralroy
Warm. Tlijr Hn-.U up i.'olila
Don't accept
HAmtilf, mailf! VftKK. A HrlrM,
ai nil I'ruwri'.lil, Uicta.
inyaubtlituta. A. 8. OLMSTED, Lc Coy. N.Y.
Every Woman
U Intjruted and ihould koow
about the wonderful
1 MARVEL Whirling Spray
i new vaginal ayringa.
Best mot convenient. It
Cle&nles Instantly.
Aik yout druggiit for It.
If he cinnot supply I
MARVEL, accept do other?
kat teod tamo lot llluttrated
kookacaled. It flrei full pirtlm-
Ian sni! directions Invaluable to ladlesT
MalVU. CO.. 44Eat2U Itraat, Urn liia'
mi "af
sold and guaranteed by
Nanking, Jan. 1. Dr. Sun, Ch'na's
president, here discussing China's fu
ture said: '"China soon will be
peaceful. Military government will
be necessary for the present, but
wlth'n a few weeks I expect to see the
country In such condition that a re
turn to civil rule will be possible.
Dayton, Wash. Miss Grace Burrls
of this city, who last week was kick
ed and badly hurt by a horse has re
covered in part. She has regained
consciousness, but responds , to all
A SNAP FOR $2500.00
7 room modern house, stone
toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2
Call at once as bargains of this
It to appreciate It
Phone Main 83. . 117 K Court Street
Other Property of Every Description.
Money to Loan on City and County Realty.
Thursday, Jan. 4th
Transcontinental Tour of
A Thrilling Heart-Gripping Story
of the Last Frontier
Prices $ 1 .00,
Price 50c and $1.00
1 -
questions In only the German lan
guage. Mi s Burrls Is a high school
student, and is taking German as one
of her studies. A severe concussion
of the brnln was sustained In the ac
cident, and it is still possible that an
operation will have to take place.
At Tho Election.
"Why is that lady voter so Indig
nant?" "She wants to go back Into the vot
ing booth and write a postscript to her
ballot." Washington Star.
If la the Insanity of the time some
poor worthy people were overlooked
Christmas, needed aid will be just as
welcome on New 'Year's.
cellar, barn, wood
block ground.
character can't last
Direct from its
Long Run at
the New
New York
75c and 50c