"",L-'ijiiiytf- h TWELVE PAGES, TWELVE PAGES. DAILY EAST OREGOX1AN, PENDLETON. OKEOON. SATURDAY, DECEMDKR lfl, 1911. T FAGS SIX. PAGE fKTKTt. 'V ire 4 '"..1 ; V I W 1 Sjlj it That keep you comfortable these cold nights, in a biir as sortment of desinns, in light and dark patterns, some of silk oliue, some of sutoeu and some silk tops makes a beautiful as well as useful Xmas gift Prices, each.. 9Sc to 15.00 r.lankets Good warm, all wool 1'lankets in single ami double folds, full lod size. An excellent. Xmas arift. Comes in plain white with prettv pink, blue and tan In.rders, also plaids in various colors. Prices $o.50 to $22.00. Cotton P.lankets in grey, white, tan. with prettv pink and blue larders, full bed size. Prices CS? to $4.00 each GLOVES. An appropriate gift for mo ther, daughter, sister or sweet heart, the styles are both long and short; materials, kid, cha mois, silk cashmere and lisle; dzes 000 to S 1-2. Price 10? to $4.50. Holi day Fancy Goods k We are proud of our fancy goods department, showing asit does the best collection of its kind we have ever shown and think you will agree that the styles are attractive, being a de cided change from the styles of previous seasons, and we chal lenge price comparison for equal qualities.' RIBBONS. In ribbons we can safelv say that we have the largest line of fancy ribbons ever shown in Pendleton, widths from one inch at 10? to nine inches at ?2.00 per yard. LOT A. One special lot of fifty pieces bought to sell at 65?, extra heavy quality, five and six inches wide, floral and dresden patterns, both light and dark colors. For the Holiday trade at - 49? RIBBONS. Hair bows and sashes for the small girl and for the. dainty miss of sixteen. Lingerie rib bons, velvet ribbons, suitable for tailored bows and lelt3. Their uses are as numberless as their styles and colors. Prices 10? Ixdt to $2.00 yard. NECKWEAR Tailored collars, bows, side frills, jabots, Dutch collars. Bailor collars, stocks and fis chus, made of every imaginable material, prices 25? to $3.50. HOSIERY. Hosiery of silk lisle, wool or cotton in both black and colors, all sizes from the tiny infanta fize 4 to the out outsizes, prices 12? to $2.00. fmU mwm Department We will give away, absolute ly free, this vear of l'.Ut, not less than $3000.00 worth of premiums with our trading cou ixjns. Are you getting your share of these FREE goods i If not, whv not. Don't you know that we carry the best lines of goods in America i Don't you know that our prices on these goods are no higher, and in many cases are very much lower than other stores ask yon for inferior goods ? These coupons mean an ac tual saving to you of exactly 5 per cent of your cash purchases. Stop and figure for one minute and you'll be very much sur prised to see how much this will amount to, to you in a year's time, see the beautiful and useful thinsrs you are missing if you do not trade with us. SILK PETTICOATS In all wanted colors, both plain and changeable, fancy and plain tailored models. Mes saline and Jersey top' petticoats in Holiday boxes. Prices $4.08 to $18.00. 1 HAND BAGS. Hand bags of all materials, sizes and shapes, suitable for all occasions and for all ages; pri ces 75? to $10.00 Pretty f& Xmas Gifts HANDKERCHIEFS When in doubt, choose hand kerchiefs, they're always accept able, from the plainest service able linen to the daintiest hand made lace and hand embroid ered affair. We can show you a beautiful line of plain initi al, hand embroidered, Armeni an and Veniso handkerchiefs. Prices 2 l-2 to $1.75 Silks For dresses and waists, in plain and fancy, of soft swiss taffeta or messaline. Comes in both dresn and waist lengths, put up in Xmaa boxes ujwn request Price 75 to $1.25 Also a fine selection of ki mona silks-in beautiful patterns. The yard '. 75 In Serges, Broad Cloths, Pa nama, Batiste, Challie, Alba tros, Novelties, etc., in a wide range of prices and great variety of pattern. C-omes in dress or waist length, put up in Xmas ljoxes ready for shipment AUTOMOBILE VEILS lado of chiffon in light blue, pink, white, lavender grey, brown, champakne, navy, green and red. Also combi nations of these colors. Prices $1.25 to $3.50. LACE AND DKAPE VEILS Lace veils and Shetland veils in both black and white, a dain ty ift. for anv woman. Prices $1.25 to $40.00. IF AT A LOSS TO KNOW WHAT TO GIVE Be safe ami give a gift certi ficate. We have a very beau tiful one gotten up in very fine style. You can buy them for any amount you wish and tho recipient can come here to the store and chX)se whatever desired, to the amount of the certificate. You can't make a mistake when you give a gift certificate its sure to please. TABLE LIXEXS A moi'o suitable gife cannot be found ; we have a most splen did collection of patterns in all linen Damask with napkins to match. Popular prices 40 to $3.00 yard. Napkins $3.00 doz., to $7.50 doz. SALE OF DAI XT Y GIFT APRONS. Dainty tea aprons and chaf ing dish aprons, trimmed with lace and ribbon, combination apron and work bag made of flowered lawn in all light col ars. Special Christmas price: 50 Values will go for 39 75 Values will so for 58 531.00 Values will go for 73 $1.25 Values will go for 9S $1.50 Valuesgo for.... $1.13 ART DEPARTMENT. DOILIES 1-2 PRICE We have a number of doilies, bureau scarfs, tumbler doilies, lunch cloths of all kinds. Some are hemstitched, some are scal loped and others have drawn work. Some are. slightly soil ed. . These to go at 1-2 price while they last. UMBRELLAS Of the latest designs with long carved hard wood handles, some gold and some silver tip ped, some covered with "Glor ia," from $1.00 to $3.50. Some covered with silk from $5.00 to $15.00 for both men and women. We engrave monogram on all umbrellas from $2.50 up FREE. Crockery Dept. We now have one of the most complete crockery departments in the city. Plain and fancy dishes of all kinds, glassware earthenware, etc. GIVE HER SOME NEW DISHES. She'll appreciate them more than anything else of the same cost They'll im prove the looks of her table and that's the thing women are most proud of try it you'll find "em" in the grocery de partment in the basement. Fine Groceries IF YOU WANT YOUR GROCERIES. TO COME FROM A PERFECTLY CLEAN STORE, THIS IS THAT ONE STORE IN PENDLETON. We carry the greatest and best stock of , ONLY STANDARD goods in the city. Our prices are abso lutely guaranteed. We give trading coupons with all cash purchases. Try us once and you'll always buy your gro ceries here. !2 11 muti'. t.i''ni Women's Warm Winter Underwear The kind that does not shrink up when washed always retains its elastic ity and softness docs not scratch. THE FAMOUS SPRINGFIELD UN DERWEAR made on springncedlo machines only. The nicest fitting underwear made for wo men, the finest weaves and textures yon ever saw. pure white, in all wool and silk and wool, natural gray in nil the good weaves, in cotton, wool and wool mixtures, 50 tc $5.00 each. Baby Buggies A e have just received a new line of baby buggies and carts. The latest ideas, very smart styles. Ruh lor tires. They're marked very cheap part cash and part trading coupons. Come and see them, make baby a Christmas gift of one. Indian Robes, Blankets, Cocch Covers, Etc. PENDLETON WOOLEN MILL INDIAN ROBES, BLANKETS, COUCH COVERS. STKAMER RUGS, CRIB BLANKETS, BABY CARRIAGE ROBES, ETC. ( We are HEAD QUARTERS for these goods and keep a fine as sortment on hand, ESPECIALLY RIGHT NOW. These articles make a dandy Xmas gift. We can please you. No trouble to show. We also have a good assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's "BATH ROBES" which make a most acceptable gift. Price $18.50 Only Six More Shopping Days 'til Christmas 4 r v-e ? V r "r;l y fT-f'' 'Wj t-r i ' lr. s 'vsiji ' ,'-v-' wiJU t J' f . f. - i ' -s : i vt, Af. ' ' '-' , . j? 7j try ' uMV i ' '.1 --JKfei5!, f--v- - fL A Men's Sale High Grade Clothing sold at a fraction of its real value. The season is now far advanc ed and we find ourselves overload ed with Suits and Overcoats They positively' must go regardless of price or cost the best styles and materials from the best makers. Clothing Kb I I 1 V. 1J Ml- 1 1 VH M r $7.50 Suits and Overcoats for .. $10.00 Suits and Overcoats for $12.50 Suits and Overcoats for $13.50 Suits and Overcoats for $15.00 Suits and Overcoats for $16.50 Suits and Overcoats for $17.50 Suits and Overcoats for $20.00 Suits and Overcoats for $22.50 Suits and Overcoats for $23.50 Suits and Overcoats for $25.00 Suits and Overcoats for $26.50 Suits ami Overcoats for $27.50 Suits and Overcoats for $2S.50 Suits and Overcoats for $30.00 Suits and Overcoats for $32.50 Suits and Overcoats for Copyright Hut SchaOacr tc Mtr $5.95 $7.85 $9.80 $10.15 $11.70 $12.20 $12.98 $15.65 $17.90 $18.35 $19.80 $20.40 $21.97 $22.60 $21.95 $26.59 Ours is the largest and lwst selected stock in Pen dleton. Do not wait, but come early while we have all si.es and best patterns. Boys' Clothing Sale Nothing would please any boy more than a nice new Hercules Suit for a Christmas Gift. We find ourselves greatly overloaded in this department and in order to reduce our stock before inventory time we have decided to reduce the price to the limit. $3.50 Boys' Suits will go for $2.65 Suits will go for $2.95 Suits will go for $3.47 Suits will go for $3.90 Suits will go for $4.65 Suits will go for $5.60 Suits will go for $5.97 Suits will go for $6.98 ' Suits will go for $7.63 These suits are the lcst the market affords. Rain proof, taied seams, reinforced linings, patent but tons on psmts, all wool, the best wearers you possibly can buy. E 1 tt 1 1 p.uvr rOVS $4.50 Boys' $5.00 Boys' $5.50 Boys' $6.50 Bovs' $7.50 Bovs' $8.50 Boys' Only Six More Shopping Days 'til Christmas SOME QUESTION ALWAYS ARISES TO CONFRONT US, TO MAKE US STOP AND THINK, " HATWILL T,p?M Q'mTiP wttti CHRISTMAS?" IT IS SOME TIMES AN APPARENTLY HARD QUESTION TO ANSWER-BUT HERE AT OUR ' GREAT STORE WTII OUR IMMENSE STOCKS, YOU'LL FIND IT VERY EASY TO DECIDE JUST WHAT YOU WANT EVERY WAY YOU TURN YOU LL SEE HUNDREDS OF SUITABLE GIFTS AT PRICES T1LA.T ARE REASONABLE AND WITHIN THE REACn OF ALL. This Store Will Be Open Every Evening Next Week Until 8 o'Clock "The Kind That Wear" The Peoples Warehouse Save Your Coupons Where It Pays to Trade Cdssard They're tTAcyJ,Uya-rroJ,t' tne JjCSl $3.50 to $10 PI MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Dainty garments of all kinds trimmed with beautiful laces and sheer embroideries. Com binations in three and two-piece models, come in slip over and open front, styles. Prices $1.25 to $10.00. , SWEATERS Ladies' and children's sweat ers in all colors, military col lars, also low neck. Prices 95 to $8.00. FANCY APRONS Dainty and beautiful are these aprons, made of sheer lawn and flowered dimity, trim med with lace and ribbon. Prices 75 to $2.00 LINGERIE WAISTS. Large assortment of dainty waists trimmed with hand em broidery, cluny, Venetian, val encenes, laces, made ,iu all new sprinsr models in Holiday boxes. Sizes ?-2 to'4G. Prices' $2.50 'to $13.50. SILK CHIFFON AND VOILE WAISTS. These beautiful waists are made with high and low neck, long and short sleeves, braided and embroidered, suitable for afternoon or evening wear. Prices .$4.49 to $20.00 BATH ROBES Warm blanket robe in grey, garnet, lavender, navy, light blue and tan. made in full models, trimmed with salin braids, finished with silk cord and tassels at waist, all sizes. 34 to 44. Prices $3.9S to SILK KIMOXAS In all dainty Oriental de signs and colors, made in the full regulation kimona model, also the new fancy high waistod stvles. Prices $3.98 to $22. SILK DRESSES. Many beautiful designs in afternoon and evening gowns, dainty hand embroidered trim mings in silk and bead work. Wool dresses embroidered in the new chenille work. Baby Irish, lace yokes for the high neck- models. Prices $15.00 to $48.00. FURS Scarfs, shawls, neck pieces in all the latest models, muffs in barrel, pillow and envelope styles, made of all the popular furs, Marmot, Fox, Mink, Xar obia Lynx, Coney, Bear and Points! Fox. Prices $2.50 to $75.00. COATS Tho popular models of the season made in both tweeds novelty Back, Homespun, Polo Cloth, plain Serire, Sealette and Caracul. Prices $10.9S to $40.00. Suits. Our large assortment of plain and fancy cloths made in the plain tailored models, also fan cy double breasted styles, fancy silk collars, braid and button trimmings, guaranteed Skinner satin linings, comes in all col ors and sizes, $17.50 to $60. SMOKING JACKETS We alwavs give special at tention to our lino of smoking jackets at Christmas time. This season wo have the choicest garments we havo ever offered our trade. We've foreign and domestic cloths elegant creations, every one of them. $3.75. $4.50 $5.00, $6.50 to $10.00, If you wish to give a man a Christinas gift that will go straight to his heart, try him with one of our smoking jackets. Men's Shirts AS CIIRTSTMAS GTETS are VERY ACCEPTABLE We are sole agents in Pen dleton for the famous Man hattan dress shirts. They are all guaranteed fast color, and are the best fitting, best wearing shirts in the world $2.00 to $3.50 each. Other dress shirts with soft collars attached or with neck band to te worn with separate collar. The largest and best assortment, the choicest 'pat terns $1.00 to $1.50 each. Others run as low as 50 each. Don't hesitate to make a present of a nice shirt. It will be appreciated. Trunks, Valises Suit Cases Any one who travels at all, appreciates nice trunks, suit cases, etc. A stranger is always judged by the appearance he makes and his luggage helps him to make the right impres sion. We show the OXE COMPLETE - line of these goods in Pendleton. Our pri ces are beyond question the lowest. Trunks, $2.50 to $45.00 Suit Cases $2.50 to $25.00 Valises -50 to $20.00 Our Famous Shoe Department yjlwj ' . The greatest and most com plete shoe store in Eastern Oregon. All the season's new est lasts and materials. The new suede, the stylish velvet, patent leathers, gun metal. Our stock embodies everything that's good in the shoe business. Wo take the utmost care in fitting all shoes. If you've had trouble with your feet, hacl a hard time getting a correct fit, you'd do well to come to us next time. ,F0R A CHRISTMAS GIFT nothing would make a more appreciable present. WE HAVE JUST RE CEIVED TWO VERY STY LISH XEW SHOES IN OUIt LADIES' SHOE DE PARTMENT. One is a very fine tan calf; the other is a very nobby black suede the season's latest style tin-s and heels. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS We are without a doubt the largest handlers of ladies' slippers and Christmas slux-s. including felts, kid slippers, felt lined shix-s, dancing and party slippers. BOYS'. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES OF QUALITY. The kind that wears, genuine leather sole, ex tra well sewed and tacked. The kind that would make most ac ceptable Christmas gifts. All sizes. Prices from 60 to $3.50. MEN'S SHOES. We are sole agents in Pendle ton for tho famous Johnston & Murphy and Brocton Co-operative shoes for men. The Johnston & Murphy shoes are known as the best high grade shoes in America. Strictly bench made of the finest leath ers procurable $6.00 to $7.50. The Brocton Co-Operative shoes havo no equal for service $4.00 to $5.00. y IK ''j" ' ' . ; I1 j '!.': '''jr"pi'j Give Him a New Hat for a Christmas present. There's not a man on earth but appre ciates a new, nobby hat, it will tone him up more than any other one article you can give him. Our stock is very complete. All the new blocks as well as the staple shapes are here. The new fuzzv hats, the latest shape .ln-l.v $2.50, $3.50 to $5. .MAYBE YOU'D LIKE TO. MAKE SOMEONE A PRES ENT OF A PAIR OF NICE WARM GLOVES. IF YOU WANT DRESS GLOVES either lined or unlined, we can undoubtedly please you. We have an immense line of them in all the new shapdes made up in very stylish and catchy de signs. The famous Dent gloves, Fownes. and H. & P. $1.25 $1.50 to $3.50 pair. DRIVING GLOVES, me dium weight, Buckskin, Kanga roo, Reindeer and Horsehide. very pliable, fine fitters, good wearers, $1.50 and $1.75 pair. WORKING GLOVES for the man who wants service. We have the celebrated II. &"L. Block line, known everywhere as the best fitting, best- made glove of its kind made. They come in Horsehide, Reindeer, Buck, etc., fire and water proof. Made in all styles gauntlets and short wrists 50. 73 $1.00, $1.25 $1.50 pair. MEN'S SOX What can you think of that father, brother or friend would appreciate more than a few pairs of good sox i We are sole agents in Pen dleton for the celebrated Ever- wear hose for men ; they come (! pairs in a box, guaranteed to wear C months without a hole. Cotton in all colors, 25 $1.50 box. Silk Lisle in all colors, 50 $3.00 box. They, afford you real sock economy. We are also sole agents here for the famous DREAD XAUG1IT socks, a very fine mercerized lisle sock, double, heel and toe. Comes in all eth ers and black, all sizes 25c pair. Our Wayne-Knit sox can't be beaten for quality, finish and wear. Cotton, mercerized lisle and silk. All colors; all sizes 25 and 50 pair. If you want Shawknit sox we have them in cotton and wool and thc.v are excellent wearers 25 and 50 pair. WOOL SOX We show a most complete lino of wool sox, in black, and col ors. Light, medium and heavv. The very best the mar ket, affords 30?, 25?, 35? and 50? pair. WORK SOX We sell an extremely good sock at 5?, like you pay 10? for most places. At 10? we have tho gray mix sox, in a good weight and the best wearers you'll find. Also black and tan sox in me dium weight, good qualitv 10?, .1 for 25?. At 15? we have the best black ami tan sox vou ever saw. all sizes from 0 l"-2 to 12. Send us your order, ilcscriK' what you want and we'll fill your order. 1 f we do not please you, send it back at our ex peine. m f l ijinm ! I ii . iii -In-1 1 ' r 'if- .irlha it' A-lim j,mnnp.ll"!'l-l"iilMmW- j .',"WM' -fM Mi'W l.lHi ! i n I i , I-