TWELVE PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PEWDLETOJC, OKEGON, WEDNFXDAY, DECEMBEK 27, 1911. PAGE TIlKEX. ality os urn At lower prices than you are compelled to pay for inferior makes Alfred Benjamin, Society Brand and Chesterfield Suits -and Overcoats The Clothes with the style. The Clothes with the wear. Special Prices for This Week $22.50 Suits and Overcoats for . . $16.90 CLOTI-ICS Sl5L WmW k.j ukj Mm $25.00 Suits and Overcoats for . . SI 8.75 $27.50 Suits and Overcoats for . . $20.70 $30.00 Suits and Overcoats for . . $22.50 $15 00 Suits and Overcoats for . . $1 1.25 $ I 7.50 Suits and Overcoats for . . $13.15 $18 50 Suits and Overcoats for . . $13.90 $20.00 Suits and Overcoats f or . . $ 1 5.00 . . , $35.00 Suits and Overcoats for . . $26.25 We Assure You Satisfaction or Your Money Cheerfully Refunded BON BROTHERS Pendleton's Leading Clothiers SUPREME COURT DECIDES WATER CASE i si: of v.vri:ii fndf.k A NEW I'lUVClPI.! One Appro.'trintor 'un I'so All WaMT ! and I.oavM N"nn for Tho4 WIkh-h Cla im I lii nk Second or fnwr Op Mrlunity Is First Kswntial. AT IHE PICTURE SHOWS OrphPiim. Special Kaloin featuro in three reels for Tuesday's change. "Arrah-No-Pogue," (Kalem). An Irish drama in three reels. Every arena made in the Heautlful Emerald Isle. A verltablu transcript from hu man life, related in 4 7 absorbing Rccncs, embellished with primitive scenic splendors and Interpreted by a galaxy of artists of surpassing merit. "Mr. Pock does Calling," (Bio graph.) Jt is Sirs, peck's birthday and Peck hns bought, her a ring. They make a neighborly call and poor I'eck is placed In a very embarrassing position. He falls to sleep and Is la ter taken for a burglar. Ho escapes, but leaves his coat behind, which Is found later by Mrs. I'eck. It takes a lot of explaining. "The Hoautlful Voice," (Blograph). An eccentric Frenchman, passing al ong the avenue, hears the sound of a beautiful voice and falls in lovo with I he unseen singer. When ho presents himself he finds It is a phonograph. less he calH a battleship to his aid, and Rosamond is saved. "Lucky Hob." Bison. Bob got the job of Farrel who was discharged and a'so won Nell, the Superintendent's daughter. Incurring the enmity of Jack, the foreman. Jack bribed Far rel to tamper with the hoisting ma chinery, cau-lng a serious accident and bob was blamed. Nell clears him and the plotters were pursued nnd lassoed in a sensational manner. "The Laft Friend." Ambrosia. Heautlful story of a child's love for her little pet. "Molly of the Hegimcnt." Ambro sia. Ftirrlntr story of war time "Was n Worth Whl'e." Nestor. It's a worth wh'le picture of great dramatic strength. 1IFAVETTS AGAIN DltAW. At the Grand. "The New Judge" Is breaking nil house records a a laugh producer and large houses. "The flood hlp, Nancy I-ee," Thursday's change, the management lias something up its sleeve as a sur prise for thi rn'rons of the Grand. This Is one of the lloger Bros.' feature comedies nnd had a long New York The Hewett company at the Ore gon theater last night was we!l re ceived by another good house. The dramatic work done by Mr. and Mrs. Hewett, who were once associated with the Orpheum circuit, proved them to be artisU in their line. To night magic and illusions will fill the bill with Daniel Boon as a leading feature film. : I CDADTC I i KAISER IS A GOOD llFNTEK. Kalscrin Frequently Accompanies Illm on His Shooting I'xiMxlitlons. Berlin. Kaiser Wilhelm has been indulging his well-known passion for hunting with more than usual vigor this year and the cold which for a few days postponed his intended trip to South Germany was the pontlty of exposure on the hunting grounds about Doberitz. Since early fall most of his leisure has been spent in following the Fight For Championship. Salt Lake City, Dec. 27. When Jim Flynn and Tony Caponi enter the ring here tonight for a ten-round bout each man will have an eye on cham pionship honors. "Anxious as I am to meet Jack Johnson," said Flynn today, "I cannot afford to take chanc es. I will go In to win from the start." Caponi, who aspires to the middle weight leadership, declared: "This is my chance to show the fans what 1 can do against a heavier man. I am sure I will be able to go through ten rounds and take Flynn's measure." Salem, Or., Dec. 27. A decision of general Interest In Oregon at this time owing to the issue over the u e of the. i water of the Umatilla river 'n the ex tension of the Umatilla project, and also because of the fact that the de cision Illustrates a decided evolution in the court's way of interpreting wa ter right laws, was handed down by the supreme court In an opinion writ i ten by Justice Burnett in the ca-e of i Cavinesa vs. the La Grande Irriga j tion company et al. I The plaint ff settled on the Grand, . Ronde river in 1862 and about three years afterward appropriated water from the stream for use on his land. ! More or less use was al o made of the ! water by neighbors on the river above h'm He alone maintained his origi-, ; nal holding of land and water to the I present. The lands higher up the rlv-, er passed into other hands and the successors of the original holders formed various corporations to appro- j priate water mainly for Irrigation. ! Claiming that these corporations and: some few Indlvidua's above him were: tak'ng so much water that his rights1 were invaded, the plaintiff brought; suit to quiet his title to the u-e of the i water in the amount he claimed and : to enjoin the defendants from inter- fering with it. The defendant corpjor-! atlon endeavored to prove that thej other orig'nal settlers made appro- j prlations of water before the plain tiff and to trace their t'tles back to I them. Two Kinds of l Impossible. In the opinion by Justice Burnett, the court mod'fied the decision of the c'rcult court and enunciated the fol lowing principles: An allegation that a corporation Is a mere ho'ding concern, organized for the auxilliary purpose of managing the water privileges belong'ng to cer tain persons, is not proven by articles of incorporation showing that the company is doing business as a water uer. In the absence of anything showing that such a corporation ac ouired appropriat'ons of water made by prior holders, it cannot defend an appropr'ation made earlier than its organization. Although one whose land borders upon a non-navigable stream may claim the use of water either as a riparian owner or as an propriator, he cannot cla'm in both capacities at once, a reason for this being that a ripar'n used of wter is always a tenant in common, in a cer tain sense, with every other riparian user on the stream, while an appro priator is a tenant In severalty, In dependent of other water users, and one cannot at the same time hold title to the same th'ng both In common and In severalty. At least for the purposes of irriga tion, the right of one claiming the use use of water as a riparian owner is Tmited at all times by the condition that U must be so exercised rs not ma terially to injure the rights of other riparian owners in the proportional use of the water of the same stream for the irrigation of the'r riparian land. One Mnu May Take All. On the other hand, an appropriat or, subject to rights in existence at the time his appropriation is made, may take all the water he can use resionably nd without wste for a bene f'cial project, although none may be left for those who come afterwards. One who demands tne use of a fix ed quantity of water under all cir cumstances is construed to claim as Tlio Past line. Interesting program for holiday week. Tuesday's change follows: . "Suffer I-'Ulo Children." Vita Kraph. Those who see nothing beau tiful in a child must have something wrong insldo them. Here 1 a Mory of an old fellow who preaches love and practices hardhness to h's chil dren until he Is awakened t oa real ization that God la love and children are of H's kingdom. He opens his heart and takes his own unto him felf. "WRo Owns the Baby." Lubln. The baby alone is enough to make any audience just love this picture. Add to th 8 tho well knit plot, the high class histrionic art, the happy ending and It is surely a winner. "Tho Now Super'ntcndent." Sellg. A benutiful and picturesque romance of old Mexico, This is a strong Ptory founded on the California oil well f res. The only picture of this nature ever secured. Very exciting. "Peggy, tho Moonshiner's Daugh ter." Kalem. An Idyl of the hills. A story of lovo and loyalty, featuring Al'ce Joyce as Peggy. nnd Chicago run. The scene is on t() report, he has again shown himself board the sh p Nancy J,ee, oound lor ., n,Pj,t nt both forms of sport. Up the North Pole. This Is a scenic rro- Pn n9 visit to his shooting-box, duetlon and nil special scenery has Hubertusstock. he achieved n record been arranged for same. The dates Hi- thirty-one stags, bringing down sev for tho military drama given for the or.,i 0r them with long and difficult Matnhan camp of veterans of tho shots. Spanish American war will be Janu- This year the Kalscrin has nccom nry 15, IB and 17th, Instead of dates panted him on many of his hunting g'ven in Tuesday night's issue. Friday expeditions and at the Doberitz hunt n'ght la amnteur night at the Grand. n large number of women, among Don't miss It. I them his daughter. Princess Victoria Johnson Would Meet McVey. Chicago. Ill, D. C. 27. Believing thiit some of the near offers for a fight mean real business, Champion Jack Johnson today began light train ing in order to be ready to start hard hounds or in shooting, and, according I work if he should be made a bona GARCON! A FII.ET KFIXDEEH. Louise, Joined in the chase. The Cosy, Wednesday and Thursday an extra' ord'nary feature comedy, totally un like anything you ever saw or Imag ined before, full of wonderful UIu slons and surprises. Absolutely the best comedies ever made. "Desperate Desmond Foiled by Claudo Eclair." Nestor. These won dorful comedy pictures are taken from the series of funny pictures that have beon running .'or some time In the dnl'y papers. Wh'le Rosamond and Claude are boating on the lake they are scon by Desperate Do'mond. P,y tho aid of some wild nien on moving 'sland the lovers are captur ed; after being saved from a pot of bo'Tnar tnr, Claudo Is put in a big safe and thrown ovorboord but lands on the back of a big turtle, who kindly puts him ashore. By means of wire- MAYOlfS WIFF, SF.U;S GOOIMI'.S AT CUT It ATE fide offer for a bout. He stated that he is willing to meet Sam McVey. be fore Hugh Mcintosh's club in Austral ia for 130 000, pr.nvnod Mcintosh will deposit the money in a bunk. Murphy Wins Decision. New York, Dec. 27. "Harlem" Tommy Murphy, who recently lost the decision in a 20-round match with Packey McFarland, won the poular decision by a narrow margin from Joe Bedell, a Brooklyn lightweight, in a ten-round bout in Brooklyn last night. '. S. Official Says We Soon Will He Knt'nir Meat of Alaska. Washington Reindeer meat from Indianapolis, Ind. Mrs. Lewis Alaska soon may ho a fond common Shank actively reinforced her husband to the Amer'can table. ;the mayor of Indianapolis, in hns cam- Thls opinion was expressed by Wll- paign against the high cost of Chrlst- llnm F Lopp. in chnrge of the gov- mas feasting. ernment's reindeer service, who has j she stood In the public market sell Just returned from a tour of Inspee- lug dressed turkeys and chickens, tlon through Alaska in behalf of the walnuts and mlnco meat, purchased by United States bureau of education. the mayor directly from the producers A commercial sh'pment of rein- and offered to the consumers nt pri ces under those asked by the regular dealers. Mrs. Shank's smile of acknowledg ment of fellclatlons stimulated busi ness at the mayor's stand and the stock moved rapidly. Outside the market building the fnayor in person superintended the sale of live turkeys and chickens. He offered In all a thousand fowls, a ton o' walnuts and several hundred gal lons of mince meat at cut prices. Day and night school nt the Pen dleton Business College will open Jan uary 2nd. Special inducements to all pupils enrolling during opening week. SHOW HEN NIPS DIAMOND. E OREGONTHUTR The Sreai Go liwiSfl rnpany Magic Illusions Dramatic Sketches Huskrated Songs Moving Pictures Change of pro gram every night Performance at, 8 p. m, 10 and 20C an appropriator and not as a ripar ian owner, lthough his land abuts up on the stream. Opportunity to take in the first es sential to an appropriation so that any one may appropriate water from a non-navigable stream or he can lawfully gain access to the stream for that purpose, and water is there not subject to the use of nother. Swellings of the f'esn caused by In flammation, cold, fractures of the hone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu matism can be relieved by applying HALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It should be well rubbed in over the part affected. Its great healing aid pen eratlng power eases the pain, redu; ditiens. Price 25c, 50c and SI per cs swelling and restores natural con bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Brks. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Bears the Signature TALLMAN & CO. Guarantees Hyomei If you really mean that you want to dr:ve every bit of catarrh from your no-c and throat why- not try a sensible remedy that is guaranteed to banish catarrh, or money back. If you already own a little hard rubber HYOMEI (pronounce It High-o-me) for on.y 50 cents. If you do not own an inhaler ask for complete HYOMEI outfit which contains no in haler, this will cost you $1.00. Then breathe HYOMEI and 'get rid of catarrh, rel'ef comes In f've min utes, a day's treatment will make you happy, a week's treatment and snuf-fje-s mucous and hawklngg go, an other week and goodbye to catarrh. Try it today on money back plan. Sold by Tallman & Co. and druggists everywhere. UKF, OF ANY CHHONIO IHSKASKTHF, GKKATl'ST hVCCFSSFVIv C WITHOUT HUG JvMFE. Pee our patients testimony. Dec. 1st, 1911. I am glad to tell the public what the Chinese Doctor did for me. I was nearly dead suffering from abcess in the stomach and three Am erican doctors told me there wis no hope for mo except an operation which I felt would kill me. So we called Pr. Leo Ching Wo and tried his medicine and in two weeks I was out of danger. Took his wonderful medicine four weeks more and am nearly well. I can cheerfully recommend hi remedy to any one who is in need of a doctor, for he certainly saved my life. Mrs. Ida Herring, 215 West Alder St., Walla Walla, Washington. We receive testimonials from our patients daily who have been cured. It you want to be cured, come and see us or if unable to come, write and enclose a two cent stamp for symptom blank. Write without delay. Address: LF.O CUING WO, CHINESE MEDICINE CO., H E. Main St.. Walla W alla, Washington. deer meat tho first made Into this eountr, hns Just been received at Se attle," Lopp said. "In twenty-five years, with the per centage of Increase,' there should be 3.000.000 reindeer In Alaska, on which the peop'e of this country can depend for much of their flesh diet." A Terrible Blunder to neglect liver trouble. Never do !t. Take Dr. King's New Life Pills on the first sign of constipation, biliousness or Inactive bowels and prevent vir ulent indigestion, Jaundice or gall tones. They regulate liver, stomach nnd bowels and hu'ld up your heal:h. Only 26c at Koeppens. To Portland or California, take Northern Pacific, via Pasco, and S. P. & 8. Ry. Lenve 1:30 p. m., ar rive Portland 8:10 a m. W. Ad orns, agent at passenger station, for through tickets and all arrangements. Plan to Mine a Meteor. Prescott, Ariz. A story has reached ed Prescott of he fall'ng of an enor mous meteor near Supal station close to the line of tho Pnnta Fe ra'lrond. An evidence of the heavenly visitor Is a hole twenty-five feet In diameter and about forty feet deep, filled with vapor and Intnsely hot. It l sn'd that a mineral location has a'ready been fled by some bust ness people, who propose to unearth the meeor'te for sale to some scien tlfic institution. Cureless Fancier Refuses to Kill Chicken, Saying Ho Has More (Jems. Allentown, Pa. While petting a pretty white Leghorn hen during the closing hours of the poultry show, A. B. Fowler, said to be a rich poultry fancier from central New York state, lost a diamond stud. In the display of the Blink Bonnie farm was an attractive little white chicken that everybody made a pet of During the week she had been taken out of her cage many times and al lowed to sit on the shoulders of wo men, when she would peck at their earrings or the buttons on their coats. Fowler put the hen on his shoulder, when she began to peck at his dia mond. The stone was not very well fastened and the little hen swallowed it. A bystander suggested killing the chicken, but Fowler vetoed the sug gestion, saying it was his own faul", and that he had a lot more diamonds anyway. PTT.ES CFTCED 1 o TO 14 DAYS. Your druggist will refund monev If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure any case of Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile In to 14 days. ?0o. Lumber and Building 11 a A Large and Complete Stock Al 1 la IV rial ways on Hand and PRICED RIGHT The Best Mill Work to be Obtained in the Northwest Let Us Figure With You on Your Next Order Pendleton Planing Mil! and Lum- hor Yard A. BORIE LUMBER CO., Proprietors UCI I dill PHONE MAIN 7