East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 19, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Fair tonight and Wed-nt-Bduy.
Large I --
latlon of any paper In
Oregon, e-wt f Port
VOL. 24.
NO. 7299
"" ' tf:l
S. A. Newberry Succeeds
Him as Local Chief of
Prosecutor's Office.
Speculation, on lTobablo Successor
to Vun Vactor. 1 Ilt-glnnine With
James Noal, FrcowaU-T Attorney,
Ouly Candidate la Sight.
W C. E. Pruitt, who has been act
ing as deputy district attorney since
the resignation of Frederick Stelwer,
last night resigned his office 'and this
afternoon S. A. Newberry was appoint
ed by District Attorney S. E. Van
Vactor to fill the vacancy. Mr. Pru
itt left this afternoon via the North
ern Pacific for L-imbertson, Minn., to
visit his daughter and gives his ab
sence from the city Just prior to the
January session of the grand Jury as
the reason for his resignation.
Mr. Newberry Is a well known at
torney of this city and la a demo
crat in political faith. He will com
mence upon his duties Immediately.
Who Will Succeed Van Vuctor?
The resignation of Mr. Pruitt has
been the cause of a renewal of discus
sion as to who will be the next dist
rict attorney for this district. With
the primaries Just four months from
tcduy only olio candidate, James P.
Neal of Freewater, has definitely de
clared himself but a number of other
attorneys In Umatilla and Morrow
county are known to be considering
entering Into the race.
Sam E. Van Vactor, oi nep.u-i-i,
the present district attorney who was
appointed to his position by Acting
Governor Jay Boworman upon the
elevation of O. W. Phelps to the cir
cuit bench. Is mentioned as the most
prominent democratic candidate to
succeud himself but he has not an
nounced his Intentions and declared
to day he was not ready to do so;
Nwil Annouiuvs Hlm'lf.
James P. Seal is a republican and
one of the best known attorneys of
tho east end of the county. He is in
the city today and announces posi
tively he is out for the office of dist
rict attorney and will remain In It
until the counting of the votes.
Another republican much talked of
a a a possible candidate for the nomi
nation Is Frederick Stolwcr, promi
nent member or me o u " " j Introducing Josef fv In a series of
served as deputy district attorney , or,Kina, Pxper menU- ln ,)ure s,cgiht
under G. W. Fhclps nnd for several of haru, ,hoI.OUKhiy up t0 date, novel,
weeks under Van Vactor. Ho has notjunlque ftm, nmuslng
yet announced his candidacy. imagination. Something from Noth-
W. C. E. Pruitt, retiring deputy, is n 1enoirntln of Matter. A Paper
also said to have aspirations for the CnaHP Colns Hpre- Tnerei Everywhere
office but lust before boarding tho
nn.l Vnwliprn TMllainlirmllnn
train for Minnesota .otiay, no ul-u.u-ed
ho would nrtther deny or affirm
tho rumors until his return about the
first of the year.
Woodson Is Mentioned.
From Morrow county, the only re-
publican mentioned for tho position'
Is C E. Woodson, a won Known .--
ycr of Hoppner. but his menus nere
behove he would not sacrifice his
present practice for the honor.
Will M. Peterson has been mcn -
tloned as a possible democratic can -
dldato but declared to an East
gonian representative, that rumors to (
hnt effort have no foundation. Ho
states he has boon defending crimi
nals too long to care to Jump on tho
other side of the fence.
Roy Haley, present city attorney,
has also been mentioned as a pos
sible democratic candldnto but so" far
he has given no grounds for the be
lief that he will enter tho race.
Loa Angeles, Doc. -13. When tho
dynamiting probe of tho federal grand
Jury resumed today Interest centered
on tho test mony of Olaf Tvlctmoe
nnd Antone Joliannscn, who arrivod
this forenoon to testify.' They are
con.-idered thu most important wit
nesses outside of Ortlo McManlgal.
Both assert they know nothing of the
dynamiting operations.
Indjnna Probo Delayed.
Indlanapol s, iu, Dec, 18.-
foderal dynamiting Jury temporarily
halted t ts investigations today to con
sider a counterfeiting case.
Will Transfer Evidence.
IndlanapolK Dec. 19. Announce
ment was made today that all the
dynam ting evident In possession of
the Los Angeles grand Jury will be
transferred b"'e after the holidays.
Unltod State Prosecuting Attoney
Miller expects to perfect cases against
a dozen persons connected with tho
A good many sharp pooplo live In
Harmony Restored in Ranks
of Upper River
liOwcIl'M Kill Slightly Amended Passed
by Attendants of Meeting Witltout
DisM-ntiiig Voice.
Without a dissenting vote Judge
Lowell's "pence" resolution was ad
opted by the Commercial club last eve
ning and harmony now reigns where
a. few days ago bitter strife was on.
. Not over 25 members were out for
the special mooting last evening and
it did not tnko 15 minutes to com
plete the business before the meeting.
Vice President Brock presided in the
absence of President Smythe. After
the gathering had been called to or
der Secretary Keefe read the Lowell
resolution and likewise the minutes
of the board of managers' meeting at
which the same was approved. A
statement from the executive com
mittee of the Umatilla County Wa
terusers' association, signed by J. N.
Burgess, Dan Shaw and Julius Guder
lan, was also read.
After the resolution had been read
J. P. Winter stated he had received
a 'phone call from Mr. Burgess dur
ing the d;iy asking that the wording
"oust of Yoakum" be made broader.
At Mr. Winter's suggestion the reso
lution was changed to read as merely
the upper Umatilla river and tribu
tary streams. It was regarded as a
chunge of little consequence and no
objection was raised.
Before the resolution was voted up
on O. D. Teel of Echo Bpoke briefly
regarding It hut made no fight against
it. The resolution was adopted by a
vlve voice vote and no votes were
cast against it.
Fresh from a series of triumphs,
Joseffy, the renowned necromancer,
arrived In Pendleton this morning
and tonight at the Christian church
will present his program of music,
magic and mytery'to a local audience
under the auspices of the high school.
The following is a specimen of his
"Neither the naked hand nor the
understanding, loft to itself, can do
much: the work is accomplished by
instruments and helps, of which the
need L not le-s for the understanding
than Uie hand." Bscon.
A series of violin solos,
from the lighter class'es.
To make modern and
th, .
Wp ,
maturnl nnd causeless."
That Ends Well,
Nocromancv. The Sun nnd the
M . Jat,nnee Fantasy. The Hln
,iof) pinl. Escapade of a Chronometer,
Exper'menls In the Fourth Dimension
f.prt Knots, A Mes-ngo from Urn
known part(., The Congress of Na
Tno program commences promptly
at 8 'cloek.
Odessa, Minn., Doc. 19. Negligence
of four men, caused the wreck which
resulted In the death of eleven persons
and Injury of twonty-threo yesterday
according to testimony nt tho coro
ners Inquest today. Night Operator
Adams testified that he left his of
fice for a moment, with the block sig
nal set "clear." When the limited
approached he brought the train to
a standstill bocnuso of a "danger
signal" ahead. Then the silk special
crashed Into the train.
Vienna, Deo. 19. Tho' serious 111-1
ness of Emperor Franz Josef today j
Is reviving fears that the end of the
aged "Undo of Europe" Is now near, j
A period of unrest and possibly war'
in the Balklns may follow. He had j
a bad night and coughed violently. I
Ho Is greatly wenkened today. It was
officially announced that he has a
bad cold.
Los Angeles, Dec. 19. The predic
tion that all the defendants ln the
government suit to dl solve the Pa
elf'c Coat Plumbors' trut, which has
conlrol'cd all plumbers' supplies for
tho const for years, will filo their
answo wlth'n n week, ngroeinir to a
dissolution, wns made horo today by
fedornl official , 'f fioy do this no
punishment will bt meted out. Th's
it Is understood, will end the cases.
Notify Chinese Peace
gates That War
Come to an End.
TroojM ('luirglng Their General With
TiwuJiery, Hack lUnllcs of Himself
and Brother to Pi"ces As a Punish
ment. Shanghai, Dec. 19. That the pow
ers may intervene, unless an early
end of revolutionary struggle Is
reached, Is the Inference drawn here
today by notes received from the
powers, by the peace conference dele
gates, urging them to restore normal
conditions. The premier today tele
graphed that he had ordered all Im
perialists to abide by the terms of
the armistice du.'ing the present at
tempt to settle the difference.
I'. S. Joins Move.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 19. The
United States has Joined the world
powers In addressing a note to the
Chinese peace conference at Shang
hai, notifying the delegates that un
less peace is agreed on the powers
will intervene. The note does not
state this direct but intimates that
this action will follow.
General Fang Murdered.
Shanghai, Dec. 19. Tuan Fang,
former director-general of the Huk
wong railroad and once viceroy of the
province of Chi LI, was murdered
today in Sze Chuen by his own troops
following tne discovery of his treacn-jand
ery. His brother was killed also and
their bodies terribly hacked.
Yuan Makes Concessions.
Shanghal, Dec, 19. Premier Yuan ficers delaying action pending devel
has conceded the provinces of Annul opments in the injured man's oondi
and Shan SI to the rebels to the ex-, tion.
tent that he has rushed Immediate;
orders of evacuation by Imperial troops
there. The action follows a suspen
sion of peace negotiations, pending
the granting of the rebels' demands
that those provinces be evacuated.
New York. Dec. 19. John B'ge-
low, a celebrated American author.
Journalist and diplomat, died at his
home at Gnmerey Park today
bladder trouble. He was born
Maldon, Kew York ln 1817.
He was a contemporary of Daniel
Webster, partner of the late William
Culien Bryant and friend of Presi
dent Lincoln and Samuel Tilden. He
was consul to Paris during tho civil
war and later ambassador to France.
He wrote biographical and historical
Portland, Ore., Dec. 19. Portland's
crime carnival suffered a setback last
night because fourty-two extra police
men patrolled the residence portion
of the city. Captain Bailoy says a
band of Yeggmon Is infesting north
west cities and will probably soon
travel on to California. '
Only 4 More Days
7 Ml I
m m .w m
V it
The Early Bird Gets Under
the Mistletoe First. Buy
Those Gifts Quick.
Farm Laborer Assaulted is
Unable to Recall
Al Paine, Ixtcai ChuracUT of Ro
nihvii, Says Ho "Just Had to Do It"
Being Held in Jail.
Conscious after being insensible for
fifteen hours and with two large
gashes over his left eye, John Sweazee,
a farm hand employed on the ranch
of Gus La Fontaine, is lying in St.
Anthony's hospital and Al Paine, a
well known local character, is con
fined in the city jail as the result
of an assault last evening on the cor
ner of Alta and Thompson Btreets.
Though fears were felt for some
hours lest Sweazee would not recover,
Dr. It. E. IUngo, the attending phy
sician, th s morning declared that the
injuries were not serious.
The nature or cause of the assault
has not been determined. Other than
declaring that he "had to do it,"
Paine will make no statement, 'while
the Injured man has not thrown any
light on the matter. He declares he
knows nothing of the assau'.t, h s last
recollection being of walking up Alta
ttreet en route to the La Fontaine
ranch on the reservation.
The affair occurred shortly before
7 o'clock last evening. No one wit
nessed it except Jim Dupuis and
George McDonald, who were with
Paine and they have volunteered no
information. Passersby came upon
two of the men supporting the limp
form of Sweazee and shortly after
wards Officer Kearney appeared on
the scene and arrested Paine. Swea
zee was taken to the hospital in an
unconscious condition and did not re
gain his senses until nearly 10 o'clock
this rr -rning.
Officers dec'are that the wounds
wer? not inflected by the bare fist3
are of the opinion that the as-
sailant us d bravs knuckles in deliv
ering his blows.
No formal charge has been made
against the Imprisoned man. thr- of-
Word has been received here of
the death of Charles W. Campbell,
brother of Thomas and William R.
Campbell of th's citv, at his home in
the Garden City yesterday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. Death was caused by a
.stroke of paralysis which he suffer
ed several days ago and which called
his brothers to his bedside. The fu
neral will be held tomorrow after
noon at 2 o'clock from the family
residence in Walla Walla. Besides
his two brothers, deceased leaves a
siner. Miss Margaret R. Campbell of
Car'inville, 111., a wife and four chil
dren, Charles, Anna, Harry and
Grace, all of whom are at home.
For many years Mr. Campbell was
a farmer on an extensive scale in the
Vansycle district of this county and
still owns land in that section. He
moved his family to Walla Walla sev
eral years ago in order that his chil
dren nvght have the advantages of
city schools. He has many friends
in this county who will be grieved to
learn of his departure from their
In Which to
Shop Before
The East Oraronian is r
complete uide for Christ
Mas shopping. Yon can
easily select your list of .
cifts from the advertise
ments in today's paper.
mom: comtlete
Czar Welcomes Abrogation of Treaty and Will Not
Permit Another to Take Its Place
Berlin Paper Says We Are Insolent Politicians of Rough
ness, Cow-puncherino American Senator Also Takes
Fling at Bear.
St. Petersburg. Dec. 19. Taking
the attitude that President Taft's ac
tion In abrogating the treaty was un
dertaken to bolster up his weakened
political popularity, Russian govern
ment officials are expres-lng them
selves bitterly against the United
States today. Anti-Semitic agitators
are openly denouncing America.
There is some talk of boycotting Am
erican made goods. The present in
dications are that Russia will allow
the treaty to lapse and refuse to ne
gotiate another one.
Th's would permit Russia to deal
with American subjects as she desired
and would work considerable of a
hardship on American exporters. Am
bassator Guild, Jr., conferred with
Minister of Foreign Affairs Sancon
off today.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 19. Discuss
ing the abrogation of the United
States treaty, Novoc Vrema, the gov-
Los Angeles, Dec. 19. "Don't
blame my husband for this awful
thing. I alone am o blame. I in
duced Bob to take tho accursed bribe.
Mr. Franklin made it seem harmless.
We needed the money to pay for our
little ranch, anS we are getting old,"
pleaded Mrs. Bain, wife of Robert
Bain, a McNamara juror who it is al
leged. Franklin bribed through his
wife. She was the fist witness in
Franklin's trial, which began today.
Tho conviction cf Franklin on the
I charges are belie. el unlikely, as the
result of the dismissal of similar
charges today against Thomas White
a former patrolman on the suggestion
of the district attorney's office. The
case was quashed because it Is be
lieved that White's conviction would
not stand, because the supreme court
has ruled thru the unsupported tes
timony of ar. accomplice is insuffi
San Francisco, Dec. 19. That the
small farmers, who purchased land in
Oregon from the Southern Pacific and
Oregon and California railroad which
the Southern Pacific absorbed, wont
lose their property as a result of gov
ernment proceedings, to recover the
property from the corporations, is
declared in a communication to the
i United Stutes circuit court here from
Srecial Prosecutor Townsend . today.
Hundreds of farmers who had pur
chased lands, are co-defendants In the
suits. The lands are in southern Ore.
London, Dec. 19. Troops have
boon sent by the Hritish war office,
, to occupy Solium, tho naval bas-o on
! the Curenaina coast which Great
! Britain seized from Turkey while she
was bu-y with Italy. England has
i a'ways claimed this port which Tur
1 key has res'sted. England has an
! nouueed that she will Hold the port
until tho end of tho Ital:an-Turk;
j war and then relinquish it- It is gen
i orally believed that she will always
hold it.
Reyes' Sim Under Arrest.
El Paso, Texas, Dec. 19. It is re
ported here that Epifiano Reyes, son
of General Bernardo Reyes, is under
arrest at Morella, Mexico, on a charge
of inclt'ng a revolt against the Mexi
can government. A report from Sal
tillo says Ismncl Ramos former rev
olutionary chief, has joined General
ISeyos. A band of Zapatistas yester
day ransacked the Chapuico hacien
da near Puebla, carrying off much
property. The haclena Is the property
of a Spaniard. Tamanehule, state of
San Luis PotosI, la in the hands of
Pope Friendly to Aim-Men.
Rome, Doc. 19. Pope Pius grant
el a farewell audience today to Car
d'na s Farley nnd O'Connell. who are
on to return to the Un'ted States.
Thi ponUff assured tho cardinals of
l.ij friend-hip for America.
ernment organ, today says: Presi
dent Taft tactfully chose the best
way out of the scandulous Jewish ag
itation which has been rag ng In this
country for a long time and Incident
ally President Taft's decision demon
strates that Jewish bankers are the
real lords of America."
Is This True?
Berlin. Dec. 19. Declaring the
United States dos not dara in m tn
war and that President Taft is the
laughing stock of all EuroDe. the Rer-
lin Post, one of Germany's conserva
tive papers, denounced the United
States today as absolutely lacking in
political good manners.
it said: "The United States has al
ways been noted for its Irfc nf mi.
ture and breeding and its failure to
i.ave any conception of good manners
in political affairs.
"The action of President Taft Is a
shining example of shirt sleeve poli
tics and shows that supposedly the
president possesses the rough cowboy
spirit, which is flourishing in Am
erican polltlctC circles.
"America's position is one of the
utmost political insolence.
"President Taft in assuming the role
of guardian of the world's morals,
has made himself the laughing stock
of nil Europe."
Taft IX-nuiiKls Ratification.
Washington, Dec. 19. President
Taft spent some time today confer
ring with senate and house represen
tatives, tell ng them that he expected
them to ratify his action abrogat!ng
the Russian treaty. The cabinet held
a morning session, discussing the
prospective congressional action rela
tive to the treaty.
The cabinet adjourned at noon. Sec
retary of State Knox Insisted that the
only subject discussed was in regard
to President Taft's message to con
gress on the wool tariff.
Raynor Donounce!i Russia.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 19. "The
night t-t barbarism must close, so
far as we are concerned." said Sen
ator Raynor of Maryland, while dis
cussing .'.he abrogation of the Russian
treaty in the senate today.
"This is a land of rel gious liberty
and we cannot permit anv autocratic
government to visit this iniquity on
our citizens.
"It is useless to talk of negotia
tions. The Russian government can
not bo negotiated with "
"They worshipped God, according
to the traditions of their faith, just
as our own forefathers did. If tho
emperor of Russia, as head of the
church of h-s realm, continues in the
inhumanity against these pros'.rate
victims, nis intolerance will offer the
alternative of cither accepting the
faith of their persecutors or imposi
tion of additional servitude. They
will never abandon the raltn of their
fathers. "
"Senators thi is nothing but perse
cution directed against c'tizens of tho
United States. There is no other
method of rel-ef, save by abrogation."
lie said that the only crime the
Jews have committed was to worship
as th?y believed and ended by saying
the only way was the abrogation, a
this country couldn't boar the con
tempt of submlss on to "this degrad
ing in lign'ty."
UII.LV smith may v
Portland. Ore . Dec. ,19. If he can
survive his wounds twenty four hours
Mysterious Pill Smith . will' live prob
ably, said his physicians today. Inter
est centers about Mrs. Loomis, who
wont say with whom she will Rt.m.i
She is out on bonds, as a material
witness. The police are looking for
her father who also witnessed the
Taft Goo to Now York.
Washington. D C. Deo 19. P
dent Taft started from here this af
tornoon for New Tork to do
Christmas shopplntr an.l attend sev
oral banquets. lle was accompanied
by Attorney General Vlckersham,
who visits New York on route
Panama. TonisVit tiio president will
bo tho cu-'-st of tho U n.i-nic club.
Tomorrow ho will lay tho cjrneiston
of the Settlement Ilousd for