East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 19, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    ! .......
I 1
I urinous
( Ylery
Chow Chow
wect Uelish
Mince Meat
Santa Claus Gets His
Groceries Here
because- our lines are all fresh in readiness for our greatest
holiday trade.
Standard Grocery Co., Inc.
rilONE MAIN 96.
IUmiUm for the Chlldnn.
The State Library Commission hnp
ent us a selected list of books suit-
! able for the child's library. The list
; Is In pamphlet form and Is for free
distribution umong our people.
I At this time of the year many !
mothers are considering the question
;of what books to buy for the children
and this list offers some splendid sug
gestions. The books listed are gen
erally for children below high school
but a few titles have been included
for the children who read beyond
their years.
I Hook dealers throuhout the state are
co-operating with the Commission In
the effort to encourage the ownership
of the best books by carrying them in
stock, so any of the books on this list
are obtainable at any local book
If you have not already made your
selection of Christmas books you might
oe interested In coming to the li
brary and looking over a new install
ment of beautifully bound and lllus
in. it-a uooks jusi received, ror our
children's department, the hooka will
loiru " " . iiuiii.- not do reaay lor circulation for n
ers and the number of clama that in- ; few days but we shall be very glad
habitated the lake was greatly re-; to show them to any one interested
duccd. So extensive did the search They will be on exhibit until the lat
become that the state game, fish and , ter part of the week. The following
oyster department announced juris- 1 are some of the most attractive of the
diction over the "pearl industry" and books:
pearl hunting was stopped. Arabian Nights; Illustrated by Max-
i ue peuri iiumers queuuii me uu- ueid 1'arrisn.
JSR THAT VMATll.LA INDIANS I thorty of the state game warden over
ERECT LARGE NEW TEPEE the search and a test case is to be
. ! made, which if decided against theJ
CliArllr Van Polt, Cliarjrlng Chiefs state, will let down the bars for the
I'mapine and No Shirt With Selfish- opening of a new Industry in Texas.
in?!y Hoarding Their Money, Asks
for Aid in Making iioni.-uru
Newsy Notes
of Pendleton
Asking that his people on the lo
cal rosemtion prepare a long te
pee so th .t he and his fellow dele
gates may tel them of the great
brotherhood of redmen which has ju-t
been organized at Washington. P. C,
i'hief Sh rt of the Lmauuas nisi 1
night sont a night letter to Major , Wafiles Are in Posen.
Xe Moorhouse. The convention clos-j Local friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
.Ki, week and the six Indians who Waffle have just heard from them
The Christmas Angel.
The Children's Book of Christmas.
Lady Hollyhock and Her Friends.
Rolf in the Woods.
When Mother Lets us Give a Party
The Dutch Twins.
Beatrice Leigh at College.
Boy Pioneers: Sons of Daniel Boone.
The Three Margarets.
Wells Brothers, the Young Cattle
The Rose and the Ring.
and no sooner will the outgoing par
cels be cared for until the wave of
t enaieton-bound presents will strike
the office. So the next week or 10
days will be a busy period at Uncle
. , . . V. ' . , ... I Com V, 1 .
represented the tnree inoes on mc ai rusen, oermany, wnere iney are i "taunuancrs.
Umatilla reservation will return to now staying. They expect to be there
Itoir homes immediately. j during 'Christmas.
Following is the chieftain's letter) .
In full; I-.usene Evangelists at Helix
Evangelists Childers and Fagan
Muwonlo Hluo Lodge Elects.
At a regular meeting last night,
the Pendleton lodge A. F. & A. M.,
wnicn is tne Dlue lodge of the Ma
Rr.itiiorlmnd completely organlz
d, rr-?at work done, will pass reso- from Eugene began a revival. at Helix Bns, elected officers for the ensuing
Nation today against whiskey. Will . in the Church of Christ Sunday, De- j Vear as follows: Cliff J. Ballinger.
meet commissioner tomorrow, nave cemDer ll. xnere were seven adai-:""l" masier; isaac Jay, senior
met president. Tell our people to tions the first day and a very general warden!. William A. Storie, junior
prepare a long tepee so we can ex-' interest is manifested in the meeting. I warden; Will Moore, treasurer; Joe
plain when we come home. Give tele- , .
ram to my people and tell my wife. Xow Light in West End.
Another tt-leeram soon." I Residents of the west end of the
a. I'arkea, secretary: J. H. Young,
tyler. and John R. Dickson, trustee
The new officers, will be installed on
Major Moorhouse also received a c'ty are rejoicing in the installation ' December 27.
eUJeeram from Charlie an fell, one Gf a new electric light on the corner i
of the other delegates, and his mes-' near the Vey residence. The street Second Snow of Season.
;sage inuiecites tnai uie iwiuib ui is tAwrt-uuigiy uuik ueiure ana l"e
"brotherhood is of secondary import- light was much needed.
ance to h s own particular needs. He
declares Chiefs Umapine and No Barney Mullin Is Hack.
Sh!r: refuse to give him any funds Barney Mullin, the w?U known
and wants Gilbert M'.nthorn to tele- welterweight pugilist whose exit
jnMph him money at once in order from Pendleton several months ago
Jthat his expnes on the return trip was more hurried than dignified ow-
-can bv met.
Pendleton was treated to Its sec
ond fall -of snow this morning. The
feathery flakes began their descent
shortly before S o'clock and continued
for a couple of hours until the city
was whitened. A drizzling rain,
however followed and the white
mantle began to vanish. Both snow
At The Grand.
t i.,rTo audiences saw the Austin
Musical Comedv present "Tonsorial Billy Sheor P.ecovoring.
James" sr l enjoved themselves as the NSht Officer "R'lly" Sheer, who
1,111 i a ;aay laugh provoker. Bob has been off duty and confined to his
Miller in bla-k face comedy, kept the bed for several days on account of
.ii.,r, in one continual laugh. Les- an attack of rheumatism, is
ing to his connection with a boxing and rain were welcomed by the far-
uuui aueeu iu nave oeen a gamoung mers,
deal, is back in the city.
lie Bates as the Bum Legit was ex- recovering from the attack and was
?ptJrnally good. Dick Austin in tne uie io wai uown lown yes-ieraay.
part .,f Chas Froman, the manager. His place on the night police force is
played the part well. Bessie Bates being taken by 'William Gardner.
s Adelina Patti was seen in her best . - - ; -
character while little Miss Vail as Hanrh.-r Dies at Hospital.
Ullian Russell did well. Five latest Louis Eley, a farmer of the Cold
won- h'ts of the day were well ren- Springs country, died last night at
lered and backed up by the chorus St. Anthony's hospital of a compli-
f "DaiKin Daisies" drew many en- tation of diseases of which he had
fores The motion pictures were been suffering for some time. Ha
onie ft the best ever shown at the had been in the hospital for treatment
Grand The management have In- several weeks. His body is being
stalled a five piece orchestra and nel,l at the Folsom undertaking par-
Jtereafter first-class music will be lcra Pending funeral arrangements,
rendered. Complete change of pro ' :
srram Thursday night. The Co. pre-, 1 '"" -Ourc,
tents "A Mixed Affair," another bl
Now What Do You Think of Us?
Pendleton is now in the metropoli
tan cla.-s for the city now has a real
genuine up-to-date taxi-cab service. !
JoseDh X. Bohl who cnndnnterl Ihn 1
slowly aut0 cab service here last summer, has '
. I For the first tlmA In four rlnva
I there was "something doing" In police
just secured a Ford taxi which he j
has placed in operation and which i
will have its stand at the Hotel St. I
George. It is a new car, Just from i
the factory, and consequently local
people who wish first class service !
will be able to secure it. Unlike the
taxi men in the cities, Bohl is charg
ing only 25 cenU.to take a patron to
any part of the city.
Mrs. L. J. Mclntyre of
court this morning. Sam AVhitman. a ! registered at the Pendleton
drunk, was given three days in jail
War Vcti-rniK tn Meet
A cill is out for a meeting of Mai- rnd B- Piirr was elven a five day sen
V,n Camp. No. G. United Spanish l a ""an
"5far V' tf-rar.s, at tlvj Armory on De-
emb'r 21.
and disorderly
ha ve
Stlo.O(K) Tninnrtioii.
'Iff-J filer today, Sarah J.
i t,n.l h us!. and, James J. Cumm.
s '11 t-i 1. it F''.s a twenty acre
tract la-sr Milton for J10.000.
Court Docket Is Cnllcd.
Preparatory to the January term of
the circuit court which commences on
the tighth day of the new year, Judge
r'. W. Phelps assembled the Umatil
la county bar this forenoon and call-
Antone Nolte, the Pasco liquor man,
came in on the X. P. this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Morrison came
in this morning on the X. P. local.
Mr3. Robert Albee of Helix, was
an incoming passenger on the X. P.
this morning.
Mrs. George Grey, formerly Miss
Gertrude Brusha, arrived today for
a visit with her relatives in this place.
Dr. Harry P nker.on, chief of the
Tuli'ti t, Alum.
El ll.ils'.-n tlio Fin ander
as yfstr-rlay pronounced Insane,
w;;s t::'-: -n to the asylum today by
Guard t.'anuron.
cl t!i.; docket. A number of cases!
j were dismissed and a number of oth- local office of the bureau of animal
... ers declared rrady for trial. As a re- i industry, arrived on train No. 17 to-
sult thH calendar for the first week
of court will soon be made out.
Tc.h-Ikt,- Illumination Tomorrow.
The regular winter examinations
tor teachers will commence at the
o!irt ;:
ind ar i'
many t ,
oio-y, ;
iiii'irr e.v morning and
that theie will be
r f !" t in- occasion. Ex-
rlt!:itr. h - tory, phy!-
'!yi(.''l uejraphy, reading,
in i-a:!:n and methods in
ii; will be. given tomorrow.
Hoover Team Beats Molitor'g.
Hoover's team last night administer
ed a defeat to the Molitor five in the
bowling tournament by the score of
William Mills, the Juniper farmer,
was among the people coming In on
the Northern Pacific train this morn
ing. Peter Crockett, who Is a sophomore
at the University, of Oregon, is spend-
t the contest was the proof which .i.,.,.
j n
both leaders gave of their eligibility .
t; their position, Molitor making high,
score of E30 with Hoover but 6 pins
behind him. It Is now practically cer-i
, tcin that Pendleton will be represent-'
f d at the Los Angeles tournament and
, this fact has added great zest to the!
tournament contests.
Ait Do- Not Sae Him:
Gets Three years.
Salt Like City. The fact that he.
had swallowed the only prima fade
vldence ;i;ainHt him fill not
Walter V
ing to j
t omif Imau Sluiron Buck.
Councilman J L. Sharon, who has
been in a Port'flnrl hocnllnl fo eau-
save ''ra' v.er-ks for the treatment of one
fauori. charged with attempt-1 his eyes, returned , to Pendleton'
is i a 12 bill, which had been at'irday. While in the hospital he!
raised to ld. from prison. Federal , underwent two operations, one for the
Judge Marshall sentenced him to three! r"r",v;U of two cysts from h's eyelid
and a half years at Leavenworth. I :,r"l one for the removal of n cataract
Watson attempted to puss the bill on
a local merchant He was seized by
the merchant, but succeeded In swal
lowing the bill.
;ami: warden controls
pearls in texas lake
Houston. Texas. Pearls of great
purity and of goo.l market value have
liwen found in clams which abound In
Caddo lake in Marlon county, TexaB.
The f.tids were map by a ramping
p:,r y i njoy rT a clambake, one of
il'e :) fin yle'ding a pearl appraised
1y I,. ,1 J .wclcrs to be worth over
Announcement of the f nd preclpi
from hi i eye. Bo'h were suacessful
and as n rc-u1t Mr. Sharon's sight Is
much Improved. Another cataract B
forming on his other eye. however,
and within two years ho will be com
pelled to undergo another operation.
Po-tal Jlti'li Is On.
That yuletldo is drawing near has
become known to PostmnHter J. T.
Brown and his force at the local post
off're. For days past the postal peo
ple have been kept busy handling
packages th-U r pfar while Mr
Frown find his as I'-t-nt. Harry Reen.
devote 'Vio r t in i to rr- r nr.U-
ages nn letters. r.n h day that pass
ei increases Cm volume of business
Pony, Oart
To b s. given away
Call and learn
Tallman Co.
First National lank
Capital, Surp'us and Undi
vided Profits, $500,000.00
Resources $2,000,000.00
Cash Sales Make Our
Prices Lower
When you send away for groceries you may sometimes receive
a little lower price quotation, but your order calls for CASH.
We sell for cash and meet all outside prices besides SAVE
When you want to talk cash, come and talk to us; it's un
necessary to write letters for we wiil even save you postage.
All the good things for the Holidays are now here.
Phone Main 174
612 Main Street
I present you
a list of fine
ideas of ser
viceable re
membrances that speak
love, affection
and regard.
Take 'Em Home
The. place where they dress the poultry for your table. Are
now agenis for the Celebrated Seal-Shipt Oysters. You will
also find tliem right there with a complete line of Groceries
and everything in season.
Phone Main 536 John Dyer, Prop.
Psnnmnfly SMwif
Meaning: Art wraught into silver vessels and
wares for the dining room of a household.
Children brought up in a household where
associations with works of art brings familiar
ity, always bear the marks of taste cultivated
Where elegance is in tune with reason
where the useful is beautiful they are early
endowed with a poiso and a culture that no
finishing school or college course can impart,
and later, in the possession of worthy heirlooms,
they have upon their tables, property which is
not only an index of the culture and position
of their parents (its self reflected upon them)
but which is also a sure provision against the
accidents of fortune. .
Ordinary knives, forks and spoons do not
mean Family Silver, neither do they become
treasured heirlooms.
lleautifnl silver designed to improve the din
ing service and to make the dining service im
pressive to the guest and to the family becomes
old and cherished and imbued by Rentiment
thru' association and becomes an heirloom and
treasured into posterity.
We have studied the arts and usages of sil
ver. Wo have drawn into our store the products
of America's prominent silversmiths.
What is nicer? What is a better investment
for Your home, than silver as a Xmas offering
to the lady of the household?
Each member of your family -and the guests
of your home share in the delight and pleasure
of its lasting use.
The style and beauty of our silver acquired
by the careful selection of it has made it dis
tinctive from other silver and has often been
refered to as Sawtelle Silver.
Tx't Sawtelle Silver be your Family Silver.
1$ We urge upon you the importance of
doing your shopping early.
And the Price .nd Quality Will MaJce
You Smile Too.
Suit Cases
Collar Bogs
Hdkf. Bags
Shoe Bags
Toilst Sets
In cases
Glove Boxes
Scarf Pins
Cull Buttons
Shark Studs
Pajamas '
Neg. Shirts
Knit Coats
Win'er Clothing
Straw Hats
All while con
tained in the