DAILY EAST OREGONLVN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 113. ' EIGHT PAGES. PAGE FOTO. i . . AN INDEl'KNDEXT NEWSPArEB. However, commission government v:ns rejected by the people at the elec tion on December 4, though the ma jority against It was small, and so we will have the councilmanic system for two years more at least. TVU i-ing the case the East Oregon!., n wi p'-s good luck to the new admi i.str:itkn Kl-HsrKIlTION KATKS. ( ....., ,,.i An. o,tl,l., It Dally, oue yesr, by mail $5.00 ' Dally, six month, by mall 2M can towards assisting Mayor Matlock IMily. three dioiuUr. Dy mail l.za Published Hnlly and Semi Weekly at ren dletun, Ores on, by the AST OKKISOMAN I'CBLISUING CO. IilT. one month, by mall 60 IallT, one year, by carrier T.50 bally, six month, by carrier S 73 Pally. br?e mom!., oy carrier 1.95 pi!7, one month, by carrier 65 im! Weekly, one year, by mall...... 1.50 " V't, ii months, by mall 75 eml-Weekly. four months, by nail... .50 The lily Kaat OreKonlao Is .ept on sale at the Oregon New Co., 329 Morrison street. I'ortlaud. OreKon. Northwest News Co., Portland, Oregon. ChUaso Bureau, Ood Security Bulletins:. Washington, D. C, Bureau, 501 Four teenth f .reeu N. W. Entered at the poetofftre at Pendleton, Oregon, ac eecondlass mall matter. Member United Press Association. Telephone Main 1 Official City and Connty Paper. THE VISION. A mighty vision lights the lofty souls; It is the final goal of all our goals The oneness of all reoples, the World State; Where all are woven in one coin- rade fate; Where all hearts to one purpose run And all men lift as one; Where each one, self-forgetting, gladly bends To serve the All, the wondrous world of friends. in carrying out his platform. THEY DO NOT ALL OBJECT. Those who speak for the private in terests that have been exploiting Alaska have long sought to create the impression that residents of Alaska are almost on the part of taking arms against the government because of the conservation policy. Put a petition that has just been addressed to congress by citizens of Valdei does not bear out the state ments of the Morganheims. The pe tition Is worth repeating in full and U as follows: "We tender the following reasons why the government should own and work coal mines and control railroads in Alaska: "1. That the men working in the coal mines would get an eight-hour day, with fair wages for the same. "2. They would be housed in com fortable, commodious and sanitary dwellings. "3. The coal would be mined In a scientific manner. By that we mean that the mines 'vould be well timber ed and ventilated, thereby Insuring cilitate the opening up of the vast min ing resources, as well as the agrlcujr! tural possibilities of the torrltory. "We further think It advisable to petition the government to send an ef ficient corps of engineers to . survey and determine from their data the most feasible route for a railroad from the coast to the Matanuska coal belt. "We earnestly commend the Just ef forts of the government to quash all illegal entries to coal lands In Alas ka. "We also hope to see, in the near future, the interstate commerce lawi extended to Alaska, authorizing the commission to exercise the same juris diction 1 1n Alaska as In the states, as we know that nothing but good to the territory can result therefrom." From the foregoing it may be judg ed that there are some people In Al aska who want that territory devel oped on a basis of helping the general rublic and not with the sole idea of further enriching a few multi-mil lionaires. .-- give them such advice as this a long time ago. As a boo-ter meeting for Taft the peace banquet certainly fell flat. The banquet hurt the president Immensely n thatJt made it clear to all that the colonel wants no more of Wlllium. It Is a shame the cold spell should come on while the water wagon is so crowded. Indeed it is a proper thing for Birch and McKay creek men to file on water. The surprising thing is that their lawyers and leaders did not i OS This is the dream to which all safety to the miners from explosions . .1 I ages trod The faith of prophet and the prayer of God. Edwin Markham. THE NEW ADMINISTRATION. Upon the shoulders of Mayor Mat lock and the members of the new city council now rests the burden of mu nicipal government in Pendleton. These officials will hold sway during an important period in the city's de velopment and will have much to do. Construction work of the greatest importance to the city is now either underway or in contemplation. Con tracts for the paving of three streets have already been let and it Js the general supposition that further pav ing districts will be formed in the spring. It is a certainty there ars some other streets that need improv ing. It is also probable there will be a large amount of sidewalk construc tion during the present year. By an ordinance adopted but a few weeks since the city "has placed wooden walks under the ban as far as the best residence streets are concerned. Henceforth when new walks are con structed they must be of concrete. Through the operations of that ordi nance the lime will come when there will be nothing but permanent walks on the principal streets and the ap pearance of the city will be vastly im proved In consequence. , The new administration will also have to deal in a way with the water problem since the authority to sell the 200,000 bond issue rests with the council. However the chief burden of this task will naturally fall upon the shoulders of the water commis sioners who have been endorsed in their efforts to secure a mountain wa ter system for the city. The people may also rightfully ex pect betterments along other lines. During the recent mayorality cam paign both candidates declared for an Improved street lighting service and Mayor Matlock In his platform went farther than his opponent and said: - "I believe the rates charged for electric current and gas are higher in Pendleton than are charged in other cities In the northwest, similarly situ ated and should be reduced; and if e;ted I shall work faithfully to that ecd." What will.be accomplished along this line remains to be seen. The re sults will depend' much on the efforts put forth. It is the firm belief of this paper that if ' consistent, businesslike work If. done by the new officials they can help the people very materially. It should be possible to secure better rates, especially upon gas and It should be possible to greatly improve the physical appearance of the city by requiring Improvements in the elec tric company's equipment. The prob lem of what to do about the electric and telephone poles on Main street has been handed down to the new ad ministration. It is a problem that must b solved some day and the sooner the better. The fact that Al ta, Cottonwood and Webb streets will fce paved In the spring should be an Incentive towards early action. Great barm may come from further delay. It may be easily seen that there Is work ahead for Mayor Matlock and his colleagues. There is always much work for city officials if they but cars 1 1 do It. It is the belief of the East Oregonian, as expressed heretofore, that the city should not require Its of ficials to work without pay. In other words we should have commission government and pay our mayor and lils fellow workers. and deadly gasses, which are so often the cause of great loss of life in so many coal mines -worked by private Interests in the states. , "4. Labor troubles would be elimin ated. The government, by paying fair wages and protecting its employes from loss of life, could at all times be veil suppled with competent and in telligent workmen, thereby Insuring for the territory a permanent and desirable class of citizens. Further more, we believe that Alaska, as well as the Pacific coast states, would be greatly benefited If the government would work the coal mines, inasmuch as we would be able to purchase coal from the government at a fair or reas onable price, as against exorbitant prices we have to pay at the present time to private monopoly. "Furthermore, we firmly believe that the government should own the railroads of the territory of Alaska, as we believe the government would be perfectly fair and reasonable in freight rates, thereby helping greatly to fa- 0!J &MWA A Common Sonco Traatmcn' for Catarrh ar.d Asthma Gives Instant Relief. No matter Iiot mi erable rnn aro wi'l ci.tnrvh or a clil iu tl:o U n, nos' stopped up, tiirout scro, ryt-s nii.iiiii;. did j.iju in tli head, dry couli. fevi-r, ice. t! f.ul, Ely's Cre.ao IifJ.u will g.vo you iu sauit ri liof. It jr-to right tit tlw root r' t!:c trouble cleaaae?, heals and strengthens the raw. sjra moinl-raups stops the nasty u tchurc so that vou are not constantly blowing tin u.e and spitting. In a f"v raimiies jifti" iipphbd vou cau lust feti it uonii its wori oi elarin;j the head, t ;e ain ninl soreness are relieved, the b.catliing becomes Iu1nra: and tlis btufieri up feeling is gone. Thi cleansing, Leiling, antiseptic Bu'ra eon tains no mercury, coenino or other harmful drugs. It is easy to apply, le:iiiit to Use, and never faila to jpvo relief, evta if the worst cases. Never neglect a Cold, act! dots" suff.'-; the miseries of catarrh n r 't.;;i:st yon friends with your htVuir.;:, Bpitiin and foul breath. Got a Evt cent buttle c Ely's Cream Bulra from your (Insist and start the tren'iiu ut a& once. . w'.ll find tli.-.t it wi!l be (bo best inve. t mnt, ynu ever ni If you prefir t sprny, iisk for E'.y's (.'.iqu.J) Crcau l.'uh'i. Old 1911 was a loafer and left many jobs for the new year to take up and finish. Was Jt a Happy New Year? T OPTIMISTIC. A sound, as if of honey-bees in blos som br'ght is heard; Seems like the world Is waitln" now for Mister Mockln'hlrfl To thrill an' old-time tune out an send it to the blue From whose sunshiny windows the angels look at you. Here are valleys of delight in gold an" silver glow; Wonder if the land so br'ght will ever feel the snow? Love smiles in the sunshine the heart of eartn Is stirred, An Drettv soon we'll have a tune from Mister Mockln'blrd! Frank L. Ftanton. opinion than that Taft would be re nominated and reelected. hades of remorse. Hoocfi Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, makes the blood rich and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it. Get It today In usual llciuld form or chocolated tablets called SarsataDS, A BANK ACCOUNT SEEMS to BEaMAGNET; when once Started IT.DRtftVSSMoRE.' - J if A. as. ," i"...-v V w Ik m In 1S61, a depositor In a bank in Cleveland, Ohio, had $4 IS. Since that time he has drawn out $573, and still has $1,600 to his credit. How do you figure that out? Why, he left his money STAT IN THE BANK. It grew. MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent. The American NationaljBank LsiiQflQnDD amid SING m AY AN lira in next Saturday's issue of the East Oregonian as introduced in l(la7& Erlanger's big musical farce wi ith "rvt 5rV'J 2&S Published by Arrangement with Maurice Shapiro. New York City owner of the copyright Words by Win. Jerome Music by Jean Schwartz MclNTYSffi MEATH aim You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE A clean kitchen Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakes ' Good coffee Every day We invite your patronage nd aim to please you. Regular Meals 25c Gus. La Fontaine La Fontaine Block, Main Street. THE Aftermath OP THE Season's Tokens will find accepted acknowledg ment if noted on Vhilings Stationery of which we carry a nice line. Koeppen's The drug store that serves , you lest. t-H-.IIHI 1 1 MM ! I ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Boarding and Day School for Girls. ; Primary, Intermediate, Ae ; ademio Special and Post ! Graduate Courses. Depart- menta of Music, Expression ! and Art I PERSONAL ATTKNTIOV REFIXEVG IXFIiUENCES THOROUGH WORK ; Nettie M. Calbraith ' Principal WALLA WALLA, WASH. MiMiniiif unit inn The Pendleton Drug Co. la In business for "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU HAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE MEDICINES BRING IN "YOUR PONY VOTES In order to avoid confusion ag to standing of contestants in our big- pony Contest, we would like to have all votes cast soon as possible. Standings of each boy and girl In the contest, are now dis played at our store. Tallman , Co.