EIGHT PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, llll. PAGE MTOV MARKET IS STEADY FA1H SHOWING OV HOGS FOIl UEUINNING or WEEK (tottle ItH"'ltM am Heavy Willi Pri Holding Tliolr Own Grain tVl Ijuiiln llriie ;mm! ritfurj Wheat at DolUir Mark. (From Monday's Journal.) While there was another heuvy of fering of livestock at North Portland the market was considered steady all around. The volume of local hogs Is increasing, a total of 977 being re ceived over Kunday. While this Is smalle.' than lant Monday, when 1540 head came forward, the run was bet ter than expected. North Portland swine trade today: Best packers t 6.50 Good heavy 6.4 5 Good light 6 456.60 Rough and heavy 6.00iic6.25 Poor and heavy 5.00 In 5.50 Oittlo Market Steady. While there was a big run of cat tle in the yards today trade wus generally considered steady around last week's last quotations. There was a run of 548 head over Sunday, com pared with 216 last onday. but a large per cent of the arrivals were for through shipment and did not en ter the trade at all. North Portland general cattle range: Select steers S - 5.75 Fancy Hteers 5.60 Choice steers 5.50 Feeders 4 50 Common steers 5.00 Fancy cows 4.85 Fancy heifers 5.00 5.25 Feeder cows 4.50 Fancy bulls 4.254.60 Good ordinary bulls 4.00 Stags 425 Fancy light calves 8.00 Medium calves .'. 5.00W5.6') Ordinary calves 4.005.00 Sharp Khe In IambN. The first grain-fed lambs of the season arrived today and sold at $5.65 In the North Portland yard This would place the- general market Tobacco Indigestion is only another name for the dull, listless feeling that too much smoking gives. You get it from rich, black Havana cigars, but you can smoke a light domestic blend all day long. Try the Geni Arthur wnd 10c Cigar 14. A. Gunst (& Co.. Distributors Women's Hair Easy to Make It Soft, Luxuriant and Radiant. Many women havo hair so dull and faded that it actually is repulsive. These women have probably never heard of PARISIAN SAGE the Invig orating hair dressing that Is being used by the thousands of refined wo men throughout America. If your hair is fulling out or thin or faded or lifeless; If you have dan druff or Itching scalp; if your hair is not as fascinating as you would like to have It, go to Tallmnn & Co. this very day, aBk for a fifty cent bottle of PARISIAN SAGE and start at once to make your hair perfect and oven glorious. ARISIAN SAGE Is guaranteed to giye satisfaction or money back. Girl with nuburn hair on every carton. For sale by Tallman &Co. and drug gists everywhere. DIFFERENT STYLES In plumbing appliances are as much in evidence with ua as In any other avenue of bus iness. SANITARY BATH ROOM APPURTENANCES are as requisite for health si a doctor is when you are sick. Our estimates on plumbing will prove satisfactory. PliUMBING HERE IS Al. QUICK ACTION COMPRES SION COCKS. This 1 the only plumbing shop In Umatilla county that keeps this latest and most up-ta-date device. It saves time and trouble and many plumb ing bills. Beddow& Miller rcndloton's Only Exclusive numbers. Court and Garden Streets. Phono Black 3556 CURES OBSTINATE ROUTS STUBBORN COLDS COUGHS 'jT M,f THE KING OF CUHEsX. BR. KING'S A. XMEW DISCOVERY. FOR ALL DISEASES OF THROAT and jpr QUICKEST WHOOPING COUGH CURE HEALS WEAK, SORE LUNGS SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY E UUIH KOEPPEN'S about 15c higher than formerly. Hogs sold down 10c this afternoon, w.th tops at $6.40 for extreme qual ity. There remains a good tone in the mutton trade at North Portland. Run for the day was good, a total of 994 head being received over Sunday com pared with none a week ago. While poor Kheep and lambs show neglect, there remains the best sort of bidding for quality and former prices are easily duplicated. Sheep values at North Portland: Select lamhs $ 5.10 Cho.ce lamhs 4.75 4.80 Common lambs 4.00 (0 4.25 Yearling lambs 4.50(4.75 Old wethera 4 00 Fancy ewes 3.453.50 Ord nary 3.00 (3.25 Grain und Hay. Wheat Producers' price nominal; track delivery, club, 7&is0c; blue stem, 8283c; fortyfold, fflc; Will amette valley, 80 Hp 81c; red Russian, 78Z79c; Turkey red, 81c. Uar.ey Producers" prices 1 911 Feed, fi 1 (a 3 1.50; rolled, 332; brew ."g. $37. oat Producers' price Track No. 1, spot delivery, white, $30.50; (jray, $30.. Mlllstuffs Selling price Bran, $24.50; middlings, $31; shorts, $25.50; chop, $19 25. Hay Producers' price 1911 crop Valley timothy, fancy. $1516; or dinary, $13ityl4; eastern Oregon, $16 S)17; Idaho. $17; mixed. $12 15; clover, $10 ii 11; wheat, $11; cheat, $11; alfalfa, $1213; oats, $11. 1il-ug Wheat Hits Dollar. Chicago. Dec. 19. Wheat market touched $1 per bushel for the May option yesterday but the closing was 5-8c under that figure. The market closed with an advance of 3-4c to 1 for the various deliveries. There was an advance of 3-8c to -20 at the opening due to the sharp er advance In Europe, which, whicn n turn was affected by the rapid rise n prices at Buenos Ay res. Damage to the Argentine crop was the fac tor. Swellings of the flesn caused hv In flammation, cold, fracture of the bone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu motism can be relieved by applyiac BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. It should be well rubbed In over the part affected. Its great heallnz anrt nn- oratlng power eases the pain, redu uitions. price 25c, 60c and $1 per cs swelling and restores natural on bottle. Sold by A. C. Koeppen & Bros. When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will soon fix you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneu monia. This "cmedy contains no opi um or other narcotic and may be giv en as confidently to a baby as to an adult. Sold by all dealers. I STEALS KKl'XK SKIN'S; FIXED IC Indiana Omrt Su-ix'iids SoiiUiio of One Day's Imprisonment. Princeton, Ind. Convicted of the theft of two skunk skins, Frank Da vis was sentenced by a 'jury to one day's Imprisonment and to pay a fine of one cent. The court suspended the sentence and remitted the costs be cause Davis had been in Jail several days and the defendant then produc ed the one cent, paid his fine and was freed. r On Christmas Morning as on any other winter day, you can make your home more comfortable and cheery by using a Perfection Smoke less Heater. Perfectio Its genial warmth is quickly at your service, ready for use in any emergency. You will need it as a supplementary heater when those extra cold spells come. Later you will find it just the thing for the changeable weather of early spring. The Perfection Heater is light and easily carried. It is safe in the hands of a child the safest and most reliable heater made. Drums finished either in blue enamel or plain steel, with nickel trimmings an ornament to any room. A special automatic device makes saioking 'impossible. AO part easily cleaned Gallon lout ; burnt nine hour. Cool handle ; clamper top. Deasm mmrtwre i or write far daenptire circular to anr sfDCT of Ux Standard Oil Company (Incorporated) Nature's Hair Restorer H Want Ads, lf WANTED. MASSAGE TREATMENT AND EX erc!se given by Mrs. D. Teras and Mr. T. TeniS 607 E. Court street, corner Mill street. Pendleton. Ore. Expert hand mas-age and hot cab inet baths and cold water baths. We cure all kinds of diseases. Finnish graduate from Ilolsingfors. " MADAM KENNEDY WILL HE HERE the rest of this week at the Row man hotel, with a beautiful line oC hair goods and will be prepaed to do all kinds of hair work ana comb ing. Room 21. WANTED Continued. WANTED Lace curtains to laundry Work done with especial . care. Phone Red 2 521 . MEN AND WOMEN FOR KASTKRK wholesale house. Exper.ence v necessary. Salary and expe paid. Local and traveling position. Call Mr. Templeton, Goldeo Rj Hotel. SALESMEN TO AID VS SUPPL1 the brisk demand for our good, some vacant territory yet In even state' west of the Mississippi; cast weekly. Capital City Nursery Co. Salem, Oregon. MALE HELP WANTED KXOKP tlonal opportunity for man of abil ity to operate retail store for the sale of made-to-order men's Hottest of Lamm and Company, Chfcaso Capital necessary only for operat ing expenses and fixtures. Entire display stock and fixture furnish ed without investment. First class references rerju'red. Address J. P. T., care this office. ClBSSifioi! Oiroctop INSURANCE AND IjAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO.. MAKES reliable abstracts ol uue iu lands In Umatilla county. Loans on ;ity and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes investments for non residents. Write tire, life and accl lent Insurance. References, any oank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. DENTISTS. DR. THOMAS VAUGHAN. DENTIST, Office In Judd building. Phoast Main 73. ' VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. D. C. M'NABB, LOCAL STATU Stock Inspector. Office at Koep pen's Drug Store. Phone Main 416. Residence, 915 East' Court street. . Res. Phone Main 59. BENTLET & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agents. New location, 815 Main street. Phone Main 404. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. CITY LIVERY STABLE, THOMPSON street, Carney & Bradley, Props. Livery, feed and sale stable. Good tigs at all times. Cab line in connec tion. "Phone main 70. MISCELLANEOUS. LEGAL BLANKS OF EVERY DE soriDtion for county court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, etc., for sale at East Oregonian omce. FRATERNAL ORDERS. PENDLETON LOUU1S cto. a )( A. F. and A. M- meets the rt and third Mondays of each month. All visiting brethren are invited. ARCHITECTS, CONTRACTORS, ETC D. A. MAY, CONTRACTOR AND Builder. Estimates iurnwueu i.i-j. nf mnsnnrv. cement walks. K1UU9 v. ... . . . stone walls, etc. Phone black 3786. or Oregonian office. JOHN S. BAKER. FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. TPnnprfll Darlor. upposue puiuun.. - Two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or nlgnt. -rnonc "I had been troubled with constipa tion for two years and tried all of the best physicians in Bristol, Tenn , and they could do nothing for me." writes Thos. E. Williams, Mlddleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me." For sale by all dealers. 0n4 inr 13 Natural Color Sulphur is a Natural Element c! the Hair When there is not a sufficient amount of sulphur in the hair, it loses its life, color and strength, turns gray, and falls out. There are many forms of sulphur, but only one kind that is suitable for treatment of the hair and scalp, and that Is the kind used In preparing YVYETU'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY. We Have the Secret, and We Give You the Benefit o! It at an Exceedingly Low Price MOTHER ITT DAUGHTER'S HAIR TO USE I'XJtt "RAT" Bakersfleld, Calif. When her fath er had a vaquoro cut off her hair and her mother used It for a "rat," Iena Huntington twelve-yenr-old daugh ter of a butcher employed at Belle vue, decide to leave home. 'lad but thinly against the frosty morning nnd wearing part of a white stockinir over her shorn head, she et out for the depot, ten miles dis tant. A Mexican with n team gave her a ride and twenty-five cents to buy her brenkfast, and she was about to board a train for I-os Angeles, whero her nmt lives, when a constable Hcked Iter up and took her to the Children's Shelter. BALDNESS CURED For two or three years my hair had hern falling out and getting quite thin, until the top of my head was entirely bald. About four months ago 1 commenced using Sage and Sulphur. The first bottle seemed to do some good and I kept U'ing it regularly, until now 1 have used four bottles. The whole top of jny head is now fairly covered with hair, and it keeps coming in thicker. I shall keep on using it a while longer, as 1 notice a constant improvement. STEPHEN BACON, Rochester, N- Y. j. Or Sent Express Pravsl i Upso Beceist si frit 50c. and $1 Bottles, V, WYETH CHEMICAL COMPANY 71 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. FREE A 25c CaKe OI WytlB S MOr euu soiliunr loun ap rr niuim who will send us this advertisement Willi IOc lu .lauips to COvti Cu.t ci wrapuuit! and mailiim the soap. sou liY the pe:;m.ktox duug co C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V, GRAJDC ate of McKilllp Veterinary CoUeg of Chicago. Office phone Main SOU Res. 516 Bush St., phone Main 17. ATTORNEYS. RALET & RALET, ATTORNEYS A law. Office in American National Bank Building. JAMES A. FEE, ATTORNEY A2t law. Office in Despain buUdiog. R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY AT LAI Office in Despain building. J. A. R. S. DAMON LODGE NO. , K. of P., meets every Mon day evening in I. O. O. a. hall. Visiting brothers cor flinilir Invited to attend. Best, C. C; R. W. Fletcher, K. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEY at law. Office In rear of Americas National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY At law. Office over Taylor Hardwaxa Company. LOWELL & WINTER, ATTORNEY and consullors at law. Office 1st Despain building. GEORGE W. COTJTTS. ATTORNJT3 at law, estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmlia block. PETERSON & WILSON, ATTOB neys at law; rooms 3 and 4 Smttk Crawford building. ROWLAND & REINEMAN, ENGI neers. Land surveying, water meas urements; reinforced concrete work; irrigation work a specialty. Freewa ter. Ore. , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. AUCTIONEER. JPT-uCAS, LIVESTOCK Auctioneer, Athena, Oregon. Ref erence First National Bank of Athena and Farmers Bank of Weston. Farm sales a specialty. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORNEY at law. Office in Smith-Crawfotnl building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY ATTORXIT at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, S. a. and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co, JOHNSON & SKRABLE, ATTOR , neys at law. Office in Desp-te building. SECOND-lLXI) DEALERS. V STROBLE, DEALililt l. isr-v .4 ca,.nn,i-Viatid eoods. Cash paid OI1U " L s - oil ounnnd-hnnd eoods bought. Cheapest place in Pendleton to buy hout.ehold goods, can snu ; prices. 210 E. Court street. Phone Black S171. RESTAURANTS. CHINA RESTAURANT, NOODLES mifi rhon suev. Uns D. Goey, prop. At the old stand, Alta street In rear of Tallman Drug Co. East Oregonian by carrier. 65c per month. J -f IiiTi 1 s till 1 ill fcJuf.illiiljAAJfcAa T 11,1111 I TIT I I I'W r h T TTTTT iPftSIIlEf illEIIIEl PHYSICIANS. H. S. GARFIELD. M. D, HOMEO- pathlc physician and surgeon, ur- flee Judd block. Telephone: Office, black 3411; residence, red 2633. DR. LYNN K. BLAKESLEE, CHRO- nlc and nervous diseases, ana dis eases of women. X-ray and Electro theraputlcs. Judd building, corner Main and Court streets. Office 'phont Main 72; residence 'phone. Main 66 1 Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as murcury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely deratifte the whole system when enterlnit It throuch the mucous surfaces. Such srticles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the (laroase they will do Is ten fold to the d you can possibly de rive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. .J. Cheney & Co., Tole do, O.. contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, actlne directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, in buy Inir Hull's Catarrh Cure lie sure you met the genuine. it Is taken Internally and ui.iile In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & IV Testimonials free. S"M bv Prinrcisfs. 1'noe, i."e per hetfio Take Halls 1'amlly fills for const Ration Cass Matlock, Prop. BEST PICTURES MORE PICTURES LATEST PICTURES and illustrated songs La the city. Shows afternoon and eve nings. Refined and en tertaining for the entire family. Xext to French Resiaurant Entire change three time each week. Be sure an J see the next change. Adulta 10a Children ; under 10 Years. 5a. -