rAGE FOUR. DAILY EAST ORECONIAX. PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER SO, 1911 EIGUT PAGES. "AS INLiKI'ENDKXT NEWSPAPER. Publlsbnl PrIIt (nil Semi Weekly at l'en-ilii-ton, Orvgiin, by Ue BAST OliKtJOXUS rtlSLISUlXG CO. srnsntunioN bates. Dally, one jear, by mall !?) Dailv, mx niuuiha. by mall 2M IWIiy, three moutb. by Piil 1.2a Dally, one monih, by mail .60 lallv, one year, by firrwr 7.50 DallV, ii icoiuIm. by carrier S.ift Pally, irc moiit-n. oy carrier 1.IM ri'T, one ni. nth, hv carrier 63 Hmi W-eklv, one year, by mall 150 eml Ve,'k:V, si m.-ntti. by mall 75 betul Weckl'v, fuur tuouibs, by mall... .50 The lmilv East Oretoutho Is kept oo tale at the tin-coo No Co., . SI'S) MorrUoo treet. Portland. Oreiron. Northwest .News Co., rortiaml. Orepon. Cbicavo liureau, JHU Security BulMlnic. Washlupton. U C, Bureau, 601 Four ttenth f X. W. Entered at the mmtofftee at Pendleton, Oregon, as eecoud-class mall matter. ileal be r United l'resa Association. telephone Malnl Official City and County Paper. -AlU) I.AXCJ SYXK."' Should aull acquaintance bo forgot And never brought to min"? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days o" aula lan syne? For auld lang syne, my dear; . For au'.d lang syne. We'll take a cup o' kindness yet For auld lar.g syne! We ta has about the braes And pu'd the gowans fine. But we've wander" d mony a wear foot Sin' auld lang syne We two hae paidl't i" the burn Frae morning sun ti! dine. But seas between us braid hae roared Sin" auld lang syne. And here's a hand, my trusty friend. And gies a hand o';hine. And we'll tak a right guid willie-waught For auld lang syne. And surely ye'U be stoup. your pint And surely I'll be mine. And we'll Tak a cup o' kindness et For auld lang syne. Burns. THE BOXDIXG PLAN'. There are some splendid features about the plan to bond the county to secure money for permanent high vays. The only way to get good roads Is to construct them. Good roads conventions, articles In newspapers and speeches from the stump during campaign time all have their value. But talk alone wont build good roal. It takes money to do the work and the bonding plan will provide the money. It will probide the money and do it in such a way that the taxpay ers will not be heavily burdened. The bonds will be met through a sinking fund augmented from year to year. Meanwhile we will have a perma nent highway system and the people will be getting the good from the mime. The roads will be paying for themselves, through their benefits, vhile the bonds are maturing. There can be no doubt at all that the bonding plan furnishes a very feasible way of getting good roads. It Is not probable we will get perma nent highways until the bonding plan ii taken up. It is impossible to build a system of permanent roads tnrough use of money from the regu lar road fund. Besides that is not the equitable way to pay for roads. The future as well as the present will share the benefits of permanent roads. Why not let the future assist In paying for them? In advocating the bonding plan for this county in the event the supreme court rules that the constitutional amendment is operative Judge Ma loney is upon the right line. If the county court puts the proposition up to the people n-xt fall the plan will have many earnest supporters. GETTING INTO I.IXE. The East Oregonian is glad to hear the Pilot Rock I'.ecord, Senator Bur gess and others advise farmers on such streams as Birch and McKay to make water filings with the state en gineer even though the water is seemingly all taken. This action Is in line with advice given by this paper several weeks go. While the controversy over the Extension was underway the East Oregonian called attention to the fact that such filings should be made. We pointed out the utter foolishness of asking the government to relinquish any part of the water appropriated for the Extension when local people were not In line to get the water should it be released. Farmers were advised to get in line and then talk ti the government. But Mr. Burgess and his followers had lost their heads and they spurned such advice at that time. Apparent ly they were inspired by an all absorb. Jng desire to "soak" the government. They wanted to make the government abandon the adjudication suits and give up some of the water it had filed upon. This, although such a relin quishment would have done the form ers no good because they had not filed on the water and would not have got ten it. It would have gone to Dr. Ai drew C. Smith and others having filings down the river. The advice to farmers t- f.U -v water is good advice. They should not stop because the water seems t.i be appropriated already. Filing on water is but one step towards its ap propriation. The water must be put to beneficial use or it cannot be heli. I'ntil the water has been put to ben fnl.il use it is not gone and mean while settlers should file upon it and thereby gt options that will become effective should older filings be released. CONSISTENCY! The Tilot Rock Record spits and s.-'ails at the Kast Oregonian and at the Pendleton Commercial club be cause of the local attitude In regard to the West Extension. At the same t'me the Record comes into line and tells farmers on Birch and McKay creek to take our advice and file up on water which advice by the way was about the only counsel worth any thing that was given those farmers during the recent controversy. The question now arises, why it is. if this paper is so faulty, that the Pilot Rock Record comes trailing in our wake We did not have a White Christ mas but the weatherman may do bet ter by Pendleton on New Tears. Old 1911 was an odd year anyway La Follette is making brisk head vny with his campaign for his speech es have a fiery ring that will please the country. The Taft steam roller will have to put on full speed or it may get lost In the rear. A HO IT SINGLE TAX. Portland, Dec. 30 Editor East Oregonian: Assessor C. P. Strain of Umatilla county writes to the Oregonian against single tax, and says the aim of well informed single taxers is to confis cate private property. He is mistak en. His confusion in regard to single tax is probably due to his believing what he reads in the Oregonian. Let me give him . an example of actual and proposed "confiscation" by some land owners. I am part owner of 2000 acres of land in Texas. Only one of us own ers has ever seen the land; not one of us lives nearer to the land than 800 miles; not one of us expects to I've in Texas or to use the land. We have never Improved the land in any way. It has been rented for graz ing purposes and the rent has paid the taxes and a fair interest on the "investment." We shall sell when we get our price. We shall get our price as soon as the community is comfortably sett'ed. The land was bought some 35 years ago at 23 cents an acre, or a total of $500. Its present market value is 9 an acre, or a total of $18,000. So in 35 years the increasing population and industry of Texas have added $8.75 an acre to the value of the land, or a total of $17,500. That is an av erage of $500 a year or 25 cents an acre, the residents of Texas have add ed to the value of that land by their general industry. But we. the own ers, have not turned a hand except to sign leases giving workers the right to use the land and pay us for its use. Each family that moves into that district adds a little to the value of our land. But we owners have added nothing to the land or to Texas. The people of that community hope for a branch railroad to be built into the district So do we owners of the 2000 acres. The railroad will bring the market nearer to the settlers, and nearness to market will bring the land to our price. As I say, the 2000 acres were bought for $500 and are now worth $18,000. which is an increase of $17. 500 over the original cost. Mr. Stra'n seems to believe that the $17,500 of increased value is the "private prop erty" of ns owners. I be'ieve it is public property of the people of Tex as, because they added that value to the land. We owners have not added a riekel to its value. The land itself is the private prop- You'll get the best meal in Pendleton at the QUELLE A clean kitchen Particular cooks Attentive Service. For Breakfast Ranch Eggs Buttermilk Hotcakea Good coffee Every day We Invite your patronage and aim to please you. Regular Meals 25c x Gus. La Fontaine i La Fontaine Block, Main Street. erty of the owners; but the Increased value that has been added to the land, that is be'ng added every day by the industry of the people of Texas and by every family that moves into the community, does not belong to us owners becau-e it Is neither directly nor Indirectly the product of our la bor. Xow, If Mr. Strain has a new meth od of arithmetic by wh'ch he can fig ure that the $17,500 increased value of that land belongs to us owners, merely because the land itself be longs to us. I shall be very glad to see the result of his figuring. S'ngle taxers don't propose to "con fiscate" that $17,500. They propose to put a stop to our confiscation of any further increased values created by population and industry. Every year we are confiscating part of the product of the men who use 2000 acres of Texas land on which we have not spent a n'ckoi for improvements and we call that confiscation "rent." In addition to that annual confisca tion, when we sell the land we shall "confiscate" the value added to the 2000 acres by the people of Texas In the last 35 years. Oregon single taxers propose to en courage Industry and discourage spec ulators like the owners of the 2000 Texas acres by exempting a'l pro ducts of labor from taxation and rais ing needed revenue by putting a sin gle tax on community made land val ues as the $18,000 value of our 2000 acres. That it not a measure of con f'scation. It is a proposal to put a stop to confiscation. Perhaps Mr. Strain knows of 2000 acres of Vmatilla land that are be ing held as we are holding our Tex as acres. Possibly he knows of some vacant Pendleton lots, worth as much as our 2000 Texas acres, that are be 'ng he'd out of u-"e until increased population and Industry bring them up to the price demanded bv the owners W. G. EGGLESTOX. PasOme pictures please all. Blood Stumors orrmonly cause pimples, bolls, hives, i r.ep-a or salt rheum, or some other ,'orm of eruption; but sometimes they :ist in the system. Indicated by feel r.js of weakness, languor, loss of ap--.eiite, or tron.ral dobl'lty, without rjuing any breaking cut. They are expelled ani the whole sys-e-n Is renovated, strengthened and ;cned by Hood's Sarsaparilla G'-t it today In usual liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabs. "She is Waiting" IB 7 and ao are ihose she is waiting on. And mind you, a good high-ball la well worth waiting for. Good, pure, wholesome Rye Whiskey, like the brands we are now selling, will make one wait patiently, but enjoy the wait when the liquid arrives cool, comforting, and refresh ing. If you are a high-ball lover, better try a bottle of thU splendid Whiskey of ours. To will always want that brand afterwards. And the price will satisfy you, too. TheOlympia Bar Phone Main 188 and Pioneer Bottling Works Phone Main 177. PETERS A MOIUUSON, Props. DIFFERENT STTLES in plumbing appliances are aa much In evidence with us as In any other avenue of bus iness. SANITARY BATH ROOM APPURTENANCES are as requisite for health as a doctor la when you are sick. Our estimates on plumbing will prove satisfactory. PLUMBING HERE IS Al. QUICK ACTION COMPRES SION COCKS. This la the only plumbing shop In Umatilla county that keeps this latest and most up-ta-date device. It saves time and trouble and many plumb ing bills. Bed do w& Miller Pendleton's Only Exclusive Plumbers. Court and Garden Streets. Phone Black 8S68 Remedies are Needed Were wj perfect, which we are not, medicines would not often be needed. 'ut since our systems have be come weakened, impoi.cJ and broken down through indiscretions which have Cone on from the early ages, through countless generations, remedies art needed to aid Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise acquired weaknesses. To reach the seat of stomach weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, a tilycerio compound . extracted inal roots solj for over forty years with great satisfaction to all users. For Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Stomach after eating, Heartburn, Bud Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal Derangements, jthe "Discovery" is a time-proven and most efficient remedy. The genuine has on Its outside wrapper the Signature You can't afford to accent a leoret holio, medicine of known composition, nut even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigoroto stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to tuke as candy. THE OFFICE A. SCHNEITER. Prop. Family Liquor Store Ph one iYiam vy AAA TO PORTLAND TO CALIFORNIA Ask for Through Tickets Via Northern Pacific Ry. AND PASCO. And the "North Bank Road." Or via Northern Pacific Ry., Tacoma and Seattle. SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO Let us arrange To Spokane Seattle Tacoma as.1" I ( rll FOUR TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS Daily from Pacific Const to the Eaat. Two Through to Chicago. One Through to St. Louis THE NORTH COAST LIMITED Via Minneapolis and St Paul to Chicago. W. ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Ore. is always pleased to quote through rates and furnish full information. A. D. CILARLTOX Asst. Gcn'l Pas'r Agt, Portland, Ore. mm mmmm pf Famous the World jive r For Its RDlcndld hostelrlon. Its varied mm mkW? $55.00 3v ismmr A - TiT 1 i iaBK" from native medio nnatrum aa a rnitinf :'u'd for this non-aloo- t Holiday Hints To Lovers of Good Meats A choice "Central" ljonst. A "Central" gtcuk that's tender. A Scahdilpt oyster dinner. A "Central" linm for lunch. A "Central" fisli or jxmltry or der Insures satisfaction. Phono the Sanitary Market. Main S3. CENTRAL Meat Market PENDLETON, ORE 71 1 Main Street. your berth reservations. To All Points East, West OrS cuth THIS WINTER attractions, its fine benches, hot springs and ploasure resorts all these can be reached with ease by the Oregon-Washington Rai'road & Navigation Co. and SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY "Road of a Thousand Wonders." Portland to Los Angeles and Return With correspondingly low fares from all O.-W. R. ac N. points, good tlx months with stopovers going and re turning within limit. Handsomely Il lustrated literature will be supplied upon application to any of our agents, or address: WM. McMURRAY, Gen Pass. Agent., Portland, Ore. tl miiii-: 14. ,rvt -(hj. . - ' - ' iSk a - sl Hotel St. George Bar GEO. DARVEATJ, Proprietor Pendleton's Popular Gentle mens Resort, Anheuser-Busch's famous BUDV7EISER on draught, 5C glass Electrle Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Distributors of Echo. Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. First class Cafe and Grill in connection A La Carte. THE Aftermaih OF THE Season's Tokens will find accepted acknowledg ment If noted on Whitings Stationery of which we carry a nice line. Koeppen's The druq store that serves you best. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Boarding and Day School for Girls. t Primary, Intermediate, AV t ademio Special and Post I Graduate Courses. Depart ments of Music, Expression 1 1 and Art. J! PERSONAL ATTENTION 1 1 REFINING INFLUENCES TROROUGU WORK Nettie M. Galbraith Principal WALLA WALLA, WASH. minim Ihe Pendleton Drug Co. ts In business for V "Your Good Health" REMEMBER THIS WHEN YOU RAVE PRESCRIPTIONS, OR WANT PURE- MEDICINES BRING; IN "YOUR PONY VOTES In order to avoid confusion as to standing of contestants in our big Pony Contest, we would like to have all votes cast as soon as poswlblo. Standings of each boy and girl In the contest, are now dis played at our store. Tallman 2& Co.