EIGHT PAGES. PAGE FIVB. Only 5 more days 'til. Christmas And Our Great Dissolution Sale Will End Every article in the house is reduced Xmas Handkerchiefs ; 3 to 98 Xmas Furs $1.98 to $29.45 Nmas Purses and Hand Rags 2S to $4.95 Silk Khnonas .-. $4.95 to $14.45 Suits ..' $8.89 to $23.65 Coats '!.. - $1.98 to $23.90 Silk Dresses - $6.90 to $24.G5 Felt IIouso Slipper 69 to $1.48 Silk Hosiery in all shades . 98 and $1.19 KM Gloves' 98 and $1.44 A saving to you of at least 33 1-3 per cent. Open every night till 8 o'clock F.E.Livenpoii&Co. PERSONAL MENTION LOCALS 1 Fust1 me pictures please all. Main 178 for coal and wood. For clean coal and dry wood, phone Main 6. Everybody goes to tne Orpheum to ee the beiit and th clearest pictures. Phone Dutch Henry for dry wood and Rock Spring coal. Main 17S. For rent Furnished house-keeping rooms. 602 Water street. For rent Five room house In quire Newt Newtson, S12 Franklin street. . Clean beds and airy rooms, furnace heated, including bath, at 621 Willow street."' All kinds of good dry wood, also clean nut or lump Rock Spring coal at Dutch Henry's. Xjoat dog Black and tan female Airodalo Terrier. Notify this office and receive reward. Business chance. If you want a good paying business, boo us at once. Teutsch & Bickers. Ml.-'B Venice Callisnn, public ste nographer. Office with Teutsch & Bickers. 1'hcne Main 5 or Red 3591. Wanted Hy elderly lady, house keeping in widower's family or ma ternity nursing. Inquire C this office Fat young dressed geese, 16c lb., weigh 11 to 14 pounds. Home made auer kraut, 1802 W. Webb Btreet. For rent Centrally located fur nished rooms, with or without boaid 634 Johnson street. Phone Clack 2902. Special rates to horses boarded by the week or month at the Commercial Barn, 620 Aura street. Phone Main IS. On West Court Btreet $2000 buys one of the most desirable homes in Pendleton Let us show you today. Teutsch & Bickers. If you want to move, call Pecland Bros. Transfer, phone 3391. Large iray moves you quick. Trash hauled nce a week. 647 Main street. Save yourself fuel troubles by us ing our famous Rock Spring coal and good dry wood. Delivered promptly. Ben L. Burroughs, phone Main 6. The man who wishes to be the architect of his own fortune should not overlook the importance of mak ing the foundation firm. Silverware at unheard-of, prices for the I'hrlstmas trade. Closing out all but one line is the cause. LaDow & Peterson. Lost Mink fur near Christian church. Finder please notify Mrs. I. Chrlstonsen, 604 Jane stret, or leave at this office and receive reward. For transfer wrk, Mauling bag age, moving household goods and pianos end all kinds of Job work, phona MaJnn 461. B. A. Morton. Just the present you have been looking for fine silverware for the table now being closed out at extra low prices at La Dow & Peterson's. Trade off your dead pianos for something that all can play. I have now in stock one of the very latest 88-note player pianos. A child can play It, a good Christmas present. Pi ano chairs stoo's and scarfs. Jesse Failing D. A. Porter of Lexington, spent yes terday In Pendleton, H. J. Konold oi Palouse, Is a guest of the St. George today. J. C. Royce, a Juniper, farmer. Is a visitor in the city today. Alex Oliver Is quite ill at his home, 1!H5 West Webb street. W. H. Morrison, well known Helix resident, spent last night in the city Ralph Smith was among the Her minton people In Pendleton yesterday evening. Will NorDean, cigar merchant of Weston, was down from his home yes terday. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams of Ad ams, came in this morning on the lo cal. D. C. Sandersor. editor-of the Free water Times, "-'as a visitor In Pendle ton yesterday.. C. K. McLellun of Juniper, was am ong the ranchers transacting business in the city yesterday. . Dr. Watts of the Mabel Warner will case fame came down from Weston this morning on the local. W. H. La Course, prominent Adams resident is among the out-of-town people trading in the city today. Mrs. Antone Vey and daughter, Mayme, have returned from their ranch where they spent a few days. O. D. Teel, well known Echo water user, was in the city last evening to attend the meeting of the Commercial association. E. T. Gross of Hermlston came up yesterday from his home on the pro ject niid spent last night at one of the hotels. Hugh Stanfield returned to the Stanfield ranch near Stanfield on the lrcal this morning after spending the night in the city. R. Alexander returned this fore noon from Hermiston, where he went with H. J. Taylor to visit the I. O. O. F. lodge last evening. O. W. Bradley, county treasurer re turned this forenoon on the motor car from Hermlston, where he attend ed the Odd Fellows meeting last night. Judge George A. Hartman of Port land arrived in his old home yester day morning to appear as a witness lr. the case of Hartman vs. Baddely In the local court. H. J. Taylor, grand warden, I. O. O. F.. returned this morn'ng from Her miston, where he made an official vis it to the Odd Fellows of that town J last evening. hay. left on delayed No. 5 this morning for Portland. His wife Is already in the metropolis but will leave this eve ning for Los Angeles. Pm-Wors' Jury t'oinplt'toil. Chicago, Dec. 19. The jury to try the beef barons for criminal conspir acy, was completed today. There were two empty seats and the court had already ordered tne fourth ve nire when 'the defense suddenly withdrew a peremptory challenge and qualified another Juror. S Wise Shoppers Will secure their holiday needs and warm winter clothes at the Big Money Raising Sale At the WONDER. STORE FORTY NKGROKS DINK IX TI1K FAMOUS AULI.NXiTOX it TO PORTLAND TO CALIFORNIA Ask for Through Tickets Via Northern Pacific Ry. AND PASCO. And the "North Bank Road." Or via Northern Pacific Ry., Tacoma and Seattle. SLEEPING CARS FROM PASCO Let us arrange your berth reservations. To Spokane Seattle Tacoma To AU Point East, West Or South FOUR TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS Daily from Pacific Coast to the East. Two Through to Chicago. One Through to St. Louis TIIE NORTH COAST LIMITED Via Minneapolis and St. Paul to Chicago. W. ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Ore. is always pleased to quote through rate9 and furnish full information. A. TV CHARLTON Asst. Gcn'l Pas'r Agt., Portland, Ore. Washington Hofel Manager Says Was Mistake J. 1. Morgnu One of Patrons. Washington. The Arlington Hotel once the most exclusive hostelry in this city, entertained forty negroes at dinner. Representative Oscar W. Un derwood of Alabama, leader of " the house democrats, lives at the Arling ton. The directors of the Jeans School fund, a colored organization, held their annual meeting in this city and following if they held a banquet. Booker T. Washington is one of the leading members of the organization, and Assistant-Attorney General Lew is, the Boston negro whom President Taft appointed, Is another. The banquet was held in the annex of the hotel. The management at tempted to conceal the fact that they were entertaining negroes and the at tendants were ordered not to give out any Information. Peter Taylor, Jr , manager of the hotel snld that the banquet was a mis take. He said that when Lewis made arrangements for the spread he gave him the Impression that there were to be only a few colored men and the re mainder of the guests were to be white. The Arlington annex is an old fash ioned red brick mansion close to the hotel proper. The annex Is one of the most his toric houses in Washington. Owen Meredith wrote "Lucllc" in the house. Charles Sumner lived there after the war. Cornelius X. Bliss occupied the louse as his residence while he was secretary of the interior, ad former Postmaster General Henrv C. Pavne lived there while he was a member of the McKinley cabinet. Suggestions to Jot Down On Your Christmas List Practicable Presents Ladies' Neckwear, 25, 35, 50, 75. to $2.00. Ladies' Umbrellas S1.00 up to $10.00 Ladies' Silk Underskirts of Messaline at S5.00, $6.00 and $7.50 The world's famous Pendleton Indian robe expressed free anywhere in the United States - --- $8.50 Slippers of warm felt, for women and children. Sizes 5 1-2 to 8 1-2 at 85 "Sizes 8 1-2 to 11 at - 95 Sizes 1 1 1-2 to 2 at $1.10 Sizes 2 1-2 to 7 1-2 at $1.50 Perrins Gloves, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. $2.00 HIHK.S Tlt.MV TO SF.K HOW IT IS TO UK HICII Wllkps-Ilurro Humorist to Come Here for a Day Just as If He Wore Wealthy. Wllkes-Barre. Desiring for once to experience the sensation of being rich, , John J. McDevitt, a humorist, who recently made 12000 by with drawing as the democratic candidate for county treasurer, after being un expectedly nominated at the primar ies, arranged to engage a special train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad to go to New York for one day's exper ience. McDevitt said: "You see I have no particular rea son for going to New York. But I feel that as the well to do take trips to the metropolis it Is up to me to get In the swim. "I will take a special train from here some day during the holiday Reason. The train will have three coaches and full equipment. It will go right on to New York. There I will have a taxicab waiting for me will go to tho Waldorf-Astoria for lunch and then take In one of the pop ular shows. Then I will return to my homo and feel that I have done my duly to tho town Its people and myself." The old objection to woman wif frnse that few except the notoriously bad women wou'd vote, Is seldom heard any more. Christmas Kimonas You'll find a choice selection of new style Ki--monas in crepe, flannelette or silk, and priced from S1.50 to S15.00. Hosiery of Known Value Everyday needs are always acceptable and more especially if they be selected for their worth. At 25 pair we show all weights in black lisle and all colors. At 50 silk lisle hose of fine weigbt.- At $1.25 pure silk in black and lace. The best hose made. Xmas Gifls thai (lever Grow O.'d HANDKERCHIEFS Cuch neat, pretty creations in the Handkerchief line can Ik? seen nowhere else 'tis useless to expect to find such new things elsewhere. We can show you far the best values at 10, 15, 25, 35, 50. 75p. Very tasty gifts all new, clean and dainty... Tf aprons appeal to you look our stock over. You'll find what you are looking for. Prices 35 up to 82.50. Wohlenberg Dept. Store Better Goods for Less Money Gift At Extra Low Prices We have several lines of the best makes of silverware in a grert many beautiful patterns and designs, but as we intend to carry only one make in the future, our Entire Stock of Silverware Will be Sacrificed Gift seekers will find many beautiful and lasting pres ents in our store and at cash prices taat afford a saving PERCOLATORS POCKET KNIVES GUNS TEA PO rS SHAVING SETS FISHING TACKLE TEA BALLS SAFETY RAZORS SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES Largest Line of Carvers to Be Found In the City LaDow P eterson feh When You Are Passing our Windows Just Notice Our Fine Display of Useful and Practical Gifts that will be appreciated and used and not set aside as orna ments ; gifts that are in keeping with the times, such as, CARVING SETS, Plain and Silver Mounted, COMMUNITY SILVER WARE, Warranted for FIFTY years; WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS, ALUMINUM COFFEE PERCOLATORS, ALUMINUM TEA TOTS with Tea Balls; SAFETY RAZORS, POCKET KNIVES, GUNS, AIR RIFLES, HOYS' WAGONS, SLEDS and many other Useful and Practical articles of which our stock consists. We take pleasure in showing our goods and in helping you to select your Christmas Presents, and invito you to call at our store. The Taylor Hardware Co. 741 MAIN STREET, PENDLETON, OREGON