East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 16, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Trail Ti OTf5 -I HI f f& HfllF I WTITnv: SS J '"I
i f&W F T il .11 IN I Mflvi U:'-,irff&TnfT:!' .-! lltn '! ASAmI,.!, . .il .v.L. j.A. , L't-M ...'aJ
.. Was
Selected Careflnlly
This puts it beyond comparison with that of others-it s not a bargained rehash of soiled and
mussed rubbish of many years accumulation of undesirables and left over goods-such bargains (?) do not appeal to
people of taste at Holiday Time. YOUR CHRISTMAS MONEY WILL GO R.OUND and secure the cleanest,
brightest; choicest Holiday Goods that can be shown you anywhere and. there wont be a red bargain ticket on it either.
Christmas Kimonas
You'll finl a choice selection of new style Ki
monas in crepe, flannelette or silk, and priced
from ?1.50 to $15.00.
Hosiery of Known Value
Everyday needs arc always acceptable and
more especially if they be selected for then
worth. At 25 pair we show all weights) in
black lisle and all colors.
At 50 silk lisle hose of fine weight.
At S1.25 pure silk in black and lace.
The best hose made.
Xmas Gifts that Never Grow Old
H A X I )K KMC 1 1 1 EFS Cud i neat, pretty
creations in the Handkerchief line can 1k seen
nowhere else 'tis useless to expect to find such
new things elsewhere. We can show you far
the best values at 10, 15, 25, 35, 50.
75. ,
Very tatv gifts all new, clean and dainty.
Tf aprons appeal to you look our stock over.
You'll find what von are looking for. Prices
35- up to 92.50.
b j
m i '
A!! Suits and Goats ti:w Sacrificed
Choose any $15.00 Suit now for $9.25
Choose any $20.00 Suit now for $14.25
Choose any $25.00 and 28.00 Suit for $18.25
Choose any $30.00 Suit now for $21.00
Choose any $.15.00 Suit now for - $23.75
Choose any $15.00 Suit now for $29.25
Ladies' and Hissjs' Coats
l Choose any $15.00 Coat now for
(Choose any $18.00 Coat now for
Choose any $20.00 Coat now for
Choose any $25.00 Coat now for
Choose any $35.00 Coat now for
Our Toy Dept. A Children's Joyland
The best and most carefully selected line of new toys are now
ready for the children and parents. This store fchows the lanrest
assortment of new toys and at the right prices. Dolls of all
l.-iTiita nnil cl7o4
V0 Mechanical toys, Hooks, Chairs. Stores. Banks, Wash Sets.
J etc. Make your selections earlv, they will be caretully packed
and stored awav for you FREE.
Jot Down! Your Xmas
Slippers of warm felt, for women and
v S . Sires r to H I-1' at oae
$tM XL Sizes S 1-2 to 11 at - 05
: 5'Mfcir. R5na 11 1-0 tn 9 at .. SI. 10
W Sizes 2 1-2 to 7 1-2 at $1.50
Ferrins Gloves, $1.2o, $1.50, Spl.vo.
Ladies' Neckwear, 25-, 35, 50, 75.
to $2.00.
Ladies' LTu ibrellas $1-00 up to $10.00
Ladies' Silk Underskirts of Messaline
at $5.00, $6.00 and $7.50
The world's famous Pendleton Indian
robe expressed free anywhere in the
United States . $8.50
This store will be
open evenings
Until Christmas
Better Goods
Less Money
Members United Press Association.
Telephone Main 1.
Kntered at Pendleton Postofflce as second-class matter.
A Prince Who Was Squelched
Get In Line, Then Act
While the subject of upver river water riirhts is being diseusscO
there is one point that deserves more attention than has been riven it.
It is the faet that the government's filing upon waters for use upoi
the Extension does not give the government the right to transfer it
rieht or any part of its right to others. The government merely has n
right, to use the waters appropriated for the purposes for which they
are appropriated. If any of the water is relinquished it srix-s to the
next succeeding1 applicant .and the distribution is made by the state
water board, not by the federal government. Upper river people who
desire to secure more water should first set their filings mi record and
make sure thev are properly in line, then ask the government to loosen
up on its hold. To seek to get the government, to relax any of the wa
ters before upper river filimrs are made would he the liemluli ot lolly
Upper river people should get straight upon this point and then act
ington Hall, a fashionable girls'
school, where Paregoy is the janitor,
came up today and was put over un
til February 21. Mrs. Paregoy asks
$10 000 damages. The wife alleges
that her husband has been kept
from her for over a year.
The Misses Housel are well known
In the east, having lived for several
years both in New York and Chica
go. Graduates of their school reside
in various cities east of here.
Tet many peopio will think that the
millions spent on tlie Indian Durbar
would be better employed helping the
half starved population.
New York, Dec. 16. It is freely
preicted today that the manslaughter
oases against Max Blanck and Isaac
Harris, owners of the Triangle Shirt
waist factory where 130 died in a
fire, won't ever reach the jury- The
court today ruled that the state must
prove that the bolted door, produced
before the jury, was the same one
through which the girls unsuccessful
ly sought safety from the flames.
Everybody goes to the Orpheum 't
see the best and th clearest pictures.
distance was about eighty yards. On
recovering consciousness after sev
eral days Heim remembered only the
Louisville nimsls of Only Woman in ascent; everything between that and
Commenting upon the criticisms made of Governor West by LouL
W. Hill, the Journal has the following sarcastic editorial :
' 'lt remained for our own and only Louis W. Hill to discover and
expose the pernicious work of Governor West in the east.
"Ex-Governor Lrady of Idaho, who is in charge of the governors'
special, has also found a discovery, lie, and the secretary of the tour
in"- governors, loin in n telegram of congratulation to the peopio of
" i . .i n ,i . ii ..... i. r n ac.,, i. :.. i.
(jre,ron on what tney can me exccueia oi viwunw mti m m-
half"of the state which he went east to represent.
"Pmt if our Louis" says a thing is so, it must be so, ?r isn't he the
son of his father? As one of his admirers says, '.Isn't Mr. Hill entitl
ed to an opinion about, the proper methods to be employed by tho gov
ernors in advertising the western state V
"Why, bless his heart, of course he is. ITc is entitled to a million
opinions', and as .Tames J. Hill's son, he is going to express them, too.
or I.Wst a hame strim'. Indeed, hasn't ho declared a sort of suzerinty
over Oregon, and annexed us as his personal bailiwick, Governor West
and all ? ...
"Of course, this Mtssourianized public reserves the right, to reject
nnv and all of our Louis' hisrhcr criticism. It has notions of its own
anil with reference to the Hill chargo that Governor West is 'playing
politics,' will want to know how many votes he could drum up in
Ohio or New York?
"Perish the thought, he may be campaigning for the re-election of
r.oume." " '
In time Louis W. Hill may learn that because his father has rail
roads in Oroprm the son and heir apparent has no specially enrravet
divine license to dictate the political views of the peonlo of this state
He mnv also lortrn in fime that the interests of the polil?e-il-soial con
timrent to which he belongs, to-wit, the aristocracy of Pdg Dusiness
may best bo served through strict silence on his part.
I'niU'd Slate-s That Performs Siu-Ii
Lou'RVille Miss Mary Tlxley, a
young Louisville girt, is engaged in
tho work of paintthj? tho 260-foot
smokestack of the Kentucky Electric
company at the new plant on Wash
ington street, between Second and
Swinging from the huge structure
on the small sent that' is used as the
base of operations bv painters, Miss
Plx'ey attacked the work that ordi
narily requires a man of the strong-j
ost nervo with as little concern as
though she wero dusting the piano.
Miss Pixley is the only woman In
tho United States who is an adept at
the lino of work she pursues. Tho
work phe has done mostly is to paint
high smokestacks and towers.
Scientist Iiclievps, from EjflHreiuv,
Full from Airship Hurts Little.
New York. It is difficult to Imag
ine a more horrible accident than fall
ing with an airship, yet. In tho opin
ion of a German psychologist. Fritz
Ivahn, death resulting from such a
fall is not exceptionally painful. It
argues that it Is likely to be met in
a state of Ind fferenco, or even an
agreeable ha'f-consclous condition of
mind. He witnessed the fall of Helm
a year ago a fill which lasted a
number of seconds, as tho nir hip
fluttered to and fro like a piece of
paper before tho r nal descent. The
hU awakening In the liospitnl was a
blank. Mountain climbers have had
similar experiences A French geo
logist who fell over a proe'pice attests
that he swooned and never knew what
happened. Whymper, on the other
hand, remained fully conscious when
he fell on the Mattorhorn. bounding
from rock to rock, lie calculated the
intervals between tho shocks, won
dered how long ho could stand it,
felt no pain and came to the conclu
sion that death through a fall must
be one of the least disagreeable ways
of ending one's life. A hoy of S who
fell twenty-two yards declared that
his only thought was that he might
losa his new pocket knife. At a
meetinc of tho Sw'ss Alpine club the
geolog'st, Heim, described his feel
Ings during a fall. His first thought
was that now he would bo unable to
de'lver the address he had promised
then ho thought of tho effect on his
family of the news of h's death; he
wanted to take off his spectacles to
save his eyes from be!ng damaged by
broken gla-s:varlous scenes from his
past lifo flitted neros his conscious
ness in rapid success'on. Thero was
no fear, no pain, but rather an agree
able state of m'nd like that which is
brought on bv soft music.
Los Angeles, Cat. Pu't alleging nl
lenatlon of tho affections of her hus
hand. Francis E. Preiroy. brought by
Mrs Mnlli' Parley of 941 Cottage
place, against Mtes Mary nnd M'ss
Days More of
Xmas Gilts For the Lsdies
Beautiful Fur Sets in white Siberian
fox, black and brown Coney, Russian
Mink and gray Fox in the new shapes.
Silk Kimonas, Silk Waists, Silk Petti
coats, Gold Handle Umbrellas, Suits,
Coats, Dresses, Felt Slippers and hun
dreds of other useful gifts to choose
from-all at greatly reduced prices.