'4th Annual Clearance Sale Provides More Unmatched Economies Men's Shoes Slaughtered $5.00 KEXCII MADE SHOES $3.93 Pa tout leather, button and laee, latest style toes. Hear atu-o priee $3.95 ?7.00 J. - M. SHOES $5.00 These Johnson & Murphy heneh made shoes have no equal for service, style and fit. Thev wino in patent leather, viei kid and calf skin. To make room for our enormous sprintr stoek we have marked these all down to $5.00 $3.50 GUN METAL CALF SHOES $2.95 Welt sole, swiiiir toes, hut ton. A ver stvle. flea ranee pr winnin? new S2.95 $3.00 PAT. LEATHER SHOES $1.95 These shoos come in patent leather and viei kid, welt soles, extra srood wearers. Clearance price - $1.9j CHEAT rri IX MEN'S HEAVY SHOES Our line comprises every thing from $2.50 to $5.00. $5.00 Values go at $3.95 $-4.00 Values po at $3.40 $3.50 Values Ko at $2.95 HOYS' VELOUH CALF SHOES Welt sole, a $3.00 value Clearance sale price $2.65 Same 11 1-2 to 2 $2.30 Same S 1-2 to 11 $2.19 Boy's Clothing We take particular pride in our Inns' department and see to it that nothinc hut jrood goods find their way into it. We are sole agents for the famous Hercules brand of lxvys' suits. They're the best on earth. All-wool, showerproof, taped seams, trousers "lined throughout. Our stock is in fine shape, many specially good bargains are here. $3.50 Hercules Suits, Clear ance price $2.69 $4.00 Hercules Suits, Clear ance price $3.19 $4.50 Hercules Suits, Clear ance price $3.61 $5.00 Hercules suits. Clear ance price - $3.9 $6.00 Hercules suits. Clear ance price $4.96 $7.00 Hercules suits. Clear ance price-. $5.34 $7.50 Hercules suits. Clear ance price $5.90 $8.50 Hercules suits. Clear ance price - $6.68 $9.75 Hercules suits. Clear ance price $7.83 The purpose of this.sale is to clean our stock of short lines and heavy goods and convert merchandise into cash quickly. To do this we have cut prices deeply. This sale has proved, by the enthusiastic crowds that have bought liberally since it started to be the. greatest bargain event of the season its an occasion distinguished by opportun ities for totally unprecedented and unequaled money sav ings on seasonable goods of quality. Our present stock must be reduced and the time to clear centers, shelves and tables is all too short. We must work quickly, cut prices ruthlessly and sell largely. This Clearance Sale will enable US to start the spring season with new goods and gives YOU price savings not ob tainable elsewhere. This Store will be closed all day Monday New Years Buy your Monday's Gro ceries this evening in our Pure Food Department. MEN'S SHIR TS Cut to the Quick We are not overstocked with shirts but we have arranged to give extra special prices just the same. Every shirt in our stock, including our famous Manhattans is reduced. MEN'S WOOL SHIRTS Boys' Waists Slaughtered Our Mother's Friend Hoys' Waists are supreme. They have absolutely no rivals. They're in a class bv themselves, work manship and materials are the Ix'st issible for the prices asked. $1.00 Roys Waists. Clear 50 Roys Waists, Clearance price - 4o? 75 Roys' Waists, Clearance 1 trice - 59 S5 Boys' Waists, Clearance price' - 60 OOe Roys' Waists, Clearance price - 67 ance price 69 $1.25 IW Waists, Clear ance price 90 $1.50 Roys' Waists, Clear ance price 99 Any Man's Suit or Overcoat Buy Now First Choice is Always Best, Tan U. S. Army shirts, all wool Oregon City flannel, military or regular collars, olive tan color, nil sizes, very, finely made, $2.50 qunlitv. Clearance price $1.9o Men's heavy wool shirts, assorted colors, all sizes, ex tra good values, regular $2 nnd $2.50 sellers, Clearance price - $1.59 Men's Pemberton flannel shirts, heavy weight, extra fine patterns, a most ser- vieealue slnrt, cotton ami wooi mixed, $1.50 grade, Clear ance price- $1.13 FRENCH FLANNEL SHIRTS. These are the nicest shirts of all for the man who likes a light weight wool shirt. They laundry nicelv, very fine assortment of colors; $250 and $3.00 values Clearance sale price $1.95 MEN'S COTTON SHIRTS. Onr work shirts have no equal, they are double stitched and gusscted, sleeves are faced, pearl buttons, ex tra duality materials, good full cut, an ideal shirt for the man who wants comfort and service. Regular 50 sellers, Clearance price 43 LIGHT WEIGHT SHIRTS In Soisette, Sateen, Madras, etc., a very fine assortment of colors, well made. Regular $1.50 grade, Clearancf price each $1.19 ALL MANHATTAN SHIRTS REDUCED These are the finest dress shirts on the market, extra full cut, colors guaranteed fast. $2.00 Quality, Clearance price .. $1.69 $3.00 Quality, Clearance price $2.16 $3.50 Quality, Clearance price $2.67 Children's Coats at Unheard of Reductions Our lino of sizes is somewhat broken but we can still fit al most any child. While they last they will go at the following juices: $2.50 Coats, Clearance price $1.79 $3.75 Coats, Clearance price $2.69 $4.25 Coats, Clearance price- $3.27 S4.9S ("oats, Clearance price $4.48 $6.00 Coats, Clearance price $4.76 $8".50 Coats, Clearance price $6.98 $12.00 Coats, Clearance price $9.59 $15.00 Coats, Clearance price $12.60 $17.00 Coats, Clearance price $14.29 O N L Y QUALITY GOODS ARE HERE THE KIND WE CAN GUARANTEE. The Peoples Warehouse Save Your Trading Stamps Where It Pays to Trade XIW, LATE STYLE GOODS AT CI.EAR . AXCE PRICKS. P. 0. IS WELL UNDER WAY (Special Cn T'-spondence. Herrniston. Ore., Dec. 30. The new postoff ce building is being built rapidly. The foundation nan been laid and the walls started, a large force of men are at work and it Is expected that inside of another month the building will be ready. K. of I. Third ItanU. The Knights of rym iu met Friday evening and conferred the third rank on Mr. Chtsholm.' Mr. Chisholm was the candidate wno Wag taken to Pen dleton at the time of the district convention and given the second at that time. The Installing of officers "ill take place the fir.t meeting next month. Texa Mini-tor Coming. Word has been received from Eu gene L. Martin of Texas that he will arrive at Hermi-ton in about ten days w:th several friends, looking for homesteads on the project. The sec retary of the Commercial club has been corresponding with these peo-Pb- for the last month. Mr. Martin is a Presbyterian minister. Dr. Stapish, of the Western Land and Irrigation company, arrived home from the east a few days ago. Mr. Tola A. tprague who is in Cleveland, Ohio, selling lands on this project, will arrive home shortly af ter the first of the year. TO CTKE A COLD IS OXE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qjinlne Tablets. Druggist refund money If It fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S igna ture la on each box. 2 Sc. IAS FITTINGLY E TIIKK LOADED WITH GUTS AND riUKiltAM BY SCHOOL Hick Home Scene of Happy Yule tide (iatlx-rltig School Greatly Improved by Installation of Xew Seats arid Ie-ks. EAST END GROCERY The place where they dresa the poultry for your table. Are cow agents for the Celebrated Seal-Shipt Oysters. You will also find them right there with a complete line of Groceriee and everytliinjj in season. Phone Main 536 John Dyer, Prop. (Special Correspondence.) Gurdane, Ore., Dec. 30 Christmas was observed here Saturday evening, December 23. A large number were present and two trees bore an ample supply of candies, oranges and pres ents. The following program was given by the school children with Miss I. Breneras teacher. Recitation, "What We Can Do to Help," Hazel Ely; song. "Bells of Xmus." Kchool; recitation, "That's Ju-t Me" Chas. Ely, Jr.; recitation, "Xmas at the Poorhousc," Flelta Hall; song. "Hail the Day," two girls; recitation, "Breaking Up a School." Wilford Cor'ey; recitation, "Santa's Reindeer." Elmer Corley; recitation, "There Isn't Any Santa Claus." Clyde Kearth; song. "The Shepherds." five girls; recitation, "The Young San tas " Artie Corley: recitation. "St. Nick's Troubles," May Ely; recitation, "Writing a letter to Fanta." Elmer I Corley; duct, "I'ndor the Stars," Kf- fie Hick. Artie Corley; recitation, "A Ghost." Effie Hicks; dialogue, "San ta's Helpers," four girls, two boys; song, "O Peal Your Merry Chimes." Daniel Hicks has been chosen as one of the grand Jurors of the coun ty court at Pendleton. He leaves next week to attend. Among those v.-ho attended the Christmas tree and exercises Satur day evening were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Fr.tnk Jones and Miss Mossle Metty, from Butter creek. Mr. George Tonquin, district super visor, visited the school here Wed nesday, December 20. James Thrasher and wife of But ter creek visited Mrs. William Cor ley la.'t week. Messrs. Vern and Dee Cates have returned from a trip to Echo and vi cinity. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDevitt and Mr. and Mrs. Dlllard French spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Clere Walton. Mrs. Chas. Ely Is in poor health Mr. D. P. Hicks spent last week in Pilot Rock and Pendleton on busi ness. The new single, adjustable combi nation seats, which were ordered by the school board, have arrived and are being placed In the school room. They are a great Improvement over the old ones. Mr. Frank Hartshorn made a trip to Piiot Rock Inst week for merchan dise for Chas. Ely. The many friend here of Mrs. James Hall regret to learn that she Is planning to syend the rest of the nnd relatives in Walla Walla Wednes. winter In Pendleton. Her daughter, day. Flelta will accompany her. Mr. and Mrs. James Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCalllster nre arniiy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. at the Marconi farm nils- week and will remain until Mr. McCalllster re turns to his work near Heppner. mm NOIES FROM ADAMS AND VICINITY (Special Correspondence.) Adams, Ore., Dec. 29. Mrs. Anna Baker, of Portland, Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coffy. ; Miss Mllhorn of Pendleton, Is vis iting her uncle and aunt Postmaster and Mrs. O. O. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. T. Christopher at tended 'the funeral of Mr. Arp Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lleuallen were Pendleton visitors Wednesday. Mrs. J. Winn went to Pendleton Wednesday to do some shopping. Mr. and Mrs. L. I Rogers were Pendleton visitors Wednesday. Mr. Carfman of Milton wns a bus. Iness visitor in Adams Thursday. Mr. Shulti of Portland whs a bus. Iness visitor In Adams Thursday. L. L. Rogers returned to his1 home In Adams after visiting for tho past few days In Walla Walla. T. C Rold was n Pendleton visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Edith KlrViy visited s friends Cusp.r Woodward Wednesday. Mr. Stone of Heppner was the guest of Mr. S. Holilman Frldav. Cleanses the System effectually; Dispels colds and Headaches; due to constipation. Best for men, women and children : young and old To get its Beneficial effects, always note the name of the Company. California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package of the Genuine