DAILY EAST OREGOXIAX. PENDLETON. ORKGOX. TCKSDAY, DECEMBKR It, Itll. EIGHT PAGES. PAGE FOUR. AN I-NDEIKNUENT NEWSPAPER. There are no electric and telephone roles on the principal streets and those thoroughfares will be illumlnat- jtil by cluster lights for which the city twill ,,ay. The cluster lights look bet- Publlsliea !Hy n Semi-Weekly at IVa-'ter than the arc lights, thcv w:H llht dleloa, Oregon, by the . , , ... the streets better and thet- will ry KAST OKKtiOMAN lTBLlSMXtf CO. . likely cost less. So tasco Is ,r;a:iate. rut of course Pendleton cu:m-t hope rival Pasco. Even if we have two tiUlKt.-KllTION HATES. I THilly, on year, by mail I 00 OaI't. ' months, by mall ?ki 1 IT. Iliree iromo. oy man .... , . ftelly one month, by mail ft) . or three times the population of Pasco U!!J: &IV?& ::::::: if rendieto people are about Illy. thre months, by carrier l.jjioil imcs richer per capita than Pas- Ial,y. one momu, i inrnn .-yl i. i Mm W.H-k v. one Tear, by mall Hfoil -Week.y, six muntlia. by mall ... tWoil Weekly, funr months, by mall.. .51) Member United Irea Association. The Dally Kast Oreconlan Is kept on al at the Oreeon News Co., 3"JJ Morrison tni-t. Portland. Orecon. Northwest Newi Co.. Portland, Oregon. C'hiraco Bureau, J0!) Security Building. Washington. I C, Bureau. 501 Four teenth Kreet. N. W. Entered at the nostofflce at Pendleton, Oregon. fecond-clana mall matter. Telephone kialn 1 Official OtT and County Paper. THE WAY OK LIKE. ti nt of our own which we must follow. It is the antcdoluvian plan and was used by Father Noah on his famous ciuise. Each man may have a light in front of his place If he will pay f r it. Some have them and some dou"t. As a result one block may be n 11 lighted while another is dark. A man who buys a lamp may get any thing he wants if he will dig up. He can have five globes or three. He can have bright Mghts or dim. He c-f.n turn them on when he wants to and off when he sees fit. The indi- Dreamed a dream of violets birds were on the wing. And Mister Mockingbird. I knew was fixln' for to sing; And so, I penned an anthem to the beauty of the day. When a blizzard, 1 ke a hurri cane, swept all my lines away! (That's the way of life, you know! Pleasure never comes. But just when he feels most at home Trouble beats his drums!) And then I sang of blizzards rude, when lo! the earth's surprise. The blizzard blew himself away and sunshine lit the skies! All the world was beautiful, and the kind heavens of blue Were beaming just as brightly as your sweetheart looks at you! (That's the way with life, you know! Shadows still, and gleams; Violets and then the snow Is sifted through your dreams!) Frank L. Stanton. J vidualistic idea prevails-to the limit. Vhere Is no uniformity about the plan itnd never will be until the system is changed. Our system Is based on the divine right of the electric trust and the tele phone trust to keep their wooden poles and overhead wires on the business streets. It is a right exercised tl rough long control of our city gov ernment by the public sen-Ice corpor ations. Whether such control is to be continued under the administration tbat will take office January 1 re mains to be seen. Pasco, being a new town is not troubled with fuedal rights such as obtain here. Therein Pasco Is more fortunate than Pendleton and the ap pearance of that town will so show when the municipal cluster lights are U'rned on over there this week. PENDLETON AND PASCO. Pasco is going to be up-to-date. IT MIST BE UTII.IZKB. In the fight over the endorsement of the West Umatilla Extension peo ple In this vicinity have had a needed lesson as to the value of water. The entire struggle arose over the question as to who should get something that has heretofore been allowed to go to waste. It is safe to say that all con cerned understand the Importance of water and of water rights better than they did two weoks ago. ; It was brought out-. clearly during the controversy that no matter what happens the water rights in this sec tion as elsewhere in the state are to be accurately determined. Such rights are not to bo left In the present hazy sjtate but they will be adjudicated un til some day a man's water right will be as clearly defined as is his title to bis land. This should be donebecnuse In dry sections water rights are of irore importance than land titles. Another fact people should bear In mind Is that the mere filing upon va tcr does not mean the end of things The filing itself does not give title. The essential thing- Is that the water be put ti beneficlnl use. At this time some local farmers hesitate to file upon wa ter because It has all been filed upon land they imagine it is gone. But It W I not gone un'il it has been utilized and I very little water has been utilized as yet. Filings are but options upon the water and more often than not they are allowed to lapse. r armors upon such streams as Birch and McKay creeks who want vater should proceed to file upon what they need. They should ilo this even though the government has thf water appropriated for the West Ex tension. The Extension may never be built and in that event the water goes to the next succeeding applicants, this regardless of whether those applicants be rich or poor, good, bad or red head ed. But if the Extension should be built there may be water to spare. If not at fir-t there will unquestionably be water to spare after the desert has once been reclaimed. .. The settlement of the problem, of the utilization of the waters of the Umatilla river and tributary streams is not yet complete. That Is a mat ter that will not be completed until the water has all been put to bene ficial use. Meanwhile people who need water should act accordingly. which Great Britain seems to have the lion's share. Italy's commercial interests when dlvloed up with those or the other nations cannot bo very large or vital. Charles W. Furlong In the World's Work for December. r PIXUV Children Cry for Fletcher's C9TRisni For Men Nothing is more acceptable as an Xmas gift than a selec tion from our fine line of CIGARS IX HOLIDAY PACKAGES, PIPES OF EVER Y DESCRIPTIOX, SMOKERS ARTICLES OF ALL KINDS. ALSO CHOICE LIXE OF CAXDIES IX SPECIAL HOLI DAY BOXES. We cordially solicit the ladies' trade. HARRY O'DELL Confectionery and Smokers Supplies. Main street, next door to Tallman & Co. 'Tans In a gilden restaurant, Where people came to eat, A Southerner, all grim and gaunt, Stepped in on eager feet. He sat down and ordered food. And suddenly and soon The orchestra' in joyful mood Struck up that "Dixie" tune. There came a tumult of applause; The southerner was glad He felt his honor to h's Cause And could no more be sad, "Hurrah! Hurrah" the diners cried, Anl straightway dropped their r's: It seemed as though with valiant pride They'd how their battle scars. The southerner then asked of one , Who almost broke his dish " Applaud'nar: "Whah ah you from, son?" He said: "South Haven. Mich." Another came from old. South Bend, And one who cheered with glee From Southport, Maine, had come; his friend Was ra'sed out in. S. D. A man from South Chicago yelled The wildest of wild cheers, Until the folks about him held Their hands upon their ears; Another man whose voice was loud. Whose hands gave b'.ow on blow In the applause that led the crowd Was from South Charleston. O. The southerner looker; all around And pursed his grim old mouth And said: "I'm glad that I have found So many from the south." He seeks every he goes When "Dixie's" played they stamp the!r feet And cheer It through their nose. Baltimore Sun. 5v 1 7 Xf& AITEIl WEST, NOT HIS IOLICY. J Enemies of Governor West hve taken advantage of his absence from the state to attack his prison policy anew. The Oregonlan has had much to say about two Mexicans whom it Massed as "honor men" and who were re-arrested at San Diego, Califor nia not long ago. But it comes to light that the Mexi cans were not honor men at all. They : were serving Indeterminate sentences i and were released under the regular j operations of the law. The following statement as to the case has been mado i by R. A. Watson, private secretary to ; the governor: "The statement that they were as- sured a full pardon is false In every i sense of the word. They were told that if they returned to their own I country they would be relieved from ! regular reports to the superintendent, a they would be out of the jurisdic tion of this state. Their minimum time had expired and they were en titled to parole under the state law. The prison records verify this." People should pay no heed to criti cisms such papers as the Oregonlan make of Governor West's prison pol icy. They are not fighting his prison policy. They are fighting the gover nor because they don't like his po litical and economic views. He stands for the public welfare and such offi cials do not please the men and the newspapers that unhold the cause of Toryism and Plutocracy. iirisfmas s 2m SEE A. I, umm Jeweler and Silversmith FOR Diamonds, Watches Clocks, Chains, Bracelets A full Line of Jewelry Telephone Red 301 1 Uncle Sam seems to be getting grouchy toward Russia all at once If the treaty has been In effect since 1S32 why should Congressman Sulzer ar.d his friends become so hasty about abrogating It? There is no profit in throwing rrcks at one another. Better to put them Into the walls of a permanent fair building. There is a city ordinance requiring that people keep snow cleaned off the walks in front of their premises. It should be obeyed and enforced upon those who do not obey It. At least government officials, Includ ing the president, have learned there is such a city as Pendleton. Lets get some other town to be the referee next time. It begins to look like a White Christmas. IS TRIPOM WORTH TAKIXG? The county Itself agriculturally sus tains about four fod harvests out of ten, and the prertit productive soil of the vlayet of Tripoli is about two fifths of Its 410,000 square miles a narrow strip along the littoral. Here Arabs, Berbers and Bedouins culti vate cereals, vegetables and fruit trees, raise sheep, camels, goats and donkeys. The total average annual com merce amounts to about $4,000,000. Of the Import trade which is afcout half, Great Britain generally leads with Manchester goods, etc, the rest Is shared mainly by Germany, France Italy, Turkey, Tunisia, Malta and Kypt. Thus It will be seen that as the en tire commerce of Tripoli amounts to about $1,000,000, a mere bagatelle of EFFICIENCY IN THE SOUTH. According to Prof. Edwin Minis In the December World's Work, the south has given the lie to all who still call her shiftless and down at the heel. The cotton ml'.ls. for Instance, though they are fewer, perhaps, than those in New England, are not infer ior in quality. Take, for instance, the recently es tablished Republic Mill at Oreat Falls, S. ('. On March 1, 19tt. the mill be gan operation with 680 looms, and 25.200 sp'nd'es the looms are the Intest improvement of the Northrop! Draper Automatic type, twenty-six of j The Kind You I Live Always Bought, and w hich has been In use lor over 30 years, haa borno tho signature of t nnl lias been mauo unuer mu pcr- sonal supervision sliico Its lnfaary. "TXJ-CUCfUtt Allow no ono to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-ns-good" aro but Experiments that irtfle with and endanger the health or Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its a?e is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea- and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach ai.d Howels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (Bears the Signature of 3 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CCNTAUII COMPANY, TT MURRAY STRICT. NCW YORK CITY. which may be operated hy one weav er; they run while the employes are at dinner. There Is, furthermore, a Barber-Coleman drawing-ln machine which takes the place of fifteen or twenty girls. Excellent provisions for light and ventilation in this mill are supplemented by the Cramer humid ifying system. Electric appliances enable the owners of the mill ta com pute exactly the cost of power for any department of manufactures. EASY AND IE WAY TO 1 E ii GOLDS Don't Neglect a Cold, Stop it: in the bneczmg Stage. Use Ely's Cream Balm. A cold -generally nttacks tbo weakest part, affecting the eyes and ears iu some and producing nasal catarrh anil tbrmit troubles in others. A cold is dno to an in flammation of the membrane linini; the iiir passages, and may be promptly cured with a little Ely's Cream Halm, which immedi ately relieves the inflummatiou and all the distressing symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, running at the nose anil eyes, hoarseness, sore throat, fever and head ache. One reason why this pure, antisi p tio Balm acts so quickly is because it is ap plied directly to the tender, sore surfaces. Even in severe, chronic cases of catarrh, Ely's Cream Balin never fails to ntiii kly and effectually check the poisonous dig. I charge which clogs the bead and throat, causing the disgusting hawking, spitting and blowing of the nose. This remedy net ; only drives out the rottenness, but heals and strengthens the weakened and diseased membranes, thus ending catarrh for all time. Catarrh is a filthy, disgusting disease. Don't pnt up with it another dy. (iet a 50 cent bottle of Elv's Cream Balm from I your druggist to-day; or, if y'Ur ao requires spraying i f the nose, thront or ears, call for Ely'H (Liquid) Creum Balm. For. Your BOY '$ Youk own, CREATE OH CRUMBLE. Every man should create a foundation for success before old age crumbles his earning powers. A small savings account started today, NOW, will start you on the road to Independence. The farther you travel on this road the less you will wish to turn aside. MAKIC Ollt BANK YOUR BANK. We pay liberal interest consistent with safety, 4 per cent. The American National Bank Gifts that Last and are Used Hnias Hardware Ware Would Please HER. We have a largo lino of pure Aluminum cooldng utensils. They last longer, save your health, save tho housewife scouring and scrubbing and aro an ornament to any home. Frills and knick-knacks may bo all very well as Christinas gifts, but they aro gono and forgotten in a few days, or, just when the receiver begins to re ally enjoy tho useful Xmas present that was pur chased here Any of the following articles are appropriate for presents and our stock is now complete in all of these lines. SILVERWARE CARVERS RAZORS ROASTERS ALUMINUM WARE PLATED WARE GUNS, REVOLVERS POCKET CUTLERY W.J. Clarke & Co.