East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 19, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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sm i ssn i, ix coi'nty
airgiM l l'rmUlc 1-aiVs Sessions for
Next Voir in Oixlor That all Suli
. fts May N Hrvuglu up for Full
v!'v Sr.j.l. Frank K. Wo'.les.l
The f i iu t l'h annual School 1-oarJ
'Oinvi nlinii w hich met nt the court
house i 1 lVnilloton. List Saturday was
iho inoi successful ever held in
tlmati.la county. Over two hundred
lelip;Mes and visitors Wt-re present,
TPjH-esentini; all poet ions of the
iiniy. The principal speakers were
estate Superintendent L U Alderman
t S;ilom. and I"r. t'alvin S. White,
.Slate Health Officer 'f Tortland. The
slistrnt officers took part in the dis--issirns
and throughout the entire
Jay the interest was intense. Music
-was furnished by the Pendleton Male
The first speaker was Superintend
ent Alderman, his subject being
"School Kquipment and Supplies." In
address and in the discussion"
Acts directly and peculiarly
on the blood; purifies, enriches
and revitalizes it, and in this
sray builds up the whole sys
tem. Take it. Get it today.
In usual liquid form or in chocolate
coated tablets called Sarsatabs.
A OrtioRii-f forFrvrrinbur.
onliinlion, lleailnrhr,
Monmi h Troubles, TrMhiug
jHmrilr r,, and Dm troy
Horn. Tn-fBr U up i olilt
to 4 boars. At e;t Drue'srs, 2icls.
ntiubttituts. A. S. OLMSTED. Le Hov.V.Y.
e&xnpip rr.aun ritr.K. Add
Is Interested and should knew
about the wonderful
. Whirling Spray
i new Vaginal Syringe.
Best most convenient. It
s Instantly.
Ask nurdrufzistf
ff be cannot sunolr 1
' MARVEL, accept do other?
aot send sutmp (or illustrated
book sealed. It gives full particu
lars and directions invaluable to lasiesT
MUiaC0.i4b.t23 Sire. He Tits."
"She is Waiting"
iX I'' i
and so are those she Is waiting
on. And mind you, a good
high-ball is well worth waiting
for. Good, pure, wholesome
Rye Whiskey, like the brands
we are now selling, will make
one wait patiently, but enjoy
the wait when the liquid arrives
cool, comforting, and refresh
ing. If you are a high-ball
lover, better try a bottle of this
splendid Whiskey of ours. Tou
will always want that brand
afterwards. And the price will
satisfy you, too.
TheOIympia Bar
Phone Main 18S
Pioneer Bottling Works
Phone Main 177.
You'll get the best meal
in Pendleton at the
A titan kitchen
P.'irticuliir cooks
Attentive Service,
For Breakfast
Krimh E;..'gs
IJuU'-i inilk Ilot'.akcs
flood coffee
Evi-ry J;iy
We Invl'e your patronage bnJ
aim to pi' iise you.
Regular Meals
Gus. La Fonliins
I .a Funtaine Plock, Main Street.
Coo t accept
or it.". I trr-
& mm
0 13 F 1 i F
which followed, It was pointed out
that It is not best for school boards;
to purchase maps, charts, books, etc.,
from traveling agents. Their prices
ure usually exhorbltant. and the price
cr-aried for the same article frequent
ly differs in the different districts.
Sometimes through trickery and mis
representation, the agents induce dis
trict officers to sign for expensive
apparatus that is not really needed in
the school, the district warrants are
sold to the banks, and the goods are
rot delivered The speakers all agreed j
that it would be best not to purchase I
anything of agents, unless all of the I
directors were together and even then j
i. would be better to consult with the i
Mipervlsur or the county superintend
ent before purchasing, as these offi- j
cers know best what is needed in the
schools, are acquainted with the prl-:
ces of the different kinds of scluwl
apparatus, and know where the same
can be procured to the best advantage. I
Svcnks on Sanitation.
rr. White spoke on "School Hy
giene and Sanitation." He showed the '
dangers in the common drinking cup
and open water pall, of poor drinking
water, neglected outhouses, and the
dust nuisance that Is so frequently
met with in the country school-rooms.
He emphasized the importance of hav
ing a good janitor and in seeing to It
that he does his work properly. After
all, the health of the children Is the
first consideration, and the speaker
laid great stress upon the importance
of proper lighting, heating, ventilation
and cleanliness. He emphasized this
by saying that he believed it would be
better to have one month less of
school, if it were necessary to do so,
in order to have clean, sanitary build
ings. In the afternoon, Superintendent Al
derman gave a splendid address on
"Industrial Work in te Schools." He
showed the Importance of training the
hand, as well as the mind of the
child. He believes that It is just as
important for the girls to know how
to sew and make good bread, as It is
to know how to work decimal frac
tion and to parse verbs, and that the
boys should be taught to take an in
terest in the home and in the farm
work. The speaker was applauded
when he advised teaching the dignity
o: labor, and overcoming the foolish
no4ons that many people have, that
the principal purpose of education is
to teach children how to make a liv
ing without work.
Rural Supervisors.
Superintendent Alderman spoke
very forcibly about the new system of
rural school supervision. He pointed
out that supervision in the country is
needed more than is supervision in
the cities, because as a rule the young
and Inexperienced teachers are sent
into the country to teach. He showed
that the whole cost of the two super
visors in Umatilla county will be ap
pioxlmately the same as the amount
expended in the Pendleton school dis
trict for supervising thirty teachers.
He stated that in Marion county, and
in other counties where he has in
vestigated carefully, he believes the
efficiency of the country schools had
already been increased fully fifty per
cent on account of the work of the
supervisors. Many directors took part
in the discussions which followed.
With one exception, the directors who
spoke favored the plan of having rural
supervision, and told of the benefits
It had been to their districts. One
speaker who lives in Pendleton, and
who owns much prorepty in the wheat
section north of Pendleton, believed
that it would be more economical to
close the little country schools, to get
along without the rural supervision,
and send the children to the cities and
trwns for their schooling. This plan
met with a storm of protests from the
country directors, who declared that
they wanted their children educated
1 the country, where they would be
away from the many temptations of
the cities.
At the afternoon session Mr. J. B.
Savior of Ferndale, was elected chair
man, and Mr. J. F. Wallen of Adams,
secretary of the convention. Before
adjournment a longer session next
yfar was urged as some of the im
portant topics on the program had to
be omitted for want of time. There
was such great Interest manifested,
that the meeting was loath to break
up, and it was after five o'clock be
fore the meeting adjourned. The dis
ttlct officers left for their homes feel
ing that the day had been very profit
ably spent, and that much good had
been accomplished.
Hru.--ton, Ttxas, Dc. 19. Pmu
clins; of muni-ions of war across the
il'nii.-l Status lj(r!T to Mexico goes
on nj,af:o, despite the v'gilnnce of the
j American authnrit ex. A Texan re-
turning from Mexico s;iy smuggling
I is greater than is told in reports.
Uescrlb'ng the Incident, the Texan
"One af.ernoon I was htanding on a
street citner In Laredo when I saw
a man on the opposite s le of tho
stre'-t carrying any number of piece-)
of stovepipe. He wa.- looking sus
picious y aijout him and finally start
ed to run. He was immediately fol
lowed at equal speed by a score of
unknown paid wat hei.f and was re
lieved of a large number of Mausers.
"itald after raid fur guns, amun.
t on, t'c, took place while I was In
Laredo and adjoining cities, and
thousand.; upon thou-ands of-rifles
were discovered Everyone was un
der susp!rion and carefully watched
by nomcone else. No one seein-t to
know, either, when the present trou
bles will abate. Laredo, Tex., and
Xuevo Laredo, Mexico, the towns sep
arated by the R'o flr.inde, form the'
hotbed of 'he revoutionary move
ment, due to IU proximity to th's
country. The people on the Ameri
can side are naturally always in a,
state of uncertninty never knowing
what's to be the nex- nnve on the
part of either the , volut'onlst" or
the newly cstiblished government.
I'nited Ptaten troops are everywhere
In an effort to preven the fracture
of any of the country's neutrality
grjaggaF:, .
sipfspM nr - -
mm (C
:.;, . - jl . H,-r. y.-x - v. o. 1
Diamond Necklaces
$10.00 to $75
Diamond and Pearl Rings
$10 to $400
Diamond Brooches
$10.00 to $200
Diamond and Emerald rincrs
$15 to $100
Diamond and Solitaire Ear
rings, a pair $15 to $600
Fancy Diamond Rings
$20 to $750
Diamond Pendants .
$10 to $100
Diamond Stickpins
$6.00 to $150
The quicker a "Old Is gotten rid of
the less the danger from pneumonia
and other serious diseases. Mr
B. W. I Hall of Waverly, Va.,
says: "I firmly believe Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely
the best preparation on the market
fpr colds. I have recommended It to
my friends and they all agree with
me." For sale by all dealers.
Every family "nag need of a good,
reliable liniment. For sprains, bruis
es, soreness of the muscles and rheu
matic pains there Is none better than
Chamberlain's. Sold by all dealers.
THE crowds are growing larger every day
and our holiday stock is fast disappearing.
Regular prices on high-grade merchandise, that
are far below all competion, have done their
work and our patrons will find as much pleasure
this year in giving as receiving.
Again we advise you to Come Now and share in
our great holiday inducements
The Golden Rule Store
Gold Watch
or Silverware
The Gift Problem Easily Solved Here
MAY we help you solve the problem and put you iu the way of
doin your Christmas shopping with pleasure, satisfaction
and economy ? We take the liberty of making a suggestion regard
ing the best time to do your shopping and earnestly urge yon to do
it AT OXCE. Come early while the pick is the choicest, avoid the
crowd and make your selections at leisure and in comfort, from a
full and complete assortment.
Our stock is known to comprise high-class jewelry and bur pri
ces are less than those found in the majority of high-grade stores.
First-class engraving free on all articles purchased here.
I miiiin ij i'
Jt.AiV.ai f.
F REE-Hand Painted Plate
As an inducement for early buying we will present to every
purchaser of $5.00 or more a hand painted plate of an artistic de
sign. We retail these plates from$1.00 to $1.50.
A Few Suggestions
Diamond Studs
$25 to ?300
Diamond Solitaire Rings
?10 to $S00
Bracelets $2.00 to $50
Link Buttons
Chains :
Toilet Sets
Scarf Pins......
THE Jeweler
A SNAP FOR $2500.00
7 room modern house, stone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath,
toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground.
Call at once as bargains of this character can't last. Must see
It to appreciate it.
Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street
Other Property of Every Description.
Money to Loan on City and County Realty.
n A
. $1.00 to $25
. $2.50 to $45
.75 to $100
$1.00 to $40
$1.50 to $45
$4.50 to $150
$6.00 to $75
$2.50 to $35
75 to $50
We Lead,
Others Follow
St. George
GEO. DAUVEAU, Proprietor
Pendleton's Popular Qentle
mer.a Reaort
Anheuser-Busch's famous
on draught, 5 c glass
Klectrlo Mixed Drinks Serrad at
this Bar.
Finest Wines, Liquors and
Distributors of Echo Spring and
Old Crow Whiskey.
First class Cafe and Grill la
connection A La Carte.
Boarding and Day
School for Girls.
Primary, Intermediate, Ac
ademic Special and Poatr
Graduate Courses. Depart
ments of Music, Expression
and Art
Nettie M. Galbraith
Pendleton Drug
If In business for
"Your Good Health"
Two Old Maids
Anna What do you think Mr. Ek
lund charged me for sewing on a pair
oi' solus on my shoes?
Clara Don't know and don't care
Anna, he only churned me 65c and
did fine work too yes, but I don't
like him.
Anna Well, well, you evidently do
o you wouldn't care.
Men's solos sewed on for 90c. i
Full line of men's fine shoes.
Main Street.
General Line
well worth seeing anywhere.
Cut Class, China ware
PackagfcPerfuroe, Hand
Bags, Dolls and Toys
Christmas and New Year
Post Cards in celluloid fin
ish. Ono cent each.
The druq store that serves
you best.