PAK TEX. DAILY EAST OREGON IAN. PKXDLETOX. ORBGON, 8ATTIIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1011. TWELVE PAGES, XID GLOVE CORPS ON TRAIL OF BOMBMEN ii:ivKTMi:T or JISTICE i SI.KIT11S tikm:i loose' I ITfificnt sT-t Service In ilie'. Kntirv W'oi'M Will l'cnvt Out AN j ("ii!-ilrJU-iiN of D.Miam.ti-rs In In. ted Stale, j W.iMi r.Rton. Poo. 16. Tho gov-: mmi m has turned the secret service ior.-c of tho department vt justice loose on the trail of the dynamite -!ns;'!i-ali'rs. This is tho roal t-ecret rviro oori s of the I'nited States. Its; operatives aro u:tort tlu-r tho most si- j J.nt. lt .i.-t :n!verl:se-l. least known, ii:-t etiklev.t aiul u-rriblo sot of men 'Mutters :n tli s country, and probably I jnuro efficient than any foreign body I vf secret agents. It v 1:1. i .if tVi. sti r!' 111 n i : Tiexrr to k vo out tho nuaiber or the n.iniis of the department of justice J'HTo! rervice age t..... never to ro-o-unt their exploits or reveal their methods. Chief Wilkie'a corps in the tre.i-ury department catches eoun- SHE GAVE UP ALL HOPE Physicians Failed To Help Mrs. Green, But She Finally Found Relief in CarduL Meetze, Ya. Mre. J. C. Green of this place, says: "I suffered with womanly troubles so that I could hardly sit op. Two of tho best doctors la our town treated me, and I tried different medi cines, until I gave up all hope ot ever Setting well. One day, I decided to try some Car dul. It did so much for me that I ordered some more, and It cured me! Today, I feel as well as I ever did la my life. Tho pains and the trouble aro all gone. I feel like another person in very way. I wish every sufferer could know what Cardul will do for sick women." A few doses of Cardul at the right time, will save many a big doctor bill, by preventing serious sickness. It tones up the nervous system, and helps make pale cheeks fresh and rosy. Thousands of weak women have been restored to health and happiness by oslng Cardul. Suppose you try it It may be just the medicine you need. N. B. Write to: Uaies' Advisory Dei.. Ch ru mor Mdlcln Co., Chnanoor. Tfin.. for Special Instruction), and 64-race book. "Home TruUMOl sent m fUia wrapper, on requvu terfeters and guards the president, and the deeds of its members are widely known. The postofflce In spectors ore quiet when at work but after an arrest I made they become emit witnesses and tho stories ot their exploits are told. Hut tho Justice department's de tectives always remain hidden. They h ive tho widest tange of activities of any government .oree of sleuths. To day an aa:ont may effect the capture of some wretched t ief in an outly ing government office; tomorrow he may start on the track of a red handel mu. "eror on the high seas; next sprinsj ht may be the suave c'.ub 11:111 and society favorite whose clever operations bring to bar tho record iloMring trust magnates. Put his identity is never revealed. lino day a tall gentleman, impeac oahly clothed in hard-weave gray trousers, frock coat and silk hat, glove I and gaitored. enters the de portment of justice building, swing ing a slender walking stick. A clerk may whisper to you that he Is so-and-so, secret nge"- And It g ve you i glimpse of what the service 's. This agt'nt can play the society d iw'er or foreign nobleman if necessary to his purposes. Or he can get into a jump er and overalls, crop his hair, and be able to catch socio desperate fusri tivo from ju-tice. It s all 1r. h's line of work. The headquarters of ' ne kid-glove serv'ce is in an upper room in the de partment of Justice building. It is a Spartan-line room, rugless and with cheap oak furniture, entirely ujilike the luxurious offices in the rest of the building. Stanley W. Pinch is chief of the service. His de-k is lit tered with reports and photographs of men wanted. He receives a con stant string of telegrams and long distance telephone messages from his agents. The number of his force is not known, but it is probably about 150. ployes of the department say that he had simply dropped out of Bight, but was expected to appear day after to morrow. In the meantime there is a well de fined rumor that the Postmaster General and politoal adviser of the Taft administration will hand in his resignatlcn shortly. 1IAZE1 HKPOUK U1KLS. own father, but I did It to protect my mother and husband." she said. When Young's gun was picked up both chambers were loaded and both hummers cocked. G1ULS, AS TEST. LIVE OX SEVEX t'L'NTS A l AY COXXECTUTT WOLD GIVE T.UT 30-POUX1) TURKEY Waterbury, Conn. Connecticut hopes to supplant Rhode Island this year for the honor of supplying President Taft's table with a Thanks giving turkey. A local farmer has an especially attractive and supposedly toothsome gobbler which already, weighs nearly thirty pounds, and which will take on added weight under the special train ing of the weeks to come. It is being fed on a diet of blended cereals mixed with nuts, wild rice and wild celery sieeped in sweet wine. This diet is expected to produce a piquant taste, something like a com bination of Scotch quail and Ameri can woodcock. HitclictM'k to Resign, Rumor. Washington, D. C. Postmaster General Hitchcock has absented him self from the postofflce department for several days and rumors of his resignation are afloat again. Em- AniiupollH .picIm" Komil to io Through Contortions ;is Vis itors Wnteli Them, j Annapolis, Mr. An incident unpar-j alleled In the history of the hazing code ut the naval academy took place when two pkbes were compelled to: do several physical exercises In the! presence of two giggling girls, before! whom an upper classman was endeav- oiinir to show off. .The members of the hazer's class do not Intend tV support him and they arc now en-i d.avoring to identify nim. if they fly tho guilt upon him they will takoi effectual means to have his cotinec- ticn with the naval academy severed. 1 The young women are understood to be from out of town and to have attended the hop on the previous eve ning as the guests of the midship men who did the hazing- to amuse them. According to the code, the under classmen have a right to appeal to the upper classmen when they think they have been mistreated or sub jected to anything beyond what the traditions of the academy allow. This one of the plebes did, and he was at once informed that he had made a proper appeal and that the upper classmen would stund by him. KILLS FATHER IX SELF DEFEXSE Flint Woman Says Her 1 'a rent Tlnvatonotl llcr1 Husband - a nil Mother. Flint. Mich. Sirs. Francis M. Mills, 22 years otd, shot and instantly killed her father, Frank Young, at the Mills home near this city. She says that, she shot to save not only her own life, but those of her hus band and mother as well, and that the father, with gun cocked, had threatened death to the three. Pend ing an investigation both Mills and his wife are in jail. Mrs. Young was ordered from her home and went to the home of her daughter. She was followed there by Y'oung who carried a double-barreled shotgun. He asked his wife to return home with him, which re quest was refused. Young, according to the Mills statement, drew and cocked his gun and uttered a threat that he would kill the whole tribe. Mills jumped at him and grabbed the gun, but wa thrown off; when Mrs. Mills reached inside the kitchen door, got her hus band's gun and fired the shot that killed her father. "It is an awful thing to kill your The Song of the Foam is "Home, Sweet Home (Baritone and Bass Song) As sung by HARRY MAYO of The Empire City Quartette ?7 l'msMvtive School Teachers it Tvciit.v-oii Mculs for ,lui Forty-nine Cents. Cincinnati. For a week several young women, pupils of the senior class of the Cincinnati Kindergarten Training School, have conducted an experiment in dieting the results of which indicate, that it is quite possibl y for u working girl with a knowledge of food preparation to secure good ft nd at an average cost of 12 cents a day. If she cannot afford this, .she can get along nicely on us little as seven cents n day, which Is what the prospective teachers accomplished in their trial. In order to carry out the tost thor- HAD BEEN DOCTORING AYEARFORECZEMA A Remarkable and Convincing State ment of the Success of Cuticura Soap and Ointment in the Treat ment of the Pain, Itching and Burning of Eczema "I, the undersigned, cannot give enough praise to the Cuticura Itemnlies. I htid been doctoring for ut leat a year for eczema on my loot. I hail tried doctor titter doctor all to no avail. When a yount girl I rpraincil my ankle three different times, paying little or no attention to it, when live years apo a small spot showed upon my lift ankle. 1 was worried and sent for a (lot-tor. Ha said it was eczema, lie drew a small bone from the ankle about the si.-.n of a mutch and ahout an inch Ions. The small I10I0 grew to about the size of an apple, and the eczema spread to the knee. The doctors never could heal the hule in the ankle. The whole foot ran .vatcjr all the tune "My husband and my sons were up nlht and day wheeling me from one room to an other in the hope of giving me. some relief. I would fit for hours ut a time in front of the fireplace hoping for daybreak. Tho pain was so intense I was almost crazy, in fact, I would lose my reason fur hours at a time. One day a friend of mine dropped in to see me. No more had she glanced at my foot Ihau she exclaimed, 'Mrs. hinnegan, why in the world don't you try the Cuti cura Remedies!' bring disgusted with the doctors and their niedicliw, and not being able to sleep at all, I decided to give the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment a trial. After using them three days that night I slept as sound as a silver dollar for eight long hours. I awoke in the morning with but very little pain, in fact, I thought I was in heaven. After using the Cuticura Remedies for three months I was perfectly restored to health, thanks to the Culicura Soap and Ointment. I will be sixty-four years of age my next birthday, hale and hearty at present." (Signed) Mrs. Julia Kinne gan, 2234 Hehert St., M.Louis, Mo., Mar. 711. Cuticura Soap ami Ointment are sold throughout the world. Send to Potter Drug 4 Chem. Corp., iJept. 12A. Uoston, for free sample of each with 3 -'-p. book 011 the skill. ' REFRAIN. Listesso Tempo, oughly the girls were given a model flat which was fitted up by the school board. They did their own house keeping, marketing and prepared their meals, besides doing their regular class and special work. Here is the seven-cent menu: Hreakfaat Corntneal mush nnd milk, brown bread or toast, coffee or cocoa. Luncheon Peanut ,, sandwiches bread and Jelly squares, fruit. Dinner Split-pen soup, cream, cod f'sh on toast, apple , dumplings with s-auce, tea. It Is expected that the results of the experiment will he applied when a model worklng-gliTs flat Is estab lished In connection with the .Schinld Inpp Model Homes. "There Is a meaning In all this ef fort to reduce the cost of living," one of the girls said. "If a working girl can be helped to live better on her modest wages It means that she Is Just that far safeguarded frim dan gers of many kinds." Swelllng9 of the fie caused by In flammation, cold, fracture of the bone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu matism can be relieved by applying HALLAKD'S SNOW L.INIMEKT. It should be well rubbed in over the part affected. Its great healing aid pen crating power eases the pain, reduj ditlcns. Price 25c, SOc and $1 per cs swelling and restores natural c.mi bottle. Sold by A. C. Kooppen & Brja. Oood hnrn and 3 lots, fine place, net cash $1000. Teutsch & Bickers, 1 Words by ARTHUR J. LAMB Music by SEYMOUR FURTH SEES rx 1.0- yer the might - y o - cean main, Fear - less of heart go I,T ,. 2. Some-times the o - cean rests in peace, Lit by the moon's fair gold gPFr5 1 fci? i r- m M. 2 "Tt: j 1 -Lr. w -u .U-1 r 1 r r -x 2 Hear - ing the s-a - gulls cry a - gain, ITear - ing tho wiid wind sigh!. o-sm - jug as tuo ail storms must ceoso, Just like a tale that's told; 5 ; ; y-0 I r:TJ rjg s-mg- -jJZ -j. I I I I I i u ill 11, : 1 . ( 4 What tho the ni"ht mav le dark a - hove. Tiricht in mv heart i tlm 15rlit nt 1n Lnt tho' the wa - tersmy . be at rest, Love's gnn - tie torn - pest is in my breast, - - m- m T ..! rS. -. m p , 3z : 4 - --;zLi 12 it Tem-pest or calm are the same to me, Still calm or storm are the bamo to me, This is tho song of the rest -less sea. This is tho song of the rest - less sea. 1 a: VS. 1 1 ' 1 1 3 -f T2 it T2 Jit V f For Men ALSO Xotliinp; ig more ncceptablo as mi Xmas Rift than a selec tion from our fine line of CIGAKS IX HOLIDAY PACKAGES, PIPES OF E V E II Y DESCRIPTION, SMOKERS ARTICLES OF ALE KINDS. CHOICE LINE OF CANDIES IX SPECIAL HOLI DAY POXES. Wo cordially solicit tho ladies' trade. HARRY O'DELL Confectionery and Smokers Supplies. Main street, next door to Tallman & Co. COYRiaHT Siits and Overcoats made here in tirst-class style from $30 to $50 Fit and Workmanship guaranteed Altering of all kinds neatly done and a specialty made of Ladies' Tailoring. Ladies bring in your old coats and suits and Lave them re modeled. Fine Tailoring 815 Main Street, Next to Filers Music House. M 1 1 J I I rp. 1 Lar to the knell of tho light house . Ik11 That IdibysTrx I Jd "" T" rT3" I i i i i ; i , .""7 rv)fri 2 f f f z.mzm-0- :.-j-rr-ji-ii(-M -0--z-0-0-z z0z-z-0-z- : : j -- -- -- - oft en lias warned bo - fore,...' But tho ft - 1 1 1 1 1 I I ; i B B Z0Z m i i i ' - 0 " 1 S-i S m' ar B0D8 ' thefoam is "Home, sweet Home," For - ev er and ev . cr . 0 - Jft L5mtti. . .0. y 0 s :v - r rpr. T I I 1 1 , 1 J J ! I cih'ii -i m 0 - - i m m j i -0- 7S- 53 mil. 5 more! Ohl the song of the foam is "Homo, gwect Homo," For - ev - "ef and Copyright, by MAURICE SHAPIRO, Broadway and 39th St., Kew York WHO WILL PUBLISH YOUR SONG, IF YOTJ HAVE WRITTEN ONE, AND SEND YOU VALUABLE CATALOGUE OF HITS FREE FOR THE ASKING L'sell by pcrmitsion, MURRAY MUSIC Co., New York Jfo. 267. THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF POPULAR SONG HITS APPEARING IN EACH ISSUE OF OTHER FAMOUS MUSICAL SUCCESS) WILL ev - cr - B.C. V ( morel morel 1 v immiLmJ t-LJ 0-0- 9 j - -0- a tempo. D.C. ralL g The Song of the Foam. Ab. 267. THE SATURDAY EAST OREGONIAN, EASTERN OREGON'S GREATEST PAPElf. K APPEAR NEXT WE LK WATCH FOR IT. mu AJN