; . ... . . j ' - . . . ...... DAILY EAST OIIBGONIAX, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1911. mnirr fagek. PAGE THREE. E MAY WED AFFINITY Chicago, Dec. 19. Mrs. Edna Rob inson of Portland, Ore., who attempt ed suicide Saturday, and Frank Cock rell are expected to marry. They pacsed mont of yesterday in her pri vate room at the hospital. His pres ence and his entering words have helped surgery to start her on the road to recovery. The bullet wan removed during the day. In a week or 10 day she may be able to leave the hospital unless unexpected complications aet in. - Frlendn say that as soon as Mrs. Robinson 1b discharged from the hos pital the wedding will take place. "She is an estimable woman a woman of highest type and simply lost control over herself," said Cock rell. "I had absolutely nothing to do with her separation from Harry Rob inson, the Portland telegraph opera tor, and did not consider my visiting her in Chicago as a court-hip; but her views apparent'y were different. Certainly I visited her at the hospital and I am glad my presence cheered her and created the encouragement she so much needed. I hope for her speedy recovery." Mrs. Robinson Is reported to have said today that she would never mar ry Cockrell. When You Think I the pain which many women experience with every month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle. 'While in general no woman rebels against what ibe re gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would siot gladly be free from this recurring period of pain. Dr. Pierce' Favorite Preaerlptlon make weak women atroni and alek women well, and tlvea them freedom from pain, it eatabllsbea regularity, aubduea Inflam mation, beala ulceration mad cure e male weakueaa. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, fret. All corresoondence strictly nrivate and sacredly confidential. Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary Med ioal Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. If you want a book that tells all about woman's' diseases, and how to cure them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing only, and he will send you a frit copy of his great thousand-page illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in paper covers. In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. if THERE IS SOME REASON FOR THE GREATLY INCREASED ATTEND ANCE AT THE PENDLETON THE SCHOOL OF MODERN METHODS The best systems, individual instruction and a personal Interest In each pupil are the reasons for the rapid advancement and the short time required to graduate In our school. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting and all business, shorthand and English subjects practically and thoroughly taught. ENROLL NOW. Day and evening classes. Graduates assisted to good positions. Fees are lower than In most schools. M. L. CLANCEY, H. A., Pres. THE OFFICE A. SCHNE1TER, Prop. PENDLETON. ORE Farpily Liquor Store Phone Main 299 7 1 1 Main Street. Lumber and Building U a 1 A Large and Complete Stock Al lMUtCrlal ways on Hand and PRICED RIGHT The Best Mill Work to be Obtained in the Northwest Let U. Figure With You on Your NextOrder Pendleton Planing Mill and Lum- hor Varrl J. A. BORIE LUMBER CO., Proprietors U6I I dill PHONE MAIN 7 ENGINEER KILLED LEAVING LOCOMOTIVE Albany, Ore., Dec. 19. Philip SI. Flood, engineer of the local freight running between Albany and Junction City, was killed In the railroad yards here. He was found at 5 o'clock, lying with the back of his Bkull crush ed, on a small bridge near the east end of the yards and died two hours Inter In the hospital. It is not known how the accident occurred but it is supposed that fie boarded the engine or the northbound Oregon express li-uvlng here at 4:18 to ride toward home, Jumped off at the bridge, slip ped, and struck his head on some pro. jectloji of the train. He was 33 years old and leaves a wife. i SPORTS Well DcfoaU Storbeck. London, Dec. 19. Bombardier Wells, whose scheduled fight with Jack Johnson Iat September was prohibited by the authorities, appear ed In the ring of the National Sport ing club lost night and defeated Fred Storbeck, the heavyweight champion of South Africa. A big crowd had gathered to see the bout, which last ed 11 rounds, Storbeck being knocked out with one of Wells' powerful swings. t'hipp Defeats German Akron, o., Dec. 19. Joe Gorman, champion middleweight of the Pacific coast, was knocked out by George Chlpp of Pittsburg last night In the f'fth round ot what was to have been a 12-round bout. Nelson Defeats Howard. New York, Dec. 19. Battling Nel son easily had the better of Willie Howard in a ten-round bout In Brook lyn last night. While the bout was all Nelson's on points, the blows he landed seemed weak. SMknnc IIw High Score. Springfield, Mass., Dec. 19. Re tults in the third and fourth rounds in the Indoor League of the United States Revolver association were an nounced lust night. The highest store to date is credited to Spokane with 1112 in the fourth round. In the third Spokane got 1100. San Francisco scored 10S2 in the third and 1108 In the fourth. These teams, with the exception of Manhattan, New York City, are the only ones to reach the 1100 mark In those two rounds. Manhattan has shot over 1100 In all four rounds, the scores announced being 1111 and 1103. j 1'OnTI.AXI) HANK CLOSED BY STATE EXAMINER Portland, Dec. 18. The American Rank and Trust company, Portland's small bank, closed its doors today on orders of Rank Examiner Wright who feared it would wreck if it continued business much longer. It was cap italized at $150,000; has deposits of $183 000; cash on hand, 140.000 and the rest In securities. Negotiations are under way to take it over by a bigger bank. Wright says it will ulti mately pay the depc.Otors fully. When your feet are wet and cold, and your body chilled through ami thrnilch fmm PTniuupA taVa a Vi ' rr I dose of Chamber'ain's Cough Rem- I eay. nntho your reet in hot water be- ! forA ffnincr tn flnd vftn nro olmnet I certain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by all dealers. TO CU11E A COLD IX ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Qainlne Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S algna ture Is on each box. 25c. Usefcil Gilts for Mml FROM A MEN'S STORE Dress Shirts Fancy or golf, with or with out collar, $1.00, $1.23. $1.50. Mufflers and Full Dress pro tectors 50 to $ 4.00 Suspenders 25 to $1.50 Pajamas... $1.50 to $3.00 Suit eases .... .$1.25 to $20 Tie Fins 50 to $2.50 Cuff Links and Fins to match... $1.00 to $2.50 Sweater Coats 90 to $5 Dress Vests $1.00 and up Dress Shoes $2.50 to $5 Gloves Hutchens & Fotter Dress Kid Mocha, Silk Lined and street cloves, $1.00 to CO rK Our Holiday lines are now eomplele and we take pleas ure in showing our Roods. Plenty of pom potent and courteous clerks to wait on you promptly. Silk Hose Comes in all colors 50 pr. Neckwear Fancy Silk 25 to $1 Imp. Knitted Ties 50 Umbrellas 75, to $2.50 Handbags...:. 3 to $17.50 Tie, Tandkerebief and Hose sets 50 to $2.00 Hat Brushes . 50 F.radley Mufflers 25, 50 Worsted Suits $3.75 to $25.00. Overcoats.. Raincoats.. $1.00 to $60 $5.00 to $20 Wonungiiien's . Ming Go. AT THE PICTURE SHOWS Orplieum, TUe-day's program is a dandy. The be."t Is none too good for our patrons. 1 "Her Cowboy Lover." Vita graph. An eastern girl goes west, 8ee a real specimen of manhood, who beats out "the eastern fellow," by snatching her from his side in an auto, lifting her onto his broncho. 2. "An Ep sode Under Henry III." Pathc. Henry III, king of France, de sires the removal of Duke De Guise, who is in love With his sister. He plans to assassinate the duke. The king's sister sends her . friend, the Duke de Bus y,' to save her lover, which results in the death of the duke. 3. "Under the Tropical Sun." Ed ison. This picture was taken In Cuba, in and around a sugar plantation. 4. "Off the Coast of Maine." Ed ison. A scenic film of great beauty. 5. "His First Long Trousers." Se lig. An airy, breezy comedy of school boy days. 6. " Seeing Indianapolis." Sellg. An interesting travel picture. The Pastime. The home of good pictures Tues day's change: "The Surgeon's Temptation." Edi son. Norm Marsden. an eminent sur (teon, becomes engaged to Celia West, a charming society girl who Is con siderably his Junior. One. day while with Celia he meets a young friend of his whom he presents to Celia. Ev ans is a handsome young chap with a winning personality and it is not long until the young people are very much In love. An automobile accident in this picture causes a real thrill. "Too Many Engagements." Essa nay. A lively comedy in a fashion able restaurant. Two adjoining pri vate d'nlng rooms are shown and In each Bob Crandall. stock market plunger, is tiying to enttrtain a girl without letting either know of the ether. "Trapped " Eclipse. An absorb ing story telling how a thumb print aids Justice in finding the guilty par ty. "White Brave's Heritage." Kalem. A ranchman dashes tip to the Went worth home and Informs the family that a terrific prairie fire- is sweep ing down upon them. The Cos-. A week of features at the house of features. Watch closely so you won't miss any of them. Wrestling match for championship of the world, Mon day and Tuesday. Five reels, 6000 feet this change. "Wrestling and Wrestlers," (Am broslo); A feature athletic film, showing three exciting bouts between the champions of the Grfoeeo-Roman style of wrestling. John Ralcevlch, champion of the world, defends his t!tle against Anglio, the black giant of Martinique. Jourdan, French champion vs. Lobmajar, Austrian champion, Emlle Bacevich, Italian champion vs. Shinaplier, Prussian champion. "Vindication of John," (Champion). Freed from jail by his mother, the falsely accused man went west and became a cowboy. "East and the West," (Thanhous er). A pretty story of America and Japan, with the scenes shifting back and forth between the two countries. "The Tiddisher Cowboy," (Ameri can). The Jew opened a pawn shop In the bunk hojse and loaned the boys money on their guns. Having got all the guns, he had the punch ers at his mercy. "The Brocho Buster's Bride," (Am erican). The boys felt sorry for hen pecked Jack and took his wife away leaving a note: "Dear Jack We've took your filly out to break her in." Their success was marked. "When a Man's Single," (American) If you never laughed before you'll lnugh at this. Coming soon, "The Cowboy Pugi list." Coming Christmas, greatest war picture ever made, "The Golden Wedding," in two reels. 2,000 pecclt in the cast. I XCI.K SAM STILL HAS SI HPLVS DOLLARS OX HAND Washington, D. C, Dee. 18. Sec rotary MacVoagh of the United States rea-ury today sent his annual report to congress, for the fiscal year end ng June 30. The report Rhows that Uncle Sam has $1,538,202,575.53 top'd a way in his sTong box. while i balance of $35,476,135.14 is had In national banks and in the Philippine treasury. nst in s amount of cash on "ana, is a debt, including interest and non-lntorest bearing, of $1,303.- 3S4. '.137.69. Tlie total estimates of expenditures for ordinary and extraordinary pur poses In 1913. exclusive of the esti mates for the Panama canal and tlmse for tho ponal service payable from postal revenues, are $637,920.S03 35. The estimates of rece'pts available for the general fund are $667,000,000. The estimated exces of receipts for 1913 Is, therefore, $29,079,196.65. The estimates for tho Panama canal are $47,263,760.20, making the grand total of estimated expenditures pay ablo from tho general fund $6S5.1ii4, 563.55: and accordingly the estimat ed excets of expenditures for 1913. in cluding the Panama canal, is $1S,-1S4.563.55. Deep-seated coughs that resist ordi nary remedies require both external and internal treatment. If you buv a I dollar bottle of BALLARD'S HOIIE- HOUND SYRUP you get the two i remedies you need for the price of one. There Is a IIERRICK'S RED I PEITER PORUS PLASTER for the chest, free wltn each bottle. Sold by A. C. Kooppen & Bros. MILLIONS f FAMILIES ELIXIR SENNA fO COLDS AND HEADACHES, INDIGESTION AND MUR tpSSZSSrjSESE ' ' .,nwn, WIUllTAUUn ATll BILIOUSNESS, WITH MOST SATISFACTORY RESULTS. t nijiitiiiirfiLi'ikiiA CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUPCO. IN THE CIRCLE ON EVERY PACKAGE OFTHE GENUINE THE WONDERFUL POPULARITY OF THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIGS AND EUXIR OF SENNA HAS LED UNSCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS TO OFFER IMITATIONS, IN ORDER TO MAKE A LARGER PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. IF A DEALER ASKS WHICH SIZE YOU WISH, OR WHAT MAKE YOU WISH. WHEN YOU ASK FOR SYRUP OF FIGS AND EUXIR OF SENNA, HE IS PREPAR. INC TO DECEIVE YOU TELL HIM THAT YOU WISH THE GENUINE, MANUFACTURED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG YRUP CO ALL RELIABLE DRUCCISTS KNOW THAT THERE IS BUT ONE GENUINE AND THAT IT IS MANU. FACTORED BY THE CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO ONLY NOTE THE NAME nUNTED STRAIGHT ACROSS.NEAR THE BOTTOM. .ND IN THE CIRCLE, NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE.OF THE GENUINE ONE SIZE ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING ORUGGISTS REGULAR PRICE 50c PER BOTTLE. miniature ncruu or PACKAGE. mm I IjfeJlri ill J'-tONlAlU Hi PER ( I l jl J -t -Tmmiumi. m CLM r 'j I j I ABmW. C0I-5T-MTII, K l! I 1 -rsri--i bl lX! 1 1 SYRUP OF FIGS AND EUXIR OF SENNA IS ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OP LADIES AND CHILDREN. AS IT IS MILD AND PLEASANT GENTLE AND EFFECTIVE, AND ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM OBJECTIONABLE INGREDIENTS. IT IS EQUALLY BCNEFICIAI. FOR WOMEN AND FOR MEN. YOUNG AND OLD FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS ' ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE. California Fig Syrup Cq IJ.VTTI.KS IXTKUFKRF. WITH PEACE X AGOTIATIOXS Shanghai, Dec. 18 After a short and unsatisfactory conference today between Bowen T'ng Fang, for the rebels, and Tang Shao TI for the Im perialists, It was decided that no more peace conferences will be held until the armies quit fighting an " armistice. The opposing bo.....s have been ordered to obey the armis t ce. The oppos'ng generals have been ordered to quit battle. I C Snyder, ch'.mney sweep. R S812. O. A. C. SHORT COURSES BEG IX JAX. 3, COXTIXVE FOUR WEEKS. YOU ARE INVITED Every citizen of Oregon Is cordially Invited to attend the short courses of the Oregon Agri cultural College, beginning Jan. 3. Eleven distinctive courses will be offered in Agricul ture, Mechanic Arts, Domestic Science and Art, Commerce, Forestry and Music. Every course Is designed to HELP the student in his dally work. Make this a pleasant and pro fitable winter outing. No tuition. Reason able accommodations. For beautiful Illustrat ed bulletin, address, H. M. TENNANT, Registrar, Corvallls. Ore. Farmer's Business Course by Correspondence. St. George Cafe and Grill WHITE COOKS, SERVICE FIRST-CUSS Open Day and Night Prices are Reasonable Hot Merchants Lunch Daily 1 1:30 A M, to 2:00 P. M. French Dinner every Sunday from 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Entrance on Webb Street or through Hotel Lobby High School Lecture Course JOSEFFY, The Magician An Evening of Music - Magic - Mystery 1: Violin Solos from Lighter Classics. 2. Original Experiments in Slight of Hand; novel, unique, amusing. 2. Necromancy : Experiments in the Fourth Dimension, the Hindu Dial, Japanese Phantasy, etc. First Christian Church Tuesday, Dec. 1 9th, 1911 Admission: Adults 50; Children 25?( Season Tickets, Four Numbers S?1.G0 Bott led in Bond' 6 Wauts Shipping; Trust Probed. Washington, Dec. IS. Supporting his resolution, asking for an investl Kiitinn of ihe sh ppinir triist. Congress man Humphrey of Washington, be fore the house committee on rules, to l:iv s: d. "'or (hnn !'0 it comi nf over-soa commerce Is carried In for eign ships, belonging to some sort of a i-'nu.in. Tncy nave no competi tion Passenger and freight rates are fixed by agreement. ' 1 Absolutely 2S5S2 -H'fi" mm Since 1780 HERMAN PETERS PENDLETON - - OREGON 'A-