East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 02, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    hii IWWiV-V"11''
Our 24th Annual Clearance Sale
Easily Leads in Under pricing
That we are originators, leadirs anil pioneers is a fact strengthened by this sale.
In oivnanVn with imitative events it stands forth Iterance of its superior induce
mrnts. Hire economies are greater, qualities better, varieties larger, stocks fresher, newer
ami more desirable.
We are willing to part with onr goods at a loss if necessary in order to sustain our pol
icy of starting seasons with new stocks. For that reason Clearance Values are here by far the
most worthy. We drop prices deepest. Note these offerings and you will reealize the fact
that unequak l savings await vou here. ',
1-2 Pries Ycol Penanfs-l-2 Price
Dv troing through our dress goods stock we
find a lot of short lcngrbs in all colors, have
placed these in our "Remnant Pile" at a
ereat reduction. They are good lengtlis for
children's dresses, etc.
A lot of Dress Goods in plaids, plain col
ors, etc.. in good widths and weights, for
children's dresses and the like. During our
Clearance Sale this lot 50 Dress Goods
will go for 20
We cannot say too much of this assort
ment of silks. locause the value is far alvc
the price we are asking. We add to this as
sortment every day so as to keep it fresh and
new. Come get you a silk dress or waist at
a big reduction. Silks 25
$20.00 WOMEN'S SUITS $8.59
One special lot plain serges and fancy
mixtures. Made in plain tailored models.
Your choice $8.59
Any Man's Suit or
Overcoat ......
Hart, Schaffner Marx and other
Guaranteed Makes
Outing gowns of best quality outing flan
nel made extra full cut.
9S Values will so for 69
S1.15 Values will go for 90
S1.50 Values will go for 81.13
S2.00 Values will go for S1.59
$3.00 Robes will go for $1.78
$5.00 DRESS SKIRTS $3.79
Misses' dress skirts in all colors, serges and
Panama, made in the latest model, just thp
thing for school wear $5.00 values $3.79
$1.50 CORSETS 9S
One lot of about twenty fine corsets all
up-to-date models, low bust, long hips : all
sizes. Clearance price 98
v 40 1S-IN. FLOUNCING 18
lS-in. flouncing and corset cover embroid
ery; many patterns to choose from. Clear
ance price 18
25 35 AND 50 COLLARS 10
One lot of Dutch collars, stocks and jabots,
soiled and mussed. Clearance price 10
Kcd-tves Statistics From Other State
W hich llavo Abolished Caital Pun.
Ulinient, Show ins Tliat The Effect
Hus lkx-ti Satisfactory.
Pendleton's Cleanest and Best Grocery
Grocery Phone Main 17.
Soap Powders, Cleansers, etc., at very special
White Rear Rorax Soap Chips, Ige. pkgs 25
ii Minute Washing compound, lge pkgs. 21
Grandma's Washing powder, lge. pkgs.' 21
"Round-Up" Cleanser Let 'er buck 4
cans 30
All Other Departments Main 22.
Swift's Pride Cleanser, special, 4 cans 30
Lipton's Jelly Tablets, special, 3 pkgs 18
Wool Soap, special, 0 bars 25
Seeded Raisins, small packages special
? for ...... u 25
5 pounds good Walnuts $1.00
The Peoples Warehouse
Save Your Trading Stamps
Where It Pays to Trade
Finsrer-Tip Evidence Found Not to Be
So Accurate But Doubt Remains.
New York The value of finger
prints in evidence will have a practi
cal test aa a result of the action of
Police Captain Joseph Faurot, Assist
ant District Attorney Breckenrldge
and Mark Alter, a lawyer, yesterday.
The three men appeared before Mag
istrate Appleton, in the Jefferson
Market Court, in the case of Henry
Millings. No. 3 East 100th street, who
is accused of having assisted In a
burglary on November 30 in-a build
ing at No. 84 Eat Twenty-ninth
In nearthlng for evidence Captain
Faurot found finger prints on a safe.
He photographed them. In court he
testified that a comparison of the
prints on file indicated that Milling's
fingers left the impression.
Mr. Alter, counsel for Milling, de
nied the charge of burglary, but, he
said, granting that the prints on the
safe were from Milling's fingers,
there was nothing to (how that the
man had not been in the building a
week before the burglary on legiti
mate business and accidentally touch
ed the safe. Cap'a'n Faurot nald the
Imprfssion was left within a day or
two, declaring that the moisture left
on an object would dry noon and no
imprint would be visible.
To determine how long a print will
remain, Captain Faurot, Mr. Alter and
Mr. Breckenrldge left impressions of
their fingers on the court safe. The
clerk was ordered to put a barrier
around the ;sf& for five days, when
it was agreed the Impressions should
be photographed if they were still in
existence. To make double sure of
his theory Captain Raurot had the
experience repeated at headquarters.
Mill'ngs was held pending the result
of the test. t
Her Great Mint In 1910 Turned Out
Coin by Millions of Pound.
London. A wealth of figures such
as would deeply Impress even a Croe-
fus are as uual contained In the an
nual report of the deputy master
and comptroller of the mint. Among
the items it appears that the gold
coins received and weighed at the
Rank of England during the year
amounted to 53 392,085 pieces, as
compared with 54.853,882 In 1900
The percentage of light sovereigns
was lower than in the previous year
while that of half-sovereigns showed
a light rise.
The demand by the Bank of Eng
land for silver coin amounted to
more than double that of 1900, and
reached a figure, namely, 1,065,400
pounds which has not been exceed
ed since 1889 and 1890. Of the total,
470.900 represented shillings.
The crown piece, which has nott
been coined since 1902 and the dou
that's the atHer
With Yoawr Ealby ?
:rne young moiner and many an
old one, too U often puzzled to know
the cause of her child's 111 nature. The
loudness of Its crying does not neces'
aary indicate the seriousness of Its
trouble. It may have nothing more
the matter with It than a headache
or a feeling of general dullness. It
cannot, of course, describe Its feelings
tout as a preliminary measure you are
nafe In trying a mild laxative.
Nine times out of ten. you will find
It Ih all the child needs, for Its reat-
leBinps and peevishness are perhaps
due to obxtruc t'.on of the bowels, and
once that has been remedied the
headache, the (lugglshnes and the
many other evidences of ronxtipation
and indigestion will iulckiy disap
pear. Don't give the little one salts, ca
thartic pills or nasty waters, for these
will act as purgatives, and they are
too rtrong for a child. In the famil
ies of Mrs. S. K. HIauifhter, 1325
Spruce street. Pueblo, Colo., and Mrs.
Ida A. Brlnger, 755 So. Grant street,
Denver, Colo., the only laxative given
Is Dr. Caldwell's flyrup-Pepsin. It
ha been found to answer most per
fectly all the purposes of a laxative,
and its very mlldne.-s and freedom
from griping recommend its especial
ly for the use of children, women and
old folks generally people who need
a gentle bowel stimulant. Thou
sands of American families have been
enthusiastic about It for more than
a quarter of a century.
Anyone wishing to make a trial of
this remedy before buying It in the
regular way of a druggirt at fifty
cents or one dollar a large bottle
family size, ran have a sample bottle
sr-nt to the home free of charge by
simply addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell,
405 Washington street, Montlccl.'o, 111.
Your name and address on a postal
card will do. j
ble-florin, which has not been issued
s nee 1890, may now be cons dered to
be definitely abandoned as denomi
nations of the silver token currency.
The general account of expenses
and receipts for 1910 shows a profit
of 1.505,939, as against 85,951 pounds
In the previous year.
There was a startling increase In
the number of persons charged un
der the coinage offenses act, there
being altogether 181 convictions.
About 3256 pieces of counterfeit coin
were taken possession of by the po
lice. The deputy marf vo prepared
an estimate of the amount of gold
coin In the United Kingdom at the end
of 1910. He put) the figure at 113,
000,000 pounds
Portland, Ore., 'Dec. 1. Governor
Oswald 'West feels sure that In 1913
the people of Oregon will approve by
votes at the polls his belief that capi
tal punishment is wrong. He has re
ceived statistics and expressions of
other governors from all over the
United States approving his own de
cision that there shall be no more
hangings in Oregon so long as he is
governor unless the people at the next
general election vote to continue the
enforcement of the capital punishment
"These figures and telegrams from
other governors prove," said Governor
West, "not only that capital punish
ment has not been a deterent of
crime in the states where It la prac
ticed, but that crime has decreased in
the state where capital punishment
has been abolished and less barbarous
and more humanitarian methods of
punishment substituted."
Governor West has these telegrams
Against lIuiiKlns.
Governor Stubbs of Kansas Kan
sas has not had a legal hanging in 40
years. Sentiment unanimous against
capital punishment. Statistics post
tively favor this movement.
Governor Osborn of Michigan. It
is my opinion that the anti-capital
punishment law now in vogue in this
state is an unqualified success. It has
conduced to more satisfactory results
and better conditions in the adminis
tration of criminal Justice. I am sure
that Michigan would not revert to old
conditions. Records show no increase
in crime since hanging has been abol
ished. Governor Porter of Rhode Island
No increase in crime is attributed to
the abolishment of capital punishment
40 years ago. No concerted effort has
ever been made to revert to former
Duncan McGregor, private secretary
of governor of Wisconsin Wisconsin
atollshed capital punishment 60 years
i ago. Present plan entirely satisfac
These same telegrams were used by
H. G. Cattell, who introduced a bill to
do away with capital punishment In
California at the last legislative ses
sion of that state.
Innocent Man Executed.
It Is recorded that the reason Rhode
Island did away with capital punish-
ment was because 40 years ago an in
nocent man was hanged.
Capital punishment was abolished
in Maine in 1887 when two innocent
men were saved Just on the steps of
the scaffold by the confession of the
guilty man.
Governor Marshall of Indiana has
declared against capital punishment
and by commuting sentences shown
that there will be no more hangings
in iiiuiuuu wniie ne is governor.
in. Kansas the capital punishment
law was repealed three years ago as
a dead letter, there never having been
a legal hanging in the state.
Thirty-two death sentences have
been commuted in North Carolina in
the last 10 years.
California has had 4 7 legal hang
ings and 12 sentences have been com
muted. "Other states are turning from capi
tal punishment," said Governor West.
"I eannot understand why or ' how
Oregon people, citizens of one of the
most enlightened and progressive
states In the union, should persist in
legalizing hangings.
Voters' Responsible,
"The man who enters the polls to
vote yes or no on the abolishing of
capital punishment will be under a
personal responsibility greater than
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
In use lor over 30 years, nas uorno uw BHi
.ln. l.tu neia
ana lias dvch uiuuu mm.
sonal supervision since Its Infancy.
A ii.t nn deceive VOll in till.
- XUV " .
Aii tiio ...l .TiKir..ni-irood" are uuZ
Experiments that trifle -with and endanger the health or
infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine no other Narcotic
substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys "Worms,
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhow and Wind
Colic It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the.
Stomach aud Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Chlldrcu's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
'Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
that of the man who sits on a murder
case as juryman.
"The voter," so far as he Is con
cerned, votes not only on the contin
ued legalization of capital punishment
by the state but determines whether
In this Christian era of humanitarian
ism we shall persist In the use of the
methods of the dark and barbarous
ages In the- punishment of criminals.
"It Is for that reason," added Gov
ernor West, "that I believe that the
people as a whole would better bear
the burden of saying by a vote at the
polls whether we shall continue to
have capita punishment in Oregon.
I have confidence In the result be
cause any thinking man knows that
cur hangings and other means of
snuffing out the lives of the crimi
nals during the past hundreds of
yVars have not effectually restrained
When buying a cough medicine for
children bear In mind that Chamber
tain's Cough Itemedy Is more effec
tual for colds, coup and whooping
cough and that it contains no harm
ful drug. For sale by all dealer.
Polish Hello of Eighteenth Ontiiry
Has Xo Living Contemporarse.
Berlin. The claim of Frau Dut
klewitz of Posen. born on February
21, 1785, to be the oldest woman in
the oldest woman in the world Is now
contested by Mrs. Baba Vasl ka, who
was born in May, 1784, In the little
village of Bave!ski, where che lived
ever since The record of her birth
is preserved in a neighboring monas
tery of orthodox Greek faith.
She is the daughter of a peasant
and has worked herself as a peasant
up t'll a compartively recent date.
For more than 100 years she rogulur
!y worked in the fields, according to
the custom of her country, where wo
men are employed in all sorts of man
ual labor.
ine events or her life up to the
time when she attained the age of
80 are far more diHtinctly Impressed
on her mind than the happenings of
the Inst forty-six years.
Her son, Tobor, following the fam
lly tradition, has also worked In the
fields as a peasant all his life, but
he has also taken part in various
wars and rebellions in the Balkan
peninsula. He'is not quite so fresh
and vigorous as his mother4 although
he is still capable of doing a good
day1 work and enjoying such small
luxuries of life as a pipe and the
strong spirits drunk by the Bulgar
ian populace.
The oldest woman In the world Is
said to enjoy fairly good eyesight and
good hearing, and she Is able to wa!k
without support. Bhe lives on a pen
s'on pf-l'l to her by many of her de
scendants, who number more than
We offer One llnnrtr1 Dollars Keward
for any esse of Catxrrh that cannot b, enr
ed by Hall's Catsrrli Cure. F. J CUENKT
Co., Toledo .O.
We, the onderelened, nave known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and boilers
him perfectly hnnomhle In ail business
transactions and finnnclally able to carry
out any obllcntlonii made by bis firm.
Wholesale Drncglsts, Toledo, O.
TTall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly opon the blood and mnroua
surfaces of the system. Testimonial sent
free. Price 75c, per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family Pills for eonatlpa-tlon.
Before You Move
Be sure your new home lias that important modern
convenience electric lights. There are many such
and they are in preat demand by those who know
how to en joy them. The modern electric light is
so much better than any other that no one need
hesitate about the cost The General Electric
Company has perfected its MAZDA lamp which
gives twice as much light as ordinary electric lamps
using an equal amount of electricity.
We Have C. E. MAZDA Lamps
For all those who live in wired houses wo offer an
opportunity of getting the benefit of the great
light giving qualities of these lamps. For those
who own unwired houses on our distributing line
we will give advice of value in wiring houses for
electric iights.
Pacific Power & Light Company
"Always at Your Service."
Phone Main 40
NavalO. Snnorn. PnYiln tinronn
reported to ho 127 years nf ana ilUri
here. He had smoked cigarette for
115 years and always lived on coarse
food. He had never seen a railroad
train or an automobile.
Im Ti
When It Comes To Selling
Building Material
Only the Best Grades of Lumber,
Lath and Shingles and in fact any
thing that is required in the building
line is allowed to enter our vard.
Crab Creek Lumber Co.
Phone Main 92