Y TWELVE PAGES, DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN, PKXPIiKTOX. OREGON. SATVRPAY, DKCEMHKU 16, 1911. pack nam. Hotel St. George 1 EVENTS OF If! THE WEEK Bear in mind ladies and gentlemen, that the best place to secure your Xmas gifts for the gentleman friend or relative -the present that is useful, cherished and remembered- PROM A MEN'S STORE 1 GENT LEMEN'S i GLOVES llntchons & Potter Dress Kid. Moeha, Silk Lined and street gloves, $1.00 to $2.25 fr Dress Shirts Fancv or rlf, with nr without collar, S1.00, S1.25, $1-50 Suggestions Mufflers and Full Press protectors 50 to M Su?jenders 2o to 5?1.5U Pajamas S1.50 to $3.00 Suit cases Sj1.25 to S20 Tie Tins 50 to $2.50 Cuff Links and Pin to match $1.00 to $2.50 Sweater Coats 90 to $5 Press Vests S1.00 and nr. Umbrellas 75 to $2.50 ITandbasrs $3to $17.50 Tie, Handkerchief and Hose sets...... 50 to $2 Hat Brushes 50 Bradley Mufflers 25. Worsted Suits $3.75 to $25.00. Overcoats S4 to 60 Raincoats ?5 to 20 Dress Shoes $2.50 to ?5 Our Holiday lines are now complete and we take pleasure in showing our poods. Plenty of compe tent and courteous clerks to wait on you promptly. NECKWEAR Fancy Silk 25 to $1 Imp. Knitted Ties... 50 SILK HOSE Comes in all cols, 50 pr. Workwomen's Oothing Co. Tomgbt Extra Specials lor Tonight After Supper AT THE .... tuj,i,.v t hieh noon occurred " . .. ... . . the wedd nB of Miss Fr eUa Kofsa.i. Frederick Stoiwer, the ceremony -imr performed in the Church of the nedeener with Kev. Charles Quinney officiating. Only the members of the bride's family were in attendance, lo cal Wjetv being in Ignorance of the event unt l late in me auei. - i Mrj st..iwpr nre now nt home in the cot U bo on North V.ncent street WONDER. STORE In addition to our entire stock being placed on sale at Forced Money Raising Pricesbargains that have staggered competition--v;e are going to give the following extra specil reductions For Tonight Only, Alter 7 o'Clock 15c BKASS CURTAIN' BODS After 7 o'clock only 5 each. MOP STICKS After 7 o'clock only 5 each 15c WHITE OUTIXG FLANNEL After 7 o'clock ' 7yd. BOX WJKB HAIB PINS After 7 o'clock 3 boxes for 5 REM EM 15 KR THESE AKK SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FOR TONIGHT ONLY. The Wonder Store The Srorc Tliat Sells fur U?i ine wmumi m PENDLETON - OREGON 14 You Can Do Better at The Wonder Store neighbor, went to his house Sunday ufternoon to see of anything was the mutter, llcpcated knocks on the door ot the hou.e failed to nrouse iiny one. and Coiner went to the barn, wnere he found the bodies of the man and horse.. Norrls' wife, uon and daughter nre nnw rpsiiliiiK- nt Wllsnnvllle. where they own a farm, and word has ljeen ar CJKO. PAKVEAU, Proprietor Pendloton's Popular (ientle mcr.a Report. flnheuser-Busch's famous BUDVVEISER the cot U bo on North iuen ' "" J-1 .nt to ,, UB , tho (,lsllOHiUon of just recently buUt by the bndegroom.jthe 1)lo that wm The bride is the chArming and ac-, complihod daushter of Mr. and Mr.. !lrranKe for the firneral. Nor- William Roesch of tnis city anu f(irmerlv resided in .,f !..r life in Tendlcton. She is a graduate or tne i'toui..u Acadetnv and received furtner euueu i i,wt.rn Rehonl. Mr Stelwer l u i" 11 M , , , . is a prominent member of the local. is a prominent memuer , w.a - . Besl,los his wife, Henrietta N bar, having begun his practice here M . & daughter Mlsa Kmma ant, a deputy district attorney and associate : Dayld aU (f wllsonvlu KUrvVe of Judge O. W. Phe'.ps three years j lis and family formerly resided in this city, near the Barclay gchoolhouso but about three years ago Norrls bought a little place near the Aber- npthv u'horu Via hnu liinnu t.uii1ii1 Beslilos his wife, Henrietta Norris, son, him. or .... ... ago. He Is a native Oregonlan, the f0n of a well-known Marion county 11.. .. ... la n irrnduate of the Ore- i . i ; 1 1 1 . t. " o - I gon Agr cultural College and the Uni $1.75 GUARANTEED BLACK TAFFETA SILK After 7 o'clock S9 yd. x. p. skxis iwiTiii'in SKUV.VXT IIOMK, C1IU1STMAS Snokane. Wash. "Old Ilmmv" Ho. versity of Oregon at both or wnxn... trackwalker between Umtanum stitutions he P'"'",,' tud and Roza. In the Yakima canyon, body affair At the latter he , was , Christ ma., holidays at connected with tne . -" , tne h" of hs , Irelanil us ha: :on ali st ot the Northern PacK c Hail- t. einer nils " vnv nnmmmv In whriKH nmn'tiv hp has wish much happmes, to n m anu .... for'3, years wlthout ft vacallon bride. lnvnff TIo h: heen In central - 4hp I Washington flnce 1887, living alone The next . few days will see in- , . . . . . ... f ,(, . of hnmpcomine of a number of Pendleton ,n,.i,s,r.io.i r..iir,..i,i tins. . . . . . . V. .a nro nt- I young men anu wumvu "v --- on draught, 5C daa9 Electric Mixed Drinks Served at this Bar. Finest Wines, Liquors and ( Cigars. Distributors of Echo Spring and Old Crow Whiskey. First class Cafe and Grill In connection A La Carte.' UUUg Illll - ,.njin ,.,,il..irej and schools In tne ....hiwf From the University will come James Johns, Jr. Lyman Rice, and has been on the trek at all hours and in ra'n and shine. He has seen the tr butary country in transforma- man Rice, I ' KZ...h o,i V.....W - IHII 11111. LUC LI f " ' UOII H. Jv... t.-i,kii T.vnnwood Livermore ... . .. . .... I i.iiiiu..... j Urn lit ra"OH perlOU lO me ay Ul l"Sll h- and Tom Boylen. Olen Storie wroon nerfection and enjoys the Dickson and" Bert Jerard will be late in returning because of tneir connec tion with the Glee Club which is now friendship of scores of engine drivers firemen and other railroad emploles en tour From the man. womnn and child for many Washington will come Cress SturKis nnwan. who is 67 l tl3IIUlf,lui ..... - -r.ii . novino Miss Blanch Badley and Mifs Gladys Hamley. Miss Edith S'usher will return from St. Helen's Hall at Portland and a number of .i, .,intQ nt Orceon Agricultural College will come back for the holi days. - - A number of Lady Maccabees en tertained the Bu y Bee c-ub Tuesday afternoon in the Secret Society hall. The afternoon was spent with needle work and guessing contests. Refresh ments were serveu. ine ...v.-u ..o. Mr T.llis. Mrs. Webster, Mrs Kimery, Mrs. Eaton. Mrs. Kirk patrick, Mrs. Caig and Mrs. Endicott. On Wednesday evening, the recent- i.. A..., r.!.i MnnHP lndee gave its first annual bad In the Eagle-Woodman hall and it proved a most enjoy able affair to the large crowd which attended. To the strains of music f,,rniho,t hv the United Orchestra. the members and their ladies danced until a late hour. Mlsa HmzpI Mann arrived last night from Portland to be the guest of her cousin, Miss Ermal Mann, curing me holidays. - Dr. E R. Swinburne, who left re cently for Seattle, will leave soon for Honulolu accompanied by ur. anu Mrs. Ralph Swinburne. - Mrs. Charles Hami'ton and Mrs. Frank Frazler will return Sunday from a month's v'sit in Portland. miles around. Rowan, who is 67 years of age, recently expressed the wish of returning to his native home. ti a rfwnipxt nmi reconl were lorwara- ed to the company's main office at St. Paul, from whic.i word has been received that transportation will be provided. His railroad menus aiso made up a pur.-e to cover his expenses while he is abroaa. HAS LOST Ill'MAX IIKADS. J ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL t 1 Boarding and Day i School for Girls. J Primary, Intermediate, Ao ndemln Sneeial and PobI- x Graduate Courses. Depart- J I ments of iluaic, Expression I and Art f PERSOXAL ATTEXTIOX REF1XIXG IXIXUEXCESJ THOROUGH WORK Nettie M. Calbraith Principal WAIJiA WALL., WASn. T w Robert Stott has returned from a week's visit with his mother, Mrs. Wm. R. Ellis, at Cathlamet, near tne mouth of the Columbia river. uti. nn.i Mm George La Fontaine are in Honolulu and will spend the balance of the winter there. Philadelphia. Professor George B. Cordon, director of the University of Pennsylvania Musoum, has just re ceived, through h's agents In Lon don, three human heads, which, al though preserving the full contour of the features, are approximately 100 v..nr nlil. Thfiv are grotesque. y tat- nned heads of leaders of the ancient Maori of New Zealand, who were first discovered In 1770 by the ramous ex nlorer. Captain James Cook. Prnfiiiir flordon explained that h hpnds were preserved by a process of smoking them and were kept for the same reasons that the Caucaslons keep pictures of the'r ancestors. The heada are not gruo-ome or revolting. even to the most sensitive and highly imaginative persons. The faces are smooth and do not suggest human flesh any more than the face of a wax doll . Tho eyes are closed and the hair is well pre served. Tho entire face is covered with fanciful though symmetrical fig ures, tattooed during life. Tho Maori nre the only tribe of the entire Poly nesian race who preserved tneir heads. The people of Borneo also preserve heads but do not tattoo their face us did the Maori. According to Dr. Gordon, the pre served heads are very rare there be ing only two or three known to be in existence besides the Robluy collec tion at Columbia Univesity. which contains nearly a score. The Pendleton Drug Co. tr in business for Your Good Health" REMEMBER TTTIS WHEN TOTJ HAVE PRESCRIPTION'S, OR WANT PURE MEDICIXE3 Charles Samuel Jackon returned on Wednesday to his home in Port land after visiting for several days in this city. - Tho nli.mnl of the Lambda Sigma fraternity will give their annual holi-i day ball on wecinesuuy eveum, -eember 27. - Mrs. Lnrhlan McLeay and son Don ald, left today to Join Mr. McLcay In Oswego, New York. -- Th Pvpn!ni Uridee club met Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs Edwin P. Marshall. - Roy T. B'shop has returned from a business visit to Portland. -- I Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ruppe left 1 Wednesday for Mosier where they ' will spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cooper I nfi. X'lnln Shea went to Walla Wat la. Thursday to visit with friends I r . r .. 1 1 . 1 .. 1 . -T....rM r, f TVnl. iUTS rt.lIUV . rl'lfVH iv ..wiv'.. ... ..... - r T.l...l In. Walla, was a pueta or mm. j-uviu P. Marshall on Wednesday n'ght. Kii UFn TO DEATH 11Y HIS OWN JIOHSK YOU CAN CURE THAT H.U'KACIIE Pain along the back, dizziness nnd general languor. Get a package of Mother Grays AROMATIC-LEAP, the pleasant root and herb cure for nil kidney, bladder and urinary trou bles When vnu feel nil run down, tired, weak and without energy use this remarkable combination of na ture's herbs and roots. As a regulat or It has no equal. Mother Gray's Aroniatiol.ilif sold by Druggists or sent by mail for 50c. hamplo seni GItEE. Address, The Mother Gray Co., Le Roy. N. Y. They Fit and Wear That's the kind of show iyou pet at this store if yon are looking for cheap stuff. m KIXJIL L LAV. IV. SHOES are ray specialty and I handle only the kind that satisfy and make my patrons my friends. I would like to prove this assertion to YOU. A. Eklund n ' A!x. " " LOSS Ol Hp polite Pendleton's Pioneer Shoe Is Ions of vitality, vigor or tone, and Is I Man. often a forerunner of rrofltra-ing u- 4444444 It 3 serious nnd especially no to people that must keep up and doing or get behindhand. The best medicine to take for it Is the great constitutional remedy Heed's Sarsaparilla Which purines and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. Get It todny In usual liquid rorm or chocolated t ibleu called 8ar3atabs. Olil Rocliisc's Corpse Pouivl With IVxly or SUirveil iseasc oreirnn cltv. Ore. With his skull crushed nnd bruises on his body nnd nrms, Julius Norrls, 70 years old, a recluse rancher or Maple iine, wns found dead in a stall, nnd tho horse that had killed him and then tramp nri Vila hodv lav dead beside him. The animal' had died of starvation, and two cows that were in ma nam were almost dead. Coroner Wilson said 'tho man had been dead more than a week. a iot of croeerles In his buggy in dicated ho was killed after ho had re turned home from the Vlty on a shop ping trip. It is believed ho wns kicked on the head by the anlmnl as he wns fastening It In the stall. Vnl hnvlnir seen Norrls for more Uian a week, Frederick Colger, a Woman U Itit.fcited and should know I MARVEL Whirling Sprajr Tbe new vagina, aynngo. Beit most convenient, u . cieanses lnnantia Aak vour dniDpiltfot 1 If h rannnl ttnnltf MARVEL arrrnt nn other? kt ni1 tiamn for Illustrated hMb Mlrl. fr crlwM full nartlm MUVU CO.. 44Ejt23 ttntUNew To CHICHESTER S P'LLS t lil-rhr.iT' lliumtiiul TlMitii) I'lllain II. d an.l i.i.lHtVVV t.'.il, k-jiIc.1 rllh Ulna HlUn. uuo f atnr. ni Tour llrneil-l- AO. fT'IIM'lfl.T'.?II II I A MOM ItllANIt I'll.l.M. foi 5 SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVLRYWilLRf General Line of HOLIDAY GOODS well worth seeing anywhere. Cut Class, Chinaware, Package Perfume, Hand Bags, Dolls and Toys AT COST Christmas and New Year Post Cards in celluloid fin ish. One cent each. Koeppen's The drug store that serves you best.