East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 30, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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treat Specials
Every Member
1 the
All Holiday Goods to be closed out entirely. Furs of all
kinds, Linen Drawn Work, Silk Waists, Fancy Collars, Baps.
Handkerchiefs, Embroidery Work, etc.
F. E . Livengood & Co
Tho Ladies' and Children's Store.
The Melrose System.
Main 178 for coal and wood.
I. C. Snyder.chlmney sweep. R 3812.
You should havo the Melrose Sys
tem. For clean coal and dry wood, phone
Main 6.
Phone Dutch Henry for dry wood
and Rock Spring coal. Main 178.
, Everybody goes to tne Orpheum to
ee the best and thn clearest pictures.
Clean beds And airy rooms, furnace
heated. Including bath, at 621 Willow
All kinds of good dry wood, also
clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal
at Dutch Henry's.
Wanted 390-egg second hand Cy
pcrs Incubator. Address J. C. Hos
klns, Echo, Oregon.
For rent Suite of ronnn In Asso
ciation block. Inquire Mark Moor
house Co. Phone Main 83.
Wanted Girl for general house
work, with references. Inquire Room
S, Association Block.
Entire stock to be sacrificed fix
tures for sale. We are going to quit
business. Sharon & Eddings.
4 80 acre wheat ranch, one as good
r In the country for the money. Price
only $10 per acre. Teutsch & Bick
ers. 160 acre wheat ranch; 80 acres In
grain; good small house and shed
barn. Price only 83250. Teutsch &
For Ront Six room house, modern.
Hot and cold water, bath, toilet,
woodshed, etc. Enquire Dr. C. J.
Special rates to horses boarded by
the week or month at the Commercial
Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main 13.
Also dry wood for sale.
Only a few days more to get the
celebrated S. W. Miller pianos at fac
tory prices. Only two left. You bet
ter hurry. Jesse Falling.
If you want to move, call Penland
Bros. Transfer, phone M 339. Large
dray moves you quick. Trash hauled
once a week. 647 Main street.
For transfer work, hauling bag
gage, moving household goods and
pianos, and all kinds of job work,
phone Main 461. B. A. Morton.
For ale Household furniture. In
quire room 1 East Oregonlan building
within next thre edays.
Save yourself fuel troubles by us
ing our famous Rock Spring coal and
good dry wood. Delivered promptly.
Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 6.
Day and night school at the Pen
dleton Business College will open Jan
uary 2nd. Special inducements to all
pupils enrolling during opening week.
Five room house, all modern Im
provements, completely furnished,
west errd of town, $20 per month. En
quire Bentley & Leffi.igwell, 815 Main
Notice is hereby given, that the
Common Council, on the 20th day of
December, 1911, adopted plans and
specifications for the construction of
a sewer with appropriate Y's and
manholes running north on Hazel
s:reet from its Intersection with Court
street to a point near the north line
of the O.-W. R. & N. company's right'
of way where the same intersects Ha
zel street, which plans and specifica
tions are now on file In the office of
the undersigned.
Notice Is further given that the
Common Council will receive propos
als for the construction of the said
sewer extension in the form provided
by tho specifications up to the 10th
day of January, 1912, at 5 o'clock p.
in. Bids to be filed in the office of
the undersigned. Each bid to be ac
companied by certified check In the
sum of $100. payable to the Mayor of
the City of Pendleton, to be returned
If the bidder is unsuccessful and to
be forfeited In case bidder Is success
ful, shall fall to enter Into a contract
in accordance with the terms of his
The Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
L C. Scharpf of Pilot Rock, was a
visitor in Pendleton over night.
A. Hartstuff of Holdman is tran
sact business in the city today.
Fred W. Steener of Sleelum, was,
a visitor In Pendleton yesterday.
Mrs. Westgate of Pilot Rock spent
last night In the county seat.
Misi Grace Frost of Pilot Rock was
among th-j v sltors from that town In
the city yesterday.
D. E. Gllman of Heppner, is over
from the Morrow county seat and 13
reg'stcred at the Bowman.
Traveling Freight Agent Van De
Water of the O.-W. R. it N. company,
was in the city last night.
Jasper Cochran was In from his
home at Prairie C'ty yesterday and
spent the n'ght here.
Mrs. F. A. church of I'nion, was
among the visitors from over the
state in Pendleton yesterday.
H. W. Storey and D. V. S. Deid,
two well known Heppner residents,
are in the city on a business errand.
J. S. Beckwith, court stenograph
er, and young son, John, returned
today from Ogden, where they spent
the holidays.
Dan P. gmythe, president of the
local Commercial association, has re
turned to the city after a vis't of two
weeks in Portland.
Henry J. Taylor, deputy grand
warden for the Odd Fellows of the
state, left this afternoon for Helix
on an official visit.
E. I. Davis, city engineer of Kermis
ton, returned to his home yesterday
lfternoon after spending a day in the
Nat Kimball left this morning for
Portland and will go on up to Eu
gene Monday to continue his work
at the University of Oregon.
J. E. Keefe, Charles W. Melghan
and A. R. Lord, members of the
Commercial club quartet, returned
this morning from Vincent, where
they sang before the Odd Fellows and
their wires of that vicinity. They
report a very enjoyable occasion.
Mrs. Harry Bickers entertained the
eh'ldren of her Sunday school class
at her home on Thursday afternoon
and the little tots enjoyed the occa
sion Immensely. Mrs. Bickers was as
sisted by the Misses Lotta Livermore,
Georgianna Fletcher, Louisa Jones
and Emily Carney. (
(Special Correspondence.)
Stanfield, Ore , Dec. 30. F. H.
Pago of Portland, was here Wednes
day looking after his 160-acre tract
under the Furnish ditch, most of
which is already in a high fctate of
cultivat on. He plans to protect his
peach orchard from frost during the
coming -pr ng by use of smude pots,
in wh'ch case he wi 1 undoubtedly
harvest several thousand boxes of
peaches from his three year old or
chard. s
The O.-W. R. & N. has placed a
light -at the depot here which has
been desired for some time and the
residents of our little city appreciate
the improvement very much.
W. T. Reevts, the well known
Stanf'eld farmer, was transacting
business In Pendleton Thursday.
C P. Bowman of Butter creek was
a Stanfield visitor Thursday.
J. M. Bruce, manager of Eschbach
Bruce Co., the contractors who are
constructing the drainage ditch, was
here Thursday looking after business
On Thursday evening Mrs. Mary
Appleby, accompanied by her daugh
ter, Mr3. Rose" Schlosser, went to i
Sunnyslde, Wash., where she wi.l re
main for several weeks.
J. E. Reeves, L. T. Kenlson and
George Riser ng went to Pendleton
Thursday evening to attend the Odd
Fellows encampment and banquet.
Joe Bailey of Echo, was calling on
friends here Thursday. .
R. H. Irwin, secretary of the In
land Irrigation company, returned
from Portland Friday morning, hav
ing spent several days In the metrop
olis looking after business matters.
At tho GraiMl.
Last night amateur night, drew a
large audience and the different local
stunts pulled off drew big encores.
j Little M'fs Longeneeker, a five year
old mite. In n recitation, did exceed
ingly well, whi!e Kid Casey in buck
and wing dancing was at his best.
But the hit of the evening was the
Pendleton colored bootblack quartet.
They repponded to four curtain calls
with a new song each time. The man
agement will try to have them appear
again Sunday nd Monday s a special
uttract'on. "The Good Ship Nancy
Lee" is more than making good. Mon
day night the Austin company will
produce "In Vacation Time," n far su
perior bill to any yet put on. Spe
cial matinee Sunday and Monday,
Attention, Pendleton Circle Xo. 527.
This Is to notify all members of
Pendleton Circle, Xo. 627 AVomen of
Woodcraft, that hereafter the circle
will hold Us meetings in the new
Moose hall. Meeting nights being the
1st ami 3rd Tuesdays in each month.
Notice to the M. B. A.
All members of the M. R. A. are re
quested to meet at the Eagle-Woodman
hall at 1 p. m., December 31,
1911, for the arrangements for the
funeral of the late sister, Mrs. R. E.
MRS. MILLER. Secretary.
Chinese Royalty Flees.
Toklo, Dec. 30. Peking dispatch
es received here today say that most
of the royal family is fleeing in dis
guise from the forbidden city. It is
reported that Prince Chun, the de.
posed regent, has fled with the baby
emperor, in the disguise of a colio
and It Is rumored that they are en
route to Toklo. The dowager empress
it is said, is determined to remain un
til the rebels actually enter Peking
When your feet are wet and cold,
and your body chilled through and
through from exposure, take a big
dose of Chamber'aln's Cough Rem
edy, bathe your feet In hot water be
fore going to bed and you are almost
certain to ward off a severe cold. For
sale by all dealers.
The multimillionaires will give
generously New Year's, but only to
to those who have plenty.
Exce'lent program for Sunday and
1. "In the Days of Gold." Selig.
A western story full of thrilling ac
tion. It tells the love story of a girl
who Is made friendless by a band of
Indians who kill the family.
2. "Jimmle and His Country Un
cle " Gaumont. The boy teaches his
uncle how to win an attractive widow.
3. "A Trip on Marne from Cretell
to Saint Maur. " Gaumont. Taken
between Creteil and Saint Maur on
the outskirts of Paris.
U 4. A Brother in Arms." Pathe.
Military story. This is an Interest
ing p'cture. showing the capture and
rescue of a soldier by United States
5. "Sir George and the Heiress."
Edison. A brilliant society comedy.
The players being used to good
clothes and manners, give a touch of
real society at its best.
Tlie Pastime.
The home of good pictures. Sun
day's program.
"Man to Man." Vitagraph. A
A Happy and
Prosperous New
Year to You
Our business for tho iwist year lias been the best awl
lurgest in our history. Wo attribute this not alone to the
superiority, of our lines of merchandise, hut more c pen
ally to the good will ami active co-operation of our cus
tomers. They havo sent us their friends and we have
numbered these among our customers.
Department Store
Bettt r Goods for Less Money
western story of great power, with
wild realism and imparts a lesson of
duty's call that stretches the heart
strings of love and friendship.
"His Chorus Girl Wife." She was
true as steel to the man che loved. A
son of a millionaire, after several
years of high life, married a chorus
girl. The plot leads from the mar
riage of the "gilded youth" to the
chorus girl, his disinheriting by his
father and a final happy end.
"The Empty Saddle." Essanay. A
dramatic episode of the rebellion. It
would be hard to devise a picture that
would tell the story more forcibly.
"Vendetta." C. G. P. C An Inter
esting dramatic picture of great
"The Birth of a Flower." C. G. P.
C. A remarkable film of an educa
tional nature.
Have you heard our new pianor
chestrion play?
Thc Cosy.
Friday and Saturday program is
strong on western and good comedy.
"A Range Romance." Bison. Af
ter a quarrel, Bob Adams left his
wife, taking their child Ethel. Ten
years later the foreman of the ranch
went to town to find a new cook and
brought back Bob's wife. A reconcil
iation took place.
"When the Sheriff Got His Man."
Champion. Comedy drama of west
ern life. The sheriff was unable to
meet Alice because "a bad man" had
tied him to a tree. He later got free
and found the outlaw flirting with
Alice. After some exciting momenta
he got his man with Alice's help.
"Magdalene." Great Northern. A.
powerful drama of a young girl's re
pentance, finely told. A story that
"Thirty Minutes." Reliance. Com
edy. Jack, an actor, dresses as a min
ister, to create a good Impression o
his rich uncle. He had lots of fun,
but was found out. Uncle .caw the
joke and things ended all right.
llewett's Ijist Apiearanoe.
Tile Hewett company appears at
the Oregon theatre for the last time
tonight, producing a change of pro
gram in every detail. The Hewetta
have had excellent houses all this
week and have presented plays and
moving pictures which have given
great satisfaction. The dramatic
sketch, "Matrimonial Squabble," will
be given tonight with change of pic
tures. .
Kansas City, Doc. 30. The Ameri
can Union Trust company with
$162,000 pa'd cnpital. failed to
open its doors today. The bank is j
less than a year o!d. About 3000 de-
pos'tors are effected. State banking.
officials, who are In charge, say their
investigations have not proceeded far
enough to make any statement.
The Telephone is the
coal man's best salesman.
Many of his customers he never sees, for their orders
como by wire and their checks by mail.
If you move into a new house or have an unexpected
need of fuel, you can often save a day's time by tele
phoning your order.
In the 'mining and, shipping of coal, tho Bell Telephone
has becomo an imiwrtant factor. The wholesale markets
and source of supplv are kept, in constant touch with the
Bell Long Distance Service and the danger of a coal famine
greatly reduced.
The Pacific Telephone
Telegraph Company
Eecn 1! ell Telephone is thc Center of the System.
LnFollettc nt Tuffs Home.
Dayton, O., Dec. 30. Senator La-
Follett's activities in the Ohio tour
this afternoon center in a speech at
Hamilton, Ohio. Tonight he ad
dresses a meeting In Cincinnati, the
home of President Taft. La, Follette
today expressed himself as greatly
pleased with his reception In the
Turkish Cabinet Resigns.
London, Dec. 30. The entire Turk
ish cabinet resigned today. The of
ficial reason was that the Turkish
legislators would not pass laws which
the cabinet wanted action on.
Tomb of Black Georgjo of Servia Des
ecrated: Jewels Untouched.
Vienna. The vault In St.' Mark's
cemetery in which reposed for many
years the bones of Kara-George Pct
rovltch, founder of v the Servian dy
nasty, has been desecrated. The skull
of the former Servian chief has been
stolen, but the decorations and rings
were not touched.
The coffin of Queen Perslda was
not opened. There is no clew to the
Kara-George (Black George, or
George .Cserny) was a peasant, born
in 1766, who ln lS06 became the lead
er of the Servians in the revolt against
Turkey. 119 defeated the Turks, cap
tured Belgrade and liberated Servia.
He was driven out of Servia in 1813
and wns murdered in 1S17.
n vi
Sunday Dinner 40c
Fresh Crab Cocktail.
Chicken Okra. Clam Broth
Fried Silver Smelts Tartare
Head Lettuce With Egg
Turkey Liver Santo in Caisscs
Queen Fritters, Vanilla Sauce
Prime Ribs an Jus
Gosling Apple Dressing
Asparagus ITollandaise
Mashed Potatoes
Apple Tartlet
Plum Pudding Hard and Brandy
Tea Coffee
Jean Laurent, the French chef, who opened
tho St. (ieorge C;ife, 1ms sld out. his interest
there and opened a new grill
In the Martin
Building Eas
Webb Street
The Laurent's grill will make a specialty of
Best coffee in tho city, fresh ranch eggs and
hot cakes like mother used to make.
Chei and
All White
Your Patronage is Cordially Solicited