PAGE SIX. DAILY EAST OHEGOXIAX, rKNDLETOX, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER SO, 111. EIGHT PAGES. society EVENTS. ( Continued From Pape Three) Mis Eleanor Vincent is in Port land vi.vting during the holidays M f Vio'a Shea lias returned from Hot Lake. -- M J. U Pick -on was hostess at an inrrm:ii musical last evening. Mrs. Kr.tnk Fraa'er was hostess dur ri; the week to the Duplicate Whist club. Mrs. IV. E. Frock Is this afternoon hostess to a large number of ladies of !he iMy at her home, 12i North Wain street. - Mr. M. Homer Ueoves and bride PHYSICIAN ADVISES CTICUR REMEDIES For Eczema. Patient's Wristand Shin Itched Like Poison. Scratched Until They Bled. Says: "Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured Me." Tout years ap I had places break out on my wrist and on my slim which would itch and burn by spells, and scratching them would not seem to give any relief. When the trouble first began, my wrist and shin Itched like poison. I would scratch those places until they would bleed before I could get any relief. Afterwards the places would scale over, and the flesh underneath would look red and feverish. Some times it would begin to itch until it would waken me from my sleep, and I would have to go through the scratching ordeal again. "I consulted our physician In regard to It. and he pronounced it "dry eczema." I used an ointment which the doctor gave me, but it did no good. Then he advised me to try the Cuticura Remedies. As this trouble has been in our family for years, and is considered hereditary. I felt anxious to try to head it off. I got the Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills, and they seemed to be just what I needed. "The disease was making great headway on my system until I got the Cuticura Reme dies which have cleared my skin of the great pest. From the time the eczema healed four years ago, until now, I have never felt any of its pest, and I am thankful to the Cuticura Soap and Ointment which certainly cured me. I always use the Cuticura Soap for toilet, and I hope other sufferers from skin diseases will use the Cuticura Soan and Ointment." (Signed) Irven Hutchisou, Three Rivers, Mich, Mar. 18, 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold throughout the world, a liberal sample of each, with 32-p. book on the skin and scalp mill bewnt free, on application to Ht ter Drug & Cheia. Corp, Dept. 17A, Boston. were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Char'.es Quinney Thursday and Fr'day. They left last evening for Baker City. -- Brook Dickson left Friday on his return to the University of Oregon nnd he will be followed during the next few days by other students who have been home for the holidays. -- At the Meth.odl.-t Episcopal parson ' age in this ci y Wednesday evening at 5:30. Rev. X. Evans united in mar riage Mr. George V. Lamb rth ami Miss Pearl Ranche lleydler.. in the presence of a few intimate friends. Mr. l.ambirth Is a successfuf young farmer In the Stage Clinch country and the pride is a popular young lady in that vicinity. -- At the bride's res'dence. 410 E. Webb street. Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the presence of a group of relatives nnd friends, Mr. John W. Jordan and Mrs. Mary S. Clow were united in marriage by Rev. N. Evans. Roth parties are well known in this c'ty. where they win make their home. One of the recent social events of note was the "at home" given on the afternoon of Thursday, December 21, nt which Mrs. Robert N. Stanfield was host es to a large number of the so ciety ladies of the city. The after noon was very pleasantly spent and the charm'ng hostess was compli mented upon the success of the weeks' principal formal event. i I One of the social events that is bet ing anticipated pleasantly is the grand opening of the new quarters of the local lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose, which will occur on the eve ning of Xew Tears' Day and which the pub'.lc Is invited. Tht Moose have splendid rooms in the Matlock-Brownfield building in which they feel a pardonable pride. The opening will consist of a dedication address by J. T. Hinkle of Hermiston followed by a dance In the ball room. One of the most elaborate soc!al functions of the season was the an nual dancing party given by the alum ni of the Lambda Sigma Fraternity last Wednesday evening in the Eagle Woodman hall. The spacious hall was most artistically and beautifully decorated in the fraternal colors of b'ue and white and with festoons of evergreens. Mr. R'chard Thompson and MTss Laura McKee led the grand march, following which the fifty or more couples present participated in a most Joyous succession of dances to the strains of splendid orchestral music. STANFIELD SOCIETY. (Special Correspondence.) Stanfie'd. Dec. 30. Thursday after noon, at the res'dence of Mrs E. N. Wheeler the Stanfield Women's Study Club held its regular semi monthly meeting, there being a very short business session, as preparations had been made for a Christmas par ty for the members, the rooms being appropriately arranged and decorated for the occasion. After a short pro gram. Including piano solos by Mi-a Helen Wheeler, recltat ons by Mrs. Norton, and vocal solos by Mrs, E. N. Wheeler, and guessing contests which afforded much amusement, the guests were Invited to the dining room where an e'aborat-e banquet had been spread. The party was one of the most enjoyable affairs In a social way mat mis occurred in Stanfield, be ing voted a great success by those who were present. The following mem bers of the club were present: Miss Jennie Albon. Mrs. Mary L. Apple by. Mr-. Sadie Bugan. Mrs ' Harr et Raker. Mrs. Edna Raragar, Mrs. Florence Coonor, Mrs. Caroline Pun ning. Mrs. Minnie Faucett, Mrs Lulu Gray, Mrs. Clara E. Hurd, ' Mrs. Frances A. Norton, Mrs Florlne Sev erance, Mrs. Nettie Sloan. Mrs. Mary Spencer and Mrs. Alice Wheeler, also as gue.-t of the club. Mrs. Rose Schlosser of Sunnyside. Wash., Christ mas gifts were exchanged by those present. -- WESTON SOCIETY. (Spec'al CorresDOndencn Weston, Ore., Dec. 30. A most en- j Joyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. Emery Staggs, Wednes-j day, December 27, when a large! number of young people met to tell Emery farewell as he left Thursday; b "i "aim, wnert? lie W ill remain for some time. Thoe pres ent were the Misses Ina Blomgren, Lulu Simpson. Edna Banister, Josie Lavender, tranche Staggs, Mabel Kennard. Z'lla Slmnson. Airnu t. Kenzie, Sadie Nor Dean, Edra Simp son Oilpqaa UlrlrnAUInl. . I Claude Price, Edgar Smith, Frank Graham, Gene Graham, Mat Turner, Ernest Blomgren, German and Em ery Staggs. - ADAMS SOCIETY. (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore, Dec. 30 Miss Ethel Perringer of this city, was hostess Thursday evening to a number of her friends who were entertained In a delightful manner. Games were In dulged in during the earlier hours of the even'ng and were followed by de licious) refreshments. Those present were: Misses Eleene Bowling, Jessie Chestnut, Alia Slm onton, Augusta Stockton, Minnie Per ringer and the hostess, and Messrs. Ralph Wallan, Llle Mclntlre, Ot's Lleuallen, Clark Manning, Chester Spencer and Hobert and Logan Per ringer. GURDAXE SOCIETY. CURES OBSTINATE COUGHS ROUTS STUBBORN COLDS THE KING OF CURES BR. KING'S V WEW" DKCOVERYy FOR ALL DISEASES OF THROAT i him "N.-. PRICK QUICKEST WHOOPING COUGH CURE HEALS WEAK, SORE LUNGS 2 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY E i KOEPPEN'S (Special Correspondence.) Gurdane. Oregon, December 30, A pleasant even'ng was spent at the home of D. P. Hicks Christmas night. Although It was a wild night out, all within enjoyed a merry eve ning's chat beside the fire and with music, games and refreshments, whiled away the hours. Those pres ent were Mr, and Mrs. James Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCallister, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks and daughter Effie, Flelta Hall, Lloyd Hall, Daphene Breiver and Welcome McCallister. YOl CAX CUKE THAT BACKACHE Pain along the back, dizziness, head ache and general languor. Get a package of Mother Gray's AROMATIC LEAF, the pleasant root and herb cure for all kidney, bladder and uri nary troubles. When you feel run down, tired, weak and without ener gy use this remarkable combination of nature's herbs and roots. As a regular It has no equal. Mother Gray's Aronmtio-Leaf is sold by druggists or sent by mall for BO cents Sample sent FREE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le Roy, N. T. The quicker a "old is gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall of Waverly. Va., says: "I firmly believe Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended It to my friends and they all agree with me." For sale by all dealers. Deep-seated coughs that resist ordi nary remedies require both external and internal treatment. If you buv a dollar bottle of BALLARD'S HOKE HOUND SYRUP you get the two remedies you need for the price of one. There la a HERRICK'S RED PEPPER PORUS PLASTER for the chest, free wltn each bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Broa. ward off any tendency toward pneu monia. This -emedy contains no opi um or other narcotic and may be giv en as confidently to a baby aa to an adult. Sold by all dealers. CHICHESTER S P'lLS When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will Every Woman It Inlif ested and ihoclrJ know bout the wonderful t l MARVEL Whirling Spray Tht new Vaginal Syringe. Bert moatconvenJent. It cleanses instantly. v vttiav.v s. n i m Ask your druse 1st for i If he cannot tuoDly ' MARVEL, accept no other? but send tamp for llluitrated book tea led. It elvea full parti en- lar and direction! Invaluable to lad lea. MUVU CO., 44 StrttLftaw lira l.allral Anil your !mlt lf a bl-rhea-tor'a IHum.n J7lralA I'llla In Hr n,l ainaluAX hum. Mated with lilu RlUmn. X Taka alaar. Ila, ar yaar V 4'lfKh.TRBa Vranlat. AikfnrCiri- IHAMOKR IIHANU FII.I.M. fut & yean known ai Best, Safast. Always Keliahai SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE An Enterprise Worthy of Your Patronage. Prompt. Exclusive. Reliable. Taxicab Service DAY AND NIGHT, Stand at Hotel St. George. Fare 25 Centa to Any Part of the City. The Only Up-to-Date Convey ance In Pendleton. Phone Main 12. JOSEPH X. KOHL. Prop. Have a Drink to Yankee Land (March Song) Sung: by LA PETITE ADELIADE at the Alhambra Theatre, New York CHORDS. ffilB bgbdj- rlESzlfSI Words by HARRY WILLIAMS March tempo. Music by ROBERT VAN ALSTYNE 1. Oh, did you ev - cr take a trip a - cross the roll - ing 2. It'a hu - man for a man to love the na - tion of his Sing your Bongs of lon-nio Scot land, Sing your songs of Franco, and Oer-man I I V I ' ATal AW ' II 0-: 0 -- I t a-sn.-a- "nW . I- -ZZZ 3 I r-. U ' ' . aaaaaaaaaaaaawaawawawan j -...a. I J - I , m m m i i j.... Sine' of dear old Ire" land, I wih that 4- J-L fea. And drop in - to a Lirth. We al - -ways think A Mu - sio Hall in Lou - don, or Pa - ree ? Then mer - i - ca the great - est land on earth. And r , -v. u n ' 3 4 ahe were free. 1 Sing of Eng-land, Spain, and Rus r 4- r j i- a -d - 810, -i I- 1 m -m U--- hear the ar - tist cing a - bout his dear old na - tive land, " you Lav - n't truv cll'd much, just let me say to you, . Un- The -,-4 : --1 , I - ' ' 1 I 1 1 z- It:- m - " -'r'-r ''JT a sasBa" ft ft . a. . S Si I I L. ' I I ' 1 I S Ki - Sing ) of E-gypt'sdes-ert sand; Then well sing one Bong of my old Ken-tnck-y til you want to jump right tip and yell to beat the band, more you see of oth - er lands the more you know it'a true. Z -7l -Z2r- 1 m I --r-i 1 I -i H 1 1 -r J Copyright, MCMIX, by JEROME II. REMICK & Co., New York-Detroit Performing righta reserved Uaed by penniasion, HURRAY MUSIC Co., Hew York -V-2- m mi home, And we'll have a drink to Yan - kee land, land. Ko226. - Have a Drink to Yankee Land No. 226. j THIS IS OXK (F A SERIES OF l'OJM;i..u: so ms HITS Al I'liARINQ IN EACII ISSUE OF THE SATURDAY EAST OREQONIAN, EASTERN OREGON'S GREATEST PAPER. AN- o i 1 1 nr FA1I I'S MUSICAL SUCCESS WILL APPEAR NEXT WEEK WATCH FOR IT.