East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 19, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    fAGR TWO.
eight pages.
77s Is f Ae Store with the
Christmas Spirit ' t"
stock is chuck full of suitable gifts. The spirit of
Christmas comes to you as you enter the door. Here is something
for every member of the family. Something useful as well as
beautiful. No store is as well prepared as ours now, and you'll
find here something to fill every want.
r?Yrft TffC
An Ideal Xmas Present
sirable Christmas presents. Besides being a
novelty, they are very serviceable about the
home. Father, mother, sister or brother will
find them useful as well as pretty. They can
be used as a slumber robe, on the couch, on
the bed, when traveling, driving, or on vaca
tion trips.
You will not be bothered aiKnit preparing or
addressing the package, as we will attend to
this for .you and ship with all express charges
prepaid to any express office in the United
State. We will ship the role so it will be de
livered Christmas day.
Xmas Slippers
Here you will find Christmas Slippers and
Shoes for father, mother, brother or sister in
the most attractive styles and at surprisingly
low prices. Bv purchasing direct from the
manufacturers we secure special price conces
sions that enables us to offer the most unusual
LADIES' FELTS in all colors and grades
$1.00 to S2.25.
LADIES' KID SLIPPERS, plain toe, felt
lined, genuine turned sole, tan, black and red
MEN'S KID SLIPPERS genuine turned
soles, all styles and colors, $1.00 to $2.75
Mufflers for Christmas
Nowhere will you find such an elaborate
showing of mufflers, reefers, etc., as here. We
have the famous Bradley Mufflers in all col
ors and styles.
Mercerized at 50
All-Wool at ?1.50 and ?2.00
Largest Size Mercerized $1.00
SILK REEFERS large sibe, all colors,
Surrah silk, Barathea silk, in plain and em
broidered $1.50 to ?3.50
Men's Gloves as Christ
mas Gifts
Most acceptable. Every man can always
make good use of an extra pair of nice gloves.
No matter what kind your fancy may demand
we have them here and at prices that will
please you.
MEN'S DRESS GLOVES in Mocha, Cope,
Kid, Dog Skin, Buck and Seal. The best
known makes. Every pair guaranteed. Silk
lined, fleece lined and fur lined. Knitted
gloves, Bearskin gloves, etc. 25, 50.
$1.00 to $5.00 pair.
For Men. The Finest Line
of Holiday Gift
With silk bengaline tie to match, in a full
line of beautiful colorings; packed in fanev
box at $1.00
The entire assortment, and the regular prices
range from $5.00 to $12.50; on sale at a dis
count of 1-3
Another shipment here in time for Xmas
business; new designs, every conceivable color
in assortment ; while they last at, each 50
In a fine lisle make; colors are gray, tan.
navy and black, extra good wearers, seamless,
perfect fitting 25
The kind all the boys and girls are wearing
this winter. Come in red and gray. The
greatest chest and throat protectors von can
get $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 each
Give a Merchandise Cer
tificate When you are undecided what to give, don't
worry about it, just, give one of our merchan
dise certificates. It's sure to please. The re
cipient can choose whatever they wish to the
amount of the certificate. These certificates
can be had for any amount desire
A Woman's Reasons
BECAUSE I have confidence in, the goods
and in the store.
BECAUSE They have what they advertise
and 1 never have to discount their statements.
BECAUSE I get a discount on all my pur
chases by saving my trading coupons which
mean a saving of 5 per cent to me.
BECAUSE I have never lteen fooled in any
thing that I have lxmght there.
BECAUSE My husband tells me that it is
the best store in Pendleton. If it is good
enough for him it is geed enough mor me.
BECAUSE There is never any trouble in
having goods exchanged.
BECAUSE The salespeople are the most
obliging in the city, and always willing to
show goods.
BECAUSE Everything sold is jKMsonally
guaranteed bv the management.
BECAUSE I like their fine big cloak and
suit store, where stocks are so large that se
lection is easy.
BECAUSE I like the freedom of walking
around whether I buy or not.
BECAUSE It is the only place where I can
get correctly fitted underwear.
BECAUSE They always treat me square.
The Peoples Warehouse
This store will be
open till eight o'clock
this evening
This store toil be
open till eight o'clock
this evening
l In inter I -ays Down Ten Rules Tliat
He Says Wives Should Follow.
Brockton. Mass. A series of "Ten
Commandments for Wives," prepared
by the Rev. Albert Hyde, pa-tor of
the Porter Congregational church, is
being distributed in printed form
here. They are as follows:
Thou shalt not marry for revenue
or even to escape being an old maid.
After the marriafe thou shalt not put
on an old wrapper or wear slippers
run down at the heels.
Thou shalt not be a slave of fash
ions. Thou shalt not be a gossip.
Thou shalt not be out of sorts when
thy neighbor, In a limousine, smiles
i on thee in a trolley car.
i Thou shalt not break the no-license
law by serving strong punch at they
Thou shalt not forget the age of
thy children in the public conveyance.
Thou shalt not let loose on they
husband on wash day or even in house
cleaning time.
Thou shalt not spell home as "mat
inee" or "club" or "moving pictures."
Thou shalt not forget where thy
bible is, and be unable to find it when
the minister comes.
There Are Two Sides
to every question, but there can be
only one opinion of our Cleaning and
pressing. It Is commended in the
highest terms by those who have fa
vored us with their patronage In the
jast. We have the most up-to-date
methods and can do work quicker
and better than our rivals, because
we are better equipped to do the
work. And we charge very moder
ately for our services too.
Pendlslcn Dy3 Works
Phone Main 1(9. 206 Vi E. Alta,
Father of Accused Minister's One
Time Fiancee. Won't Deny or
Comment on Humor.
Boston. There was a report that
Moses Grant Edmonds had withdrawn
all financial support from his one
time prospective son-in-law, the Kev.
Clarence V. T. Rlcheson, awaiting tri
al for the murder of Avis Llnnell.
"I have nothing to say concerning
Mr. Richeson," said Mr. Edmonds.
"Will you deny that you have with
drawn your support from him?-'
"I will not deny it. I have nothing
to say."
None of the Edmands family has
called at the Charles .Street Jail for
six weeks. Previous to that time Mr.
Edrnands made several calls and car
ried the clergyman food and cloth
ing. For six weeks Rlcheson has been
eating the Jail food. Even on Thanks
giving day he had nothing but the
x.ast pork dinner prepared lor all
Of late the pastor has shown the
effects of being confined In Jail and is
said to have ' become disheartened
over the attitude of his intimate
friends, many of the latter having
caned their visits.
William A. Morse, chief counsel for
Rlcheson, was out of town today. He
l:t the only one In the ease who can
neuk with authority upon the mat
ter. "lii f JijHtii-e Aik-n of the Superior
Court will on Monday announce the
name of the Judge who will preside
over the trial, which Is scheduled to
begin Jan. 15. It is understood that
counsel for the accused minister will
again ask for an extension of time. It
U" believed that either Judge .San
derson or Judge' .Stevens will try Rlche.
srn. Judge Sanderson has heard all
matters pertaining to the Rlcheson
Ciise so far In the upper court.
fear seiif-hypxotism is
kiixi.m; ai.i.k;i;d poison eii
Found Suffering From Paralysis In
Chicago Jail, nnd Her Con
dition is Critical.
Chicago. Mrs. Louis Vermilya,
charged with having poisoned Po
liceman Arthur Hlssonette ana sus
pected of having- poisoned nine others,
was found stricken with paralysis by
a matron, and Dr. Thomas Hogan,
physician, at the county Jail, where
she is Imprisoned, says her condition
is critical.
Dr. Hogan Is of the belief that Bhe
Is the victim of self-hypnotism.
"She is a powerful woman with a
powerful mind," said he. "I am of the
opinion that she has brought, her
trouble on by will power. Death may
come at any moment. She cannot
talk and only has the use of her right
Mrs. vermuya was arrested on a
charge of murder when an examina
tion of the vlsoera of the policeman
revealed sufficient arsenic to cause
death. The deaths of nine other per
sons within a few years caused Cor
oner Hoffman to exhume the bodies
of two. Traces of arsenic were found
in each.
Family Party Just Escae Being
Run Down by a Cub Driver
in Washington.
Washington. George J. Gould, his
son Jay Gould, Ixird and Lady De
elos and Mr. Russeli, a friend of Mr.
Goud.l narrowly escaped being run
d wn on Pennsylvania nvcnuo by a
tab driver.
Mr. Gould and his party were en
route from New York to High Point
y. C, and had stopped off in Wash
ington to get a terrapin and canvas
back dinner. Afu-r dinner the party
started to walk t'nek to the Willard.
As they were crossing Pennsylvania
avenue at Thirteenth street a cab
driver headed toward the party. Lady
beetles, who was In the lead with his
lordship, stepped back, but not her
husband, who stood stock still. Just
a' the horse was about to strike him
George Gould grabbed him by the arm
and not very gently Jerked him out
of danger.
Ruby Girl Born on Fast Train to .Unii.
ajjer of Chicago Opera.
Chicago. The stork delivered a
fin baby girl to Mrs. Bernard Ulrlch
in a drawing room on the Pennsyl
vania eighteen-hour train sixty miles
outside of Chicago.
Mrs. Ulrlch, who Is the wife of the
manager of the Chicago Grand Opera
company, had left Baltimore, where
she had been visiting relatives, yes
terday about noon. She was accom
panied by a maid and a trained nurse
from the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Attention Order of Moose.
Pendleton Lodge No. 780. Loyal Or
der of Moose, will meet in their new
hall located In the Brownfleld-Mat-lock
building, next Thursday night,
December 21. Social session and re
freshments. Everybody come out and
see our new home. By order of
All furniture and other equipment
In New Royal Hotel, Weston, Ore.,
will bo sold January 6, 1 p. m., public
auction on the premises. Hotel build
ing may be rented by purchaser.
-It". L.
Elijah will be sung by tho Royal
College of I'orpora choral society Fri
day evening, January 5th. The first
rehearsal is called for December 28
at 7:3') o'clock.
Cut Glass
Bohemian Art Glass
3 Iff
Extra Special Bargains in Excellent Christinas (Jifta
at the
(Utol Tai Mroons
"See Our Window Display.
We also have a beautiful lino of the famous STAR CUT
GLASS, moderately priced.
The East Orcgonian is eastern Oregon's representative paper. It
leads and the people appreciate it and show ft by their liberal patron
ap,e. It is the advertising medium of this section.