TAGK FOOL DAILY EAST ORBGOXIAX, PENDLETON, OREGOX, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1911. TWKLVK PAGES, RELIABLE DEFENDERS OF OUR COUNTRY. THE SOLDIER 5-2 4. U a 5 O v I 5-. n! l)TUtr met .f Junr ih. IV. Serial ?., tt. K. Butklea A (v. ism MO OtM.1 tA,tU WiUMtfl CHICAGO, ILL. f QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS BR. KIN NEW D1S COVER 1UST AS QUICK TO REPEL ATTACKS OF COUGHS and COLDS And a!l Diseases of THROAT AND LUNGS QUICKEST AND SUREST WHOOPING COUGH AND BRONCHIAL REMEDY Price 50c and $1.00 WrHVEiMiXL'lJ. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY KOEPPEN'S 1 CHAM.ER VERY GLAD HE HAD AND LOST LIXA Cavalier Was an Awful Trial to Him, says "Slier.ff Rob." New York. "Nothing in Interna tional marriages now take it from rae from one who knows interna tional marriage is worse than crime. To speak in Marshal Xey's classic language, 'it is a blunder.'-" Vig Sheriff Bob Chanler, who ar rived from Europe declaring that in five months he will no longer be known as "Una Caralieri's husband," pronounced this dictum to a reporter who called on him at his studio. "Tea, I come home after a hurried trip to Paris and London come home a free man a'most. At least O feel as good as divorced. A .decree will 3 The "Hummel" Multitype WILL REVOLUTIONIZE PRINTING I Nine-Magazine, 17-Carrier Typesetter A Limited Amount of Treasury Stock Can Be Had Now at $2.50 Per Share! Terms lot Down; Balanct 10 a Month. 5 Discount for Cash Will Be $5.00 AfterDec 25, 1911 WiU Be $10.00 Before Feb. 1, 1912 These Statements Are Guaranteed 5 Days Additional Allowed on Mail Orders Scad la Your Application! or Requests for Literature NOW. Addres MULTITYPE MACHINE CO. 925 First Avenue SPOKANE, . . WASHINGTON REFERENCES: lw" NOW IS THE TIME I I I be quietly obtained. by Mme Cava lcri." ( Bob hadn't even gotten used to her married name and hurriedly added: "Mme Chanler and then me to the tall timber." The "tall timber" that Sheriff Bob referred to was in his s'.udlo and consisted of the frame work about the huffe canvases in the art nouveau which lie has been evolv'ng Mnce his matrimonial disaster Xo. 2. "I intend to spend most of my time up here work will be my mo tive for the rest of time," he added, heaving a big sigh that ended up in a mirthful smiie. "But hasn't the fact tha you have won and lost the most beautiful wo man in the world granted that you wanted to lose her had a sort of de pressing effect on you are you not a bit more cyncal than you were be fore you met and loved Cavalieri?" he was asked. ' "Xo; the only satisfaction, after all, was that she was the most famous beauty in the world." he replied. "If she had been ugly and misshap en think how my friends would have laughed at me; but they must admit that I did not make a mistake in taste, even if I did in judgment. "Of course, I was more or less ta ken off my feet by her wonderful beauty and, by Jove, she is beau tiful will always be beautiful. But I th nk next time I'll marry an Ab erican and a woman who might think more of her husband than of her looks. "I have had my lesson and It has took as the little boy said. One does not realize what professional beauty means until one has married into the family, as it were. Then, added to that voice and the operatic stage looking at it now. , with the romance one year removed from my mental and emotional vision r would almost say well. I won t say what I would sav; only J a mmighty glad the play 'is ended " without a minute's let-up. Mr. Bill meyer describes the fight as unparal leled by anything he has ever seen. The bulls were dehorned about the last of August and U was the first time they have been permlited to come together since. Jumbo weighed about 1400 pounds, while his rival weighs but 1200. "Job, however, Is younger and had the advantage of agility and endurance. Time after time the animals would retreat a distance from each other and then come together with such force that they were thrown by the recoil back on their haunches. The herd of elks stood about watch ing the f'ght and ready to accept the victor as their leader. From now on Jumbo takes second place. ALLIGATORS OX THE BRAIN. ELKS EIGHT OUT KINGSHIP. Younger Ruck Masters Older In Tr-r-riflr Combat Before Herd. Danville. Pa. Moving r,int..M lost a grand opportunity by not being In the vicinity of the game preserve of Alexander Billmeyer. at Washing tonvllle, when they might habe snap py a ngnt tor supremacy between the monster elk JUInhn flitI Vila trni.nrr- er r'val Job. The fight, which was a thriller from the start, lasted one nour, and resulted In the downfall of Jumbo, and the exaltation of Job. The wild animals fought desperately and A SNAP FOR $2500.00 7 room modern house, stone cellar, barn, wood shed, bath, toilet, shade and fruit trees, 1-2 block ground. Call at once as bargains of this character can't last. Must see it to appreciate it. MARK MOORHOUSE CO. Phone Main 83. 117 E. Court Street. Other Property of Every Description. Money to Loan on City and County Realty. A I tack or Saurian Freight on Train Crew in Charge of 'Gators, Los Angeles, Cal The entire train crew of a Southern Pacific train stampeded into the offices of the trainmaster and tried to resign. "I tell you I have got them," said a burly brakeman, ".nd I haven't ta ken a drop in six months." "I saw them myself," sa'd the con ductor, "and here's where I quit." "Never again for mine," said the engineer. "Once is enough for any man. I am not superstitious, but when a thing like thft sticks its head out of a cabbage crate and leers at you it is time to quit." Alligators, alligator eggs and hap py, singing, jumping bullfrogs were the animated sources of the train crew's perturbations. They came in crates, like cabbages, 500 wriggly 'gator--, 1500 alligator eggs and 200 healthy bullfrogs in good working or der. The uncanny shipment was deliv ered yesterday afternoon in good con dition to F V. Earnest, proprietor of the Los Angeles alligator farm at Eastlake Park. About twenty bull frogs had croaked in a metaphorical sense and two or three alligator eggs had lo.-t their chance for incarna tion In the present cycle, but every alligator arrived as healthy and ap parentl yas happy as when leaving the Louisiana marshes. One of them is fifteen feet long and weighs 900 pounds In the crate. The present Bhipment brings the collection of the farm to something more than 2000 alligators and when the eggs have been hatched the num ber will approximate 3000. An alligatur lays -eventy eggs per season, ho that a mother alligator is too buy for politics. They are about the size of duck egg3 and resemble them very much. In buying duck eggs persons cannot exercise too much care in avoiding an unfortunate mis take. Alligator eggs might be delight ful food, but as a table delicacy they have not yet become popular. ffllMMMlMiiMllMlTJlliSi yv v a. The Rayo Lamp is the best and most serviceable lamp you can find lor any part of your home. It is in use in millions of families. Its strong white light has made tt famous. And it never flickers. In the dining-room or th. parlor the R.yo g,e. jurt the light th.t i. mort effee. tnre. Il u becoming lanip-m lUelf and to you. Jurt the lamp, too. for bedroom or library, where a clear, ttrady light u needed. The Rayo u made of vJ.d brat., niel-plaied : alao in numerou. other .tries and tniahea. Eaul lighted without removing thade or chimney j eaiy to clean and rewick. A your Uei I. Aow y h. line of Rayo Ump. ; or write f or oWripcjr. cireuUr to an, ageacy of lU Standard Oil Company Incorporated) Deep-seated coughs that resist ordi nary remedies require both external and Internal treatment. If you buy a dollar bottle of BALLARD'S HOKE HOUND SYRUP you get the two remedies you need for the price of one. There is a HERRICK'S RED PEPPER PORUS PLASTER for the chest, free wltn each bottle. Sold hv A. C. Koeppen & Bros. The quicker a old is gotten rid of the less the danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall of Wavcrly, Va., says: "I firmly believe Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me." For sale by all dealers. FORCED TO CHEW PAPER; IS ILL FROM LOCKJAW Critical CoiHlitjon of s Boy Pnnishcd hf Teacher for Masticating Gam. Port Worth, Tex. Jerry Mlcke, 11 years old, is dying at the home of his parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Mlckle. He has lockjaw, it is believed. A week ago he was chewing gum in the Syca more high school. To punish him his teacher compelled him to stand before the class and chew wads of paper. He was forced to continue this op eration for half an hour, though he repeatedly gagged. He was ill when he reached home and since then has become worse, his jaws swelling to enormous size. Since males predominate in this country, some of them may bo ex cused for being old bachelors, but It is a pity to see an old maid. NEWLY. 'ED COSTS S2U.000.000 YEARLY WASTE THAT AMOI XT WHILE FIXING lll'lJHY'S MEAL Do Not Peol Potatoes or Apples Thin Enough. Snys Isuiy Who Mlxiv scat ter W.Ui Olio Hand While Other Doch SonieUiing Else. Boston, Mass.. Dec. 16 More than $.20,000,000 l.v Hhrown away every year by coiks, chefs, housekeepers and ho pital nurses, according to Mis Fannie Merritt Farmer, world famous ns an exponent of scientific cooking. M ss Farmer ought to know. She can mix up a batter with one hand; break half a dozen .eggs with the other for a New Eng and sunshine cake; attend to the baking of south ern "apple cobbler," and see to It that the meat doesn't burn as she passes by the stove to concoct the In gredients for some luscious dessert all at the same time. And she can do thU without any waste. Miss Farmer has been making delicious edibles for some years over two decades, and she's been teaching others how to make them without spending too much money. Miss Farmer, according to herself, is no radical but she "does get mad" when she sees the way the , young wife or the careless cook, or the non thinking nurse, will "murder good food." Miss Farmer said: "The cost of living has certainly gone up with skips and jumps" and it costs more money to make a cake or a pie or roast a beef for dinner than former ly. It's true that many grocers by their counter characteristics, appear to be descended from those roving gent emen who sailed the Spanish Main. But and spell It with cap itals the grocer isn't to blame for more than 60 per cent of the high co t of 1 vlng nor the cost of high living, either. "Much of the waste is through Ig norance. More is wasted through carelessness and the growing shift lessness of the younger generation. Right here in my own school, after I have concluded some demonstration I win turn away for a moment only to find that the moment was costly. Twenty students, in that short time, w 1' have pared twenty apples or peel ed twenty potatoes with no care as to the thickness or thinness of the par ings. Out of the parings of the twen ty apples or potatoes, . an amount similar to that 'contained' In two or three apples or potatoes could have been saved." ;j I Most of Miss Farmer's students are cooks of the wealthiest Boston lans, who have had some instruction In domestic se'ence before their em ployers have sent them to Miss Far mer to learn some of her recipes. Many of those who don the apron and cap, however, are the wealthy Bostnnlans themselves. Other stu dents are nurses from various hos- 1 Faint ? Have ye weak heart, dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing sfter menlaP Or do you experience pain " over the heart, shortness of brestli 00 going up-itairs end the many diatreaaing symptoms which indicate poor circulation and bad blood? A heart tonic. Hood snd body-builder that has stood the teat of ever 40 years of cures is , Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery The heart becomes regular as clock-work. The red blood corpuscles are increased in number and the nerves in turn are well fed. The arteries are filled with good rich blood. That is why nervous debility, irritability, fainting spells, disappear and are over come by this alterative extract of medicinal roots put up by Dr. Pierce without the use of alcohol. Alc vour neighbor. Many have been cured of scrofulous conditions, ulcers, "fever-sores," white swellings, etc, by taking Dr. Pierce's Disoovery. Just the refreshing and vitalizing tonio. needed for excessive tissuo waste, in convalescence from fevers or for run-down, anaemia, thin-blooded people. Stick to this safe and sane remedy and refuse all " just as good " kinds offered by the dealer who is looking for a larger profit. Noth ing will do you half as much good as Dr. Pierce's Gulden Medical Disoovery. pitals. The students are the most representative women of the kitchen or of those who will be In charge of kitchens some day. I !s from such that Miss Farmer draws conclusions that, by systematic use of food mate r'a's in the kitchen, $20,000 000 and more could be lopped off the much mooted high cost of living bill. If some mine owners were given the limit for manslaughter mine ac cidents, causing wholesale death, might be loss frequent in this country. FOR THE CHILDREN AkSO FOR GROWN PERSONS QUICK - SAFE - RELIABLE NO OPIATE8 NO NARCOTICS FOLEY'S HONEY and TAR COMPOUND A COMMON COLD neglected may go quickly into CROUP, BRONCHITIS, or PNEUMONIA which often means a sud den fatality. Keep FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR COMPOUND always in the house and give at first sign of a cold. Refuse substitutes. John Persons, Stewart, Ohio, writes: "We use Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound as our best and only cough remedy. It never falls to cure any of my seven children of cough. My 2-nonth's-old baby has had a most se vere cough which our Doctor said he cculd not cure and that Baby would surely dlo. Sevral of our relations and neighbors had gathered to witness the ending of th child's life. Two bottles of Foley's Honey an Tar Compound cured the child and he U alive an,l well today." FOR SALE BT ALL DEALERS. Mw ' si,,.- DIAMONDS No nicer or more appropriate present could be Riven than a diamond or piece of diamond jewelry. DIAMONDS DIAMONDS DIAMONDS We liave a largo assortment of Diamonds purchased direct from tho importers perfect in cut and color. Selected care fully by experts. You can buy diamonds here with absol utc confidence of ncttitif what you ray for. A. L. SCHAEFER Jeweler and Silversmith- 0YRIGHT Holiday Hints To Lovers of Good Meats A riioloo "Central" RoaM. A "Citral" stmk that's tender. A SoaLslilpt oystqr dinner. A "Central" ham for lunch. A "Central" fl4t or poultry or- , tier injures satisfaction. rhono the Sanitary Market. Main 33. CENTRAL Meat Market Gifts that Last and are Used limns Hardware Aluminum Ware Would Please HER. Wc have a largo line of pure Aluminum cooking utensils. They last longer, save 'your health, save the housewife scouring and scrubbing and are an ornament to any home. Frills and knick-knacks may be all very well as Christmas gifts, but they are gone and forgotten in a few days, or, just when the receiver begins to re ally enjoy the useful Xma3 present that was pur chased here Any of tho following articles arc appropriate for presents and our stock is now complete in all of these lines. SILVERWARE CARVERS RAZORS ROASTERS ALUMINUM WARE PLATED WARE GUNS, REVOLVERS POCKET CUTLERY W. J. Clarke & Co.